The wingman visits by NiuNiet...

By NinaDemonfox5

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This story is written by a writer name Niuniunette More

chapter 1: This isnt happening
chapter 2: Icing sugar invitations
chapter 3: scream, breath, repeat
chapter 4:Flirt King
chapter 5: Sweet presents are made of these
Chapter 6: In company of a cat
Chapter 7: I kissed the cat and I liked it
Chapter 8: hot chocolate
Chapter 9: Extreme exhibition
Chapter 10: hello darkness my old friend
Chapter 11: White is not the color of purity
Chapter 12: your suggestion lacks romance
Chapter 13: The Antique Box
Chapter 14: A night to remeber
Chapter 16: The catwalk

Chapter 15: Calm

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By NinaDemonfox5

Adrien was the first one to wake up the next day, around the afternoon when the sun was already high in the sky. He was surprised to find Marinette still sleeping, half way on the floor due her tossing and turning during the night. The faint blush appeared on Adrien's face when he thought about the events of yesterday. He couldn't believe they had slept together with Marinette and he had gotten to spend his very first time with no other but the girl he had loved for so many years already, without knowing her true name, always referring her only as Ladybug. He chuckled mentally: Of course, he should have seen it earlier, the way how Marinette also made his heart feel warm whenever he thought of her, ever since their school years together. And how often she skipped the classes with various excuses when they were younger,being often gone at the same time with him! Guess the things right under your nose where the hardest to spot after all.

Adrien lifted his body up to his elbows, scanning the room. The light had been on the whole night, both of them falling asleep so quickly into each other's arms after the sex, shower and some play, that they completely forgot it. The chocolate bars were still scattered on the floor and Adrien thought how nice they tasted with something warm to drink. He could hear some usual city noise from outside, but otherwise it was peaceful and quiet.

He wondered would it always be like this, to wake up next to Marinette, if they shared an apartment together. He got soon embarrassed by his mind's play, and shooed the silly thought away.

Quietly Adrien stood up, looking for his jeans silently, pulling them on. Then he turned to Marinette, admiring her ability to sleep in such an uncomfortable looking position. He didn't dare to try to move her, just in case she would wake up, as he couldn't forget how Marinette had pretty much dozed off right away when she had snuggled under his arm. He suspected she was exhausted with everything, feeling guilty that he couldn't remember anything of his akumazation or what had caused it. Adrien knew it was normal to forget, but to forget everything... perhaps it was something unusual. He couldn't say.

Adrien reached for the duvet and placed it gently over Marinette, leaving her into the bedroom to sleep all the exhaustion away, while he went to the kitchen, snatching the chocolate bars to go with him from the floor. He put the tea water on, noticing they had plenty of tea bags left and went to the fridge, finding the rest of the sandwich tower. The owner of the house, Master Fu, had clearly prepared to everything. When the water was ready, he made himself a cup of tea and sat in front of the table, opening the blindfolds and taking a look outside. It was a bright day, Thursday if he was right, and he had just skipped two days of school. For Adrien's luck nothing major was missed besides the lectures and his fencing lessons, but his teacher was already gotten used to the fact he sometimes didn't appear to the classes, always excusing himself for having so much work without telling most of those skipped classes where due Chat Noir's businesses.

Chat Noir. The alter ego had indeed become handy to Adrien, guiding him to Marinette. Again the thought of spending his time with her in the same apartment popped into Adrien's mind. This time he allowed himself to mindlessly slip into it, imagining how it would look and feel like to make breakfast with her, wake up and fall asleep in the same bed with her, take showers, go to walks, protect the Paris and all Parisians, perhaps have some hobby together besides their hero work. Adrien had to admit he liked that. Liked that all. He pondered if Marinette would feel the same as he, also thinking that he was already too far into the future with his thoughts. Everything had just barely started, and he still wanted to talk with Marinette about their relationship, to make sure they both were on the same page with it, before fantasizing their future together more.

Sitting alone perhaps for fifteen minutes Adrien heard Marinette's footsteps, closing the kitchen door. Her face relaxed clearly when she sad Adrien, a deep sigh coming out from her mouth.

