The Survival

By BiaRelvas

553K 34K 16.9K

An average university girl living a normal life, surrounded by friends and family, has everything she could w... More

The Survival ➳ h.s
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Harry and Kate dirty scene
Book Is Going To Be Published!
Publishing Alert!!!

Chapter 15

7.5K 500 121
By BiaRelvas

I grab my elastic and start to make a bun, or try to make one while walking, it comes out sort of messy but whatever.

I take my phone from my pocket and check the time. 13:31 pm it says. Where did time fly to? We have been walking for hours just like yesterday.

When I left Nathan, I went to help Beth pack her things, she was still a bit shaken up with everything but was trying to not show it. Always a brave girl.

I stumble on a branch and try to regain my equilibrium, I'm constantly zooming out, I need to keep my mind in check and focus on where I put my feet.

"You're so clumsy," Lucy says by my side.

I turn to look at her and shrug my shoulders "It is my mom's fault, she also has the clumsy gene," She laughs and keeps walking "So, what's going on between you and Ed?" I ask her.

"Umm, nothing."

"Ah, sure, I definitely believe it." I say sarcastically.

"I don't know, okay? I really like being around him, we enjoy each other's company and he is sweet." A smile appears on her face. I look at Ed and raise an eyebrow.

"Ed is sweet? Since when?"

"He may not be sweet and caring with you, but he is with me, and you're not friendly with him."

"What? Why would I be? He got us here in the first place, if it wasn't for his stupid idea maybe by this time I would be eating a burger."

"Don't act like that Kate, it wasn't his fault, we all agreed to come."

"But I was reticent for some reason," I whisper, "I didn't volunteer to come here." This time I say loudly enough for her to hear.

"You came willingly."

"No, I didn't. I was reluctant. I only came because Nathan challenged me. Not the smartest move I did." I lower my eyes to the ground, I didn't want to come here, but still, I came and now we are lost.

"Talking about Nathan. What's going on between you two?" My cheeks start to redden.

"Umm, nothing." I answer her the say way she did to me.

"Sure, it's not like no one noticed the way you looked at one another." A devious smirk appears on her lips. She must have learned it with Ed.

"What are you talking about?" My voice turned high pitch without my permission.

"You wanted to jump at his bones and devour him right there, and for the way he was looking at you he wouldn't mind."

I stay silent. How can I reply when what she said is 100% true? I risk looking at Nathan, his back is facing me, but I have such a gorgeous view. The muscles on his back move lightly, his hair is held back with the help of a bandana, I travel my eyes down his back again, and even lower till I see his firm bu-


"What?" I jump. I literally jump, and so graciously fall on the ground. A roar of laughter is heard, I look around everyone is laughing, Ed is clutching is belly from how hard he is laughing, Sarah and Lucy are giggling, Dylan is crying, and patting Ed's back and Nathan has an amused smile on his face. Beth is the only one that isn't laughing her ass off, she looks at me almost concerned.

My cheeks start to redden again but this time not from embarrassment but from anger. They think this is so funny. Idiots, all of them.

Nathan steps in my direction and extends his hand to me while trying to contain his smile so it won't get wider, "Need help?"

My jaw is tightly shut, and I narrow my eyes at him. I stand up not taking his hand "No, I'm fine. Go join them and crack up laughing because of my clumsiness." As soon as those words leave my mouth I continue to walk, not even caring about the others. If they want to stay there making fun of me, fine but I'll find a way out.

After a while I hear steps following me, "Go away, Nathan."

"Kate, slow down," I stop, and Beth comes into my field of vision "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You still ask that?" I say out of frustration.

"That was the wrong question. I understand why you acted like that towards the others, but why with Nathan?" She chooses her words carefully, afraid of saying the wrong thing.

"He wanted to laugh, he had a stupid smile on his face, he was containing himself, but now he can laugh as loud as he can cause I don't give a fuck." I throw my hands on my hair, close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself.

"You know that when you left him there, he was really confused. He was going to come after you, but I said that I would handle it, that I would talk with you" I focus on her. Her blue eyes already looking into my green ones.

Was he really going to come after me? What would he say to me? What is he thinking at this moment?

"It doesn't matter." I lower my arms to cross them over my chest.

"You are such a pain in my ass, but I still adore you." She says sweetly to me.

"After everything?" She stays silence for a while and I almost have a heart attack, afraid of her answer.

"Yes. You are my friend and I know that what happened wasn't your fault. All this," She gestures around, "It's no one's fault, we couldn't have guessed that a few bad choices and ideas would lead to this."

I run to her and give her a hug, she reciprocates it right away "I adore you." I say hugging her tightly "I adore you too. Are we good?" she replies, I simply nod just wanting to enjoy being in the arms of someone who cares for me.

"C'mon, we need to go back to the others." After hugging her for a while we finally let go. I nod and we start walking.

