
By jbeatricemiller

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Appleberry, a town full of witches, wolves, and a mix of both. When the Ashby's move back into town, everythi... More

Part One-Ch. 1: Moving
Ch. 2: The New House
Ch. 3: Dinner For Three
Ch. 4: Party Central
Ch. 5: School & a Hangover
Ch. 6: History of Appleberry
Ch. 7: Lunch
Ch. 8: Back at School
Ch. 9: One Month Later
Ch. 10: Sunday
Ch. 11: The Attic
Ch. 12: Dinner at Bodhi's
Ch. 13: Dad & The Truth
Ch. 14: A Week Gone By
Ch. 15: Ashby Beach
Ch. 16: Mondays
Ch. 17: Phoenix & Kal
Ch. 18: Whispers in The Wind
Ch. 19: Transformation
Ch. 20: Food & Tattoos
Ch. 21: Family Time
Ch. 22: Ripped Out Heart
Ch. 23: Broken Fleet
Ch. 24: Enemy With The Enemy
Ch. 25: Game Plan
Ch. 26: Getting Ready
Ch. 27: All Hollow's Eve
Part Two-Ch. 1: Roaming
Ch. 3: Long Drive Home
Ch. 4: Happy & Not So Happy
Ch. 5: Training & Conflict
Ch. 6: New Student
Ch. 7: Old Friends
Ch. 8: Hospital
Ch. 9: Planning on Meeting the Elders
Ch. 10: On The Road
Ch. 11: Canada
Ch. 12: The Elders
Ch. 13: Sleepover at The Elders
Ch. 14: Leaving With a New Member
Ch. 15: Going Home
Ch. 16: Jonathon Meeting The Clan
Ch. 17: Preparing for a Fight
Ch. 18: Ozzi is Home
Ch. 19: Game Plan
Ch. 20: The Fight
Ch. 21: New Elders

