The Promise

HeavensVictim tarafından

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Isabella left to make a new start in London after a painful breakup. Nothing could have prepared her for what... Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Three

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HeavensVictim tarafından

The distant sound of a cell phone ringing slowly brought Isabella out of the fog of sleep. Confused, she felt around the nightstand for her phone, bringing it up close to her face to see who could be calling her at this time of the morning. She also had no idea what time of the morning it was, but she figured it had to be early since the sun was just peeking through the window. Her eyes focused when she realized it was Tom calling and she hurried to answer it.

"Thomas? Is everything all right?" She asked, worried about why he would be calling so early.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for calling you at such an hour, but I wanted to catch you before you saw it," he said, his voice a bit heavy with sleep himself. She noted to herself how sexy his voice sounded first thing in the morning.

"Saw what?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her face.

"The picture of us from last night. A celebrity gossip blog apparently got a hold of it and plastered it on the front page of their website. I'm so sorry, I truly wasn't expecting it to become news."

Tom continued to apologize, and Isabella idly thought that he was probably running his hand through his hair at this moment. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she pulled her laptop up onto the bed and went to the blogs site to see what he was talking about. The photo was of their first kiss and it was large and right there for all of the world to see. Her mouth dropped open in shock and she scrolled past it to see what they had written about them. It was a brief article speculating on who this mysterious woman was and mentioning that they heard he was dining with a lady friend. There were already comments on the post, ranging from "Who is this nobody with Tom?" to "OMG I am so happy for them!" There were also a few comments in there talking about how Tom should be with Taylor and "that girl" is not good looking enough to be with him. That made her roll her eyes so hard it almost hurt. Some of it was just downright hurtful. These people didn't know her from Eve. Scrolling through, she almost forgot that Tom was still on the phone attached to her ear.

"Isabella? Are you still there? Please say something."

His voice was full of worry and a little bit of desperation like he was expecting her to tell him off and hang up on him.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, yes I'm here. I was just reading. Sounds like there are still a lot of "Hiddleswifters" still clinging to hope," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm so sorry. I know how cruel people can be. I can talk to Luke and see if he can get them to take the picture down."

"No, no. It's ok," she said, not really all that upset about the picture being out there the more she looked at it. "I knew from the get-go that you are a celebrity and that people like to take your picture. I get it."

"I know, but that's not your life. It was an intimate moment that was made public. I understand if you're upset."

"Surprisingly I'm actually not that bothered. A little in shock, I guess, but I'm ok with it. Please don't apologize. It was a very special moment and now we have a picture to commemorate it, right?"

She spoke encouragingly to him, assuring him that she wasn't worried about it. Briefly, she worried that someone at home might see it and call with questions, but thankfully nobody she knew went to gossip blogs like these besides Lana.

He sighed in relief and decided to change the subject to more pleasant things.

"So, what do you have planned for today?"

"Well, I plan on going back to sleep for a while longer once we get off the phone, but after that, I have some work to do on my laptop, a few new client calls to make. I'm not super mobile right now, but I need to get things done if I want to make money. How about you?"

"Not too much actually. Right now things are quiet until the Infinity War promotions begin so I've got some free time. Perhaps you'd possibly be interested in dinner again tonight? At my place? I could come to pick you up and bring you here. I'll cook."

She smiled against the phone. It was incredibly endearing to hear him ask if she wanted to come over for dinner. As if she could say no to him. What woman in her right mind would? "That sounds wonderful. But please, I'll have Lana drop me off or something. Don't put yourself out."

"It's really no trouble -" he began, but she stopped him fast.

"Thomas. Please. Don't worry about it. I will be there about 7? That ok?"

He sighed audibly, letting her know he was not happy about refusing his offer.

"I shall look forward to it. I hope you have a wonderful day today. Again, I am sorry I woke you, but it is nice to hear your voice so early in the day."

She gave God a silent thank you that this was a phone call and he couldn't see the way she was blushing.

