The Promise

By HeavensVictim

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Isabella left to make a new start in London after a painful breakup. Nothing could have prepared her for what... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nine

339 14 3
By HeavensVictim

Once they were settled at home, Tom took the shopping list and made his way to the small grocery shop around the corner. Without having to help Isabella get around he was able to take long strides and get there faster. It did occur to him though that he instantly felt her loss as he walked down the street. He had so quickly adjusted to holding her close to him as he walked that it almost felt a little strange, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he didn't know what else to do with them.

Walking up and down the aisles, he looked back and forth between the shelves and the list. He mumbled to himself as he picked up items, focusing like a man on a mission. Once he had everything, he stopped at the wine aisle to pick up something especially nice before going to check out.

As he walked home, bags in hand, he felt a smile tug his lips upwards. He felt positively domestic picking up items for dinner, knowing that his lady and loyal pup were awaiting his return. It gave him an extra spring in his step and helped him get home that much faster.

"That was quick!" Isabella said from the couch as Bobby strolled up to him, tail wagging wildly at his master's return.

"Miss me?" He said, placing the bags down on the kitchen counter and striding over to her, kissing her on the top of the head.

"Since the moment you walked out the door," she said as she grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down for a short, but fierce kiss. He smiled against her lips before he pulled back, putting out his hands to help her up.

"I hope I got everything you needed. I had to make some brand substitutions."

Looking through the bags, she looked at each item, checking them off in her head.

"Yes, this is perfect. Thank you, Thomas. I'll get started on this, shouldn't take long. How about you find something for us to listen to?"

"Of course."

Tom walked over to a large built-in bookshelf that was filled with books, along with a small music player. He went to Spotify and flipped through stations until settling on 80's and 90's love ballads. The beginning bars of "I'll Stand By You" by the Pretenders began, the soft music drifting into the kitchen of the open floor plan. He walked back into the kitchen to pour them both some wine before sitting down at a barstool along the enormous island that Isabella was using to prepare dinner.

He didn't interrupt her with conversation - instead choosing to watch her work. She looked hyper-focused on what she was doing, making sure every detail was executed to perfection. She rolled the sleeves of her dress up to make sure she didn't get any sauce or cheese on them as she walked back and forth between the island and the stovetop, can of purée in hand. She very carefully cut up little pieces of garlic and placed them at the bottom of the pot with some oil to sauté before pouring the purée on top. A little cheese and garlic salt were added before she put the lid on for it to boil.

As she exhaled a breath, he could almost see the wheels turning in her head as she thought about what to do next. She unwrapped the mozzarella, cutting it up into little squares and plopped it in a bowl with the ricotta, Parmesan cheese, and an egg. It seemed to Tom that she was a minimalist when it came to ingredients, but he liked that about her. She didn't need to overcrowd her palate with too many flavors. She kept it simple and that seemed to be very true of her as well.
After a few more spins, she happened to look up and see Tom's very blue eyes staring at her, head resting on his fist, sipping on his wine. A nervous laugh came out as she smiled at him, feeling silly at how unaware she was of his gaze.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Nope. I'm enjoying myself quite nicely," he said, continuing to watch her, a warm smile on his face.

"You picked out a nice wine," she said, biting her lip and averting her gaze. She took a large sip before putting it back down to get back to work.

"Darling, would you like any help? I am a little concerned about you being on your feet so much."

"Um, you could put the garlic bread in the oven if you'd like and make a salad?"

He nodded and smiled at her as he got to work. There was plenty of room in the kitchen, but he liked to subtly press up against her as he went by. She grinned whenever he did it but didn't comment on it.

She'd made this meal a million times at home, so she wasn't sure what made this time so special. Perhaps it was the company. This wasn't just someone in her family. This was a man that she felt things for. Someone who chose to spend his time with her even though he could be spending it anywhere else and with anyone else.

Looking over at him as he cut up ingredients for the salad, she watched his hands as he worked. He had such magnificent hands. They were both strong and soft, large and warm, with long, slender fingers. She'd never been so attracted to a set of hands. Hands that knew exactly where and how to touch a woman. She felt hot at the remembrance of what he did with those hands at the park. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear him the first two times he called her name.

