Total Drama Action: Kaylub Ch...

By Eevee2

35.6K 964 204

Another season, 14 contestants, but for one million dollars. Will Kaylub win this time, or will they figure o... More

Day 1: Monster Movie
Day 2: Alien Movie
Day 3: Crew Movie
Day 4: Beach Movie
Day 5: Wild West Movie
Day 6: Prison Movie
Day 7: Medical Movie
Day 8: Killer Movie
Day 9: Disaster Movie
Day 10: War Movie
Day 11: Action Movie
Day 12: Prehistoric Movie
Day 13: Sports Movie
Day 14: Spy Movie
Day 15: Superhero Movie
Day 16: Fairy-tale Movie
Day 17: Mystery Movie
Day 19: Kung Fu Movie
Day 20: Sci-Fi Movie
Day 21: Animal Buddy Movie
Day 22: Pirate Movie
The Jemmy Awards

Day 18: Rock 'n' roll Movie

1.2K 33 4
By Eevee2

I was humming the tune to a song that was stuck in my head since last night as I brushed my hair in the trailer. It seemed that Leshawna was the one to leave as the girls convinced him to vote her off. I'm not surprised as besides Duncan and I Leshawna is the biggest threat... though I highly doubt the others even see me as such. 

I feel arms wrap around me as I pause my brushing and blush lightly seeing Duncan in the mirror. He leans his head on my shoulder as I feel his breath on my neck. 

"Last night was great. When this is over, we should go see movies more often." He says against my neck as I blush and give an affirmative hm in response. He kisses my cheek before we both hear drumming.

We exit to see Chris standing next to Chef who's playing the drums.

"Nice of you to join us. Today's movie genre is... Drum-roll please!" Chef then plays the drums for a lot longer then necessary. "OK, we know! The spotlight's not big enough for the both of us." He stops. "Today's movie genre is..." Chef starts again but this time keeps it brief. "The rock 'n' roll biopic." Harold celebrates by doing a wicked air-guitar solo. Duncan also celebrates in his own way. Chris then goes on to explain what a rock 'n' roll biopic entails. "Lastly I have an announcement to make. Because some how her lawyers keep winning in the lawsuits they file against us despite this one having no real ground to stand on... Courtney's back." 


/"Is this what he might by this day being difficult? How is she back?" I whimper slightly knowing that the time I had with Duncan are gone.\

"Why is she back?" 

"Well, somehow her lawyers based her departure as a mistake due to Kaylub being allowed to compete and not automatically disqualified since his untimely accident." I blink and look at Courtney's smirk.

"All right people, time for your first big gig. Meet me at the Big Stadium in ten minutes. You can't miss it." Chris and Chef then leave.

We try to find the Big Stadium only to end up at the Gilded Chris Awards Theater.

"I said ten minutes, not ten hours!"

"You also said to meet at the Big Stadium and this is the dumpy Gilded Chris Awards Theater."

"Where you might get dumped! Not bad. First step to become a rock legend is to show up late for your own show. For your first challenge, you're going to be rocking out on the guitar." Lindsay then compares the guitar to the recorder. He tells us about how we'll be playing the guitar and I instantly thing of Guitar Hero. He also tells us that with a wrong note we get electrocuted. 

We then get our guitars as mine was black with purple tones to it.

"Are you ready to rock out?!"

"For those about to rock. I salute you," Harold said.

"Bite me." Duncan responded.

"And, rock on!" I begin to play hitting every note focusing on the screen letting muscle memory guide me. Harold gets out due to his guitar catching on fire, Lindsay doesn't actually play it, Beth explodes. Courtney is actually trying very hard doing tricks, I'm just playing the notes normally, and Duncan isn't even trying before he breaks the guitar. "Nice one, Duncan. You broke it."

"Oops, sorry."

"Impressive the tree of you, but the winner is..." Chef does drum roll. "Duncan." Courtney instantly complains. "But you tried way too hard and if there is one thing rock stars don't do, it's try. Even a little. You saw Duncan."

"Yeah, he played every tenth note and broke his guitar afterwards."


"Watch and learn baby doll. Maybe one day you'll be able to rock as hard as me." I block her guitar with my own and glare at her. We go to commercial break as she backs off with a huff.

We move on and are on the red carpet as Chris comes out of the lame-ousine.

"Welcome back to the rock 'n' roll biopic edition of "Total Drama Action". Now, in order to become a true rock immortal you must know how to work the paparazzi. First part of your second challenge is an obstacle course of fans, photogs, groupies and autograph hounds. You'll start at the lame-ousine, walk up the red carpet, past the obstacles and finally back stage. One of you will win. The rest will be celebrity road-kill. Duncan, for winning the first challenge you get our backstage pass. So you'll start half way." We take seats as Courtney was up first. "Okay, Courtney. You're up first. And Action!"