"I'm looking forward to it as well," she said, smiling so much it hurt her face.

"Until tonight," he said, and she could just tell he was also smiling on the other end.

She gave him a final farewell before hanging up.

Tossing the phone back on the nightstand, she laid back down, getting comfortable again. She fell asleep fast, with a grin on her face and the image of a perfect gentleman on her mind.

Back at Tom's place, he stared at the phone, lost in thought. He'd been just about to go out for his morning run when he got a call from Luke asking why he hadn't told him about his new girlfriend.

"I don't have a new girlfriend," Tom said plainly.

"Well, then, who is the girl in the picture?" Luke said.

"She's someone I met the other day. We were just having dinner. I wouldn't say we were dating."

"You just met her? I saw some of the other photos going around and you definitely do not look like two people who just met," he said in disbelief.

"Our comfort level does seem a bit easy considering how long we've known each other," Tom murmured to himself.

"Well, anyway, take a look at the photo, maybe let this girl know what's going on. She's not a celebrity at all I take it?"

"No, just moved here, actually. I'll call her, hopefully, she's ok with this."

"She'll have to be if she wants to date the ever-popular Tom Hiddleston," Luke said with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to you later, Luke."

"Don't forget to tell me things like this again!" Luke said before hanging up.

Tom pulled up the photo again, examining it up close. He ran a finger across the screen. It was an exquisite kiss. Definitely one for the record book. He never knew a kiss could reveal so much and contain so much emotion. It was an experience he couldn't wait to repeat.

Looking at his watch, the time had passed quickly and he decided to skip his run this morning. Walking over to the fridge, he looked inside to see what he could make. She seemed to be a simple girl with simple tastes so when he saw the ground meat, he decided to make a bolognese and some pasta. After all, he was famous for it according to the internet.

After he had his menu planned out, he decided to take Bobby for a walk to get them both some fresh air. Putting on his worn, comfy coat, they walked down the streets by his house, walking past the trail where he met Isabella only 48 hours ago. Was it possible for someone to change another's life in that short of a time? Before he found her sprawled on the ground, he had felt moody and a little disconnected. It hadn't been that long ago that Taylor had broken up with him and he was using the time for himself. This was to be a year of rest after working on movies back to back for so long.

And then this little creature literally fell into his life, stirring things in him that he hadn't felt in a long time. His reaction to her was immediate and confusing. Being a romantic, he always believed in the possibility of love at first sight. Was that what this was though? Chuckling to himself as he shook his head, he derailed that train of thought. How could it be? That kind of thing only happens in the movies and fairy tales. Continuing down the road, he vaguely noticed the photographers taking his photo, but he didn't engage any of them and they kept their distance. His mind was too swamped with romantic notions at the moment to even think of something charming to say. Stopping at a corner store to pick up a snack, he headed back home, feeling reinvigorated from the walk.

Letting Bobby off his leash inside, Tom sat down with a book and propped his feet up on the ottoman. His fingers itched to send Isabella a text to say hi or call her just to hear her voice, but he restrained himself. There was no rush. Or was there? Lana had told him about her possible move. Her acceptance of his dinner plans made him feel hopeful that perhaps she would be changing her mind. But it was still so soon to know for sure. He decided to lose himself in a good book for a while and leave the worrying for later.

Later on that day, Isabella sat on the couch, her ankle propped up on a pillow as she typed away on her laptop. She was putting the finishing touches on a clients website when Lana came out, plopping herself down in a recliner that sat adjacent to the couch. She sighed out loud for dramatic effect.

Looking up from her monitor, Isabella gave Lana an inquisitive look, complete with an arched eyebrow.

"Bored, are we?" She asked.

"Terribly. How about we go out tonight? There's a new bar that just opened around the corner. There will be new boys there to pick through!"

Isabella laughed at Lana's gleeful expression. Her friend was kind of promiscuous, but she had a heart of gold. Kind of like Pretty Woman.