"Oh there you are," she breathed out lifting a palm over her heart, wearing his way too big T-shirt on, "I didn't see you next to me so I started to worry something had happened again. If Chat Blanc had returned or something similar."

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up," he apologized, following Marinette's bare legs admiringly as she proceeded to make a cup of tea for herself, joining Adrien at the tiny table. His heart fluttered by the fact she had dressed into his shirt.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, noticing now that Marinette looked somewhat tired.

"Kind of," she replied honestly, dipping her tea bag.

"You should go back to sleep. There's no need to wake up yet," Adrien suggested, but Marinette shook her head.

"Maybe later," her answer was a vague one and Adrien couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was wrong. He was about to ask was Marinette troubled by something or was she in pain because of their first time together when she spoke on her own.

"I had nightmares. I couldn't save you from akuma or Hawkmoth, no matter how hard I tried," she said, seemingly not wanting to be any more specific with the nightmare's details.

Adrien's hand seized her palm underneath his over the table.

"You should have woken me up," he told her with a concerned frown. Marinette offered him a small smile from the edge of her tea cup.

"I'm not that fragile."

"It's not that," Adrien huffed with a deeper frown, which soon turned into an impish grin, "I could have gotten to hold you all night long, so you could have slept better", he noted, not even trying to hide the glimmering, which sparkled in his green eyes.

Marinette blushed slightly at Adrien's words.

"I didn't want to wake you up. You needed to rest, Adrien. We don't know anything of miraculous holder's akumatization, so we better be extra careful with the after care," she reasoned.

"To be honest, I feel quite fine. Maybe it was all your loving that healed me so well?" Adrien winked his eye mischievously, making Marinette's blush deepen on her cheeks. She pretended she didn't feel the heat rising.

"Pe—perhaps," she kind of agreed, unable to find any proper thing to say back at him. Instead Marinette concentrated on her first sandwich.

Adrien followed her eating silently, a small smile on his lips. Soon Marinette noticed his stare, which didn't help her still lingering blush at all.

"What?" she mumbled mouth full of bread, looking timid.

"Oh, nothing. Just pondering how lucky I am," he sighed leaning against his elbows, eyes keenly at Marinette.

"Oh?" was the only thing she managed to say.

"Well, you know, having you here. Getting to spend time with you alone. I've been hunting the girl behind the mask for five years now," he corrected his statement when Marinette didn't get the first hint. He loved how she got that awkward look on her face, lips stammering.

"Well, you know yourself, Mr. Agreste," she tried to sound confident, pointing her spoon at Adrien, "I never imagined I'd find myself having a breakfast with my elementary high crush, who also turns out to be my partner in crime in the hero business, not to mention to sleep with him, but here I am. I think I'm the luckiest of us."

Adrien couldn't help his laugh at her statement, his white teeth flashing with the bubbly laughter.

"And tell this all to me without stuttering?" he added impishly, watching how Marinette paled. She started to hastily look for something to say, not to stutter, but failed in it miserably, reminding Adrien of how Marinette had used to be when they were at the school together.

"Don't worry, I'm just teasing," Adrien finally smiled gently at Marinette, pulling her hand into a kiss. She relaxed at his gesture, smiling awkwardly.

"I knew that," Marinette blurted, not convincing anyone. Adrien decided to change the subject while he entwined their fingers together.

"Speaking of us, have you any plans of how we deal with this Chat Noir akumatization and your connection to it?"

Marinette pursed her lips and fell into silence, looking at her tea thoughtfully.

"I haven't thought any plans to be honest. Media has already lots of information of this all, so it will be a bit difficult to explain it. I assume one option would be to tell everyone Chat Blanc was just some random citizen akumatized, similar to Copycat. Someone familiar to Marinette."

"Sounds reasonable," Adrien agreed. "How about Alya? You told me she was dead sure Chat Blanc was Chat Noir and knowing Alya and her snooping skills..."

