The Demon of Gambling 2 (Kake...

By Flxwer1800

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After the events that occurred between the President and Yumeko. Y/N Continues to live his somewhat normal li... More

Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 19

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By Flxwer1800

Hey guys. I'm back with another chapter. I'm glad that a majority of you seemed to like the last chapter which quite honestly might be my best one yet. I appreciate that some of you said that I didn't disappoint, it really made me feel good. So here I am with another chapter. Enjoy. 

Terano sat across her guest with Rei and Yumi behind her. 

Terano : I hardly expected you to contact me of your own accord. What business do you do you have to conduct with me? *Looks up* Yumeko Jabami. 

Yumeko : *Giggles* I was hoping we could gamble.

As Yumeko and Terano carried on with their conversation. We change the scene to Itski giving sliced apples to an individual in a hospital bed. The person was revealed to be Kaede Manyuda. The former treasurer of the student council. He lost his title due the absolute decimation he suffered when he lost 10 billion Yen  to Y/N and Yumeko during their match. HIs hair also turned white due the shock. (I think) 

Itski : *Places apple slices in front of Kaede* I though you might like a snack. I peeled them hand so you better appreciate it. 

She held her still bandaged fingers behind her back. They were bandaged because she bit off her nails during Kaede's last match. To show she was willing to go all in. 

Kaede : Itski, please just let me be. I say that for you sake. In my defeat I lost everything. From my standing in school to my parents expectations. Even my life is no longer my own. 

Itski : *Holds life plan and gains creepy smile* Oh do you mean this?

Kaede : Indeed. Because you have my life plan, my life is effectively yours. 

Itski : Why are you acting so timid? It's not like you. 

Itski took the life plan and grabbed the pages with her teeth and ripped the pages and spat them out. (I'd write a joke about just doing it like a regular human being but since her fingernails are missing, using her hands probably would have hurt so I'll let it slide) Kaede was surprised by the actions she took. 

Itski : This is nothing but paper! Someone else own your life plan right?! Then you fight for a shot to make a comeback. Big Soulja in this bitch. Don't let it be a reason to give up on your ambitions. 

Kaede : Your being a fool. I had no right to try to walk the high road. But I know that now. I have nothing left to fight for. 

Itski looked down defeated seeing the person she once looked up to speaking in such a manner. But she quickly moved onto the bed and put her finger under his chin. 

Itski : In that case. Does that mean that your ready to submit to me beholder of your life plan until the day you die? Someone you so grossly underestimated as long as you live I'll run you ragged. 

Kaede : Very well could be worse. 

Itski : Is this the limit of your ambition? I cant stand to see so feeble. 

Itski who was upset left the room, though she stood by the door until she was approached by Yumeko who was looking for her.

Itski : You were looking for me? 

As they spoke Ibara was approaching a door and while doing so he saw Miroslava. (I'll just call her Mira since that's what she's called at this point in the show) 

Ibara : Hey Mira! Did Terano summon you here too? 

Mira : Yeah. 

Ibara : Then she must already have something brewing up. Though I doubt it will be anything nice. Now lets see if we're going to meet a demon or a snake. 

As Ibara's hand approached the doorknob he heard rumbling from afar. Mira soon heard it too and it seemed to be coming form the corner around the hallway. Their interest was peaked as they walking slowly toward the end of the hallway. What they saw was not what they expected. 

It was Y/N and he was running. They looked past him to see that he was running from a literal sea of girls that were chasing him. 

Girl 1 : Please stop running!

Girl 2 : We only want you to ourselves!

Y/N looked forward and saw Mira and Ibara. 

Y/N : Do you want to get ran over? MOVE!

And they followed he said as they ran towards their initial destination. 

Girl 3 : I want you to father my children!

Y/N, Mira and Ibara : What the fuck?!

Girl 4 : Marry me!

To slow them down Y/N took off his blazer that had sweat in them and threw it at the horde of girls it slowed them but temporarily. The trio kept running and Mira and Ibara made it to the room first. Once inside they both stuck their hands out. Y/N saw this and ran faster and eventually grabbed their hands and they him in and shut the door. Y/N was flat on the ground and struggling to breathe but eventually caught his breath. 

Mira : You okay Luci? 

Y/N : I'm fine, and leave that name in the past.

Itski : Luci? 

Mira : Short for Lucifer. It was a name I came up for him while we were dating. 

Ibara : You two we're dating? 

Y/N : 5 years. 

Yumeko : *starts to resemble angry Kushina* Really how come you never told me or Mary about this? 

Mira : We decided to keep this on the low up until now I guess. 

