Day 19: Kung Fu Movie

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The next morning I wake up to find out we're all outside and back at camp Wawanakwa. A wind blows through as Chris comes floating in as he's sitting in a meditative stance.

"Honorable competitors. Welcome to Total Drama Kung Fu Reward Challenge. Shot on location here in the beautiful Japanese woods. Today, we pit girls against boys."

"No fair, the guys outnumber us three to two."

"Gear down, Courtney. Only two of the boys are competing today. Since Kaylub is not fully a boy or fully a girl he will not be competing." 

/"Did he just bring up my Klinefelter Syndrome to justify why I'm not competing?" I blink then nod.\

"In kung fu movies, actors train with stunt choreographers before they film their fight scenes. So today, each team will have a trainer and a fighter. Pick your roles and train as hard as you can in a kung fu style of your choice. The battle begins, when noble heron flies east."

"And in hume, that would be?" Duncan asked.

"Four hours," I say as Chris nods. He then leaves as I leave too.

"So, since you're not competing, you get to where this." He pulls out a pink traditional geisha outfit. 

"Geisha is Japanese not chinese like kung fu is." He blinks.

"Yeah, but you'll look cute in this so put it on." I blush at his words as I go put on the outfit. I hear a flash and turn to see him swiftly pocketing his phone. I blink at him as he gives me is "I'm completely innocent" smile. "Come along now sweet geisha."

Later I see both teams as Harold and Beth were in robots and Duncan along with Courtney both have controllers.

"Enough practice. When the beautiful geisha sounds the gong, the match will begin." I blush under the white makeup. Harold then brings up culture differences like I did only to kick himself in the face by Duncan. I hit the gong. "Let the match begin."

The two trade blows, but once Harold gets kicked in the nether region Duncan goes full fighter knocking Beth out of the suit completely. 

"Beth!" I rush over to her as Courtney also comes to help. I fan her with my fan as she starts to wake up. "Oh thank goodness." I give her a sweet smile as she fully wakes up.

"The winners are... the boys." Chef then cuts Harold out of the suit. "The guys have won the first challenge and they'll be continuing on to compete for the reward. Girls, you're done. Here's where things get interesting."

"Aargh! I hate when he says interesting. It always means painful."

"Correction. Exciting means painful. Interesting always means life threatening." The girls cheer as the guys groan. "Each of you must carry a glass of water to the top of the tallest mountain in Japan, Mount Banshee. There you'll find a Bonsai tree guarded by a mysterious kung fu master. Try not to spill any water on your way up. You need it to brew kung fu tea as payment for the bonsai. And if there isn't enough tea to fill the master's sacred cup,  you'll wish you were wearing a sacred cup." Both cover their parts. "The first guy to bring the bonsai back down the mountain alive wins. And as an added bonus, our lovely geisha will act as a guide and loyal manservant during your deadly climb." I blink. "As for the girls, you're sentenced to Zen lessons, aka kitchen duty." Chef then escorts the two away while they complain.

We get to the base of the mountain as the two were holding glasses of water.

"Ugh, let's get this over with." I nod to Duncan as the two begin to climb. I climb up past them hearing a whistle. I blush.

"Duncan focus on climbing."

"Well, lovely geisha, I would, but you're so blindingly cute." I blush at his words then jump down catching his glass before he dropped it. He blinks at my skill.

"I use to rock climb during breaks last season." He nods. "Now you two can split the prize but first get up the mountain."

"Whatever you say lovely geisha." He kisses my cheek before climbing up. I blush and follow the two. 

Once at the top, the two give the water and we three head back down the mountain.

The two sit at the table where the girls cooked a meal. I serve the food, after remaking it to actually be edible and not send the two to the ER because of the poisonous blowfish. I make extra servings for the girls who were off to the side drinking tea.

"Oh, no thanks," Courtney says.

"I made a new batch since I  figured neither of you made blowfish before." They both blink before thanking me and taking the bowls.

After the meal, I remain to do clean up.

"You know that the challenge is over right?" I look over to Chef.

"Yeah, but I feel like cleaning up." he chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"Your a good kid." I smile and continue to clean.

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