The Promise

By HeavensVictim

8.9K 303 69

Isabella left to make a new start in London after a painful breakup. Nothing could have prepared her for what... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Ten

336 10 0
By HeavensVictim

The next day was a busy one, as both Tom and Isabella had meetings to go to. They made plans to meet up later to celebrate their "7 day anniversary".

Isabella sat at her vanity, putting on the last touches of her makeup. Tom had just texted to say he was on the way, so she went into overdrive to make sure she was ready to go when he got there. Standing up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her dress was silver and covered in tiny, silver sequins that made the dress shimmer. The sleeves were long and hung off her shoulders. The skirt flared out and swished when she moved. She put on a cobalt blue choker to give her dress some color and not leave her décolletage bare. Tonight, she left her hair down, opting for just curling the ends. She didn't want to have to fuss with anything tonight. There was a nice pair of heels sitting in her closet that would've been perfect with this dress, but her foot would not cooperate so she settled on some silver flats that would at least keep her comfortable.

"So, did Sir Thomas tell you where you were going?" Lana asked as she casually leaned against the doorframe to the bedroom.

"Nope. Not that I expected him to. He said it wasn't quite as fancy as the Donmar, but that I should dress nice."

"I love that color on you. I know blue is your favorite color, but silver really accents your skin tone well. Maybe someday you'll even wear something sleeveless. What a scandal that would be," Lana said, teasing her for her choice to cover her arms.

Isabella smirked, giving a shrug. "Maybe. Stranger things have happened."

The doorbell rang and Isabella tensed up.

"He's here! How do I look?" She asked Lana, attempting to do a little spin despite her ankle.

"Like my most beautiful best friend. You know you don't need to impress Tom. You've had him eating out of the palm of your hand since day one. It's kind of crazy to believe it's only been seven days."

"It's true," Isabella said with a wistful smile. "I feel like this thing between us is just moving at full velocity and we are miles ahead of where we should be. But I like it. Is that strange?"

Lana folded her arms against her chest. "Not at all. Perhaps this is just the universe repaying you and making things right."

"That would be nice," Isabella said, casting a glance towards the door.

There came a knock on the door and it snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, shit, get that, will you? I can't exactly run to the door right now."

Lana ran out and let Tom in as Isabella made her way out.

"Good evening, Lana," he said, nodding to her.

"Sir Thomas," she replied with a bow.

He smiled at her before turning to his date for the evening. His face lit up when he saw her, standing there wringing her hands. Sometimes he forgot that it was only seven days ago that they met for the first time. He felt like he'd known her all of his life.

"Darling, you look gorgeous. Breathtaking, really," he said, walking over to her and taking her hands, placing a kiss on each one.

"Thank you," she said in reply, looking away as she blushed. His compliments never failed to embarrass her.

"Ok, you two. You know the drill. Have a good time. I know I won't see you later so have a good night," Lana said as she hugged her friend.

"Thank you, Lana, you too."

Tom nodded towards Lana as he placed a hand around Isabella to help her out the door.

"I'll take good care of her," Thomas said to Lana.

She simply replied, "I know."

Once in the car, Isabella put on their favorite 90s station while Tom hummed along, drumming his hands on the steering wheel. She didn't bother to ask where they were going as he was always so full of surprises. They sat in silence, but it wasn't awkward at all. They would exchange glances every so often which conveyed more than just a look. It was a companionable silence and they enjoyed every minute of it.

Tom parked the car on the street in front of a nondescript building. It looked old; not even having a neon sign to illuminate its presence.

"Where are we?" Isabella asked warily as Tom helped her out of the car.

"You'll see," he said with a mischievous grin as he circled her waist and helped her to the door.

The door opened and a rush of cold air greeted them. Isabella looked around and caught herself standing with her mouth hanging open. The building may have looked old from outside, but the inside was pure elegance. There were red curtains draped around the two-story building, complete with crystal clear chandeliers that provided soft light around each dining table. Beyond them was a beautifully polished dance floor with musicians playing big band music. It felt like they were transformed back to the '40s.

"What do you think?" Tom asked her, bracing for her reaction.

She stopped staring and looked up at him, a warm smile gracing her lips at the sight of his anxious face. She reached up to touch his cheek.

"It's amazing. This place is absolutely stunning! I love it!" She said with genuine enthusiasm and he let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Good, good, I'm glad you think so. Come on, let's take a seat," he said, ushering her over to a table by the dance floor.

She reached across the table to take one of his hands in hers. "Have you been here before?"

"Yes, I have actually," he said, his lip twitching in amusement at the way she couldn't help but touch him. He stroked her palm with his thumb.

"With friends?"

"Not exactly," he replied before sighing, a frown settling on his face. "I brought Taylor here once because I thought it would be something fun and different. She didn't quite get it, I'm afraid."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, it wasn't my place to ask," Isabella said, giving his hands a reassuring squeeze. "She's an idiot if she doesn't see the magic in this place."

His smile returned at her comment, eyes twinkling with mirth.

They ordered food while they listened to the music. Tom tapped his feet along with the rhythm the whole time. Isabella looked around and noticed that most of the other couples in there were in their golden years. She thought it was absolutely adorable.

"Can you believe it's been only a week since we met?" Isabella mused, leaning on her hand as her elbow rested on the table.

