Before: Chapter 2- When Enemies Become Friends

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It must have been a while before Pete had stopped running, as he could no longer see the large manor behind him or any of William’s lieutenants following him. It had just started to rain when Pete decided to slump himself against a brick wall by the opening of a alley and slide down to the ground, the rain soaking his clothes and hair and sending droplets of water running down his face from his damp black hair. Despite the fact he no longer needed to breathe and he could easily run as fast as he wanted, he was still exhausted from the lack of blood, but he would not feed on someone- He refused to be like them.  

As Pete sat there, he tried to asses everything. A number of thoughts all spinning in his mind and making him slightly dizzy.

So I’m a fucking vampire who wants to kill people and drink their blood, there’s a group of hunters that want to kill me, and there’s a group of psychotic vampires who want to force  me to join them and be evil together.

I’m screwed.

Pete lifted his hands and moved them through his soaking wet hair before sinking his head into his knees and wrapping his arms around his knees, as if in an attempt to shut out all the bad stuff that was happening to him which he so desperately wanted to do. However, it seemed that nothing he did could make him escape what was going on. He knew what was happening. He knew what he was- he despised it.

Pete knew the sun would be coming up soon, and knew what that meant for a vampire like him. But maybe I should let it happen. Pete thought. All I have to do is sit here, and it will be all over….. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be a monster. Maybe I should just die… might be better that way…

Suddenly, Pete was brought out of his own thoughts and back into reality by the sounds of screaming and growling not far from where he was. He lifted his head up from his knees and peeked around the corner of the alley to see what was going on:

He saw three men across the other side of the empty road all dressed in black and brandishing weapons: guns, crosses, knives and one of them even had a long stick weapon of some sort (Pete wasn’t fully sure what it was) and all fighting against a group of at least six people that moved with an unusual elegance at fast speed and were trying to lash out with sharp teeth.


So those are the hunters. Pete thought as he watched the scene in front of his eyes: One of the three men had dark brown hair that was slightly curly and looked even darker due to the rain and he raised a crossbow and pointed it at one of the vampires that was rushing towards him. Pete watched as the brown haired man’s finger pulled on the trigger and a large wooden stake flew towards the vampire; the vampire screamed as the sharp wood made contact, although it didn’t hit it’s heart, it distracted it long enough so the man could lunge forward with another stake and stake it in the heart. The vampire fell to the floor.

The second man had long light brown hair that went down to the bottom of his chin, as well as a small beard and glasses on his face. He was the one with the stick weapon that with the flick of his wrist extended and produced a razor sharp blade on the tip, almost like a sword. The man dodged to the side out of the way of a blonde vampires attack as she struck out at him with her nails before the man spun around and suck the blade into her back, piercing both the spine and heart and sending a shot of blood spouting from the wound before the vampire collapsed to the floor like her fallen friend from before.

The third man was a little stockier than the other two but had the same colour hair as the second man except his was shorter with half of it hidden underneath a hat. He backed up a little as he raised a large gun and pointed in towards a large male vampire who had his back towards him as the vampire made a move towards his friend- he fired the gun and sent a large ball with deadly looking spikes attached, almost like a bomb, at the vampire which exploded when it came into contact with the vampires back and imbedded itself into the vampires flesh. He fell forward.

It wasn’t until then that Pete noticed a red-headed female vampire creeping out from behind a building nearby and slowly and swiftly making her way towards the man with long hair, who was completely oblivious to the creature sneaking up behind him as he punched out another vampire. Pete moved his head to see if his friends had noticed, but instead they were too busy dealing with their own one-on-one attackers.

The female vampire moved closer. She’s going to kill him, Pete thought. But maybe he should let her. He was a hunter after all, and they were his enemies….

The vampire moved closer and prepared to deliver the bite....

But if Pete let her kill him, wouldn’t that make Pete just like them? A monster?

Pete made a split second decision and launched himself from behind the corner of the alley and threw himself at the female vampire, knocking her over with him as the hunter spun around to see what was happening. Pete was on top of the vampire, pinning her to the ground as she tried to claw at his face; it was then all Pete’s anger seemed to rush to the surface and he saw the creature in front of him as a monster. The same monster that had made him what he was.

With that, Pete swiftly moved his hands to grab her neck and twisted, the ear-piercing sound of bones cracking as he broke the female vampires neck.

Pete felt the anger slowly rush out of him as he stood up, turning his face and baring his fangs towards the hunters; all three of them had their weapons in hand, poised and ready to fight as they all stared at Pete, mouths open in astonishment.

And yet, none of them made any move to attack.

Still with his fangs bared, Pete was confused. Why aren’t they attacking? I’m a vampire. Why aren’t they trying to kill me?

Both Pete and the hunters just stared at each other for a while before Pete realised they were not going to make any move to try and kill him. He relaxed before turning around and running off in the opposite direction, only glancing back for a second to see if the hunters were following him. They weren’t.

Pete scoffed.  Some hunters they are.

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