"Isabella? Are you ok?" He asked, a worrying crease adorning his brow.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I was just thinking," she said, embarrassed about being caught daydreaming.

"Something nice, I hope."

"Definitely," she replied with a crooked smile.

"Good. The salad is done, shall I do anything else?"

"I'm just going to put this in the oven to cook while I fry the meatballs. You can set the table if you'd like."

"Consider it done!" He said with a salute.

In no time, the food was done and they sat down at the table together to eat. Tom served them both before grabbing a bottle of wine and sitting down across from her.

"This looks absolutely delicious, Isabella," Tom said, eyes wide in awe.

His praise made her feel self-conscious as she pushed some stray hairs behind her ear. "Thank you. It's nothing fancy, but it is my favorite food. I've never made it for anyone else besides family so I hope you like it."

"If it tastes half as good as it smells, it will still be amazing. I have no doubt of that," he said, giving her a big, toothy grin. "So, how did you learn to cook this dish?"

"Oh, from my mother. It was always my favorite as a child, and as I got older, she thought it was time for me to be able to make it myself. Sunday dinner is a big deal in my family. Tradition and all that." She waved her arm around for effect before taking a bite. "First she taught me how to make the sauce. We keep things very simple in our house. My dad used to say, "The tomatoes speak for themselves. You only need to enhance their flavor." Usually, you let a purée sit for a few hours to really get tasty, but I think this one came out pretty good." She took another forkful, savoring the mixture of sauce and cheese as it slid down her throat.

Tom listened intently as she told her story, loving the little snippets of her life she gave him. He imagined big, Sunday dinners with tons of family gathered around a long table with lots of loud, noisy Italians talking and arguing, waving their hands around as they gesticulated each word. He also noticed how she was eating more. He wasn't sure if it was because she was distracted or if she was simply enjoying this meal since it was her favorite. Either way, he was happy. She looked very comfortable. He could tell that her family was a great source of strength for her. Hopefully, he would be able to meet them someday and see where she came from. From what he'd heard of her parents, they sounded hilarious.

Hearing her story, a thought occurred to him. "Are you homesick?"

"Like as in I miss my family?"

"Yes. I know it's only been about a month, but they are very far away."

She sat there, twirling a piece of hair around one of her fingers, thinking for a moment.

"Well, yes, of course, I miss them. They have always been very important to me and a very active part of my life whether I want them to be or not. We keep in touch though.
If I don't call, they will." She paused, a small smile growing on her lips. "I always call my grandma. As you know, we are very close. I tell her everything. She's the only one who knows anything about you. She's an amazing woman who keeps our family together."

"I can tell," he said softly, smiling as he saw the tender way she spoke of her grandma.

"I really feel like I need to give her a call. Maybe tomorrow," she murmured.

"Why don't you call her after dinner? Does she have a smartphone? You can FaceTime with her. I'm intrigued to see what she looks like," he said, waggling his eyebrows at her.

Isabella laughed and shook her head at him.

"I guess that would be ok. She has been asking me to describe you. I told her about you, but not exactly who you are. She does know all about my "Tom Hiddleston" obsession though, so I think once she sees you she'll recognize you."

"Lovely. Maybe I can get her to tell me some stories about when you were a baby."

"Oh lord," she said, rolling her eyes. "Anyone in my family can help you with that. They are all full of embarrassing stories and everyone has loose lips."

After dinner, they both sat on the couch, Isabella leaning back against Tom. She held up the phone, took a deep breath and looked at Tom.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, feeling her nerves beginning to get the better of her.

"Yes, of course. Unless you're not? I know your grandmother is very important to you. If you're not ready for me to meet any of your family..."

"No, it's not like that at all," she said, putting a hand up in defense. "I want you to meet her. She's feisty and fiery. You'll like her."

"Sounds just like someone I know. I'm sure I'll like her just as much as I do you, darling," he said, brushing some of her hair off her shoulder.

She smiled at him appreciatively before dialing her grandma through FaceTime. The phone rang many times before the call went through and a tanned, wrinkled woman answered.

"Chiquita! What a nice surprise!" The old woman said, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiled at the phone. She looked sophisticated with her makeup and hair done to perfection.

"Hi, grandma! How are you? I miss you terribly," Isabella said, her face beaming as she looked on at her.

"Oh, my dear, I miss you too. I am doing ok. I was just thinking of you!"