"You know normally I'd love to attend such an event, but I actually have plans tonight. Oh and I'll need a ride if you don't mind."

Lana looked over at her, befuddled at what she just said.

"Plans? What's more important than spending time with your best friend?"

"Well, Thomas asked me over to his place for dinner," she said, stumbling a bit over her words.

Lana's eyes grew as wide as saucers.

"Sir Thomas asked you out again?? Dinner two nights in a row? At his place?? You know what that means, don't you?"

"No, but I suspect you're about to tell me."

"Sex. He wants sex. You know, he invites you over for an intimate meal where you won't be interrupted by a nosey waiter and he can ply you with wine while you get comfortable on the couch. Before you know it clothes are coming off and it's go time!" She said laughing as she gyrated her hips in a perverse motion.

"Except you forgot one thing. I don't sleep with men two days after meeting them. Also, you know how I am right now about my body. I don't plan on letting him see anything just yet."

Lana gave her an incredulous look.

"You're kidding me, right? The man has the body of a god. You've seen most of him naked just from his movies. I know you're curious about the size of his trouser snake."

"Oh my gosh, Lana, could you be any cruder?" Isabella said, scrunching up her face as she blushed crimson.

"Yes, and you know it. Besides, you are both consenting adults and you are beautiful inside and out. If he is half the man you always talk about him being, he won't be turned off by a little loose skin or stretch marks. If he is then he's a twat anyway and you should call People magazine exposing him as such."

Isabella rolled her eyes as she put her laptop to the side.

"I know I'm probably overthinking things, but I don't think I know him enough to be able to trust him completely. It's just not the right time to get that intimate."

"Especially since you haven't decided yet about leaving?"

Isabella crossed her arms against her chest. "Don't start that shit again. I will tell him in my own time."

"Fine, but don't wait too long. You can't expect the man to wait forever."

Isabella was tired of this back and forth. Her ankle throbbed this morning from all of the walking they did last night. She did not want this added aggravation. She had just popped a painkiller that was finally kicking in.

"I'm going to lay down for a bit, can you help me to my room, please? I need to get my crutch back from Thomas."

"Sure, " Lana said, conceding when she saw the weary face her friend wore. "What time do you need me to drop you off?"

"About 7? He only lives a few blocks from here."

Helping her to her bed, Lana gently helped her lay down and pulled the covers up around her friend.

"Sleep tight. I'll wake you with enough time to get ready."

Lana walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She leaned against the wall, running a hand down her face in frustration. She knew that Isabella was her own worst enemy. Sure, she had her fair share of issues - she hated her body even though she had lost a ton of weight recently, she had trouble trusting men, and she was on the verge of what Lana worried was an eating disorder. But these things all led back to a single cause. That rat bastard Jackson. Lana would do everything in her power to keep her best friend on this continent far away from Jackson. Hopefully, Tom would heed her words and help Isabella open her eyes to what could be.

It was just after 5 when Lana woke Isabella up. On the bed beside her was an outfit already ready to go. Getting up, she picked up the shirt and held it out in front of her. It was her favorite color, cobalt blue, with a cold shoulder cutout on long sleeves, a crocheted pattern above the bust and a handkerchief hem. A pair of light-colored denim jeans was placed with it. Isabella was pleasantly surprised by the choice. Lana was always trying to get her to dress more provocatively, but this was exactly what she was most comfortable in. It was loose-fitting and long-sleeved. Just the way she liked it. Quickly changing on the bed, she got up and called out to Lana who had walked out to get her beauty supplies ready.

"Coming!" Lana yelled as she walked back over to Isabella's room, her arms full of products.

"Ok, let's have some fun!" she said, dropping everything on the bed.

"Not too much fun, " Isabella said, giving her a smirk.

"Come on now, I've already compromised with the outfit. Give me some room to be great!"

Isabella rolled her eyes as she nodded, ready to be glammed up.

