The Promise

By HeavensVictim

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Isabella left to make a new start in London after a painful breakup. Nothing could have prepared her for what... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Two

547 13 6
By HeavensVictim

The rest of the day went by relatively fast, the day's events and the impending date serving as distractions. It was late into the next day when Tom had texted Isabella to let her know he'd be by about 7 pm to pick her up. It was just after 5:30 when she discovered that she hadn't even thought about what to wear.

"Lana! Help! What am I going to wear?" She yelled out across the apartment.

Lana came out of her room, looking at her watch.

"OK, we have just under two hours to make you look presentable. Come on, let's go raid your closet."

She helped Isabella up and sat her on the bed while she looked through her closet, shoving piece after piece aside. Finally, she settled on two dresses, pulling them out and holding them up for Isabella's approval. The first was a stunning cobalt blue, high waisted, v neck, half sleeve dress that was classy and flowed around the legs. The next one was in a similar shade of blue, but it was lacy and short with cap sleeves and a ballerina style skirt. It was modest but showed more skin.

"You know which one I'm going to tell you to pick, but I already know which one you are going to go with," Lana said, knowing her friend all too well.

"Yes. I'm going with the long-sleeved one. You know I'm self-conscious about my arms."

"And I keep telling you that there is nothing wrong with them! Be proud of the way you look. You are not the same person you were six months ago."

Lana came to sit next to her friend and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's not that simple. I don't feel that way. Not yet." Isabella sighed, not wanting to let her insecurities ruin what should be a fun evening. "Ok, help me get this dress on. What should I do with my hair?"

Lana stood and helped Isabella get her clothes off, trying not to disturb her foot before slipping the dress over her head. She pushed herself up off the bed and limped over to the mirror. Smoothing the fabric over her curves, she straightened out her hem, making sure everything looked ok.

"As for your hair," Lana said, going in the bathroom to get a brush and some makeup. "You should just brush it out and put a couple pins in it. You have gorgeous, thick hair. And there's not much you can do with the bangs besides sweeping them to the side. But a nice clip pulling some of it away from your face will do nicely."

Lana helped her to the bed and fixed up her hair before applying her makeup. She was a makeup artist and the only person Isabella trusted to help her with her face. Just a bit of eyeshadow, some lip gloss and mascara. Isabella was not one of those girls who lived for makeup. Just a little color on the face suited her.
Pulling back, Lana looked her over and nodded her head. "He's going to be speechless when he sees you!" Lana said, clasping her hands together.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"Shit. He's here! Am I ready?" Isabella said, panic settling in fast. "I can't do this. Why am I doing this? This is your fault!"

Lana put her hands on Isabella's shoulders.

"Ok, calm down. Take a moment. I'll go get the door. Just take some deep breaths. Come out when you're ready."

Lana went to get the door while Isabella sat on the bed, breathing deeply and attempting to calm her pounding heart.
Opening the door, Lana was taken back by the sight of Tom. He was simply a gorgeous man. She whistled at him in appreciation and he laughed as he walked in. He was wearing a bright blue suit, crisp white dress shirt unbuttoned, and grey suede shoes. He was both casual and dressy. And lord were those pants tight.

"Good evening, Lana," Tom said with a polite nod.

"Evening, Sir Thomas," Lana said, tipping her head at him.

Tom scanned the room, noticing Isabella's absence. "Is she ready to go?"

"Just about. Listen, I need to talk to you real quick before she comes out."

She looked behind her, making sure that Isabella wasn't about to come out. Stepping closer to Tom, he leaned in, a worried look on his face.

"What is it? Is everything alright?"

"Well, you see, that's the thing. I know she's mentioned the reason why she came here, but I think you need to know what's really going on because I'm hoping that you can help her."

"What are you saying?"

"Her ex, Jackson, is a bastard. He made her believe he loved her and treated her like a slave. He was verbally abusive, calling her awful things and holding her heart hostage. I hope she decides to tell you this on her own, but I fear his hold on her is too strong."

"Lana, just tell me what's going on. I can handle it," he said, rubbing his neck, wondering what could be bad enough for Lana to feel the need to warn him first.

"Just before she met you, she had been in touch with Jackson. She's planning on moving back to the states to be with him. Or she was until she met you. Now she's feeling conflicted. If you give any shits about her and you must after what you've done for her, then please, give her a reason to stay. I'm not asking you to lie or say anything you wouldn't, but I just have this feeling that you could be the one who saves her from herself. I'm afraid of what might happen to her if she goes back to him. I can't let that happen."