"Uhhh..." she visibly winced, "I don't know can I fool her... She's too persistent, too clever to be fooled... But if I let her know it was Chat Noir how do I explain my connection to him?"

"Chat saved you a few times?" Adrien offered, finally returning to his breakfast and letting go of Marinette's hand.

"Hmm, I wonder if it's enough of an explanation to her... I mean, Chat Blanc was viciously angry and I'm pretty sure no one in whole Paris questions if it was Marinette Dupain-Cheng aka me he was so angry with."

"Maybe Chat Noir found out your crush to Adrien and became jealous?" he gave Marinette another suggestion, a bit impishly this time.

Marinette's eyes widened, "That could be one explanation. Alya could buy it. Though she would probably ask why Chat Noir had a crush on me in the first place and what has been happening behind her back and I don't know if I could keep my poker face on."

"I'm sure you can. You even fooled me with the whole hero business," he smiled assuring to her, finishing his tea. "I mean, Alya doesn't have to know the details, you know. You can develop a crush on someone very quickly without anything specific going on. Fan culture is solely based on that."

Marinette frowned, thinking.

"It could work," she agreed with a nod, taking a bite from her sandwich. "Though to be honest, I'd like to tell Alya the truth. THE TRUTH. But I can't. It's not fair. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to Alya, either."

It was Adrien's time to fall into silence. He whirled the spoon in his tea, eyes casted down.

"Yeah, I agree. The crush theory sounds the best," he mumbled, going for a second cup of tea.

Marinette watched his bare back and realized just now he had indeed been shirtless for this whole time. She blamed her worries for clouding her vision like that. She was sure Adrien could feel her gaze drilling into him, but she didn't care.

He turned on his heels, meeting eye to eye with smiling Marinette. A smirk appeared on the corner of Adrien's lips.

"You look happy," he hummed gently.

"We just came up with a good plan," Marinette said. Adrien just cocked his eyebrow.

"That's all?" he took a seat and blew at the tea to cool it down before drinking it slowly.

"Eh, no..." she blushed up to her ears, turning her head away from Adrien's stare. "I'm happy for us, like I said. And I'm the happiest nothing bad happened to you. I was so scared that you would get hurt. Perhaps even got a permanent damage. I'm not completely eased yet until Master Fu tells that you aren't damaged in any way," her voice lowered and became thinner, eyes saddening. "I would have never forgiven myself if you got hurt bad. All because of me."

Adrien inspected Marinette's face, feeling guilty himself, too. He couldn't remember how the akuma had gotten into him, what was the trigger for it exactly, but he knew it had something to do with his own hurt feelings after the gallery incident. He kept his mouth shut about it.

"I feel fine, no problems. A bit sleepy but that's most likely due the school and work," he smiled at Marinette with his calm voice.

"Oh no, I forgot that!" Marinette suddenly cried and jumped up, knocking her chair down and startling Adrien, who stared at her with wide eyes.


"Your school! Your work! What do you do if you have missed them because of me?! Don't tell me there were important events requiring your attending!" Marinette wailed in a shock, pulling her hair.

Adrien had to laugh at her, urging her to sit back down with a wave of his palm.

"No worries, nothing bad has happened. Just missed my fencing lesson. I have skipped a thing and two earlier, so I can squirm myself out from the trouble. Please, you can stop worrying about me. Just relax and have the breakfast with me without any troubles. You have also gone through a lot, so I want you to be able to let go of it," he said softly.

Marinette took her seat, embarrassed because of her sudden jumpy actions, and she offered Adrien a nervous chuckle.

"I'm fine," she replied, her eyes wandering again to his bare chest and arms. She reminded herself that those arms had been embracing her last night, those fingers now holding the tea mug traveling into places and those still smiling lips letting out the most intoxicating moans.

Adrien looked like he wanted to argue against Marinette's statement, but in the end he said nothing to the matter. Only smiled and changed the subject again.

"Speaking of work, I will be on a runaway in Paris Fashion Week. I think I can snug a ticket to you, as a compensation for what happened in the art exhibition and Chat Blanc mess," he noted, taking a sip from his mug, eyes flirty.

