The Arcs fleet of justice

By Warfan100

263K 2.6K 2.6K

When Jaune survives being abandoned and goes into the emerald forest and finds a strange temple after losing... More

Old dog, older war.
First contact
City name
The kingdoms call
CFVY anyone
The spy and the tower
Music question
Atlas vs UNSC
Voting closed
The talk
The arrivals
Harvest season
Order in the court!
Broker deal
The end of the deal
The burning
Character creation
Space battle
Dropping into Atlas
The final fight
Happy thanksgiving
The reclamation pt1
Stuck 2.0
The reclamation pt2
Merry christmas and happy holdiays

War and love

8.7K 102 80
By Warfan100

2 days later. Jaune POV

Tomorrow is the day I attack an unofficial force wanting to destroy Vale. While my hatred for many people is still alive, I will not have some unknown force attack and kill innocent people for power. Ha but I'm doing the same thing with Atlas if they try to stop us from protecting people. But enough about that I have more things to worry about.

Like all this paperwork on my desk and in my email. This is the only thing I hate more than war itself. Trevor was smart and put an experienced mayor in charge of Last Light. Shit I should do that now that I think of it.

When I finished my final email I got a call from Ozpin. "Yeah Ozpin. What's up?"

"I sent Oobleck to Mt.Glenn and he told me that the white fang are moving before I lost the signal. I believe they have stumbled upon the white fang. Can you and your people get to help them. We have no hunters available." Ozpin said. I shut off my screen and hit the button to start operation first strike. I ran out of the room and down to the armory with others running with me. When we got there others were running in and out and pelicans taking troopers to the ships.

After an hour everyone got to their ships and we were under way. While heading to Vale I was put into my armor while marines and ODST's loaded their clips and got the vehicles ready.  They all started to get pumped up for this fight.

While this was happening the commanders were talking. While that had the battle cruiser cloaked, Atlas was going to be a major problem. They considered them hostile so a fight might break out.

On the ground

Grimm were pouring through the breach while hunters tried to hold the line. But were still being pushed back by their numbers. For every grimm killed two would take its place.

The Arc sisters were being pushed back and were losing their aura slowly. Teams RWBY and NPR were stuck in the middle. Team CFVY was barely holding the street heading into more of Vale. The teachers were having trouble just moving a step forward. But the Atlas fleet wasn't moving to contain it.

Since NPR and RWBY were in the thickest of the fighting; they got hit sometimes and it was showing. They were leaving themselves exposed and in dangerous situations without a plan.

Blake took out another ursa before hearing Ruby yell her name. She turned to see a boartusk ram into her, throwing her a few meters and her away weapon. When she looked up she saw an ursa swing at her.

Before she could even blink, a person in full armor landed on the ursa, breaking it into many pieces. A few seconds later ODST's started landing with jet packs. Soon a shadow looked over the ground with 17 ships in various sizes.

Everyone, including the grimm, were shocked and stopped fighting. These ships varied in size but made Atlas ships look small in comparison. Soon pelicans and phantoms started coming out of the ships with Hornets, Falcons and Banshees coming down for close air support. Sabres and Serphs then came out to battle the flying grimm.

After a few seconds the grimm started to attack again but they were swiftly cut down. A ursa tried to swipe at Jaune but its paw was stopped by him. He then threw the grimm to the ground and stomped its head in. He then took out his MA5 and started shooting at the grimm with the ODST's.

"Troopers push them back to the hole!" Trevor yelled.

"Then send them to hell!" They all yelled before they all started shooting.

Soon the transports started landing UNSC and Sword of Sanghelios troops. Soon the Marines and ODST's that were human and faunus jumped out of pelicans and pushed towards the hole where the Grimm were rushing out of. Right behind them were the Elites and Grunts providing fire support. Hunters were landed to push the flanks back and Jackals to snipe from the buildings.

The huntsman and huntresses were shocked not only by the fighting but also by the aliens. They have never seen anything like the elites, grunts, jackals or hunters before. Not to mention this UNSC had a navy and a powerful army at their disposal that made them obsolete.

"What the fuck are you people waiting for, a car! Get out of here!" A ODST yelled at the hunters before going back into the fight.

"Guys What should we do?" Ruby asked?

"I say we pull back. We're low on aura and on dust." Blake said. She hoped they would follow her advice. But knowing their record they wouldn't.

"I say we help them. After all Vale is our home." Nora said. Everyone but Blake and CFVY agreed to that. Then rounds flew over their heads as they saw marines shoot over them at a group of grimm.

"Move it!" The marine corporal yelled as he and his squad ran past them into the fray with a squad of elites and grunts right behind them.