Y/N got up from the floor and began dusting himself off. 

Yumi : Why were you running? 

Y/N : Oh, after my performance I've been getting approached by girls left and right. And in some cases getting chased through the school is something that will happen. 

Silence ensued as the conversation ended until Ibara noticed that Yumeko was in the room alongside Itski. 

Ibara : What going on Terano? You bringing her into the fold after all. 

Terano : No. 

Ibara : Your looking to square off with Kirari aren't you? Then it makes sense for you to join us. Then lets bring her down together. 

Yumeko : Thank you. But I have to decline your offer. 

Ibara : Huh?

Y/N : Way to shit on his dreams. 

Terano : If all she wanted was to fight Kirari she already would have. Yumeko has her own ulterior motives beside she's the one who proposed this.

Y/N : That honestly doesn't surprise me but-

Mira : For what purpose?

Terano : You saw the interim results the other day. Kirari is gaining votes faster than I anticipated. The result of the election can be predicted. Due to student votes being bought and sold. It'll be a free for all with the votes going to the highest bidder.

Y/N : And because your financially disadvantaged. If things reach that stage you will all lose and with the little votes you wont have enough to take part in the gamble. 

Yumeko : They're right you know, We should all gamble together then. If we were to play a high risk high return game amongst ourselves we'd be able to pool all of our votes.

Terano : Both Yumeko and Itski were considered to be top contenders. We couldn't ask for better opponents. I've already chosen the content of the gamble. Mira, Ibara? IS this agreeable? 

Mira & Ibara : *Eyes turn red and pupils turn yellow* An appetizing idea. 

Terano : So are all the participants assembled. 

Yumeko : Not quite. There's one more coming. 

The door opened revealing Kaede to be the person that opened it. 

Y/N : Surprise seeing you here four eyes. Why's you hair white.

Flxwer : Anime reasons. 

Ibara : I know him. Isn't that Kaede former treasurer. HE lost 10 billion. He doesn't even place in the rankings he's a small fry. It goes against the idea of pooling votes together. 

Terano : Perhaps but in fairness Yumeko and I both chose two people. And a full table is needed to gamble. Deal with it.

Kaede : A seat filler, perfectly suited for a failure like me. So be it then. The election means nothing to me. 

Itski : Is that the attitude your gonna take?

There were random claps that echoed throughout the room. Grabbing everyone's attention. They belonged to a girl with long black hair and her eyes looked purple but a more faint shade. She also wore a coat that resembling that of an animal which meant she was from the election committee. 

??? : Well well I can see that were all here now. I am Rumia and I am from the election committee. It's my privilege to be your game administrator. 

Ibara : I'm already finding your voice kind of annoying. 

Y/N : I want to stab you in the fucking throat so you could shut up. 

Everyone : Jesus. 

Rumia : I actually get that a lot. Well except the second one. The game is sponsored and designed by Terano. There will be five participants. 

Y/N : You not participating Terano? 

Terano : Have you forgotten about the pact? Plus I dont need to take any of their votes. 

Rumia : The game is called, "The game of giving to the greater good". Allow me to explain. All of you will be taken to a different room 1 at a time. In the other room there will be 2 containers. The privare funds box and the tax contribution box. Every turn I'll give each of you 5 silver coins to deposit. Then you can put the coins in any box you prefer. Once everyone's returned I'll count the contents of each box and then distribute them accordingly. The coins in your personal piggy bank become part of your funds which will then be added to your total running tally. But keep in mind that coins in the tax contribution box are doubled and the contents will be redistributed amongst the remaining players. Paying taxes contributes to the prosperity of the people as a result peoples quality of life improves drastically. and that's what the ta contributions box does in the game. 

Yumeko : I see. By the way. When you say everyone does that include people who didn't pay into the tax contribution box?

Rumia : Yes, which means that freeloading is allowed. 

Mira : That's crazy surely people wont pay taxes if they dont have to. 

Rumia : True but people like that are a drain on everyone else. But before each round there will be time for a group discussion.  And once during the game when at least three people agree a single play can be voted out due to consensus!  The eliminated player will be excluded from the gamble and all of the funds that they've earned will be confiscated. Your aim is to collect 40 coins or more over the course of 5 rounds. You can pay your taxes or take advantage of the donations the others have made. If you get 40 votes you will be awarded with votes according to the list. In order of the number of coins you've collected. 

Ibara : These rewards where are they coming from? 

Y/N sat on the table behind the 5 and spoke up since he knew the answer.