Marinette's eyes started to sparkle immediately.

"Re-really?! I'd love that!" she basically beamed, clasping her hands together.

"And I can most likely get you a seat from close the runaway and with Agreste's invitation you can also check out the backstage, but that probably won't interest you," Adrien joked, poking Marinette's forehead with his index finger.

She snatched his finger into her hand with a one fluid movement.

"You are right, sounds lame. I'll be there only because of you, nothing else interests me there," she played along with his statement.

They laughed and jokes together, the atmosphere light and peaceful. Adrien watched admiringly how the sparkling, which had been appeared after hearing his invitation, stayed long afterwards in Marinette's blue eyes. They finished their breakfast and dressed up with their own clothes, Adrien secretly hoping he would get to see Marinette again in his clothes after this. Marinette returned the hoodie she had borrowed back to Adrien. As much as they wanted to go out and take a peaceful walk somewhere nearby, they both decided it was wiser to wait Master Fu's return, and plan more their way of dealing with the public mess caused by Chat Blanc. They decided it would the best if they gave a public speech as Chat Noir and Ladybug, something quick and short, somewhere were the media was already swarming. It would ease up everybody's nervousness and also most likely kill the rumors quick. Of course both of them were ready for the fact some people – like Alya – couldn't be fooled.

Later the same evening Master Fu returned, gathering the young ones around his living room table. They sat down, eager to hear everything from the old man.

"Plagg and Tikki are now alright and completely purified. I have also given a protective energy seal for both of them, but it's not permanent, mind you that. Chat's protection wears off faster than Ladybug's for the luck reason. Please let them sleep just a bit longer before putting them on," Fu explained calmly, handing Marinette and Adrien their miraculouses. They looked normal, like always, without any hint of anything being wrong.

"I'd like to have some explanation. About everything," Adrien said quietly, looking apologetic and pained. "But first I must apologize all this trouble I have caused to you, sir Fu, and Marinette." He bowed his head down in shame, shutting his eyes. Marinette's hand came up to Adrien's shoulder, comforting him.

"I also want to hear everything. I have got only small guesses of this all, but the sooner I hear the truth the better for both of us," Marinette agreed, a worrying frown drawing across her face.

Master Fu simply stroke his beard, eyes smiling.

"Everything is very simple in the end. We got a miraculous holder akumatized because of his hurt emotions," he simply stated.

"But I don't understand... I know I was hurt and I felt bad, but... to be akumatized... and in such extent... I didn't know it was possible for a someone with a miraculous to get possessed," Adrien tottered with a boggled look, not buying Fu's short explanation.

Master Fu gave him a small smile.

"While a miraculous holder has a pure soul and a good heart, he or she is still just a mere human, with human emotions and experiences. While healing Plagg told me you two were seeing each other in secrecy and you asked him to transform you often and also keep the transformation on as long as possible each time. There's nothing wrong in seeing the one you love and using your miraculous for it, but it's a bit challenging task for Chat Noir," he explained, earning a curious stare from both of the miraculous holders.

"It is?" Adrien continued his tottering, eyes size of two plates. Marinette was also following the conversation curiously, her hand still on Adrien's shoulder.

"Yes," Fu nodded, stroking his grey beard, "You strained your kwami and when Ladybug wasn't around to balance your bad luck with her luck, the straining and bad luck combined with your emotional hurt grew so strong the akuma got inside the jewelry."

"But that doesn't explain why the akumazation returned," Marinette cried, clearly still hurt of what she had caused to happen.

"When a miraculous holder gets akumatized, sometimes the miraculous itself gets impure with the negative energy. With Chat Noir's default bad luck and the power of destruction, the chances for the impurity to occur are higher than others'. Short to say the energy got sucked into the ring and it was enough to revitalize Chat Blanc. The ring is now cleaned and so is Adrien's aura, too, I see," Fu smiled with his eyes looking directly at the couple. Both of them flushed furiously.

"Would this have been avoidable with Ladybug's luck?" Marinette managed to find her voice, feeling too conscious of everything right now.

