Return (Katsuki Bakugo x Read...

By sneeze_

103K 2.2K 4.8K

(FINISHED!) "No fucking way in hell that you're who i think you are" "And who do you think i am, Ground Zero... More

°~Flashback~° Pt.2
八 (final?)

16.1K 319 926
By sneeze_

It was a chilly but sunny September morning, birds were chirping and leaves from trees were moving through the slightly cold air from outside, some of them falling, and some of them loosing its color, changing from a beautiful light green to a brown-orange, yellow or red color.

It was currently 7AM when the sun decided to shine through everyone's courtains and room, it was such a beautiful, yet annoying time of the day, well for a certain person sure was annoying as all hell.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" said Bakugo after exploding the poor alarm clock into almost ashes.

Ah, there he was, nr. 2 hero Ground Zero, spiky ash blonde hair that shined when illuminated by the sun breeze that went through his seethrough curtains, beautiful crimson eyes that you may get lost in if you stare in them for too long and...

The unpopular scowl on his face, known by so many fangirls and interviewers that received the said scowl too many times, and also known by close friends and sidekicks.

He got in a sitting position on his bed while trying to rub the sleep from his eyes, opening his right eye, he sees the almost to ashes alarm clock and sighs

"Guess i'll have to buy another alarm clock..goddammit, this is the fifth one this week, well this is what it gets for annoying me" he said before standing up from his bed and putting a black v-neck shirt, sharing a last glance in the big mirror attached to his closet and then making his way downstairs

Because he had seethrough curtains on all the windows in his house (except for the bathroom one), the warm morning sunlight invites himself into his livingroom and kitchen

He makes his way through the livingroom directly to the kitchen, but was greeted by his small but soon to be the best guardian dog, little King, a german shepherd who he adopted when it was only a few weeks old, of course he had to get some help from his friend because he never had a dog and never expected to be getting one, but he would never say it out loud because of his great ego, that he indeed, appreciated his friends help

And there he was, crouched, petting the 4 months old King, who had in a way made his days better.

"I guess i have to feed you first, huh King?" the said dog only got more excited when his name was heard, and Bakugo let a small but low chuckle at his reaction, getting up and going through his cabinets to find the dogs favorite food

When he found it, he easiliy opened it with a can opener (duh) and poured a little in a ceramic bowl with 'King' scribbled on it, King waited like a good boy that he is, also because Bakugo teached him to, and when finally done, Bakugo placed the little bowl on the floor and King immediatly dug his snoot in the bowl, eating like it was a competition

Meanwhile, Bakugo had finally decided what he was gonna eat for breakfast, he grabbed three eggs, salt, pepper, cheese and bacon and made the most delicious omelet that ever existed, well, what can you say? Bakugo is a great cook, and his ego is even greater. He then grabbed a pan and put in some olive oil, and after the oil heated up, he poured the omelet in the pan. After it was done, he sat by the table near the kitchen window, eating while scrolling through his social media, he was watching a video that someone posted of him fighting some villains when his phone started buzzing.


He sighed when he realised who was calling him but picked up after all

"What do you want shitty hair?" was his response, only to hear someone sigh on the other line and then speaking "I'm outside your door, open up". Bakugo wanted to say something back but couldn't, he was too confused as to why Kirishima was outside his house. It's not like he wasn't over here before, he just couldn't understand why it had to be so early

Bakugo didn't want to keep him waiting any longer, knowing that it was quite the Winter air outside, but he also wanted to ask a few more questions so that he could understand the situation a little bit. Before he could let another noise out of his now slightly opened mouth, he heard the door bell ring

Bakugo could only stand up from his seat and walk towards the front door, while also cursing some words under his breath about how 'he's gonna kill that son of a bitch' after letting him in

He opened the door just so Kirishima could see his right side of the face that he knew from ages ago, a dirty scowl playing on his face, Bakugo looked up and down Kirishima, his crimson hair was shaved on the sides and he had a bright smile on his face, well, Bakugo would call it a 'annoying smile' that he knew ever since his first encounter with him

After what felt like hours of thinking Kirishima was first to break the awkward silence, clearing his throat, he said "hey dude" and waved at him

Bakugo sighed and felt like he was about to scream in his face, but he only closed his eyes and rubbed his temples to calm down, he then opened his eyes and looked up at him with an annoyed look.