Not long before we see the boys and girls still on the same spot we left them.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Shut up Kate" Ed says not even looking at me.

"Excuse me? Do you think that you can-"

"Kate, for God's sake don't speak" This time it was Nathan talking. I look at him not understanding.

"Are you angry at me?" He shakes his head and slowly raises his hand to his lips to silence me before pointing ahead of him, to where he was looking.

My eyes follow his finger and I froze, in front of us is a wolf. A big gray wolf.

It seems that he hasn't noticed us yet, which is a relief since I walked in here and started talking loudly.

"We need to go." Beth says behind me. I nod my head and see by the corner of my eye Ed and Nathan doing the same, from my position I can't see the others.

"Okay everyone, we are going to start walking backwards, try to see where you put your feet." Ever so slowly I take a step back and then another, never letting my eyes wander from the wolf.

It's such a beautiful creature, you can see how mighty and majestic he is, but at the same time so deadly and dangerous. Also, very protective and clever because they always hunt in packs.


"There is more." I whisper and tense, stopping in my tracks.

"What?" Nathan mumbles next to me.

"They hunt in packs, if this wolf is chasing for food then the others are close."

"Since when are you a wolf expert?" Ed says rudely at me.

"Why would it matter? Focus on the fact that I just gave you really important information and we need to get the hell out of here."

"Thanks for stating the obvious."

I'm going to fire back at him when a howl sounds, the wolf pierces his ears to hear and raises his head from the floor and howls back. This isn't good. This is so not good.

And just like that the wolf runs away, leaving us behind. We wait a few more minutes just to make sure. A sigh of relief is shared between us when we realize that it's over.

"That was close." Dylan is the one that talks.

"Yeah and thanks to Kate we almost got caught. Tell me do you wish to be a wolf's lunch?" I don't need to look to know who spoke. First because I recognize the voice, and second, there is only one person that would irritate me this much.

"No, I don't Ed, but it wasn't my intention to get us caught."

"This time we got lucky, but you don't know next time. So, keep your mouth shut and-"

"She didn't know" Nathan steps between me and Ed, "She wouldn't put as in danger. So why don't you also shut your mouth mate."

"You are always defending her. What's wrong with you?" Ed spits angrily at Nathan.

"You aren't thinking clearly Ed, go take some fresh air. We will talk later."

"You can bet we will" Ed says before going straight to Lucy that was trembling from shock, maybe.

I raise my hand to touch his shoulder "Nathan?" he sighs and turns his body so now he is facing me. His eyes lock with mine and I need to remind myself to not get lost in them "Thank you." I whisper.

He shakes his head and sends me a smile, "Anytime."

"I'm serious here. You defended me, you took my side, the only person that ever did that to me was my brother. Not even my parents did it." He frowns at me, thinking of what I said "and because of that now Ed is furious with you. I would be fine if he had a problem with me, but he is your friend."

"He isn't mad with me, he just has a lot of things to... digest."

"Digest?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"Yeah, a lot to think." he steps closer to me.

"Why didn't you use that word instead?"

"I don't know." He takes another step, we are face to face, or more chest to face because of his height.

I'm about to say something when I hear it.

Footsteps. Paws come crashing violently on the ground and the sound grows closer and closer to us. I look at Nathan and notice by his stance and facial expression that he discovered the same thing as me.

"Guys, the wolf is back, and he brought his friends, let's get out of here. Now!"

I run as fast as my feet and legs can take me, never looking back, never stopping. Fear is spreading throw my heart. The leaves on the ground crunch when our feet met them.

The wolves are coming closer and we run for our lives. There is no place to hide, the only trees around us are mostly pines, they are too thin for us to hide behind, so we are left with only one option.


Not that hiding behind trees would be the best option as they can smell us. But when panic hits you, you do what have to do.

I was tired for all the walking and now that we are sprinting for dear life, I can feel the effects of tiredness on my body, my muscles are burning, my feet aching, my head pounding, my throat is dry.

Small amounts of snow have gathered on the ground since last night, my boots bury on the snow, slowing me down and making the escape more difficult.

Nathan tugs my hand tightly, "You can do it Kate, don't stop." I try to gain as much energy as I can, I try to make my body to cooperate with me.

I want to move faster, I want to leave alive.

A howl sounds, I turn my head back and I see a black figure moving. A wolf.

A stick catches my foot and my knees collide with the ground. Nathan is pushing me up from my armpits in an instant, "Don't look back, c'mon."

His stronger and larger legs make it easy for him to run, but one step of his is equivalent to two of mine. He slows down his pace, but it still feels like he is dragging me. His hand never let's go of mine and I couldn't be gladder for it.

Another sound reaches my ears, this one very different from a wolf. Its water.

We keep running in the direction of the sound till we see a river. A part of it is frozen because of the winter, the waterfall is also frozen.