Y/N : Terano obviously, she didn't intend on taking yours in the first place, she's just giving hers as a reward. This is just a simple way of scheming votes from the house. If you want to take down the behemoth we know as the president, you'd need more people with high numbers And from the looks of it Terano doesn't care if the people are allies or not. Isn't that right Totobami. 

Y/N looked to Terano who's eyes were glowing yellow. Y/N retaliated by showing his new eyes to her as well. 

Terano : That's right. And I dont have time for dead weights. 

The two had a stare down but Y/N lost interest and just looked away. Terano kept her eyes on him but she to eventually gave up on her thought process. 

Rumia : Also anyone who hasn't accumulated 40 coins by the end of the game will have failed and lost the gamble. And Terano will collect votes from all of the losers. 

Ibara : It looks like your ready to take us all out. 

Terano : I said the goal was to pool votes that requires rationalization on all sides. 

Ibara : You always have an answer for everything. *Takes a brief moment of silence.  All right there's something about this game that strikes a chord with me, Which means I'll hate myself if I dont play. 

Mira : I have no objections. 

Yumeko : I can already feel my excitement stirring!

Kaede : Whatever you say. 

Itski seemed disappointed in Kaede's answer ad looked towards the ground lost in thought and was only brought out of it by Y/N. 

Y/N : Itski, you have things to do. 

Itski : Right, I'm in. 

Rumia : I'm glad to see that all participants agree to the terms. Also Y/N has been given permission to voice his opinions when it comes to the match.

The five looked at Y/N and confused and Y/N himself was confused by the revelation himself.  But nonetheless they went with it. The five drew lots with numbers which would decide how they would go the room. After lots were drawn the first discussion period began. 

Mini Timeskip brought to you chibi Y/N chasing Rumia with a knife. 

Itski : We dont have anything to discuss do we? 

Yumeko : Then shall we just confirm with one another. We'll each put five of our coins into the tax contribution box. Does everyone agree? 

Ibara : Huh? 

Y/N : *Looks annoyed* Are you deaf or something? 

Ibara : I actually still am a little from that concert you did. 

Y/N : That's was three days ago. 

Yumeko : Anyway, if everyone pays the tax then everyone will get the 40 coins needed. Plus we'll all come in first place. 

Ibara : What are you talking about? Being tied for first is the next thing we need to avoid after everybody losses. 

Mira : To pay every single one of us the first place prize would require 500 votes, Terano only has 133. split 5 ways that's 26 votes a piece. Still if one breaks from the pack 100 votes go to the winner. 

Y/N : And I'm pretty sure that none of you could resist that. Sooner or later you'd all just try to take advantage of each other. 

Yumeko : How upsetting. 

Itski : There's no way Yumeko hadn't considered that already. So she was making sure that we were all on the same page. That this about exploiting everyone else while you make sure you're safe. It's a game of treachery. 

Rumia rung the bell on the desk signifying the end of their first discussion period. Itski was the first to drop off her coins in the other room, however while doing so she had a worried look on her face. Once she arrived she saw two more election committee members in the room. She looked at the coins and contemplated to herself. 

Itski : What should I do? Of course I'm aiming to beat them all but there's no point if we all lose together . It'd be pretty foolish to put them all in the personal funds box right away. *Thinks of Kaede* I'm still aiming to win this. 

Back in the room with the rest of the group Yumeko was intently staring at Kaede.

Kaede : What is it?

Yumeko : That last game we played together was really great wasn't it?! We both put everything we had onto the field and even Itski gave it her all. It was such a wonderful moment. I hope we can make this game another great experience. 

Kaede : You never cease to amaze Yumeko. You've got a lot of nerve saying that to my face you know. 

Yumeko : Huh?

Kaede : Like you said. I gamble all that I had and lost. I have a question about your thirst for gamble of chance. Some of which have left your opponents at the brink of despair. Do you feel any remorse for those who's lives your compulsion has destroyed? 

The room sat in silence after hearing Kaede random yet thought provoking question everyone in the room looked on awaiting her response. 

Yumeko : Sure, there's guilt but I suppose the true essence of what I'm feeling is guilt from not having any remorse. 

Y/N was surprised at the answer that she had given and felt bad for her inability to not feel remorse for the reason that you would expect. Rei however was pissed. He marched toward her and voiced his opinion. 

Rei : Are you in your right mind? Knowing what happens to those whose live have been driven to the absolute brink?! The depths of despair? HOW CAN YOU STILL...!

Y/N : You seem familiar with this concept, someone sinking sad and desperate. 

Rei eventually calmed down from his anger and apologized to Yumeko begging for her forgiveness. 

Y/N : I dont. 

All gazes shifted to Y/n as he spoke. Mira walked up to him and spoke. 