"What a coincidence. Thomas and I were just having a discussion about family and you popped into my head. He's the one who suggested I call, but I think it's because he's so curious about you," she said, looking at him off-camera out of the corner of her eyes. "He wants to speak to you, is that ok? Are you alone? I don't think I'm ready for mom or dad to talk to him yet."

Her grandma laughed as she nodded her head in understanding.

"I am in my room reading, you may put him on. I am very interested to see who this man is that has managed to steal your heart so quickly."
Isabella turned the phone to the side to include Tom in the picture. He smiled big as he waved a hand at the screen.

"Hello there! I'm Tom," he greeted. "What shall I call you, madame?"

"Good evening, Tom. You may call me Evelyn. You have impeccable manners!" She squinted at the screen before picking up her glasses to put them on. Her mouth dropped open once she realized who it was she was talking to. "Oh, Chiquita! That is the man! El hombre de tus suenos!" (The man of your dreams)

Tom let out a laugh at the comment, understanding what she had said. Isabella just hid her face in her hand.

"Grandma! You're supposed to be the one who doesn't embarrass me!" She squeaked out.

"Oh, my dear, don't be embarrassed. He is a beautiful man and he obviously has good taste if he is with you."

"Well, thank you, Evelyn. And please call me Tom. If you permit me to be so bold, I have to say that you are one of the most beautiful grandmothers I have ever met!"

"You make me blush! I am as old as dirt, but I was raised to take care of my appearance. I have never set foot out this door without makeup on and I never will!"

"Grandma is 87," Isabella said, remarking on how great she looked for her age.

"Wow! Simply stunning! I see where your granddaughter gets her looks from."

Evelyn looked pleased by Tom's words. Her approval meant the world to Isabella.

"Gracias. Her mother's side comes from a long line of royal Spaniards. My beautiful granddaughter is the perfect mixture of her Spanish and Italian heritage. I always thought she was too good for that other piece of shit."

"Grandma! Language!" Isabella said, shrugging her shoulders in apology at Tom. "She is very proper, but sometimes she has the mouth of a sailor!"

Evelyn smirked at the screen and Tom saw in her that same little smirk that he so often saw on Isabella's face.

Evelyn wore a proud smile on her face. "Just because I am a lady doesn't mean that I don't know how to talk like a man."

She was tough and stubborn, but also kind and gentle. Tom thought she was amazing just from the few minutes he had spent talking to her.

"Now, Tom. I only have one request from you."

"Yes, whatever it is, I shall do."

"Keep her happy. This little one is loved very much and her happiness is very important. She needs a good man who will do right by her. I would hate to leave this world thinking she was hurting because of a chicken shit posing as a man. I can see in your eyes that you are true and genuine. This makes me very happy."

"Grandma, you're going to live to be a hundred, you don't have to worry about that yet," Isabella said, waving off her grandma's talk of death.

"Perhaps. But all the same, I am trusting you with my little Chiquita's heart. Keep it safe at all costs."

Tom looked at this woman, and for some reason, whether it be something in her eyes or the tone of her voice, he chose to take this oath very seriously.

"Yes, I shall. You should have no doubts about it. I will keep her safe."

His tone was resolute and firm. She nodded her head and smiled, giving him her silent approval.

"Good. This pleases me," she said as she looked on at the couple who were looking at one another, warm smiles on their faces. She finally felt at peace with her granddaughter's fortune. She had a great feeling about this one.

"Chiquita, I am sorry, but I am very tired and need my sleep. Tom, it has been a wonderful pleasure meeting you. You have my blessing in all things regarding my granddaughter. I can already see that her heart is yours. Protect it."

"I shall. It has been an honor speaking with you. I hope to one day get to meet in person so I can give you a proper hug hello," he said with a genuine smile.

She smiled and nodded. "That would be nice. Chiquita, I love you very much. You remember to take care of yourself and let your heart guide you. It will never falter. Please say hello to Lana as well and tell her she is missed here."

"Grandma, is everything ok? Your goodbye sounds so final," Isabella said, feeling something deep down inside of her that she would not understand until later.

"Of course, Chiquita. I just need my beauty rest. It can be exhausting being right all of the time. Do not worry about me child. Enjoy your evening, I will talk to you later. Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, grandma," Isabella said, her earlier worry passing. "I love you," she added, just because.

