The Promise

By HeavensVictim

8.9K 303 69

Isabella left to make a new start in London after a painful breakup. Nothing could have prepared her for what... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Fifteen

385 12 5
By HeavensVictim

It hit her in the middle of the night. It was a deep feeling, like a gnawing pit in her stomach. It wasn't hunger. She had no desire for food. It was an overwhelming feeling of grief. It shook her right out of a restful sleep and brought every terrible emotion she had felt the day before back to the surface. Covering her mouth with her hand, she tried in vain to keep a sob from escaping as she looked over to Tom who was slumbering beside her. Carefully, she extricated herself from his arms, feeling the loss of his warmth, but not wanting to wake him. Getting up, she grabbed her robe and padded into the bathroom, closing the door so she could cry alone in peace.

Tom became restless in his sleep, feeling a sudden chill on his side. He turned and opened his eyes slightly to see that Isabella was no longer there. Sitting up, he wiped a hand over his face, looking around the darkroom.

"Isabella? Are you in here?" He asked the darkroom with no response.

An odd feeling of worry flooded his senses, propelling him to get up and put on his boxer briefs. He thought he heard a noise coming from the bathroom so he walked over and placed his ear to the door. Soft sobs could be heard from the other side. Opening the door, he walked in and turned the light on. Isabella looked up at him from the corner of the room by the toilet where she was curled up in a ball, her face red from the tears that seemed to fall endlessly from her eyes. The magic that he saw in them earlier was gone, replaced by sorrow and hurt.

"Darling? What are you doing in here?" He said, walking over and crouching down in front of her.

He lifted her face up to meet his gaze, pushing the hair back from her face and wiping away the tears that fell.

She sniffled hard and wiped at her face, running a hand through her hair as she sighed in frustration.

"I just... I don't know... I woke up out of nowhere... and I felt like I was dying inside. My heart, Thomas. It hurts so much," she said, choking out the last words as another sob bubbled up to the surface.

"Oh, Isabella," he said, his heartbreaking for her. "Come on."

He picked up her limp body from the floor, setting her down on the toilet seat.

She sat there looking defeated as he went over to the clawfoot tub that sat next to the shower and turned on the water. Making sure it was warm he went back over to her and helped her out of her robe before getting her settled in the water. He took off his shorts and got in behind her, pulling her to him as she rested against his chest.

"She's gone. She's really gone," Isabella said, and started crying again, feeling as if she would suffocate if she didn't let the tears fall. She turned to the side in his arms, the tears streaking down his chest as he stroked her hair, letting her get it all out. He held her and soothed her as she cried until she had no tears left and all she could do was sniffle.

"I'm so sorry, darling. I wish I could bring her back to you," he said quietly as she rested against his chest. "All I know is that people say when you die that you go to a better place and I like to think that is true because it makes it easier to live with losing someone knowing that they are at peace somewhere else. I know she loved you very much and never wanted to leave you, but it was her time to go and she knew that. Perhaps reading her letter will help you."

"I hope so," she said so softly that he almost didn't hear her. "I just miss her so much. It's so overwhelming."

"It just happened. You have to give it time. Grief doesn't work on a specific timeline. Just allow yourself to feel it and deal with it. It's the only way you can learn to live with it."

He pressed his lips to the crown of her head before tightening his hold on her. She sighed in his embrace, feeling his strength coursing through her. He had a way with words that was unparalleled and it never failed to lift her spirits. She just sat back as he picked up a loofah and washed her body, scrubbing away the remnants of their night together and the negativity of the day. It was so relaxing as they sat in the tub together that she felt her lids droop. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep in his arms.
When he heard the sounds of her soft snoring, he smiled to himself as he positioned her to the side to get himself out and dried off before picking her up and carrying her back into the bedroom wrapped in a towel. He managed to get her dried off for the most part without waking her before tucking her in and coming around to the other side of the bed to get in, pulling her close to him. By that point, he reflexively yawned and fell right back to sleep.

Tom had woken before everyone later that morning and decided to go for a run. He had been so preoccupied with Isabella since they met that he hadn't really stuck to his routine and he felt a sudden urge. Even early mornings here were hot and muggy, but he enjoyed the change of scenery. Isabella's parents lived in a quiet, family-oriented neighborhood and he waved to the precious few people who had been out already. A few smiled and waved cheerfully and others just stood in shock at seeing Tom Hiddleston in their little Florida neighborhood. Running always did him good. He enjoyed the pace, the sound of his footfalls as they hit the pavement. It allowed him to breathe and focus. The last week had been one of the craziest in his entire life. He had managed to meet, fall in love and meet the parents of an amazing young woman who he probably never would've met had it not been for extraordinary circumstances. If people thought his short romance with Taylor was crazy, what would they think of this? He hoped he'd be able to shield Isabella from the worst part of being a celebrity, but the media was treacherous. They would get to them no matter how well they tried to hide it. She had been a trooper so far, especially after being bombarded as she had been the other day.