Mira : You dont what? 

Y/N : I don't feel anything for the lives I've destroyed. 

Rei was once again filled with rage as he ran up to Y/N and grabbed him by the collar. 


Y/N felt no anger against Rei, instead he gently removed his hand from his collar and let it go. 

Y/N : When you live the way I lived you start to realize that no one cares about you well being. I guess you could say I'm hard wired like that. Simply put I just can't feel remorse for my enemies. 

Terano : How far has it gone? Your lack of remorse for the opponents you've faced. 

Y/N : I've seen people sink into despair and depression.I've seen 4 people blow their brains out in front of their wives and their children. I saw someone jump off a bridge into a freeway, I saw someone bang their head into a wall so many times that when they were done I saw his skull cracked and his brain running away from him. All that happened then same night after they gambled with me. And after I just went home and watched Stranger Things like nothing happened. That's how far its gone. (Sorry it got a bit dark there) 

Y/N said that with a straight face while everyone else had a look of shock and disgust on his face. Rumia had to leave the room to throw up after the imagery flooded her mind. Even Terano the one person who seemed to have a unbreakable will looked at Y/N with fear. 

Rei : Truly a monster with no equal. 

Y/N : Say what you want. Don't think I'm the only villain in this case. 

Y/N began to unbutton his shirt. 

Y/N : I'm not saying what I caused is bad but sometimes you aren't really in control of the choices that are made for you.

He finished unbuttoning his shirt and but his body on display. 

Thank @kdog2201 for the reference image. Read his books they are fire. 

His onlookers were horrified at the sight. The scars wrapped around his upper torso. Yumeko came up close and traced her finger along the scars with a look of sadness upon her face. Mira was familiar with scars due to their past and had grown accustomed to them. She went up to him and hugged him from behind Yumeko seemed unhappy with her actions but let it slide. After that he put his shirt back on and spoke again. 

Y/N : People say that we a product of our environment. I guess that I am testament to that. 

Rei : *Bows* I'm sorry that I-.

Y/N : Dont apologize for how you feel, to do is to show that your humanity is stepping down. *Smiles* Now don't you have a game to play. 

The atmosphere shifted back to that a more calm tone as Itski re-entered the room. 

Yumeko : Itski! How'd it go?

Itski : Well there's not much to it. Just a room with a table and two boxes on it. 

Ibara : She ain't asking that.  She wants to know what box you paid into.*Eyes start to glow* You didn't put them into your personal funds did you? 

Itski : What do you want me to tell you, obviously none of us want to be eliminated from the game. So we'll all just say chose the tax box no matter what we did. 

Ibara : I dont know. Sometimes you can tell if a persons lying by the way they answer the question. Hey Kaede you and the lady go back a long time can you tell?

Y/N : Just leave him alone. He obviously doesn't really care about this whole situation. The 4 four of you could handle this. 

Ibara : So it's like that.

Mira returned to the room and it was now Yumeko turn to place her coins in the box. As she was about to leave for the room, Itski asked if she thought that they were able to win this gamble in a worried tone. Yumeko responded by saying she felt that something exciting was going to happen. 

Mini Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Yumeko counting Y/N's scars. 

After all 5 participants returned from placing their coins in the box , Rumia dropped them onto the table in a bag. 

Rumia : All auction from round one have been completed. It's time to announce your donation results! Now I will count the coins in the box and then distribute them between all players. 

The bag was emptied revealing 20 coins. That doubled would be 40, and that number divided by the 5 people meant that each person would get 8 coins per person. 

Itski : If we all put our coins in the tax box that would put us at 25, but instead we're 5 short which means-

Yumeko : We have a traitor in our midst 

Y/N : You say that like you all agreed to put all of yoyur coins in the box. 

Ibara : I thought that this might end up happening. 

Itski : The question is which one of us is the traitor. Someone in the group is trying to get ahead of the rest by putting their coins in the personal fund box. We cant do the same thing over and over again or else we'll get nowhere.

Ibara :  Obviously, so what do we do? 

Y/N : Getting rid of that person should be your best bet. Less chances of someone fucking up the plan. But the question is-

Ibara : How do we figure out which one of us is the traitor? 

Mira : *Pulls on glove* I can make them talk. 

Y/N shuddered at her statement while Mira looked at him with a smirk. 

Itski : Huh. 

Mira : Torture might be house Mushibami style but I've learned a few things . In five short minutes, we'll have all the answers we want. 

Itski : What the hell is she talking about?!

The chances of finding the culprit are one in five. I'd prefer for no one who's innocent to get tortured. 

Mira : Dont worry I know how to get the whole story out of someone. 