"The ring wouldn't have needed cleaning and everything would have been gone with the first akuma purifying, but that's not what was supposed to happen this time," Master Fu replied, his voice still as gentle as ever.

Marinette and Adrien fell into a common silence, both of them thinking deeply what they had been just told. Then Marinette's face twisted into a deep frown, her eyes getting covered with sadness.

"We have our miraculouses back, but now Hawkmoth knows about Adrien..." she hissed between her teeth.

"Like I said to you yesterday, that is a matter that has been dealt with already," Fu's voice was as calming as ever, drawing surprised looks from the miraculous heroes before him.

"I-I don't understand..." Marinette was the one to spoke out their feelings.

"I have made sure that Chat Noir's identity as Adrien Agreste has been erased from Hawkmoth's attention, even the tiniest traces. It asked some special kwami help, but as you know, those who control both Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculouses will have power as great as God's," Fu's eyes were impish, glimmering, and both Marinette's and Adrien's jaws dropped down to the ground. Marinette tried to stammer something, but Fu simply straightened his back with a warm chuckle.

"I—We- Thank you!" Adrien found his voice, bowing down, Marinette following his gesture.

Fu wave his palm in the air as a sign for them to stop such formalities.

"Now, now, I just did what I'm supposed to do," he pointed out and Adrien lifted his head up.

"Sir, you have done more than we could ever repay back to you. You have saved my life, saved Marinette's life, saved whole Paris from Chat Blanc and Hawkmoth's strike for now. You gave us shelter and nurture, food and a place to rest. With your help we have also managed to speak things through with Marinette," Adrien's tone was full of gratitude and Marinette nodded agreeing next to him.

"'Speak'?" Fu repeated Adrien's choice of word. He blinked at the old man, dazed, but then a blush rushed up to his cheeks, Marinette also blushing furiously.

"Well, ah..." he stammered, turning to look at Marinette, who was as speechless as he was.

Master Fu simply chuckled yet again and stood up, Adrien and Marinette hastily following his movement and standing up, their cheeks all red up to their ears.

"I'm happy to hear you have managed to sort your things out. Didn't take longer than five years," he sighed, sounding dramatic. Marinette was already ready to say something, but Fu stopped her. "Please take good care of each other also in the future. The contents of the boxes are yours to take home with."

"Home! My parents! They must be horribly worried!" Marinette shouted out, her hands jumping up to cup her face. "What do I tell them?!"

"Young lady, I remember saying that your parents are taken care of and they are fine. Worried, most likely yes, but deadly worried? Absolutely not. I have told them that I'm familiar with Adrien Agreste and that you have been taken into his care until things calm down. They are content with knowing that Adrien is looking after you now."

"But I literally live in a small apartment with no fancy security systems or anything similar," Adrien argued back, not really believing Marinette's parents would buy such a lie from Fu.

"Ah, but her parents don't know that. I suggest we keep it that way, at least for now, yes? If there will be problems later when Marinette starts to visit your home you can always tell Adrien just moved there," Fu said nonchalantly, waving again his palm in the air.

Marinette's brows knit together and an amused smirk appeared on her pink lips.

"Sounds like something a miraculous holder would say. All the white lies and such," she pointed out. Master Fu just shrugged his shoulder, putting his arms behind his back.

"Does it now?"

Before Marinette could reply, Master Fu continued; "Young master Agreste here should now take Marinette back home."

"But before that we need to talk to the public about Chat Blanc incident. As Chat Noir and Ladybug. Is it safe to do yet?" Marinette pondered, looking at the earrings in her palm. Adrien looked also concerned regarding the matter.

"It's safe to use the miraculouses, but only for a very short of time. Both of them are still tired and need to rest. I recommend more resting also for you two. Cuddling heals fast," Fu turned around, starting to make his leave to the kitchen. "Please look after each other and come here if you get into any trouble."