Ch. 2: Slade Wolfhart

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By jbeatricemiller

I was sitting there when Aunt Grace's name came across my phone. "Aunt Grace, is something wrong?"
"Slade, honey, how are you? How's your mother?" I could hear the panic in my aunt's voice.
"Everything is fine and the same Aunt Grace. What's wrong? Tell me what I need to do, and I will do it." I slung back a shot of whiskey.
Her voice was shaky. "I just got done doing an advance locator spell. There is a girl, Sloane Ashby. I will send you a picture. Whatever you do, don't let her get into trouble and look after her. I know she needs time. But try to help her find her way back home again. We will talk more later, love you."
She hung up. I put my phone back down on the bar. A message popped up. I slid the message open to find a beautifully stunning girl. A message was underneath with her name. Sloane Ashby.
I had heard about the Ashby's through the history of the fleet and coven. Them along with the Appleberry's were popular in Appleberry. Ashby's were the only family but mine that were part witch and part wolf. Which was a dangerous thing. It could get us killed. It was looked down on by both sides.
My mother, a witch, fell for my dad, a wolf. Then they had me. That was worse. But somehow dad always found a way to keep us on the down low. Apparently, Mr. Ashby done the same thing for his family.
Grace was always good to me after what happened with my mom and dad. She took me in. So, this should be a cake walk to help her with this one thing, right?
I was sitting at the bar when I saw her. She was sitting there on the phone talking to Frankie, which I'm guessing was her sister. Since, that is the only Frankie I knew of in the history of the fleet and coven.
She looked over at me, I looked away. I knew I had been caught. I was just trying to watch over her. But now, I must figure something else out.
She got up and walked out the back. I followed her, the door was heavy, which was unusual. I knew she had to be doing something. I finally got the door opened almost falling.
I got myself together and stopped what I was doing when I looked at her. "Are you following me?"
I shook my head. ""
"Really? Because you wouldn't stop staring at me and now you have followed me out here. So, I think you're lying." She folded her arms across her chest.
"Look, you've got it all wrong. I don't want anything from you. I was just making sure you stayed protected." I felt nervous.
She walked over to me. "Who is making you watch over me? You part of the fleet or the guardians?"
"Neither." I took a big gulp.
"Then who?" She stepped closer making me back up to the wall.
I put my hands up in front of me. "It was Grace. Grace Devlin."
"Why?" She was ready to punch me or the wall beside of his face.
"She just emailed me a picture of you and said you would need protection while here. Now, can you please back off." My clenched jaw.
She chuckled. "How did she know where I was? How do you know her?"
I fixed me leather jacket. "She done an advanced locator spell. She got ahold of me and told me to watch out for you and make sure you didn't do anything stupid. She is also my aunt."
"No one else has been able to find me. What advanced locator spell did she do? I made sure no one could find me." She was pacing back and forth.
"You have to do this thing with water, soil, and fire. You become a map of the world. You search over the earth's grounds until you find what you are looking for. It's pretty cool." I started walking towards the main road.
She stopped then started following him. "Where are you going?"
"I am going to my loft. You can come. I'll give you a place to stay instead of that car you've been cramped up in." I kept walking.
"She hasn't told anyone where I'm at, has she?" She caught up to me.
I shook my head. "No. She knows you don't want that. She just wants me to help you and make sure you stay okay."
She let out the breath she was holding. She bumped into me. I looked back at her. "Watch where you're going will you."
She stepped back from bumping into me. "Sorry."
Now, I was looking at her sleeping in the guest bedroom. She looked so peaceful. After I cooked for her, I let her go rest, since she had been sleeping in a car for two months.
I didn't want to let my aunt down. She had never let me down. So, whatever Sloane wanted to do, I would follow her.
There was a knock on my door. I got up from the chair in the guest room and went to answer it. It was Grace.
"Aunt Grace? What are you doing here?" I hugged her.
She hugged me back. "I am here to check on you and Sloane. I know I called a couple months ago to get you to keep an eye on her, but I just needed to check in."
"She is sleeping right now. You can wait around." I went over and got my aunt something to drank.
She took the tea. "Thank you. How are you doing Slade?"
She sat down on the couch, I took the chair across from her. "I'm good. Been roaming around."
"Still haven't found a fleet?" Aunt Grace sat down her tea.
I shook my head. "The only ones I ever felt close to was the fleet in Appleberry. But I had to leave. I needed to be closer to mom."
"I know honey. We miss you though." Aunt Grace smiled.
I smiled. "I miss you all too. I just need to be here."
"How's Sloane?" Aunt Grace looked nervous.
I leaned forward in my seat. "They don't know you are here do they?"
"No, they don't. They think I had to come and help out another coven in Colorado." Aunt Grace gave a sly smile.
I laughed. "The things you do to protect people. She seems okay. Just confused by all the history. Confused that people want her dead or if she has children; they'd end up dead. It's a lot to take on. At least I knew about everything when I was a boy and grew up in it. She has only known for a couple of months and only half of it at that."
"I know it has been a lot to take on. The Ashby girls are so strong though. They get it from their mother and father." Aunt Grace got up, walking to the window.
"I take it you are fond of them and their father." I leaned back in the seat.
"Yes, I am. I have always adored Andrew since we were kids." She looked at me.
I got up walking over to my aunt. "It's going to be okay. I will help in any way I can."
She patted my arm. "You're a good man, Slade."
I smiled. "Would you like to rest? My bed is free. I will take the pullout. It's getting late."
"Yes, I will rest. In the morning, I will make some breakfast." Aunt Grace kissed my cheek.
I let her go to bed. I sat on the couch. What had I got myself into? As soon as a beautiful girl with a boyfriend shows up, things seem to take a turn. Was I an idiot for even helping? Maybe. But I owed it to my aunt.
Slade's head was in his hands while he sat there. He looked worn out. "When did your aunt show up?"
He looked up at me with his chocolate brown eyes. "Maybe twenty minutes ago. She is asleep."
"I know. That's why I got up. I know she made you look out for me. I heard all of it." I was leaning against the island.
"I am sorry. I know it probably feels like an evasion of privacy, but I was just trying to keep you safe and keep a promise to my aunt." He folded his arms across his legs.
I went over and sat by him. "Okay."