Ibara :* Walks up to Mira* Your not getting it. How useful will your interrogation be if your the traitor. 

Itski : I think everybody needs to just calm down 

As the players diverged into an argument amongst themselves. Y/N approached Terano.

Y/N : Why this game? 

Terano : It's a miniature version of the election. It is essential that you have allies to see your elf succeed. While at the same time thinking of ways to outwit them. Out of all of them which of them do you think is the most smeared in lies?

Y/N : Excluding Ibara, all of them I'd say. I've tangled with three of them. Not sure about Yumeko but there are some things that's she's hiding from the world. 

Terano : Alright then. 

Yumeko : With one round complete we cant determine who the traitor is. In which case we could try to prevent it in the future. Anyone have a pen and some paper?

Itski obliged and gave it to Yumeko, Ibara was confused so Yumeko proceeded to explain. On the 5 pieces of paper she wrote a number between the number 1- 5 each person was to take that number and place the same amount of coins into the box. The purpose was to deduce the traitor  based on who didn't put any based on the shortage ( Or something along those lines )

After everyone had placed their coins after following Yumeko's plan Rumia once again collected the contributions. Once counted the total only came up 13 coins. Due to the total it would come up to when doubled then distributed it was rounded up to 6 due to the total being a decimal number. Ibara and Itski were shocked while the others had a normal look on their faces. 

Itski : But Yumeko your plan. 

Yumeko : How surprising I had planned for the number of coins total 21. 

Itski requested they all show her numbers. Once they did, the truth was found within Yumeko's statement. 

Y/N : So that means there are more than one traitor. 

Itski : What the hell is wrong with you guys?! We're all going to lose if we dont co-operate. 

Y/N : Dramatic much. 

Ibara cornered Yumeko against a table and placed his foot on desk in a sense trapping her.

 Ibara : Did you plan for this to happen? A situation where multiple people betrayed the group? 

Yumeko : Yes. Think of those instructions like bait. Once someone takes it that person becomes easier to find. 

Ibara : I trusted you and followed the instructions that you gave us. Now your saying it was a trick?

Yumeko : It was to reveal the truth. And as proof we all know there's multiple traitors involved don't we? 

Ibara : Sure, now there's proof. That you a dirty liar Yumeko! It doesn't pay to be honest! *Starts kicking desk* Why is it so unfair! How does a back stabbing liar like you even survive this long?

Y/N : Chill the fuck out man. All Yumeko was trying to say was that there are two traitors who are working together. 

Ibara : Huh?

Y/N : It would be stupid, to turn traitor if there already was one .The number of coins drop and everyone inches closer to losing. Unless they decide to work together. By fluctuating the right amount of coins at the right time. They can bring the amount of coins to what they desire. 

Everyone looked to Y/N with surprise when the possibility of second traitor was a possibility. 

Y/N : In the situation that your in with multiple traitors it'd be hard for the more to pull a Benedict Arnold on the rest. With that in place their victory is assured. However, like I said earlier, you can get rid of the person who is by expulsion. 

Itski : Well in that case how do we know if they aren't the traitors. *Points to Ibara and Mira* To work together you need to trust each other. Since your from the same clan you 2 are the most likely suspects. 

Y/N : That's unlikely seeing that they both got here at the same time. Though it's not impossible. 

Ibara : Exactly. 

Itski : How can we trust that you didn't know about this before hand. You could have planned this out in advance, I don't know maybe with Terano. 

The two of them spiraled into a argument once again. 

Itski : Hey Kaede, who do you think-

Kaede : I don't care about any of this Itski so leave me alone. 

There was a brief silence in the room before Y/N broke it. 

Y/N : Give us an objective opinion. I know you've obviously thought of that. 

Kaede : An objective opinion. Judging from the circumstances is Yumeko Jabami. 

Y/N : *Smirks* Huh looks like Kaneki's got his flare back. 

And that is the end of the chapter hope you boys and maybe gals if your in here. I considered adding the next episode to this chapter since it just resolves in the next episode but that would make the chapter at least 8000 to 9000 words long which would have taken too long. However the chapter after that will be special, I wont say how but I think you'd enjoy it. 

Also I have a Male Reader x BNHA book that I want to write and I was wondering how you would feel about it. I'd add an element to it that would make Y/N or you as a character as badass as the one in this book. Now dont worry I wont work on that book until I finish this book and my phantom book. I'll finish these first so I dont overwhelm my self and keep  the chapters too long in the making for you all. So leave your opinions on that. 

Anyway with that said thanks for reading this chapter be safe and have a fantastic day. 

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