"Wort Wort Wort!" An elite yelled as it followed the marines.

Soon a few pelicans dropped off 3 scorpion tanks and a few warthogs that either had missile pods or the M41 light anti-aircraft gun. The warthogs tuned their turrets to the sky and started to help the aircraft out. Soon the scorpion tanks moved forward while firing at large groups of grimm.

Jaune POV

The battle was going in our favor and we kept on pushing the grimm back. I was shooting at a pack of beowolves until my clip was empty. I put my gun on my back, pulled out my knife and charged straight into the remaining pack.

"I'm ready how 'bout you!" I yelled charging. I got to the first beowulf and stabbed my blade through its neck then threw my second one to the one behind and hit it between the eyes. I pulled the knife out of the neck and dodged as one tried to pounce on me. As it turned around I kicked its head off of its shoulders. As the Beowulf head went up in the air, I kicked it so it hit a nearby ursa in the head, killing it.

Trevor POV

I saw Jaune put his MA5 on his back and pull out his knife from his hip. I chuckled evilly when Jaune charged those grimm. Whenever he pulls out his knife, he does more damage that a shotgun shell at point blank range on a grunt.

"Troopers send these grimm to hell so our brothers and sisters can make rugs out of them!" I yelled.

"Ooh Rah!" The ODST's and marines replied. He slowly started walking forward shooting as we go. Soon the scorpion tanks moved forward and the marines climbed up on them to get better vantage points.

"Surround the hole and make their grave." I ordered. After a few minutes we managed to get to the hole. We put the tanks up to the font so they can fire their canister shells. I climbed up onto Mason's tank. After a few seconds Jaune appeared to my right.

"All tanks fire your canister shots into the hole. Make them bleed!" I yelled into my radio. Soon all three tanks opened up. Any Grimm that was in the hole was now gone.

"Trevor take a platoon of ODST's down into the hole with a platoon of marines. We will hold here Incase any get past." Jaune said.

"Yes sir." I said. "First platoon of marines and ODST's of mixed company, move into the hole."

3rd POV

Trevor took the two platoons into the hole. They only saw a few Grimm and put them down with ease. While they did that Jaune and the remaining trooping put up a perimeter around the hole so that civilians and huntsmen can't get in that weren't in the fighting area. Anyone that was wounded was treated by the medics. Professors Port, Goodwitch and Oobleck were there with Teams RWBY and NPR were being treated. Jaune's sisters and team CFVY were walking up to Jaune who was talking to some people.

"Mason I want your tanks to be taken out right before us. Tos 'Kotam you can take your soldiers back. Just stay here with your Honor Guard. I believe that the councilors here will probably want to talk to us." Jaune said.

"Sir the General said the tunnel is clear and is taking his troops out." A ODST said.

"Thank you private." Jaune said.

"Arc if they see us as hostile and try to kill us, we will kill them." Tos 'Kotam said.

"I won't stop you. Just don't kill the civilians then we will be fine." Jaune said with a mild pang of regret in his chest.

"Jaune!" Trevor said as he ran over to them. "We have bullheads heading to our position!"

"Troopers get ready for a fight! If they want war then we will show them war!" Jaune yelled. ODST's, Marines and SOS (Swords of Sanghelios) troops got ready. "Schwartz get the ships ready to strike against the Atlas fleet." Jaune radio Schwartz.

"Yes sir. Sailors and soldiers get ready to fight then Atlesian navy." Schwartz said.

"Jaune what's happening?" Jaune turned around and saw Velvet and her team and his sisters.

"Atlas is coming in. And they are not happy that we just did their jobs." Jaune replied. Everyone looked to see a swarm of bullheads and 3 Atlas capital ships. "Now we show them what happens when you fuck with my family."

Ozpin POV

I was on my way to the breach with Ironwood and specialist Schnee. On the way there we saw Ironwoods ships getting ready to fight a roost of ships of different sizes and much bigger than his.

"This is the UNSC. We have the breach under control. anyone trying to enter without permission of the admiral or general will be considered hostile." The announcement said.

"Sir orders?" A pilot said.

"Move in close. But not to close. We have multiple civilians underneath us and multiple camera crews here. If they see us ignore them, we will be shot down and a war will start." Ironwood said. "Just tell the ships to get ready to fight just Incase."

"Yes sir. All units stay outside of the zone but be ready to engage if fired upon." The pilot said.

"James can I have the speaker?" I said.

"You can. But why?" James asked.

"To see if they will allow us to land." I replied. James handed me the microphone. "People of the UNSC this is headmaster Ozpin of beacon with General Ironwood of Atlas. We would like to land." After a minute we got a reply.