She sprints down the carpet, dodges paparazzi, signs the autograph, does a smile and duck for the fans, back-handed wave to the groupie, takes the swag bag, doesn't take a sandwich, and aggressively clears the bouncer. 

Duncan was next as he started half past the red carpet. He attacks both the fans, flips off the autograph, gives the groupie his number on her stomach, flips the tray, and breaks the bouncer. 

Beth goes next only to lose her glasses due to the flash on the paparazzi, then again on the fan, she then gets scared and falls due to the autograph breaking the fan.

Harold is up and takes a few tries to get the right hand sign for rock 'n' roll. He get's flashed by paparazzi and then Duncan pulls out his middle name, Doris, causing him to cry running, and cutting, through everyone else right into Chris' arms sobbing.

Lindsay went and she posed for the paparazzi and the fans, signed for the autograph, hugged the groupie, took the swag then gave it to the groupie, took a sandwich, and flirted wit the bouncer to get past.

It was my turn. I get out of the lame-ousine and I try hard not to blush, but once at the cameras I give them a smile before signing the autograph, posing with the groupie, taking the swag, eating and tipping the server for the sandwich and as I walk up to the bouncer they then vanish as I enter.

"Wow you must have just emanated celebrity prowess for the bouncer to just disappear like that." I blush.

Chef comes up and hands Chris an envelope.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The photographic evidence. Let's see your best shots, shall we? Courtney ducks. Duncan socks. Beth slipped. Harold... if that isn't a cry for help, I don't know what is. Lindsay posed. And Kaylub..." He pauses on my photo as his nose starts to bleed. Is he okay? "Wins."

"What? I did the best job avoiding the paparazzi."

"Who said you were supposed to avoid the photog?" He said as he pocketed my photo and wiped his nose. Gaining back his composure he placing the others back into the folder. "Paparazzi means exposure and Kaylub, along with Lindsay exposed, but Kaylub just left a stronger impact. Kaylub wins an advantage for the next part of the challenge where you'll compete for invincibility." 

We arrive in a apartment set.

"Finally, the ultimate rock star challenge. Trashing the hotel room. You've got thirty seconds on the clock with Kaylub getting an additional ten seconds for having won the first part of the challenge. And action!" He leaves as the others begin destroying the room. I watch Duncan trash the room rather well and then Courtney arrives and goes completely ballistic I whimper hiding under the couch.

"Time. Kaylub you have-" Chris looks around and then notices my coat peeking out from under the couch. "I see your predicament." The back wall then falls. "Thanks to Courtney, there's nothing left to destroy. Which means... Courtney wins 'invincibility'."


"Now, you've got to decide who gets booted from the band."

Beth, Lindsay, Harold, and I all meet in a park structure.

"We need to decide who to vote off since Courtney's off the list," I say looking at the water.

"We all know who to vote off... it's you who needs to decide." I look to Lindsay who smiles.

"I wish I could vote of Courtney... but I can't and I'm pretty sure she's going to attempt to have me voted off, but," I sigh. I get pats on the back.

"Do what you feel is right." I smile to my friends.

/"Why do I have to vote off Duncan? WHY CAN'T I VOTE OFF COURTNEY?!" I place my head in my hands and whimper.\

"Now, for total drama. Six left, one must go. And it won't be Courtney." We all vote as I look down at my choices. I close my eyes and let fate decide. "Alright, the Gilded Chris goes Award goes to... Courtney and Beth. Harold and Kaylub." I blink in confusion. Wait she didn't go after me? I look to Duncan who gives a smirk and a wink. He didn't let her vote for me? "Only one left. The final Gilded Chris goes to... Duncan. Lindsay's going Bye-bye."

"But Lindsay, Harold, and I voted for Duncan."

"Not so. In fact what happened is a first for the show. A contestant accidentally voted themselves off."


"Take a look. Unlike me, the camera never lies." We see footage of Lindsay not looking at her screen and closing her eyes accidentally clicking herself instead of Duncan right above her. We all gasp except for Duncan who bust out laughing. "Lindsay, time for you to say sayonara." She remains confused on the word.

"It means goodbye." I say to her. She nods and gets up to leave. We wave goodbye to Lindsay.

I sit on my bed when Duncan enters. "Why didn't she rope you into voting for me?" He blinks for a few seconds before smirking.

"She wasn't actually going to vote you off. She said she wanted to personally take you down, like in the final three. She just really didn't like Lindsay." I blink before nodding. 

"Oh... ok. Well goodnight then." I hear movement then feel a kiss on my cheek. 

"Hold onto these for me?" I feel him cover my ears with his headphones. I look at him confused before noticing he's gone. I shrug and fall asleep.

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