They understood it was the time for them to leave. They thanked Fu in unison, and made their leave, Adrien pulling the hoodie Marinette had stolen over his head. They talked outside how they should figure out a way to thank Master Fu properly. They also decided it was wise to get close to media first by foot and then look for a safe spot to transform somewhere nearby, to save time for the speech. They headed towards the TV-studio they had visited so many times, walking quite a long time together, Marinette constantly fearing she would be recognized as the girl Chat Blanc had been angry with. Adrien tried to calm her down by saying that if the public I was going to spot someone, it was him.

Luckily they managed to get nearby the studio without problems and also find a spot to transform. Adrien transformed first, watching then Marinette becoming Ladybug. Her hair staid loose, which surprised them both.

"I kind of expected you'd to get the pigtails," Chat Noir murmured holding his chin, his eyes narrowing suddenly. "I know you aren't in a good shape yet, so let me carry you."

"Please, I'm not in that bad shape," Ladybug huffed, patting his upper arm and walking past him. "Let's run, we need to make this very quick".

They dashed toward the studio, inside the building and being the famous hero duo they were, they were quickly allowed to get in front of the cameras. The studio workers were almost ecstatic to see Ladybug there in their building, to be able to broadcast live her first appearance after Ladybug being gone from the publicity for so long.

Ladybug took in a secrecy a deep breath, when Nadja Chamack introduced them with vivid, bubbling voice, all the cameras zooming out to Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Oh, I can't believe this, this is an honor for us to have you here miss Ladybug and sir Chat Noir!" she gasped out loud, holding out her hand to shake their hands. "I'm sure I spoke for all Parisians when I say we have been so worried!"

"I'm sorry I have gotten everyone worried," Ladybug smiled, Chat Noir standing all tall and relaxed next to her.

"Please tell us what this akumatized Chat Noir thing was? I can see Chat Noir being his own self here," Nadja continued, directing viewers' attention to the cat. He waved his hand and spoke for Ladybug.

"Nothing to worry about. Ladybug and I have dealt with this individual, who was akumatized by Hawkmoth. The poor citizen was hoping to be like Chat Noir but as an evil version," he impishly noted, throwing his arm over Ladybug's shoulder.

"Yes, we have made sure the poor citizen is now safe and sound, and I can officially promise it's safe for all the Parisians to go out and walk the streets without worry of Chat Blanc," Ladybug agreed with Chat, allowing him to keep his arm where it rested.

"How about this young woman, miss Dupain-Cheng? I personally know her and I have been so very worried. How is she doing? How was she related to this incident?" a deep concern reflected from Nadja's eyes with the question, and Ladybug could feel a little sting of guilt in her stomach.

"She's doing fine and is being taken care of her friend right now. The akumatized citizen was miss Dupain-Cheng's familiar so we assumed he took her as the target just because of that," Ladybug continued, ignoring the stinging sensation. She saw how Nadja opened her mouth for another question, but Ladybug lifted her palm up, smiling softly. "I'm sorry, but we can't stay for long with Chat Noir."

"Oh, I understand, but just a one quick question, if I may, something all Parisians have been thinking: Where have you been, Ladybug? We haven't seen you in ages."

"I have had some health problems. Nothing serious but something that has required resting. You know, all the swinging and jumping and fighting," she chuckled out loud, trying to joke the question away without giving away too many details.

Nadja's face looked oddly soft and gentle.

"Should we expect more vacation for Ladybug due health problems in the future?" she asked, boggling Marinette' with her tone.

"Ah... yes, some, until I'm completely okay again," she tottered, trying to look for some answer from Nadja's eyes.

"Are we expecting also some happy news later? After getting better?" her soft questioning continued, and this time Ladybug had no other option than just stare her, completely confused.

"I... I'm sorry, I don't think I'm following your questions..." she mumbled, turning to look at Chat Noir who was having as confused look in his eyes as Ladybug.

"Ah, but there have been some rumors of you retreating from the fights because you are expecting a little Ladybug or a little Chat Noir," Nadja's eyes sparkled with joy and motherly love, her hands clasping together, a soft blush appearing on her cheeks.