"So, how are you feeling?" Lana asked, feeling out her mood.

Her smile was serene. "Good. That nap helped. Those painkillers are awesome, but they are strong!"

"Nice. Close your eyes. Maybe you can have your boy introduce me to this doctor? Is he good looking?"

Isabella did as she was told. "I'd say so. Definitely your type. I bet he'd be down for some fun. I can mention it to Thomas if you'd like?"

Isabella had her eyes closed, but she smiled knowing that her friend was probably nodding.

"Yes, please. You can't be the only one having fun with a hot, successful Brit!"

Lana tapped her chin in thought as she looked at the products she had before her. She started with a light foundation base and then applied a simple jade green eye shadow with hints of pink and a dusting of blush. Not that Isabella needed it around Tom. She always seemed to be blushing around him anyway. The finishing touch was a bubblegum pink lip gloss to complete the simple look that Isabella seemed to like. She ran a brush through her friend's long brown locks and clipped her bangs back and to the side of the crown of her head. Whether or not Isabella believed it, she had a beautiful face with natural beauty that didn't require much maintenance.

"All done lady. You are a work of art!" Lana said, collecting her supplies.

Isabella opened her eyes and looked over towards her mirror.

"Amazing as usual, Lana. I don't know how you do it," she said, praising her friend.

"Doesn't take much work when you've got a beautiful canvas to start with," Lana said, smiling at her friend.

They looked at one another, silently relaying their love and appreciation for each other.

"Now let's get you out of here and to your dream date. You sure you don't want to sleep with him?"

"Of course I want to sleep with him. I'm not blind. But it's way too soon."

Lana helped Isabella to the car and they drove the short distance to Tom's place. Isabella had texted him on the way, so he was already waiting outside the door, standing barefoot, his hands tucked in his black jeans. His fitted, dark blue, long-sleeved shirt emphasizing his tight chest and arms; the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

Lana and Isabella both looked out the window of the car as he stood there, legs astride, managing to look sexy as hell just standing there.

"You sure it's still a no?" Lana said, looking from him to her.

"Oh, shut up," Isabella said, rolling her eyes as she opened the car door.

Tom walked down the steps leading up to his door and helped her out of the car.

"Hello, darling. Hello, Lana," he said with a wave. He had a special smile reserved only for Isabella. It lit up his whole face and caused Isabella to blush.

"You two kids have fun now. Let me know when you want to get picked up! I'm going to go to that new bar and make some new friends," Lana said with a waggle of her eyebrows.

"That won't be necessary, I will bring her home," Tom said, answering before Isabella could get a word in. Lana looked at her friend with a pointed stare, relaying to her without words that she should make sure to enjoy her evening.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her up the stairs and into the house as Lana sped off.

"Lana is something else," Tom said with a laugh.

"Yes, she is. She keeps my life interesting that's for sure," Isabella said with a smile.

He led her over to the couch and helped her sit, propping her foot up for her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Good. I took some of those magic pills earlier that the doctor gave me and the pain went right away. It doesn't feel bad at all right now. I've kept it up most of the day."

She tried rolling it a little and felt only a twinge of pain.

"See? Not so bad."

She smiled up at him, hoping he didn't see her wince.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked. "I know you've taken pain medicine, but it's been some time. Maybe some wine?"

"Wine would be lovely. White if you have it?"

"Sure thing. Would you like to sit at the counter while I finish cooking?"

She nodded and he helped her over to a barstool.

"Is that comfortable enough for you?"

"Oh yes, I'll be fine once I start drinking," she said with a wink.

"Yes, let me get that wine for you," he said, a slightly suggestive tone in his voice.

A tingle of excitement raced through her body at the look he gave her and she fidgeted in her seat.

He handed her a glass and she sipped on it as he resumed preparing their meal in front of her.

"So what's on the menu tonight chef?" She asked, fiddling with the little wine charm on the bottom of the glass.