Tom looked at Lana, completely taken back by everything she'd just said. He had no idea it was that bad. And she planned on leaving? That was not good. He had to admit that there was something about her that drew him to her and he had hoped to get to know her better. If she left and went back to this Jackson person, that would be impossible. But what could he say or do to convince her otherwise? He was still a stranger to her technically. What kind of help could he be?

"I don't know what I can do, but I will certainly try my best. This Jackson doesn't sound like a particularly nice fellow and I do genuinely like Isabella and want to get to know her better."

This seemed to please Lana. She gave Tom a warm smile.
"I knew I could count on you," she said, just as the bedroom door opened, holding up a finger to her lips as a hint to keep their conversation a secret.

Isabella walked out, crutch under one armpit, trying to look graceful as she came over to them.

"You look divine," he breathed out. His eyes were focused on hers and it caused her to look away with a deep blush.

Lana looked between the two of them, noticing that they both happened to be wearing similar colors.

"You look like you planned your outfits together," Lana said, laughing at them.

They both looked one another up and down, smiling at the happy coincidence.

"It appears so," Tom said with a grin. "We do make quite the couple." He glanced over at Isabella who was still lost for words.

Lana elbowed her friend to get her talking.

"You look handsome tonight, Thomas," she said finally with a meek voice.

His smile was broad as he extended his arm to her.

"Thank you, my dear. Shall we go?"

She nodded as she took his proffered arm.

"You two kids have a good time! Don't come home too early!" Lana said with a wink before closing the door on them.

Tom took small steps so as not to rush Isabella with her being on a crutch. She noticed this little bit of kindness and couldn't help the small grin that crept up on her face.

"So how was your day?" Tom asked as they got on the elevator.

"Not too bad. I decided to take a day off to do nothing but binge-watch tv shows on my DVR. You?"

He nodded in agreement. "I had some downtime today myself. Feels good to just sit and not think about anything, doesn't it?"

"It does. Except when you're me, there's no such thing. There's always something going through my mind. Unfortunately, a lot of times it's nothing nice."

Tom heard the note of sadness in her response and decided to switch topics.

"So, how is your foot feeling tonight? I didn't plan anything that would require too much walking."

She noticed the little worrying crease between his eyes and was quick to dispel his concern. "Oh, it's not so bad. I've had it up most of the day. The pills that Dr Evans gave me have been very helpful."

"Good," said Tom, giving her an encouraging nod. "I hope you're hungry? There's a lovely restaurant not too far from here called The Rose Garden. Have you heard of it?"

The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival on the bottom floor and they stepped out together to the curb where Tom had parked. He helped her in, putting her crutch in the back seat before coming around and getting in the driver's side. As he started the car and pulled away, they resumed their conversation.

"I haven't heard of it. But then again, I haven't heard of most places. In the month I've been here I have not gone far as I refuse to drive in this country. The whole driving on the "wrong" side of the road thing is still a little troublesome for me."

Tom stifled a laugh, just nodding his head. "You just have to get used to it. You have plenty of time now, right?" He asked, trying to gauge her reaction.

"Right," she said with just a subtle hint of hesitation. He noticed the way she began wringing her hands as she looked out the window. She turned back to him, trying to change the subject. "So, have you been to this place before?"

"Yes. I go there from time to time. I love the casual elegance about it. It serves Persian cuisine alongside British and European dishes to cater to all tastes. I guess I probably should've asked you what you like to eat?"

"Oh, that's ok. I know I'm in a new country. I'm not going to expect to find the same kinds of foods here that I eat at home. I'm trying to be more adventurous," Isabella said, giving a thumbs up.

He glanced over at her face and it made him smile. He noticed that he seemed to do that a lot around her. Her beauty grew even more in his eyes since the last time they spoke. It unnerved him. Who was this bright star that had so unceremoniously come into his life just 24 hours ago?

"You have a beautiful smile," Isabella said suddenly before clamping her hand over her mouth, her eyes widening in shock. "I can't believe I just said that out loud!"

Tom's cheeks blushed at the compliment. "Why, thank you. Yours is not so bad either," he replied with a lopsided grin.

Pulling up to the restaurant, Tom got out of the car and ran around to help Isabella out of the car while the valet took the keys. He took her hand to guide her out of the car as a flashbulb went off, disorientating her for a moment.

"What was that?" Isabella asked, looking around bewildered.

"Just some paparazzi. Don't worry, there aren't many of them. Around here they aren't very pushy either."

He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side.