Ladybug and Chat Noir pale down at least five shades, before a rush of blood ran up to their faces, the blush running deep underneath their masks. Chat hastily retreated his hand from Ladybug's shoulder and Ladybug was waving her own hands before her freaked out face furiously.

"OH NO! No! Nothing like that! I'm not talking about anything like that, I assure you that," she stammered with a high pitched voice, feeling the embarrassment devouring her. It didn't help that the memory of last night with Adrien/Chat Noir immediately popped into her head, and by the looks on Chat Noir's face he was thinking the exact same thing in this very same moment.

"Oh, really? The Parisians have been pretty sure you are expecting. I was just about to ask from Chat Noir how he feels about becoming a father and how you plan to work as heroes with a family," Nadja seemed very disappointed.

It was Chat Noir's turn to stammer while he tried to keep his cool facade on as well as possible.

"We would have definitely needed a nanny, if that was the case," he chuckled but tottered visibly despite his smirk. "However I also assure everyone that no, we're not having a family and secondly rumors should be handled as they are; rumors."

The disappointment on Nadja's face grew even deeper and Ladybug was sure she had expected to be the first one to get an interview from a pregnant Ladybug with Chat Noir's kitten, while them both were in her studio, ready to be roasted with questions. She felt a bit bad for Nadja, so she patted her shoulder with a grin.

"I'm sorry we couldn't give you any other good news expect the one of akumatized victim being saved. I thank you and every Parisian for your support and I apologize my lack of my presence. I promise to return soon, stronger and better. Until that, the city is in Chat Noir's capable paws and Ladybug will be his helping hand."

With that Ladybug and Chat Noir excused themselves, saying the Paris needed them once again, when they actually just needed to get out before the transformation wore off, both of them also wanting to run away from the baby rumors, feeling like they would perhaps leave them alone if they ran really, really fast. Hastily they get down to the hallway from the studio floor, both of them hearing how their miraculouses were already peeping a warning signal. They kept their cool postures as they existed the building and found a spot to transform back to their civilian selves.

Adrien's cheeks were still red when he returned back to normal.

"That was a bomb," he chuckled nervously, "I couldn't stop thinking... you-know-what..." he hissed with tightly pressed lips to Marinette, scanning the area as hoping no one was hearing them.

"Me either," Marinette chuckled back, her heart hammering in her chest. "How can they even suspect something like that? And ask it with a straight face? Please, some privacy, people, is that too much to ask? My sex life doesn't belong to all Paris..." Marinette muttered pushing her hair back to her ear, starting to sound miffed the longer she spoke.

"Speaking of which, I suggest we take a round two at some point?" Adrien's Chat Noir was showing with the wink of his eye.

Marinette had almost gotten rid of the blush from her cheeks by now, but now it returned in a second back.

"Adrien!" she hissed, embarrassed, and it was her time to fear someone had heard them.

"What? I was just suggesting," he defended himself, not being able to push down the chuckle which rose up from his throat. He offered his hand to Marinette, who looked at it questioning, accepting it shyly.

"Won't it be a problem when people see Adrien Agreste walking around the streets hand in hand with some girl?" she asked unsurely, not answering his earlier suggestion, her fingers curling around Adrien's palm. He smiled at her with his green eyes lovingly.

"I won't mind," he whispered, giving Marinette a squeeze.

"But what about your father?" she asked again, feeling how the sensation of warm spread all around her body by his squeeze.

"I don't think dad minds it's you," Adrien answered in all honestly, leading them out from their hiding place, both of them making their way towards Marinette's home. She walked next to him, feeling suddenly very shy and sensing all the looks some people gave to them on her back – though she wasn't sure were all the looks real ones or did she imagine half of them. Adrien looked much more composed, a bit shy in a cute Adrien kind of a way, the same way Marinette remembered seeing him when she had been Ladybug and they had met. A few times during the years but anyway. He had always been adorable in her eyes and his maturing hadn't taken away his cute features the slightest.