He gave her a smirk. "Well, I've been told my bolognese is pretty good so I thought I'd give it a whirl."

"Oh yes, I've read about that before!" She said and then clamped a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide with surprise, mad at herself for sounding like a fan girl.

Tom noticed this immediately and was quick to allay her fears.

"It's ok," he said, pulling her hand away from her mouth. "Really, it is. I understand."

He looked at her, making sure to catch her gaze, to try and relay with his eyes that he didn't think anything bad of her comment.

She smiled and looked down to her hand, still in Tom's grasp. Her heart fluttered at the contact. His gaze followed hers as their eyes met in a moment that conveyed so much in so little time. This connection between them was so intense and now there was nobody else around to interrupt them. The evening held endless possibilities for them.

The sound of a pot of water boiling over did break the spell as Tom ran over to it, cursing as he used an oven mitt to pull off the lid and turn down the heat.
From behind, Isabella tried to stifle a laugh, watching him dance around the kitchen trying to clean up.

"Am I amusing to you, madame?" He said, an eyebrow cocked up, the oven mitt still on his hand.

At this, she burst out laughing, trying in vain not to fall off the barstool.

Her laugh was infectious as Tom began laughing himself, loving the way it felt to just laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Once they had both calmed down, Tom resumed cooking, putting the finishing touches on a salad. He brought the food to the table before helping Isabella to her seat across from him. Two silver, tapered candlestick holders sat on the table between them that he lit before turning down the lights in the room.

Isabella had also just noticed that there was soft jazz playing in the background, that along with the lighting, created a very cozy, romantic atmosphere. It was more effort than any man had done for her and she felt a surge of affection for Tom.

"May I?" He asked, holding out his hand for her plate.

She nodded silently and handed it to him as he filled her plate. Once they both had food, he sat down and filled his own glass with some wine, taking a sip.

"Do you need anything else? More wine?"

"No, I'm good, really. Thank you. This is so... unexpected," Isabella said, trying to find the right words for how she was feeling in this moment.

"In a good way, I hope? I know it's not much in the way of excitement, but I thought it might be nice to be able to talk without cameras around to snap more pictures."

"This whole thing is amazing. I've never gotten such treatment before on a date. And I don't need much. I think I prefer dates like this - simple, not much fanfare. Just you and me and a bowl of bolognese."

Isabella gave him a genuine smile and he returned the gesture as he twirled some spaghetti on a fork.

"All of that time you were with Jackson and he never cooked for you?"

She rolled her eyes. "No. He didn't like to cook. We ordered a lot of takeout. He wasn't really much of a romantic. That got old kind of fast since I am such a huge sappy, romantic myself."

She smiled as she looked off into the distance, but it never reached her eyes. The memories of a love that seemed so perfect at first glance, but later fell apart caused her mood to sour. Tom didn't want to let her ex ruin their evening.

"So I remember you telling me that your family is Italian, yes? How does this compare?"

He noticed that she had only taken a few bites, the same as dinner last night, but he made no mention of it.

"Oh, yes, I am. My mom's sauce is pretty amazing, but I have to admit that this is a very tasty dish! I think she would be very proud of you," Isabella said, taking a small bite of spaghetti. She then picked up her wine glass and took a long sip.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a small, brown thing scurry across the room towards them.

"Thomas? Please tell me you have a dog and I'm not just seeing things?" She asked, her eyes not leaving the ball of fur.

"What? Oh yes, so sorry! Bobby here is so quiet sometimes," he said, reaching down to scratch behind the tiny chocolate brown cocker spaniel's ear.

"Bobby? What a cute name! Come here little puppy!" Isabella said, patting her leg to coax him towards her.

Bobby padded over to her, putting his front paws up on her leg, his tail waving like mad. Tom laughed as he watched her run her hand up and down the excited little puppy's head, talking to the small dog as if he were a baby.

"Oh yes, you are just too cute, aren't you? You like rubbies don't you? Oh yes, you do!"

