Day 11: Action Movie

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When I came to I found myself locked in a safe. I hear Duncan, Leshawna, Heather, and Harold outside and they sound confused.

"Wait if we're all here... then who's in there?"

"Does it matter?"

"It would have been better if it was you, Lieshawna."

"Whatever I don't need props and we'll see whoever is in there later anyway."

I hear them leave and blink for a good few seconds. 

"Well, I'm not entirely surprised. Guess I just wait. Hopefully we win so they don't boot me out for no reason." I end up curling up on the bench and fall asleep.

I wake up to Chris gently shaking me.

"Seems the "team" isn't exactly a team." He chuckles as I blink at him. "What?"

"You didn't inform them I was back so they left me here." I was a bit hurt seeing as it was well into the night by the time he came and got me.

"Sorry bout that. But just to inform you Courtney is back." I blink. "Her lawyers managed to find a way to get her back onto the show and now she has a different contract and all these fancy things... it's annoying. Mind beating her up for me in the next challenge?" He asks as I blink again and nod. He smiles and ruffles my hair as I follow him out of the safe.

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