She was strong on the outside, but he could see the vulnerability behind her expressive brown eyes. She had layers of hurt, exacerbated by the loss of the most important person in the world to her. He felt an almost obligation to her now, to help her heal. His sudden love for her was almost suffocating as it tried to explode from his heart. If he was being totally honest with himself, he'd admit that he was a little scared of his feelings for her. He'd never felt so much so fast and he knew from previous experience how that can blow up in one's face. But at least this time, he knew that she felt the same. It felt real. He wanted to move mountains and the heavens above for her. Surely there was a line from Shakespeare to accurately portray what he was feeling at this moment?

Finding himself back at the house, he walked back in to the sight of Isabella sitting at the table, wearing her cozy pink robe and nursing a cup of coffee. She had a lazy smile on her face as she looked at him.

"Good morning," she said with a cheerful expression. She looked relaxed. Such a difference from when she woke up in the middle of the night, terrified and sobbing.

"Good morning, darling," he said, leaning down to kiss her on the lips.

"You're all sweaty."

He used his shirt to wipe his face. "Sorry, I've just come back from a run."

He could see the way her eyes widened at the sight of his briefly exposed chest. He simply shook his head and laughed.

"I didn't say I was complaining," she said back to him with a smirk.

He gave her a side-eye and a wink as he walked over to the coffee pot to pot to pour himself a cup.

"Can you guys take that into the bedroom, please. I'd like to keep my breakfast down please!" Lana yelled back from the couch as she watched TV.

They both rolled their eyes at her turned back.

"Besides... wasn't last night enough for you?" Lana said, looking back at them with a leer, referring to their activities from last night.

Tom gave her an admonishing look. "You told her? Already?"

Isabella shrugged her shoulders. "Thomas, she's my best friend. She knows my freshly fucked face."

Lana let out a sharp laugh as she turned back to the TV and Tom looked around alarmed, hoping her parents weren't in earshot.

As if reading his mind, she nodded her head towards the backyard. "My parents are sitting on the back porch. They can't hear us. Joe is still sleeping like the lazy slug that he is. We're pretty open around here, but I'd never say anything like that in front of my parents! By the way, my mom cooked you some food, it's on the stove."

He turned and found his plate. He devoured his food, looking over at Isabella to see she just had coffee.

"Have you eaten?" He said, shooting her a curious eyebrow.

She bit her lip as she smiled at him. "Yes. I was ravenous for some reason."

"I can guess why," he said, his tone suggestive. "I'm going to go take a shower, this Florida humidity is brutal. Would you care to join me, madame?"

A mischievous gleam made her eyes sparkle. "I would very much so, sir."

"Wait! Let me turn the TV up before you go in there so I don't have to hear anything. She's a bit vocal so I'd rather not have to listen to that so early in my day," Lana said, turning up the TV.

Tom looked between them with curiosity. "And how do you know that?"

"Oh, Sir Thomas, she's been loving you for a long time. All those nights alone in her room when she assumed I was asleep. "Oh Tom, yes! Fuck, that feels good!" " Lana said, imitating her friend.

Isabella's face turned beet red.

"Lana! Thank you for the demonstration, but that is quite enough!" She said through gritted teeth.

Tom looked at Isabella, surprised and, truth be told, a bit turned on.

"Have fun kids!" Lana said, waving at them without even turning her head.

Isabella sneered at the back of her best friend's head. "You're the worst."

"Love you too!" She shouted back with a smile.

She flipped the bird towards the back of Lana's head as Tom clasped his hand with hers and pulled her towards the bathroom.

She continued to pout as he closed the door behind them and started the shower.

"Darling, there's no need to fret," Tom said as he untied her robe, pushing it from her shoulders.

She crossed her arms against her chest with a frown. "Thomas, I'm embarrassed! There was no need for her to share that!"

"It's a perfectly normal behavior. Lots of people do it," he said, trying to assuage her shame.

"Even you?" She asked, her frown lifting into a sultry smile.

"Even me," He said with a sexy smirk, his voice gruff as it dropped an octave.

"Hmm," she said, before stepping over to the shower door and opening it. She stood behind the frosted glass and peeked out just enough so he could see her. She slid off the nightgown she had put on this morning and threw it at him before stepping into the shower with a laugh.