"Ozpin this is General Greystone. You may land with only one bullhead. If anyone else enters the zone, you will be declared hostile. We will mark your LZ with a green flare. Hawks 2 and 3 will guide you in." Trevor said over a loudspeaker.

"Thank you General." Ozpin said.

"Go to the flare." James said. Then two hornets appeared. One on each flank with rocket marines on the sides. Soon the bullhead landed and a squad of marines and ODST's were waiting for them. In the background Goodwitch was seen plugging the hole so no more grimm could come through.

"Ozpin this way. The Shipmaster, General and the Admiral are waiting." A ODST's Sargent said in a German accent.

3rd POV

After a brief walk the group appeared in front of Jaune, Trevor, Tos 'Kotam, teams RWBY, NPR, and CFVY with Professors Oobleck, Port and Goodwitch behind them. The situation was tense to say the least. Ironwood was angry at these UNSC for killing his men. The UNSC was angry at Atlas for failing a simple jobs against grimm, bandits and the white fang.

Jaune then took off his helmet shocking everyone but those that already saw him. When he saw Ironwood he did not look happy, Trevor had his bad on his magnum and Tos 'Kotam had the handle of his energy sword in his hand.

"Headmaster Ozpin. It's been awhile." Jaune said.

"Indeed it has Mr. Arc." Ozpin replied.

"Just call me Jaune headmaster. Remember my father disowned me." Jaune said.

"General look who we found!" A ODST called. Everyone turned to see Torchwick in aura cuffs on his knees. Trevor then walked over and took off his helmet and knelt down.

"I hope this was worth it Roman. Because you are now UNSC property." Trevor said coldly before standing up. "Take this piece of shit to the brig. If he so much as tries to run, put a bullet in his balls then his head."

"Yes sir!" The ODST saluted. "Get up."

"You cannot take him. He is a citizen of Vale and this is under Atlas jurisdiction!" Ironwood yelled.

"Do you really want to bring that shit up." Sapphire said as she appeared next to Trevor. She then took off her helmet and the two kissed.

"She's right you know." Tos 'Kotam said.

"You don't know anything alien." Ironwood replied. Tos 'Kotam's honor guard growled. Then weapons were clicked and everyone saw ODST's, marines, and SOS troops aim at Ironwood and Winter.

"We know more than you do. I know we traveled over two continents and got here almost half an hour before your fleet and soldiers did when they were stationed here. I know that your military can't stop a simple grimm hoard. I also know that because of you Atlestians, faunus don't have their rights. So I, no we know much more than you do." Jaune said.

Before James could refute Ozpin stepped in. "Enough you two. James He is right, your military was slow to react. But Jaune they weren't expecting this. Now Jaune I just came to say that the council wants to talk with you."

"Fine but i'm bringing my people with. You already have my number, just text me when and where. I also expect you to be there Ozpin, we need a third party. I'd hate to get blood over my suit." Jaune replied. He then turned to ironwood with an angry glare. "We will continue this later. Troopers let's get back home! Me and Trevor are buying!"

"Sir Yes sir!" Everyone replied.

"Jaune." Jaune turned around to see teams RWBY and NPR. "I is it really you?"

"Yes it is." Jaune said. Nora went to try and hug but stopped when he put his hand on his magnum. "One step closer and I will kill you." Everyone was stunned at this.

"Jaune please take your hand off of it." Velvet said as she walked to him. Jaune smiled as he hugged her then kissed both of her ears making her red. "Jaune stop." Velvet whined.

"Mr. Arc what is the meaning of this!?" Ironwood ordered as his eyes twitched.

"Now I know you did not just order the man that saved Vale, but also the admiral of the UNSC. He is also the man that has been doing your job for you." Trevor said with a tone that chilled everyone's bones. "Not to mention I also have a girlfriend who is a faunus so I would watch what you say next. They may be your last as general."

"Trevor it's fine. Ironwood it's called loved. I love a faunus like many of the people under me. Humans and faunus living in harmony not in war. Isn't that what you want? Peace so no war will exist so we can focus our attention on the grimm. " Jaune said. Everyone was moved by that. Velvet motioned Blake to come closer. Blake realized that was her queue. She then walked up to Jaune and kissed him on the lips shocking everyone but a few people.

"Jaune I love you." Blake said.

"Hmm Blake I'm al." Jaune said before he was cut off by Velvet.

"I told her too Jaune. We're sharing you."

"Haha told you it would work Sapphire." Trevor laughed as Sapphire slapped him.

"Sir we are ready to leave." Chan said.

"Thank you corporal. Blake I love you too." Jaune said before he kissed Blake again then kissing Velvet. "I'll be in touch. Troopers let go home."

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