"Over there," Sarah points to the other side of the river.

You can hardly see what she is talking about if you don't pay enough attention, but if you do you can see a sort of a convert or den close to the river. The opening is covered with sticks, snow, stalactites and branches.

"We can hide there." Dylan says in a hurry, he starts moving towards the river.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asks in panic.

"We need to pass the river to reach the other side and hide, it's our only chance." He puts a foot on the ice.

"No, we need to keep running, they will smell us." Ed is the one talking.

"Not if you cover it with dirt." Nathan crouches down grabs mud and throws it against my chest.

"What are you doing?" He keeps putting more mud on my body.

"Covering your scent, I can smell your perfume, now stop talking and do the same on my body." I open and close my mouth, like a fish in need of water, till I nod and start getting him dirty with mud.

"Do the same." Nathan instructs the others.

"Where are we going to clean ourselves?" Sarah asks quickly putting mud on her legs.

"On the river."

"Are you kidding me Nathan? That thing is freezing, we can't go in there." I speak and look at him right in the eyes.

"It's the only way." His green eyes lock with mine, "C'mon, you're done."

I look down and my clothes are a mix of brown and black, I have leaves, dirty snow and bugs... ew.

"Let's go guys," Dylan puts another foot on the river, you can hear cracks from the weight that is being put on the thin ice, "Step on the places I stepped on before." He helps Sarah and then goes Lucy, Ed and Beth all in line to make it to the other side.

"You go first, I'll be right behind you." Nathan softly says. I look at him and then at the river. The wolves must be coming, and we need to reach the end of the river.

My heart beats violently in my chest, my clumsiness gene not helping anything, only making my fear of something going wrong increase.

One foot in front of the other.





Walk slowly.

I'm shaking by the time that I'm in the middle of the river. Nathan must have noticed because his hands reach my waist, "You're doing great, go on."


"I'm right here, everything is going to be fine. Keep walking cupcake. You can do it." I take a deep breath and take another step.

I can feel the river flowing under me, Nathan never takes his hands from my hips as we finally get to the edge. Dylan helps me in leaving the river, he takes my hand while Nathan pushes me up. In no time we are running to the covert.

I look behind me and I swear that I saw white fur somewhere between the trees. Nathan gets in and pushes me with him. The space we are in is very small but still manageable. Nathan folds his legs and places me between them, my back is facing his front, and he wraps his arms around my waist holding me close to him.

"You did good babe. You did so well." He whispers in my ear. I nod and try to catch my breath while I lean my head on his shoulder.

I can feel his chest raising and falling against my back, his warm breath caressing my neck. I look around and see Lucy gripping Ed's arm tightly, Sarah and Beth hugging each other and Dylan with his face buried in his knees.

A splash is heard, and then another and it continues.

"The wolves are on the river." Beth's shaky voice reverberates in the dark.

A set of paws came at my side from the outside of the covert, a squeal lives my mouth, but it's immediately muffled by Nathan's hand. We stay quiet and I try to control my breathing and my racing heart. The covert is so small and close to the ground that we can only see the paws and legs of the wolves. If they can't smell and see us, they will eventually leave.

I grip Nathan's thigh and he brushes his nose on my cheek to try to calm me and comfort me. No one says a word, no one moves, we are statues. Immobile and mute.

Another set of paws appear at the entrance, this one is gray with dirt on his claws from the mud and the snow. The wolf starts scratching the ground and sniffing the air.

Oh, Dear God.

I press myself more on Nathan's back and his arm pushes me more to him, there isn't an inch of space between our bodies. I turn my face to his neck and try with the rest of the forces that I still have left not to cry. His palm strokes my hair and we remain like that while my eyes are focused on the wolf.

He continues to sniff the air, as if looking for something... they are looking for us. After what it seems like an eternity the wolf sneezes and howls, the others do the same and they start to leave.

Paw after paw appears on the entrance of the covert till nothing more is left, only the footprints can remind us of what occurred. Of what could have happened. Once again, we were lucky. But for how long will this last?

No, we are not lucky, if we were, we would not be in this mess, we would be on a bed drinking hot chocolate and having the trip and moment of our lives.

This was supposed to be a rememberable journey, a trip to Ireland that we wouldn't be able to forget. Well, we reached that goal, I'm never going to forget this traumatized travel.

Without being able of holding back anymore I broke into sobs, heart breaking sobs, tears fall down my face with no intention of stopping soon. But I don't care.

I turn my body to the side and wrap my arms around Nathan's body clinging to him for dear life, he circles his arms around my back and leaves kisses on my hair while I cry on his chest. He rocks back and forward saying sweet things with his lips pressed on my head and I fall asleep that way.

Crying like a baby in the arms of a boy that treats me like no one ever did and think that of all the places and moments we could have met. Fate decided to join us here.

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