"Do you know what time it is, idiot?" he said with anger obviously heard in his voice, Kirishima got used to this way of talking with him so he only chuckled, "i know it's pretty early in the morning, but i wanted to get here as soon as possible, remember what we agreed on yesterday?" he said. "and as in early you really had to fucking come here at 7:56 AM?" Bakugo growled, Kirishima also got used to the constant growling whenever he had to talk with him, or anyone at that matter

"Get the fuck in already, i don't want the cold to get in my house" Bakugo said and opened the door a little so that Kirishima was able to get in, thanking him and then getting his shoes off. He was greeted by barking noises and a little puppy waggling his tail from side to side in front of him. "Hewwo wittle Kiiiing, how's the most cutest dog in the world doing, hmm? Were you the goodest puppy? You weeeree~" Kirishima scratched the puppy's belly while childishly talking to him, King moving his right leg in response, meaning he liked the scratch

Bakugo just stood there, cringing at what he saw, he hated how he was acting with his dog, i mean, he did help Bakugo with King when he just got adopted, but now he's older and a little bit more mature, he didn't need to act like that anymore, and it annoyed Bakugo very much.

"Okay can you fucking stop with that? It's like horror to my eyes" Bakugo said and turned around moving in the kitchen, making a coffee for him and his annoying sidekick

Kirishima picked the little dog up and went to sit on the couch, scratching the dogs head and opening the tv. He widened his eyes and moved his gase from the tv to the puppy sitting beside him, front paws on his lap, and licking his right palm, while the left hand was over the couch, Kirishima only laughed at this and made a little howling sound, he remembered that sometimes dogs howl back if you do so, so he did just that

After hearing this sound, King only raised his head, ears poining at the place where the sound came from, his head tilted a little in confusion so Kirishima howled again, a little bit louder now. He did so a couple of times more until he heard a little howl back.

It was King, he raised his head up in the air and howled for a few seconds before dropping his head and looking at Kirishima again, a face that told him 'do it again' and so he did. He howled again and got a howl back, they did this longer than 2 minutes

Bakugo finally came with the coffees out from the kitchen and entering the livingroom only to be greeted by howls, it was weird but interesting since he never heard King howl before, so instead saying something like 'i told you to stop with the weird things' he sat there at the kitchen doorframe that connected the livingroom, and stared at the most dumbest person alive howling with a puppy

He let a long sigh and walked in the livingroom and placed the coffee cup on the coffee table infront of the tv. Kirishima only giggled at the fact that Bakugo had the most disgusted expression on his face.

"So what did you come here for?" Bakugo asked, it better be a good reason as to why he had to come at his place at 7:56 AM, an hour where most people chilled in their own homes or even sleeping.

"Well i came to talk about the party, you know who's gonna come?" said Kirishima still petting the little dog that almost fell asleep, Bakugo had no idea who's gonna come to that party, but at the same time he could care less, if it wasn't for Kirishima waking him up at 1 AM telling him that they're gonna have a party on the well known I-Islands and he had to come since he's the nr. 2 hero in all Japan, he wouldn't be in this position right now.

"I don't care who's gonna come or not, the less people the better anyway" Bakugo said with crossed arms and closed narrowed eyes but immediately opened them when he heard the next sentence his companion said.

"Our old friends are gonna be there, even Mineta"

No way...
No fucking way...



Oh and also 1700 words :3
And this is what i think of kiri's hairstyle UwU

(The one is the middle right)

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