"I love you too, Chiquita. Goodnight, Tom."

"Goodnight, Evelyn. Sweet dreams."

With a final look, she pressed end on the call. Sitting in thought for a second, she didn't hear Tom calling her name right away.

"Darling? Is everything alright?" He asked, rubbing soothing circles into her back.

"What? Oh yes, I was just thinking about my grandma. She sounded ok to you didn't she?"

"Well, I've only just met her, but she seemed ok to me."

"Yes. Probably overwhelmed by the sight of you," she said with a smirk, forgetting all about her worries.

She leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. He responded by grabbing her face with both hands and kissing her again with more passion. Running her hands through his hair, she moaned into his mouth as he ran his tongue around the inside of her mouth, tasting her. Their heated kissing continued until Tom felt a cold, wet nose against his barefoot. Pulling away, he looked down to see Bobby sitting at his feet, giving him the cutest puppy dog eyes ever.

"Really, Bobby? You need to go out right now? How do you always know when we're kissing?"

Isabella snickered as she hid her face against his shoulder.

Bobby began to whimper and paw at his foot. Sighing, he took one look over at Isabella before getting up to put his shoes on. She made a move to get up, but he gently pushed her back down.

"Stay put. I'll be but a few minutes. Then perhaps we can pick up where we left off," he said and then looked down at the pup. "If that's ok with you?"

"Please take the poor puppy out before he pees himself!" Isabella said with a laugh.

Tom took Bobby out while Isabella stretched out on the couch. She rubbed her sore ankle as she enjoyed the warmth and the silence of the house. It really was a nice place. Even though it wasn't his permanent house, he had made it rather cozy. She could see herself spending lots of time here. Hell, she already spent lots of time here. How had that even happened? It all felt so fast, but it never felt wrong or too soon. It was such a crazy feeling as if it were all happening so naturally. A few days ago, she had felt defeated and stuck. There was no room for anything new in her life. But look at her now.

The sound of barking and Tom's scolding could be heard outside the door as they came back into the house in a rather noisy fashion.

"Bobby! Leave that dog alone! Come, now!" He yelled, halfway in the door as he dragged the dog inside who was all riled up.

"What's going on? Bobby! Come here, boy!" She called out and Bobby came running, leash dragging behind him.

He jumped onto the couch, sitting as close to Isabella as he could.

She cradled him as she ran a hand down his coat. "What happened, boy? Are you ok?"

"He was a naughty boy," Tom said, hands on his hips, giving Bobby a stern stare.

"What? Not Bobby. How could this sweet face do anything wrong?" She said as she held his face in her hands.

"He started chasing a group of smaller dogs that a little girl was walking. Scared the poor child out of her wits! That's the last time I let you have a little freedom for a while."

Bobby responded by putting his head and ears down, settling in Isabella's lap.

"Oh, don't worry. Daddy isn't mad. He just needs you to listen. Can you do that from now on please?" She asked the little pup. Bobby perked up and licked her face.

Tom's stern expression cracked into a smile as he listened to her talk to Bobby as if he were a child.

"How can I be mad when you talk to him like that? You make it very hard."

"That's what she said."

They both made eye contact and burst into laughter.

"You have a very unique way with words, darling," he said as he rejoined her on the couch, pushing the pooch off.

"Well, we can't all be Shakespeare, I suppose," she said, her voice full of whimsy.

He chuckled as he pulled her into his arms, sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Would you like to watch a movie or something?"

"Hmm, not really. I think I'm actually ready for bed," Isabella said, covering her mouth as she yawned. "We did a lot of walking today and my ankle is really feeling it."

"Yes, of course, how about I set you up in bed and make you a nice cup of tea?"

"That sounds lovely, actually," she said, loving how thoughtful he always was regarding how she was feeling.

"Splendid. Let's go then."

He put his arms under her to scoop her up, eliciting a yelp in surprise as he lifted her up.

"Thomas! You really don't need to do that. I can make it across the room!" She said, her nerves on edge.

He began walking towards the bedroom with a lopsided grin. "I believe the lady doth protest too much."

The rest of the evening went by quiet and uneventful as they settled into their routine with Bobby right on their heels.

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