The Missing Ally

By TheArtistEntertainer

17.6K 362 227

After 4 Years of Escargoon leaving Dreamland many things have changed. The people who live in town. Or some p... More

Chapter 1 Back In Dreamland
Chapter 2 Plans Coming Together
Chapter 3 Goonies Back?
Chapter 4 Castle Sweet Castle
Chapter 5 A Helping Paw
Chapter 6 The Party Begins
Chapter 7 "Reminiscing"
Chapter 8 Kirby's Next Ally
Chapter 10 The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 11 Lets Talk
Chapter 12 Fallen In Love Dedede?
Chapter 13 Tomorrow A New Day

Chapter 9 The After Party

954 20 25
By TheArtistEntertainer

It had been a few hours after Escargoon had become one of the star allies . The party had continued on for a good 4 to 5 hours afterwords. Escargoon even started to enjoy himself through this time! No longer as tense. Everyone had begun to leave now and go home now because night fall was coming and even dreamlanders need some sleep. "Great party guys! I had a blast despite not being able to reach the food." Marx declared as he walked out of the castle doors to head home. Escargoon waved goodbye too Marx as Magolor and MetaKnight walked to the door as well.

"I would say this party was quite fun I hope you enjoyed it Escargoon." Meta Knight commented as he held Magolor's hand offering to take him home. "Hehe we should do this again sometime Escargoon, it was quite the pleasure getting to know you tonight." Magolor added as he winked at Escargoon in a playful way. He proceeded to float off with Meta Knight as Escargoon waved goodbye to them as well. Escargoon watched them walk off feeling kinda sad it was all over. He felt something tug on his suit before closing the door.

It was Kirby who looked kinda sad he had to go. "Poyo poyo..." Kirby gently said as he looked at Escargoon his eyes filled with tears. "D-don't worry Kirby I will see you tomorrow! I promise." Escargoon consoled as he went down to Kirby's level of height. Kirby smiled and hugged him one more time before running off to his house Escargoon sighed happily as he watched him run home. "He really is a ball of positive energy isn't he.." He smiled as he closed the door to the front of the castle.

"Well I suppose you should back to your room and head in for the night." Bandanna Dee suggested as Escargoon walked back in. Escargoon sighed lightly "I suppose I should.." Escargoon spoke softly sounding quite satisfied...But something didn't feel correct. Almost like something was missing from the night. Like a piece of the puzzle was missing. A important piece. I mean he had seen everyone at the party, had a great time. Even became a star ally. So what was missing? He had spent time with everyone!...Except...

Escargoon's eyes grew wide realizing who he had forgotten. Dedede. He had noticed how quiet he was being but just left him alone. And after that, he was just...gone. Escargoon nervously let his own eyes dart around a bit, back turned from Bandanna Dee. Bandanna Dee noticed that Escargoon hadn't left yet which worried him. "E-Escargoon? Are you ok?" Bandanna Dee questioned walking up the to now worried mollusk. Escargoon quickly turned around to ask a question. "Where did Dedede go during the party?" Escargoon asked desperately. Bandanna Dee stopped to think of where the king had gone. "Well the king is!....He is...I don't know where he went..."

Escargoon had began to get more worried now. Had he been kidnapped? Or is planning something against Kirby? Is he OK?! His brain started to run wild with where he could be and what could be happening to him. Escargoon thought...If Dedede were planning something there is only one person he would call. Escargoon began to walk to the throne room and once he got there looked to the buttons on the throne. The all to familiar buttons they used to press when they needed a monster... "I don't suggest you do that! That's for Dedede only!" Bandanna Dee called out as he ran over trying to stop Escargoon from trying anything. Escargoon however ignored that as he clicked the button.

A large TV screen began to unfold and appear in front of the mollusk. Bandanna Dee the moment it began to appear he ran and hid behind a pillar, he couldn't lie it scared him a lot. The TV screen flickered and showed static for a moment before revealing the Nightmare Enterprises most trusted sales man. "Hello there Triple D-...Oh its you." CS sounded not very surprised too see the snail after so long. Escargoon looked up to the screen somewhat expressionless. "Has Dedede called you to order any monsters." The snail asked as serious as his voice could make him sound. "Woah, woah! Getting to that already! I haven't even gotten to welcome you back to dreamland properly loony goon. Its been quite sometime good too see your doing fine and dandy-" CS examined as he spoke clearly and professionally before being interrupted by the snail once more.

'Answer my question. Has he ordered any monsters from you recently." Escargoon growled as he spoke just wanting his answers so he could hang up. CS Smirked "Just skipping to the good part hm? Well no he hasn't ordered any since you guys invaded Nightmare Enterprises. Why do you ask?" CS's curiosity was peeked by this question. Escargoon looked away from the screen, his fists clenched. "What is he planning to try on his own then..." Escargoon shuttered only thinking about what he would try to do scared him. "He really can't do much without our assistance to be quite honest. Without us he's a monster owner with no monsters." CS said matter of factually. Escargoon turned his head back to him fast. "He could handle himself well without you! He doesn't need your crumby monsters!" Escargoon snapped at him a bit for even making any fun of Dedede at this moment. This was not a joke to Escargoon it was serious.

CS's smirk stayed on his face "How would you know? You weren't here for four years, you don't know if he made it well without us..Or even you.." CS inquired looking quite devious as he spoke. Obviously trying to rile Escargoon up. Which sadly worked. "You don't have the right too say about me or my king!' Escargoon barked out getting closer to the screen angrily. Cs shrugged a bit. " My points still stands. You have only been back for a day now. You do not know what he's been through for four years. Neither do I! But hey who knows. It sounds like he has moved on without yo-" Before CS could finish Escargoon hung up on him by smashing his hand on the button seen on the throne.

Escargoon was silent for a moment... Before putting his hands in front of his face and allowing himself to whimper. The thought of the king moving on without him. Was too much for him to take. He cared about the king too much to allow that! Bandanna Dee couldn't stand to watch him do this to himself. "Escargoon.." Bandanna Dee walked up to him putting a hand on his shoulder. Escargoon just ended up hugging Bandanna Dee, crying out as he did so. He needed anyone to hold at that moment. Of course he would have preferred it be the king but. A supportive friend was enough to make him feel somewhat better. "Escargoon what he said was not true. Take it from the person who has been here for the 4 years when you were not." Bandanna Dee consoled stroking the snails back hoping it would sooth him. Escargoon continued to whimper. "Th-then where is he...Why did he disappear other than he doesn't want too see me..." Escargoon spoke gently in Bandanna Dee's arms.

"Escargoon that's not even close to his thoughts on you. In fact they are the opposite." Bandanna Dee said softly saying what he hoped would cam him but also the truth. Escargoon looked up at him letting him go to speak. "Wh-what do you mean the opposite?" He asked as he let his tears gently fall out of his eyes. Bandanna Dee sighed and looked away for a moment before saying words that could explain everything.

"Its time I tell you the truth about what he thinks of you Escargoon."

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