Needing no encouragement, Tom was quick to shed his sweat-soaked clothing and opened the shower door, the steam hitting him in the face. Isabella stood under the spray, the water drenching her hair.

"Am I in your way?" She asked, running her hands through her wet strands.

"No, by all means, continue. I'm simply enjoying the view."

They smiled at one another. He gently pushed her back so he could step under the spray. Looking down at her from under the spray, she leaned back against the wall of the shower with a flirtatious look on her face.

"You look like there's something you want," he asked, water streaming down his face.


Her confidence soon faltered. She had been thinking about what she would say the entire time she stood in the shower, but now she was starting to wonder if he would think it was silly.

"Tell me," he said tenderly, reaching for her and pulling her under the spray with him.

"Well, I just wanted to... because you... oh my gosh, why is this so difficult?" She said, hiding behind her hands.

Pulling her hands away from her face, he held them as he caught her gaze.

"Come on, you can tell me. Are you worried about what I'll say?"

"I'm sorry. I thought I could be sexy and seductive. I just wanted to reward you for all that you've done for me, especially yesterday. I was worried you'd think I was silly."

She looked down to her feet, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"Hey," he said, placing a finger under her chin to lift her face up to his, but she turned away. "Hey, look at me, please," he said again, this time in a tone that forced her to look back at him.

His expression softened as he gazed at her sheepish grin. "Do you not understand how incredibly sexy you are? Just as you are? You don't have to work at it, I am intoxicated by you already. You don't need to ask, darling. I'm a man. Just take what you want. Don't go getting shy on me now."

"So, that means..." She said, running a hand up and down his chest.

With a lopsided grin, he gave her the permission she was seeking. "Reward away, love."

She shook her head, standing on her tiptoes to pull him in for a kiss, leaning to one side to avoid putting more pressure on her ankle. She linked her hands around his neck, kissing him hard. He responded by wrapping his arms around her, bringing her body flush against his. The feeling of her wet body rubbing against his made him groan. He ran his hands up and down her back, over her hips and down to cup her ass, where he always made sure to grab a handful to show his appreciation. She let out a yip and pulled away, shaking a finger at him.

"Tsk, tsk, Thomas. Do you think that was really appropriate? Maybe I should punish you instead of reward you."

"Well, that depends on how you define punishment. I believe I'd most likely enjoy either one."

"We'll see..." she said, pushing him up against the wall of the shower.

Sinking to her knees before him, she stole a glance back up at him and paused momentarily. He stood before her, soaking wet, legs spread. His cock had already started hardening impressive as it was, just inches from her face. He looked down at her with bated breath, awaiting his reward. It had been a little while since she'd done it, so she hoped it was good enough for him, but she wanted to do it. He had made her feel so amazing last night and never asked for anything in return. This was something she could do for him.

Wrapping her right hand around his shaft, she grasped him firmly in hand and starting pumping up and down, twisting her wrist as she went. He let out a hiss as she went along, encouraging her to continue. Once he was fully erect, she kept pumping him as she leaned in and swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock, tasting his precome. She took him in her mouth halfway and sucked hard before releasing him with a pop of her mouth.

"Shit. That's amazing," he muttered, watching her work.

She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, loving the way he looked down at her with hooded eyes full of desire. Going back to work, she decided to go all in and took him completely in her mouth. It wasn't easy, but she sucked him hard as she kneaded his balls with one hand. His breathing became labored, letting out little strangled noises that urged her on. He tangled a hand in her hair, keeping control of how far back her head could go. She alternated between bobbing her head in short bursts and pulling him out of her mouth and sucking just on the head, her tongue swirling around and lapping at the head like a popsicle. She found herself moaning as she did it, immersing herself in the task so much that she herself became turned on. The power she felt as she literally held him in her hands made her enjoy it even more. The way he tugged on her hair whenever she made a movement that he particular enjoyed sent a zap of warmth between her legs. It wasn't long before Tom felt himself beginning to unravel.

"Love, just a warning, but I'm about to come."

She responded by sucking harder as she used her hand to jerk his cock, urging him to finish. He let out a shuddering moan before his body seized and he came in her mouth. His warm seed shot down her throat and she took it all like a good girl. She continued to suck him gently as he came, milking him until his body relaxed. She sat down on the floor, stretching her legs out in front of her, watching him standing before her, chest heaving and staring back at her like she was a delicious meal to be devoured.