"Here, let me help you," he said, attempting to hold her weight.

She motioned to the backseat of the car. "No, it's ok, I have a crutch."

"Don't worry about it. We aren't going far. I've got you." His smile was dazzling, all charm and teeth, making her forget all about the crutch.

As they walked up to the entrance, some of the photographers started asking questions.

"Tom! Tom! Who is your lady friend?"

"Tom! Are you on a date?"

"Tom! Does Taylor know you're dating again?"

Isabella managed to ignore most of the questions, but the one about Taylor rubbed her the wrong way. What the hell business was it of hers what Tom was doing?

"This is a lady friend and we are having dinner. And no, Taylor does not know."
He answered the questions with ease, not letting the cameras stun him in the least. He didn't answer too much, just enough to make them stop calling his name.

Once inside the restaurant, they were seated at a table by a huge, beautiful window that showcased the bustling street outside. It was dark now, but the twinkling lights of the evening provided a serene backdrop to the simple, but tasteful restaurant.

Looking at the menu, Isabella was pleasantly surprised to see items like grilled salmon and baked chicken. She had plain tastes when it came to food, so this was a welcome sight despite her best efforts to try new things.

"What would you like? Anything at all," Tom asked, placing his menu on the table.

"I think I'd like the peppered chicken," she said as she scanned the menu one more time.

"Sounds wonderful. Would you like some wine with that?"

"White, please. You know what I'd really like though?" she said, leaning in closer.
Meeting her halfway, he turned an ear to her. "What's that?"

"A hamburger and a glass of wine. Sounds silly, doesn't it?" she said, scoffing at herself. She chewed on her lip, hoping he didn't think she was unrefined.

"Not at all. If we cannot enjoy the simple things in life, we won't appreciate the finer things. I don't judge, especially when it comes to food. I have a healthy appetite!" He laughed, patting his well-toned stomach.

She laughed just a little before saying with a sigh, "Lucky for you, you don't look it. If I just gaze at a piece of chocolate I swell up like the pillsbury dough boy."

"You shouldn't put yourself down like that," he said, his brows knitted together in concern. "From where I'm sitting, you look quite lovely."

His smile was encouraging and it put her at ease.

The waiter took their order, Tom ordering for both of them after double-checking to make sure she didn't want him to special order her a hamburger, much to her delight. While they waited for their food, they sipped on their wine.

"So, you know what I do for a living, but what about you?" Tom asked.

"Oh, well, I'm a freelance web designer. I create custom websites and graphics. I've been fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from anywhere. Especially now that I'm less mobile."

"That's nice. You get to be your own boss and you get to be creative. I admire that."

"Thanks," she said, taking a long sip of her wine. Talking about herself was her least favorite thing to do. "Can I ask you something? Something personal?" Isabella asked, thinking she might be pushing it for a first date, but her curiosity was killing her.

"Sure. I've nothing to hide. Ask away!" He said, raising his glass before taking a sip.

"When that photographer asked you about Taylor, did that bother you?"

He was taken aback by the question, but he did not shy away from answering it.

"Yes, it did. We've been broken up for six months now and the last thing I want to talk about is her," he said, one hand playing with the cork of the wine bottle that was placed on their table. "We haven't spoken since. I'd like to be able to move on without someone throwing it back in my face."

His sardonic smile moved Isabella. She reached her hand out across the table and covered his with her own. Her heart hurt for him because she knew what it was like to be walking around with a freshly broken heart.

"Oh, Thomas, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice soft.

He looked into her eyes and immediately saw the empathy behind them. They held their own sad story and he wanted to know all about it, all about her. He turned his palm up and gripped her hand, giving her a pleading look.

"Isabella, tell me about the man who broke your heart."

She frowned, hoping to avoid the topic of her ex because there was as much bad about her relationship as good, but the look on Tom's face made her want to open up and tell him.

"His name is Jackson," she started, unaware that he still held her hand on the table. "We met four years ago at my last retail job before I went freelance. He was funny and fairly good looking. I'd never really had much experience with men other than a few dates with boys. I was kind of overweight and quiet. No man really ever paid me any attention before him." She paused her story to look at Tom and made sure he still wanted her to continue. He gave her an encouraging nod.

"So, fast forward a year and we'd been friends for a while when we were on a break at work. I was talking about something inane when he just kissed me out of the blue. I didn't know what to do so I just kissed back. After that we were inseparable."

"What happened then that caused you to break up?"

She smiled ruefully. "That's the million-dollar question, isn't it?"

