Before: Chapter 10- What Doesn't Kill You Just Pisses You Off.

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The next few hours had been painful for all of them.

The four of them had managed to escape the manor and returned to the warehouse, making sure no vampires had followed their path, but Joe had lost a lot more blood despite Andy carrying him and his breathing had become shallower and his skin looked a ghostly pale colour but he was still alive-barely.

Pete, Patrick and Andy were all exhausted and breathless from running but still they had run as fast as they could and once they had finally burst through the threshold to the warehouse, Andy had rushed into one of the bedrooms, grabbed a supply of medical equipment from the bathroom and started to tend to Joe's wounds. Pete had suggested taking Joe to a hospital so he could get a doctors treatment, to which Andy had glared at him in annoyance and replied bitterly with: "And say what? Vampires attacked him?" Pete had kept his mouth shut after that but he knew Andy was right. Besides, William had said that he and his vampires had a large influence in the city, no doubt which meant they also had some say in the hospitals too and that vampires were also there. It felt like no where was safe anymore.

Pete had wanted to help but there was still so much blood that he felt as if he was going to snap and attack Joe right there, his fangs ached with hunger and the feeling of longing for the blood had become too much for him so Pete had shut himself down in the weapons room in the fear of losing control. He hated the feeling of just sitting there and doing nothing to help Joe, but he couldn't do anything without the need of having to fight back the hunger for blood, and in this case the hunger was beating him.

For the past few hours, Pete had been sat on one of the small wooden benches in the corner of the weapons room, his head in his hands. His entire body still ached from the beating and despite the fact his most of his injuries had managed to heal up by now, he was still bruised and bloody, but he didn't care at all.

Joe could be dying and it will all be my fault. Pete didn't want to think about it but he couldn't help it. He hated all of it; not just being a vampire but he hated that William was still out there and alive, he hated that Joe was badly hurt, he hated that he thought for one second he could have been normal and keep his bloodlust under control. I'm so stupid to think so. What made things worse was that it was all because of him- he didn't fight back and kill William when he had the chance, and Joe was kidnapped and bitten because he didn't do what the vampires told him to and Joe had paid the price for his actions.

It's because of me....everything is because of me.

The thoughts wouldn't stop coming and in a quick fit of anger, Pete shot up out of his seat and kicked the bench as hard as he could, his incredible vampire strength causing the bench to crack and go skidding across near the other side of the room, toppling over in the process and crashing against one of the walls. Pete had expected all the waves of anger he was feeling to ease as he let his anger out on the bench as if it was channelling it, but he still felt like a bomb about to explode.

Joe is hurt because I was a stupid dickhead. It's my fault he's dying! All. My. Fault. That's what makes me just like them, because if Joe dies, it will be like I killed him. No matter what, I will always be like them!

Then, the sound of footsteps began to echo through the staircase that leads down to the weapons room and they seemed to be getting closer to him. Oh great...Pete thought. Why can't you just fuck off and leave me alone? The last thing he needed right now was Patrick or Andy to come and tell him everything was alright, when it clearly wasn't. He figured he should try and sit down and make it look like everything was normal, but he was still agitated and found it difficult to relax so instead he just stood where he was, trying to stay still as the fury seemed to rush around him like blood in his veins.

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