"Okay?" He looked at me confused.
"You are the only one who actually tells me the whole truth and not just half of it. So, okay." I gave him a genuine smile.
He smiled back. "If you want to know anything, the truth. I'm here. I won't tell you a lie. I won't tell you half of the truth. You'll get the brutality of honesty with me Sloane."
"Thank you, Slade." I gave him a hug.
He didn't hug back but I knew was he okay with it. "I guess I will go back to bed."
"Are you still tired?" He looked up at me.
"Not really. I feel wide awake." I bit my lip.
Slade smile. "How about we watch a movie?"
"How about Bride of Frankenstein from 1935?" I sat down on the couch.
"Okay, let's pull the bed out and get more comfortable. If you want, popcorn is in the cabinet beside the microwave. If you want chocolate or other stuff in it, it's also up there. I will get the movie started." Slade got up and ran over to the tv.
I went over and got the popcorn out. I saw he had little chocolate kisses, m&ms, caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, and marshmallows. Amongst other goodies.
I looked back at him. The movie was paused at the beginning and he was pulling out the bed in the couch. "What do you like in your popcorn?"
He looked up at me. "I honestly put the whole cabinet in it. I love the salty sweet."
"That makes it easy for me then, I do too." I popped the popcorn and added all the good stuff to it.
I grabbed the bowl of popcorn, a couple of drinks, and went over to the bed. "Help me out man."
"Oh, sorry, I was comfortable." He leaned up and took the bowl of popcorn sitting it in between us.
Slade started the movie. We watched a little bit until my mind started roaming. I looked over at him. "Is this okay?"
Slade looked over at me. "What do you mean Sloane?"
"Me being here. I know Grace wanted you to look out for me. But bringing me into your home, that's completely different." I put a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Sloane, it's not different. Helping you, that being watching out for you or bringing you in to live with me. It's doing the same thing. So, it is totally okay with me." Slade looked straight into my eyes.
"I won't be here long. I must go back at some point. Thank you for being here Slade. I appreciate everything, especially since you don't know me." I smiled.
He grinned. "I've got your back Ashby."
I threw a piece of popcorn at him and started watching the movie again. We were half way through the movie when I reached over to get some more popcorn.
My hand bumped Slade's. I looked over at him. He looked at me then averted his eyes back to the tv. We both blushed.
I couldn't be doing this. Phoenix was my boyfriend and I hadn't seen him in months. I know he was worried about me and now I'm here in some other guys apartment. What was happening?
I got up. "I am tired. I'm going back to bed."
"Sloane." Slade followed me.
"Wait." He was behind me.
I ran my hand threw my hair. "I am just really tired. Goodnight Slade."
I closed the door behind me. I had to leave. I had to get back to the fleet. Even if they didn't tell me the whole truth. I knew it was the right thing to do. I had missed a lot of school, my family needed me, and my fleet needed me.
I packed up my stuff and shoved it out the window. I walked back to my car. I shoved it back in the car and got in. I wasn't going to leave without talking to Grace. But I had to leave the loft. I couldn't stay there tonight.
I was woken up by a knock on my window. It was Slade. I rolled down the window. "Thought you left."
I rubbed my eyes. "No but I thought about it."
Slade chuckled. "Well, if you're hungry, Aunt Grace is cooking up breakfast."
He walked off leaving me to take in the morning air. I yawned and got out of the car. I made my way to Slade's loft. I could smell Grace's cooking outside the building.
I let myself into the loft. Grace turned around and smiled. "Good morning Sloane. You know you would have slept better in the guest room instead of your car."
"Good morning Grace." I sat down at the island.
She snickered. "You are just like your father. A grump in the mornings."
"Yeah, I know. Mom use to tell me that." I frowned.
Grace slid a pate in front of me. "It is all going to be okay Sloane. I know you have a lot going on and things are going to keep happening sweetheart. But you must know, we are all here for you."
Slade bumped my arm. "Yeah, Sloane, we are all here for you."
I looked over at Slade, he winked. I couldn't help but blush. "Thanks. I'm sure going to need it."
Grace cleared her throat. "Slade, after breakfast, we need to talk."
He swallowed looking at his aunt. "Okay."
"Is something wrong?" I looked from Grace to Slade.
Grace gave a sweet smile. "Yes, I just need to talk to my knuckle head of a nephew."
She left going to Slade's room. "You sure everything is okay?"
He looked back from watching his aunt go to me. "Yeah, things are fine. At least I hope."
We finished our breakfast in silence. After Slade went into his room and shut the door. I walked over and washed up the dishes while they were in there talking. They weren't out after I had finished. So, I went and sat on the couch and watched the door. I could hear them loud whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to know if something is wrong.
It was over thirty minutes of watching the door until it finally opened. Grace came out first smiling. Slade came out with a frown on his lips. What had happened?
"Sloane, dear, are you deciding to go back to Oregon?" Grace sat in the chair across from the couch.
I looked at a frowning Slade then back to Grace. "I am driving back tonight."
"Alright, then I am going to leave on the next plane out. Slade, you are to ride with Sloane back to Oregon." She went over and kissed Slade's check.
She came over giving me a hug. "See you later Sloane, safe travels."
"Safe travels to you too Grace." I smiled at her.
Slade led his aunt out and to the cab waiting outside. I stood there, arms crossed waiting for him to come back in. It only took five minutes. He walked through the door, a frown still on his face.
When he looked up from the floor, he stopped. "Everything okay?"
"What did you and Grace talk about?" I stood there glaring at him.
He shut the door leaning up against it. "She was making sure I keep a distance, emotionally."
"What do you mean?" I still stood there, arms still folded.
"She has this silly idea that I like you in a romantic way." He sighed.
I chuckled. "That's all? I thought you were in huge trouble."
He scratched his head and gave a breathy laugh. "Yeah, well, I'm not. I'm going to go pack. Then we can go."
Slade walked pass me not saying another word. I waited for him to come out. When he did, he didn't say a word. I followed him out and we walked to my car in silence.
Slade threw his bag in the back and got in. Before I started the car, I looked over at him. "Slade, if you are going to ride with me all the way to Oregon, you are going to have to talk or something. Don't be cold towards me. I don't know what your aunt said but don't be an ass."
He tried to hide his smile and nodded. "Okay, I won't be an ass Ashby."

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