Just as Tom was about to ask her another question their food arrived. He let go of her hand, both feeling the loss of warmth from their connection.

"Saved by the bell," she muttered under her breath. The sight of her food suddenly made her queasy.

"Is everything all right with your food?" Tom asked, noticing her staring at her plate.

"Oh, yes," she said, looking up at him with a thin smile. Taking a small bite, she swallowed hard. She hoped to distract him from her eating habits by changing the subject. "So, is it my turn again?"

"Sure," he said, taking a bite of his steak.

Watching him for a moment, she mentally questioned whether or not she wanted to venture into "Hiddleswift" territory. It was hard enough as a fangirl to see pictures of them together, but now with the possibility of them starting something, perhaps it might feel worse hearing about it.

"What about you? What happened to you and Taylor?"

He froze mid-bite. It's not like he wasn't expecting the question. Taking his bite, he put down his fork and took a sip of his wine.

"Honestly there isn't much to tell. We were together for a few months and it was a whirlwind. We had some fun and now it's over," he said, lowering his eyes to his food and continued to eat.

She nodded her head in understanding. Taylor's rejection still stung.

"You forgot the part where you apparently felt something for her where she didn't."

He looked at her, neither confirming or denying anything, but his eyes told it all.

"I'll be honest, I never understood what you saw in her. She acts like an immature, spoiled child to her fans and the media. I always thought she was too young for you." Her face scrunched up in a grimace at the mere thought of Taylor.

Tom couldn't help but snicker at her snide remarks.

"Yes, well, at the time, I had assumed she was more mature for her age, but I guess we all live and learn."

"Seriously? She calls her group of friends a "squad". She talks shit about ALL of her boyfriends in her songs. I get that she's skinny and blonde which makes her some kind of ideal woman, but please, don't insult my intelligence by saying she's mature."

"Struck a nerve?" Tom said, quirking an eyebrow up at her.

"Ah, no, sorry. When it comes to her I tend to get up on my soapbox. I'm sure she's a lovely person." She tried to inject some sincerity in her statement but failed miserably.

"It's ok. I have nothing bad to say about her. It just wasn't meant to be. Which ended up working out in my favor anyway," he said, always the consummate gentleman.

"How so?"

"Well, as I see it, I'm sitting down to dinner with the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. All of those things had to happen to get me to this point, so I guess they were a blessing in disguise."

He continued eating, leaving her stunned at his comment. She wasn't quite sure what to say. Had he just mentioned how he thought her beautiful? Her? He knew lots of gorgeous, attractive celebrity women. She found herself at a loss. He had such a way with words. His charm was even more disarming in person.

They continued to make small talk throughout their meal, discussing their families, their likes and dislikes. Once the meal was over, Tom went to pay the check when the maitre d' came over and snatched the bill off the table.

"I am terribly sorry, Mr. Hiddleston. Tonight's meal is on us," said the tall, slender man with rounded spectacles.

Tom and Isabella exchanged curious glances.

"I assure you that I fully intend to pay. I do not require special privilege," Tom said, attempting to take the check back.

"No, you misunderstand. Apparently, when we booked your reservation, our new hostess alerted the paparazzi that you'd be coming. You have been a loyal customer and we take care of our customers. Please, accept dinner on us with our apologies."

The man looked between us with clasped hands, a bit of sweat above his worried brow. Tom opened his mouth, looking like he was about to protest when Isabella reached over and placed her hand over his.

"Thomas. Let it go. It's ok." She gave him a little smile and his resolve fizzled.

"All right. But please, leave the hostess unpunished. They were really not that obtrusive."

Isabella looked at him in awe. Such a forgiving man. This girl probably made money off of his appearance and he was worried about her getting fired.

"As you wish, sir," said the maitre d' as he bowed his head and walked away.

"Well, that was unexpected," Tom said, leaving a generous tip on the table before getting up and holding out his arm for Isabella to grab onto.

"How's your foot feel?" Tom asked, a look of concern gracing his handsome face.

Warmth spread through her at his thoughtfulness, causing a smile to form on her lips. "It's fine, thanks."

"Would you care to take a little walk then? There's something I'd like to show you, it's not far from here."

"That sounds lovely."

"Wonderful. Let's go."

He walked her out of the restaurant and down a long path leading to a grassy area. They took short slow steps, huddled close together as he helped her bear the weight on her foot. Finally stopping at the end of the path, a gasp escaped Isabella's mouth as she looked on at the gardens in front of her.

"Oh, Thomas, this is beautiful! What's the name of this place?"