"No, I can't. I was just thinking the same thing. It seems like so much time has passed. It's incredible," he said, picking up one of her hands and kissing it.

"It is. So much has changed in such a short time. I feel like things might possibly be going my way now."

A look of hope was very apparent on her face. Tom was very happy to be on the receiving end of it.

"Yes, life does seem much sweeter now, doesn't it? Perhaps that's your influence?"

"I hope so," she said with sincerity, raising her glass into the air. "Let's toast to us and these last seven days. Here's hoping the next seven are equally if not more exciting for us!"

"I can drink to that!" He said as he clinked his glass with hers.

Placing his glass back down, he stood up and put his hand out.

"Would you do me the honor of sharing a dance?"

She looked up at him, eyes wide with expectation and love. At this moment, she'd do pretty much anything he asked of her.

"Of course. I'd love nothing more," she said, a shy smile on her face.

As she put her hand in his, she heard the music change and froze when the opening bars of "The Promise" started playing.

A look of shock passed over her features. "Did you..."

Tom smiled and nodded, leading her out onto the dance floor. It was just them at first, and he held her by the waist with one arm, clasping her hand in the other. He twirled her around to the beat, as they held each other's gaze. They laughed blissfully as they danced, absorbed in the music. Other couples joined them on the dance floor as they moved around, causing a small circle of people to form around them.

Once the song was over, they slowed their pace, holding onto one another. Tom had his head resting atop hers and she had nestled her face against his chest. They swayed, eyes closed until a tap on Tom's shoulder brought them out of their little bubble.

They both looked up at the elderly couple who stood before them.

The older woman looked at Tom over her large spectacles. "Excuse me dear, but you look familiar, have you been in here before?"

He smiled kindly at the woman.

"Yes ma'am, I have. I was with a different young lady."

"Yes, I do remember you now," she said, pointing a finger at him. "That blonde girl you were with. She was a brat! You seem to be enjoying yourself much more."

"Much nicer looking young woman too," came the mumbled words of the woman's husband.

Isabella snickered at the old man, blushing in the process as well.

"I have to agree, sir. She is quite the beauty," Tom said, looking down at Isabella with a lopsided grin.

"You make a very handsome couple," said the woman, clasping her hands in front of her.

Isabella gave the couple a pleasant smile. "Thank you very much."

"Have you been married long? Can't be, you act like newlyweds. Jerry and I have been together a lifetime it seems. Oh, my name is Gladys by the way," the woman went on, unaware of her rambling.

Tom and Isabella looked to each other with equally surprised faces when Gladys mistook them for newlyweds.

"I'm Tom and this is Isabella," Tom started as he nodded his head in her direction. "We aren't married actually. We just met seven days ago."

Gladys turned to Jerry and then back to them, blinking hard as she adjusted her glasses.

"You could've fooled me! The way you move together would suggest otherwise. I'd say you're very comfortable around one another for only just meeting a week ago! Destiny must have great things in store for you two. Hold onto it for all it's worth. Love worth having is love worth fighting for."

Gladys smiled sweetly at them as she reached back to take Jerry's hand.

"We fell hard and fast too. When something is right, you don't worry about anything else. I have no regrets. And neither does he. Right, Jerry?" She said, not looking back at him.

He rolled his eyes, but then gave them a smile and a wink. You could tell there was a great love story between them. It touched both of them. Perhaps Gladys and Jerry were signs sent from above to let them know they were on the right track and to not give up.

"Well, we won't take up any more of your time. You two kids enjoy yourselves!" Gladys said before giving them a wave and walking away arm in arm with her husband.

They continued slow dancing as the big band music continued on.

"Well, then, that was certainly interesting!" Tom said with a laugh.

"Yes! I can't believe she thought we were married! I'm still not over the fact that we even met!" Isabella said, agreeing with him.

"Yes, it does seem like kismet that we even ran into each other."

She placed a hand over her heart. "I know I had no inclination when I walked out the door that morning that I was going to run into a celebrity, least of all my favorite one!"

"Your favorite? That's so sweet, darling," he said, sounding genuinely touched.

Her face tinged a shade of pink in an instant. Not that it really had time to go back to its original color since they got there.

"I did it again. And I was doing so good!"

"Don't ever change. Seriously. It's one of the things I love about you."

She ducked her head as she mumbled her thanks.

"So," she said, looking from the band to Tom. "You arranged that whole thing with the song?"

"Yes. I wanted to surprise you with something special. I know how much you love that song. It was just a matter of making a phone call," he said, smiling down at her.

"Thomas, you do special things for me every day. I don't know how you could top this!" She said, looking around with wonder as they danced.

His face said it all. "Just give me time."

Isabella leaned in closer, snuggling her face against his chest.

"You know, in seven days, you've shown me more love and appreciation than all of the time I spent with Jackson. I feel like such a fool for not seeing it until now. For that, I could never repay you," she said, her voice so small it came out almost as a whisper.

He kissed her softly atop the crown of her head. "Darling, there's no repayment when it comes to love. It's a gift."

No more words were said as they danced, Tom humming along to many of the songs the band played.

When they fell asleep in each other's arms that night, Isabella finally felt like things were turning around and she no longer waited for the other shoe to drop. She never could've predicted what would happen next.

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