The puppy soon tired of the attention and walked away into the living room to lay on the floor by the fireplace.

"He's adorable! When did you get him?" Isabella asked, finishing her glass of wine.

"About a month ago? I'll admit I was looking for something to take care of and I went down to the local animal shelter. He was the first one I saw, just kind of sitting to himself. All of the other puppies were jumping all over each other, but he was just there, kind of lonely. I felt an immediate kinship."

Isabella nodded, understanding what he meant by that. Having both recently gone through a breakup, it was only natural to feel lonely.

"Would you like some more wine?" Tom asked, noticing her empty glass.

"Um, just a little," she said, holding out her glass for more. "I feel like it's already gone to my head."

She smiled and giggled, enjoying the way the wine was warming her body from the inside out. Tom looked at her with a knowing look and a smile that held all sorts of promises. He polished off his own glass, keeping a steady gaze on Isabella. She was pushing around the food on her plate, trying to appear as though she was eating. It was no wonder the wine had hit her as fast as it did.

"Are you done eating? We can go sit on the couch if you'd like."

She frowned for just a moment before giving him an apologetic smile. "Oh yes, I am. I'm sorry, it was delicious, but I don't seem to have much of an appetite tonight."

"Quite alright. As long as you enjoyed it!" He said, getting up and walking over to her, offering his hand to help her to the couch.

They sat down on the love seat and Isabella tried to get comfortable while trying not to spill her wine. Tom came up with an idea that would benefit both of them.

"Here," he said, setting his glass down on the floor. He picked up her legs and laid them across his lap. "There, is that better?" He asked, pleased that this position allowed for them to sit closer.

"Yes, thank you," she said with a smirk. Maybe Lana was right about his intentions? Finishing off her glass, she put it down on the floor and looked over to Tom before starting to laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked as he picked up his glass to take a sip.

"Lana told me that you asked me to have dinner at your place because you have an ulterior motive for getting me alone. Perhaps she was right, hm?" She said, a smile on her face and a lilt in her voice.

"Perhaps," he said, giving her a lascivious wink.

He lightly trailed his fingertips up and down her leg. Her face flushed at his overt flirting as she looked away, having a hard time meeting his gaze. Before she knew it, he had grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap.

She watched him, watching her, his eyes focused on her lips. Opening her mouth to ask him what he was looking at, she barely got a word out before his lips came crashing down on hers. He placed a hand behind her head, holding her in place as he assaulted her lips, almost taking her breath away. She was stunned at first but was quick to recover and responded with the same fervor. She could taste the wine with a little bolognese on his lips and it made her greedy for more. Gently biting his lip, he pulled away for a moment with a mischievous look in his eyes and a smirk, seeming to enjoy her bold movement. He kissed her again, his tongue sliding deliciously into her mouth, tasting every inch of her. She moaned against his mouth, savoring every sensation that his sensuous lips made her feel. Her hands trailed up his strong arms to tangle themselves in his hair. She lost herself in his kiss, allowing her passions to overpower her mind. Something as simple as a kiss had never felt like so much to her before. No man had ever poured so much emotion into kissing her before. It was pure bliss, but slowly her rational mind began to creep in. Kissing is just the beginning. It can lead to other, more intimate things. Things she was nowhere near ready for.

Using all of the small bit of will power she had left, she reluctantly pulled away from Tom. The silence was deafening as they sat there, chests heaving from their passionate kissing session.

"What is it?" He asked, worry etched on his features.

"Nothing," she said, unsure of what to tell him. "It's me. I just needed to take a step back." She put a hand on his chest. "Kissing you is amazing, but I feel like if we continue, things may progress and I am not ready for that yet."

She silently cursed herself for sounding so awkward. She prayed that he wouldn't be offended. It really was her issue, not his. Before she gave herself to him completely she just needed to be sure.