"This is the Italian Water Gardens. I discovered it the first time I came to the Rose Garden. I enjoy coming here to look at its quiet beauty after a nice supper."

Ahead of them were four carved pools with a huge fountain in the center. The grounds were expansive and she felt as though she had to speak in hushed tones as they walked through the area.

Tom watched her as she looked around in awe. He loved the way her face lit up each time she saw something new. She'd reach out and caress the buds of flowers and marvel at their beauty. He quickly learned that she had an appreciation for the simplicity of things that he found most endearing.
They continued their walk through the gardens as Tom led her to the bridge overlooking the Long Water Lake. She leaned against it, casting her gaze out over the water. Shivering from the breeze coming off the water, it prompted Tom to remove his jacket and place it around her shoulders.

"Thank you," Isabella whispered, pulling the coat tighter around her, trying to covertly inhale its scent and snuggle into its warmth.

"My pleasure. Are you warm enough? Do you need to sit?"

She chuckled lightly. "Thomas, I'm fine. Really," she said, grabbing one of his hands with her own.

He stepped closer to her, right into her comfort zone, never taking his eyes off of hers. The moon was full tonight and he could see it reflecting off of her brown eyes, giving them a dazzling sparkle.

Isabella swallowed hard, feeling the tension of this moment. Neither could tear their eyes away as if they were frozen in time. Though she was no longer cold, her body still trembled. He had her in his arms, so very close. She watched as he came closer, closing the gap between them. Nothing in her life could have prepared her for this to happen. This was no ordinary man holding onto her for dear life, about to press his lips to hers. This was the man she dreamt of, pined over, thought she'd never in a million years be in this situation with. The insanity of it all made her head spin. As he got closer, she felt her eyes flutter closed, giving in to the intoxicating scent of him and the feel of his lips as they descended on hers. The kiss was soft and hesitant at first, progressing to both passionate and languid as she allowed entrance of his tongue into her mouth. He put both of his hands on her face, holding her in place as she gripped his forearms, leaning into his touch.

They stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity, lost in each other's kiss. All of the outside noises around them had quieted. They noticed nothing else in this moment except for each other; the tender way he cradled her face and the gentle way she sighed each time he claimed her mouth. The sudden flash of a camera broke the magical spell they were under and forced them to look over at the unwelcome intruder.

"What was that?" Isabella asked, still coming out of the haze from that amazing kiss. "Did they just take a picture of us kissing?"

"It appears so," Tom said, cross at the interruption.

She felt stunned, gripping his arms tighter. "Wait. What are they going to do with that picture? Can they post that somewhere without my permission?"

"Unfortunately they can and they will. I'm sorry, I didn't think they'd continue to follow us around like that," said Tom, disappointment evident in his tone.

"It's ok," she said, placing a hand on his cheek to reassure him. "I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I was just shocked I guess. I'm not used to this kind of attention."

"Of course. I understand completely. How about we start walking back to the car? You should probably put that leg up."

Together they walked back to the car, ignoring any paparazzi that might be taking pictures and just enjoyed each other's company. Isabella held on to his arm, snuggled close to his side.

Finally getting back to the car, he gingerly helped her get seated in the car before coming around to his own side to get in. Upon starting the car, she turned the music on to the 80's/90's station and gave him a knowing smile. He returned it before pulling away, simply saying, "You're on."

Back at Isabella's apartment, they both stood in front of the door, not sure what to say to end the evening. It had been such a romantic night and neither wanted it to end.

"So," Tom said, fidgeting with his hands as he so often did.

Isabella chewed on her lip, gazing around the room. "So..."

He took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over them in small circles.

"I hope you had a nice time tonight. I know I did." His smile, his voice was so soft she almost didn't hear him.

She looked up into his eyes, momentarily stunned by their depth. One thing that she always thought made him a good actor was his ability to convey emotion. It was all over his face. Sometimes it took her breath away.

"I had the best time," she said after a beat, beaming up at him.

He smiled, his gaze unwavering. "Good."

He began to lean in, intent on one last kiss before leaving. Just as their lips met again, the door swung open. Lana stood on the other side, pretending like she didn't just interrupt their goodnight kiss.

"Hey there, you two! Had a good time?"

"Lana!" Isabella said, rolling her eyes at her best friend.

She tried her best to look innocent. "What? Did I interrupt something?"

"I apologize for her, Thomas. She is kind of a brat."

Lana pretended to be shocked, but even Tom could see through her act as he chuckled at her.