The rest of the trip Marinette lead the way, as Adrien was utterly lost without being able to pinpoint the right direction. When they got behind Marinette's bakery's front door they let go of their hands, silently agreeing it was perhaps a bit too sudden to come out as a couple for their parents like this. After all they couldn't tell them they had been seeing each other as Marinette and Chat Noir already.

As Marinette opened the door and informed everyone she was back home, her father rushed to her and scooped her into a big bear's hug, her mother also running to give her embraces to Marinette. They thanked and thanked and thanked Adrien for looking after their daughter, Adrien trying to sheepishly and politely tell he hadn't done much anything, but her parents ignored it completely, and her mother was already promising to bake as many cheesecakes to Adrien as he would even want to. After long hugs and lots of kisses – which Adrien also received – Marinette managed to get some private time for them in her room, to where they retreated with a big plate of treats in Adrien's hold.

"Your parents feed me too much," he chuckled as Marinette closed her room's lid behind them.

"They are a bit pushy like that..." she agreed, but Adrien shook his head, placing the plate on the table and snatching one tiny tart from it, shoving it into his mouth completely.

"I don't mind, not at all. If I could I'd stay here eating all days," he muffled, licking his fingers when he had eaten the tiny treat, the gesture reminding cat's.

"You are welcomed to come here any time you like," Marinette pointed out with a soft smile. Then she groaned with a loud voice, "I'm happy it's over now. Happy to be home and I not worry anyone more than I already have."

"My apologies," Adrien gave Marinette a winced look, turning his attention then back to the treat plate. "I promise I will look after you from now on, like partners we are."

"That's not what I meant, though I appreciate the fact you are looking my back," she replied, not feeling like being more specific with the matter, as it would lead only both of them apologizing from each other again and again. "I'm a bit worried for Tikki and Plagg. We didn't saw them during the transformation, nor after it..."

Adrien took a look at his ring, frowning with Marinette.

"I bet they are still tired. I need to apologize from Plagg, too. Buy him a truck load of Camembert, Normadian one. Though I know he will be complaining nevertheless, but I deserve it. He's right, that Master Fu. I did ask Plagg too much. Funny how a one woman can make you careless like that," he grinned, earning a huff and puff from Marinette.

"And now it's my fault," she sighed dramatically, making Adrien to laugh at her fake hurt statement. She couldn't suppress her own chuckle either, their eyes meeting with the giggles.

While Adrien went to other mouthful of a tart, Marinette found her phone which she had forgotten behind, only to see numerous missed calls and texts from Alya. Her eyes became sad.

"I have made Alya so worried," she sighed beaten. Adrien walked behind her to took a look at the phone screen over Marinette's shoulder, eating a cookie.

"You need to call her," he agreed and showed a half of his cookie into Marinette's mouth. She accepted the food gladly, realizing just now how hungry she actually was.

"I have a better idea," she suddenly smirked, turning on her heels to Adrien, looking him directly in the eyes.

Adrien's thin eye brow rose questioningly at Marinette's mischievous smirk. She wiggled her phone before Adrien's nose, her smirk widening. He quickly understood what she was actually after with.

Soon after Marinette and Adrien arrived Marinette's home, deadly worried Alya in Lyon received a selfie of Marinette and Adrien, both of them smiling at the camera, heads pressed together, with a text "I'm sorry Alya! I'm alright! My Prince Charming came in the rescue." She made an instant call to Marinette, screaming and wanting to know all the (dirty) details, Adrien teasing Marinette with neck kisses while she was talking with Alya on the phone, trying to sound as casual as always while doing her best to squirm away from Adrien and shoot him deadly glares – which only got very Chat like smirks as reply. Marinette managed to calm Alya down, agreeing that they should see some day when she could be free to leave Lyon, and then talk more, Adrien taking the phone from Marinette's hand before she hang up to ask if Alya could make it to the Paris Fashion Week if he got her a free ticket. She promised to come there, saying she also needed to get a glimpse of Ladybug after being gone from Paris for too long.

Rest of the evening the new couple spend cuddling on Marinette's bed, eating her parents' wonderful pastries between their kisses, until it was too late for Adrien to stay any longer.

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