He pulled her up to her feet, pressing her up against the glass. Without another word, he crushed his lips to hers, their teeth clashing as he kissed her wildly. In only a few mins, he was hard again. Before she knew what was happening, he turned her around and pressed her up against the glass. As he nudged her legs apart, he grabbed her hips and thrust himself all of the way inside her in one motion. She cried out in both pleasure and pain at the sudden intrusion, bracing herself against the wet shower wall. He began pumping into her, in an almost feral and animalistic way, needing to dominate her and feel every inch of her body. He reached around with one hand and grasped her breast, pinching her nipple. She gasped at the rough way he handled her, but she welcomed it by arching her back and pushing back against every thrust. He ran his other hand down her hip, to her apex where he slipped a finger in, curling it up to press against her clit, finding it already swollen in need. He fingered it hard as he released her breast to run his hand along her neck, placing kisses and love bites along her shoulder. She threw her head back, allowing him better access to suck on her neck as he resumed kneading her breast. There were so many sensations going on at once that it made her head swim and she felt as if she would pass out from the heady pleasure coursing through her.

"Thomas," she breathed out and he already knew that she was close.

"Let go," he whispered into her ear and she let out one final cry as she climaxed, feeling her whole body shake and her knees go weak.

He held her up as he finished himself, covering her body with his as he braced himself against the wall. Spent and satiated, they said nothing for a few moments. There came a knock on the door and a voice on the other side.

"Hey, you guys wanna wrap it up in there? Other people would like to use the hot water!" Lana said and they both began laughing. He placed several kisses along her shoulder before pulling out and moving back under the spray. The water had begun coming out lukewarm so they were quick to get washed up and out of the shower.

"So, what is there to do around here?" Tom asked as they got dressed.

Isabella looked around the room, trying to think of fun things to do in the area. "Honestly? Not a ton. We could go downtown. It's small, but quaint. There are a lot of little shops and restaurants. It's nothing compared to London or Hollywood, but it's great for a carefree, relaxing kind of day."

"Sounds wonderful," said Tom, coming over and taking her hands in his. "Whatever you want to do today, let's do it."

Isabella felt tears beginning to well in her eyes. "Okay."

A look of concern shown in his eyes. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No. Not at all. I'm just not used to it."

"Used to what?"

"Being taken care of like this. Getting to make decisions on what we do. I didn't realize how much I appreciate such a small gesture like that."

"Oh, darling," he said, a worrying crease etched in his brow. "I wish I had beat the living hell out of that jerk."

"No, I'm glad you didn't. That's something he would do and you are not him. Not at all. And I love you," she said, stretching up on her tiptoes to give him a chaste kiss.

"I love you, too. It's funny how natural that sounds."

"Yes, it feels right."

They smiled at one another before walking out of the bedroom, hand in hand.

"Ah, Bella! Tom! I'm glad I caught you before you leave. What are you kids going to do today?" asked Lorenzo as he walked over to them.

"We talked about walking around downtown, Papa."

"Sounds like a nice day. Please take your brother with you. You know he spends too much time with the video games."

Rolling her eyes, she muttered to her father, "Yeah, sure, whatever."

"It'll be fun!" Tom said, smiling in agreement.

"Yes, that's my boy! You have fun today. That is what your grandmother would have wanted. No more tears. We have reservations tonight at Il Pescatore - 6 o'clock. Don't be late!" Lorenzo said, wagging a finger at his daughter.

"We won't, Papa," she said with an exaggerated groan, a small smile lifting her lips.

"Good. There will be a lot of family there. It is the last time before everyone goes home. It will be a good time."

Lana came into the room, dressed and ready to get out of the house.

"Come on ramblers, let's get rambling!" She said, pulling on Isabella's arm and dragging her out of the house with Tom on her heels.

The four of them drove the short distance to the downtown area and parked on the side of the road. There wasn't much parking as today there was a music festival going on. There were benefits to living in such an up and coming neighborhood. Just about every week there was some kind of entertainment going on. Looking around, they spotted food, a DJ, and a band playing live music. Tom looked extremely excited to see all of the people outside having a good time. There was dancing and singing. He was in heaven. Isabella saw the look on his face and knew he would have fun. She was happy she chose to wear a casual royal blue, v-neck, quarter sleeve dress. It had white scallop crochet trim and tied in the back. It was perfect for dancing, which she hoped he would be down for. It was, after all, a giant street party and she knew her partner would help keep her light on her feet. Looping one of her arms through his, she led him down the street to check out all the novelty stores before they hit up the festival.
Isabella and Tom walked around holding hands. Every once in a while he would lift her hand to his lips for a kiss. She lost count of the number of times she sighed with contentment. Only a few people had come up to them asking for photos and autographs. Tom obliged all of them, especially after Isabella urged him on. The four of them found a photo booth and crammed into it together, taking lots of silly pictures. Isabella then kicked Joe and Lana out so she and Tom could take some pictures alone. Cute, innocent pictures quickly evolved into a full-on make-out session and Lana had to intervene before they were arrested for public indecency.