"I understand. I guess I'll be going, but I'll see you again soon, yes?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound too desperate to see her again.

"Yes," Isabella said, giving Lana a quick side glance. "Thank you again for tonight. The gardens were amazing."

"Of course. Until next time." He took her hand and kissed it while giving her a wink. "Lana," he said, giving her a polite nod before walking away.

As soon as he was out of sight, Lana pulled her friend back in the apartment and plopped her down on the couch to begin her post-date interrogation.

"So, how did it go?" She asked, sitting Indian style on the couch next to Isabella.

A small smirk played her lips. "Good."

Lana threw a couch pillow at her. "Bitch. Tell me everything!"

Isabella laughed as she dodged it.

"Well, we discovered that we have some similar interests." Her lip twitched as she tried to stop the laughter that she felt bubbling up inside of her.

Lana waved her hand in a gesture of impatience hoping she'd continue.

"Ok, so I forgot to mention this yesterday, but we were in the car and he told me to pick whatever I liked so I turned it to the 80's/90's station. Apparently, he's also a fan of 90's music so I sort of challenged him on his knowledge of 90's song lyrics. So now carpool karaoke is kind of a thing."

Lana's jaw dropped as she looked at her friend dumbfounded.

"You did karaoke with Tom Hiddleston in his car? You found someone as nerdy as you are about the 90's? Wow. And I had respect for him," she said with a deadpan expression.

"Oh, hush. Anyway. He took me to this place called the Rose Garden Restaurant. Not too fancy, kind of cozy. There were paparazzi waiting for us when we got there. The hostess tipped them off. We talked for a long while, mostly first date stuff. He asked me about my ex so I told him about Jackson and then I got him to talk a little about Taylor."

"What! You told him... And he told you... Whoa! So you told him about you and Jackson getting back together?"

"Um, no. I didn't think that would be appropriate first date talk, wouldn't you agree?"

Lana narrowed her eyes at her. "Well, maybe before you agreed to a second date you should've considered mentioning it to him."

"Seriously? You are the one who replied to him about going out on this date. I probably would've said no," Isabella said, getting defensive.

"And let you throw away a perfect opportunity to let a real man show you what it's like to be treated like a human being? No way."

Isabella threw an exasperated look at her friend. "Lana! You've got to let it go. I have."

"No! Just one month ago, you couldn't even speak his name without spitting venom and now you're ready to jump ship to go play house with him again. I'm sorry if I just don't understand," Lana said, waving her hands around in frustration.

"It's complicated. I didn't know I was going to meet Thomas."

"And now? Do you still want to go?" Lana said, crossing her arms against her chest.

"I don't know," Isabella whispered as she looked down at her hands that sat in her lap, picking at her nails.

"Well, you should at least give Tom the benefit of the doubt and out of respect tell him what's really going on. I think he deserves that."

Lana tried hard to get Isabella to tell Tom herself about her plans to leave. She felt bad about going behind her back and telling him, but there's nothing she wouldn't do to help save her friend from making this terrible mistake. Jackson was the Devil himself and Tom could be the angel that saves her from damnation.

"I know," Isabella mumbled. "I'm going to tell him. I just need time."

Lana sighed aloud. "Ok, well, let me help you to your room at least so you can change for bed. What happened to the crutch I gave you?"

"Oh, shit. I left it in the back of his car. I didn't really need it."

"What did you use if you didn't need the crutch?"

"Thomas," Isabella said with a cheeky smile.

Lana rolled her eyes, laughing at her friend as she helped her up and into her bedroom.

After getting ready for bed, Isabella laid down, staring up at the ceiling of her darkened room, unable to sleep. Picking up her phone, she squinted to try and adjust to the bright light that shined in her eyes.

No messages. From anyone. A part of her had hoped that she would get a message from Tom or Jackson, letting her know unequivocally who she should pick. In her head, she knew that on paper, Tom was the better choice in every way, but her and Jackson had history.

It wasn't always so bad. They had some great times together, especially in the beginning. But the bad times, when they did happen, were the worst. In her heart, she knew that the worst possible thing she could do was go back to him, but her heart was paralyzed. Tom was wonderful. He's good looking, funny, nerdy, charming, kind and generous. But she thought about how long it might be before he realizes what a mistake it was to show any interest in her. Who was she anyway? Just some blob of a person who was directionless and insecure. What could she give him in return for all that he is? Putting the phone back on the nightstand, she turned over and snuggled in deeper under the covers, squeezing her eyes shut tight, willing herself to succumb to slumber.

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