He nodded, slowly coming to understand, remembering what Lana had said to her about Jackson. Admittedly, he thought to himself that he probably did overdo it by grabbing her like that, but she was intoxicating to him - like a glass of ice-cold water in a desert or a drug that he couldn't wait to get another fix of. She was still such a puzzle to him and he wanted to figure her out, piece by piece. But he didn't want to push her. If she needed time, he'd grant her that.

"No worries, love. I understand completely. There's no rush. Let's just enjoy each other's company and see where things go. Sound good?"

The hopeful look on his face warmed her heart. It also made her feel guilty for withholding the truth about Jackson. Still sitting in his lap, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it, silently thanking him for understanding. Reaching over, she gave him the most gentle kiss she could on the cheek. He blushed at the gesture and she thought it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen.

"Well, what would you like to do now?" He asked.

She would've been happy just sitting with him and talking about mundane things. The sound of his voice was like melted chocolate — sweet and smooth. Glancing over at an end table, she noticed a book.

"What were you reading?" She asked, nodding her head towards the book.

He turned to it and picked it up.

"Oh this? Just a book of poems by Keats. I was in a mood for poetry today."

"I love poetry! Keats is one of my favorites. I've listened to your audio recording of Keats' "Bright Star" about a million times," she said with a dreamy look.

Tom smiled bright at her, loving when she shared little moments like this. Especially once she realized she'd said them and got all embarrassed. It was adorable to him.

"Oh, shit, I did it again!" She said, covering her face with her hands.

He pulled them away from her face, shaking his head.

"It's quite alright. Would you like me to read some? I don't mind."

"Yes, please," She said, a small smile forming on her lips.

She put her head down in the crook of his neck as he circled her waist with one hand while holding the book up with the other. He began reading and she closed her eyes, listening to the way the words rumbled in his chest.

He had almost finished the small poem book when Isabella started to yawn.

"Am I boring you?" Tom asked in jest.

"Oh, gosh no, Thomas. I'm so sorry. I was just so comfortable and listening to the sound of your voice is so soothing. I couldn't help myself," she said with a sleepy look on her face.

He looked at his watch, noticing that it was getting close to 11 pm.

"Oh, goodness, it's getting late. Perhaps I should take you home," he said with a sigh of regret.

"Oh, yes, I guess you're right," she said, disappointment seeping into her voice.

They got up to leave, making it down to the car in companionable silence.

During the short drive, Tom reached over and took Isabella's hand, clasping it with his own. She merely looked at him and smiled, feeling nothing but happiness flooding through her. She continued to watch him as he drove, contemplating a possible future with him. Up until these last few days, she only saw her future with Jackson, but now there was another path to take. The question was how real was all of this? Jackson was a sure bet. Tom was the bright, shiny, new toy. Would he really stick around once he truly got to know her?

Tom helped her up into her apartment and they let themselves in. Lana was nowhere to be found so it was quiet.

"Would you mind helping me to my bedroom please?" She asked and he agreed without hesitation.

The gentle touch he used as he helped her get settled into a comfortable position made Isabella pause. She couldn't remember a time when a man had treated her with such reverence. It made her eyes glisten with tears. She blinked rapidly to try and make them go away before he could see.

He pulled the comforter up around her. "There you go, all comfy."

"Thank you again for a lovely evening and for cooking dinner. I'm not much of a chef, but maybe I can return the favor sometime?"

"I'd like that," he said, his smile soft and warm. "I'll just let myself out. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Thomas," she said, returning his smile with one of her own.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead before leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Walking back to his car, Tom felt good. He felt lighter. He just spent an evening with one of the finest creatures this world had created and it left him with a euphoric feeling. Drumming his hands on the steering wheel, he hummed a tune that was stuck in his head as he drove home, hopeful that this could be just the start of something amazing. Perhaps a special evening was in store, something that would really wow her. Thinking about it made him excited and by the time he returned home he'd already had an idea of what to do.

Okumaya devam et

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