"Don't make me get the hose!" Lana said, dragging them out of the photo booth.

They both adjusted their clothes as Tom ran a hand through his hair.

Joe's nose scrunched up in disgust. "Ewwww. I think you're great Tom, but the whole thing with you kissing my sister is kind of grossing me out."

Tom laughed heartily as he patted Joe on the back.

"My apologies. We'll try to keep it PG from here on out," Tom said, flashing his signature smile.

As they continued walking, she felt her ankle beginning to hurt, but she pushed on, not wanting to let anything ruin this perfect day. They headed towards the stage where a DJ was playing music. There were just a few people dancing and they watched from the sidewalk. Lana was in the middle of telling a dirty joke when Isabella's attention was stolen away by the beginning strands of her favorite song.

"Thomas! Do you hear that?" She said, grabbing his arm.

"What?" He said, listening in to what the DJ was playing. The opening bars of "The Promise" boomed over the speakers. "It can't be? How random? Would you care to dance, madame?" He asked with a smile.

"I would, kind sir!" She said and they walked away together to where everyone else was dancing.

"What's going on?" Lana said, her words falling on deaf ears.

Grabbing her and pulling her close, he twirled her around, lifting her off the ground. They threw their heads back as they laughed, feeling the rhythm of the song. He brought her back, flush against him as he held her up. He laced a hand through one of hers as he led her around, not caring who saw them. They only had eyes for each other as they danced around and sung together, full of energy. The song ended and they continued to dance, so wrapped up in the moment that they didn't want to stop. He spun her around a few more times before enveloping her in a tight hug, kissing her soundly as she smiled against his lips.

Lana and Joe ran up to them, seeing them both still smiling like fools and catching their breath.

"What was that all about?" Lana said, looking utterly confused.

"The song, Lana! It was the song!" Isabella said, her eyes alight and wild with excitement.

"What song? You have a lot of favorite songs."

"The Promise, silly! It's just crazy because, in the last week, we've heard that song three times!"

"It has become something of an unofficial theme song for us, hasn't it?" Tom remarked.

Lana didn't quite get the excitement of it all, but she smiled at her friend because she loved seeing her happy. The two of them glowed as they recovered from their frantic dancing. She definitely thought they were a perfect match. Sending a quick thanks to the big guy upstairs, she joined in on their good mood.

Walking back to the car, Thomas noticed that Isabella had started to limp a little.

He stopped dead in his tracks. "Isabella, is your ankle bothering you?"

"Just a bit, but I didn't want to say anything because we were having so much fun," Isabella said with a sheepish grin.

"Darling. Your health is more important than anything else. I wish you had told me so we could've sat down or left sooner," he said, chastising her gently.

She waved it off, trying to make light of her pain. "I'm sorry, but I'm fine, really. It doesn't hurt that bad."

"You know what I have to do now, don't you?" He said to her and she noticed a little twinkle in his eye.

Her eyes widened and a smirk appeared as she began backing up, imagining what he was thinking. "No, but I think I have an idea and the answer is no! Don't you dare!"

"Oh yes, it's happening," he said, stepping closer to her.

Suddenly, he grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.

"Thomas! Put me down this instant! I'm too heavy for you to carry!" Isabella said as she freaked out.

"You're but a feather in my arms!" He said, slapping her on the backside as he laughed and started walking to the car.

She looked over to her friend, pleading with her. "Lana, you're supposed to be my best friend! Help me!"

Lana gave her a sympathetic grin. "No way. We can walk a lot faster this way! I'm going to have to side with Sir Thomas on this one!"


He gave a shrug. "Sorry, sis, I'm on Tom's side too."

She slumped over, giving up and allowing him to carry her to the car like a caveman. "Traitors! No loyalty!"

Opening the car door, he put her in her seat and ran around to get in and start the car. She sat in silence for a few minutes, arms crossed defensively against her chest. Tom
looked at her out of the corner of his eye every few minutes as he drove to the restaurant.

"You're not really mad at me, are you?" He said, beginning to worry when she didn't say anything.

She turned to him, trying to keep a stern face, but seeing the look of concern on his face caused her expression to soften.

"No, I'm not. Not really," she said, running a hand up his arm to the back of his neck where she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I love you," He said, looking at her for a brief second.

"I love you too," she said, giving him a warm smile.

"I love you, Joe," said Lana dramatically.

"I love you too, Lana!" He said back as they hugged, pretending to cry together in the backseat.

"Settle down children! Don't make me come back there!" Isabella said, failing to maintain a stern stare as she burst into laughter.

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