She's our bodyguard?!?

By Tillytheboss

142K 3.9K 732

I'm Lenna Vick and believe it or not, I'm One Direction's new bodyguard. I know, it's pretty hard to believe... More

Chapter 1 - ABOUT ME
Chapter 2 - Meeting The Boys
Chapter 3 - DADDY
Chapter 4 - 5 AM
Chapter 5 - Dang it
Chapter 6 - Wait You're My Brother
Chapter 7 - What's going on?
Heads or Tails
The Event
The Vicks are Back Bitch!
Little town
We bought a diner
The tapes
Pregnancies and fighting
Like mother like daughter
Stacy the little liar
Answers and updates
Old friend
Story Time
Danny Baby
Bye Bye Bye.
One Direction's return
Children and fighting
Hospital Suprises
Looks like she's back
Wrong Lad
Veronica veronica.
Dear kinda husband
Calm before the storm?
Bang bang/// 1 more chapter
Last Chapter

The shootout

1.7K 54 15
By Tillytheboss


Leanna's POV


I was awakened by a loud noise. I looked around forgetting how I fell asleep until I realized that I was in my temporary room. Sydney was resting surprisingly not on me. Sydney convinced Harry to come into our room so we could talk for a bit, I guess we all fell asleep? Sydney is snuggled up against Harry, with a frown etched on her face, yet, she still looked like an angel. I heard the noise again, Officially freaking me out. I slipped from my bed and put my shoes on (since I was wearing the outfit from yesterday still) and creeped towards the door. I silently opened the door and tip-toed out. I froze hoping to hear the noise again to locate where it's coming from. After a minute or so, I heard the loud crash again. I determined the noise is coming from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen seeing the fridge door open. Liam was standing by the fridge pulling stuff out.

"What the heck are you doing?" I whispered annoyed to him. He looked over to me in surprise. He sent a small smile towards me, but I sent a harsh glare.

He frowned and said, "I'm hungry so I'm getting some food, is that okay with you?"

"You woke me up." I mumbled to him, but it was loud enough that he could hear.

"How? I'm being silent... I thought you were making those noises?" Liam said confused at first, but then he looked honestly scared.

He thought I was making those noises? Why? He didn't even know I was awake...

"Why did you think I was?" I asked him confused.

"You are loud sometimes, you went to bed early so I assumed that you woke up early." Liam explained. He shrugged at the end.

Liam opened some cheese string and began eating it.

I'm not loud when I wake up though ....?

"Wait... So if I'm not making the loud noises and your not, then who is?" I asked him. We both copied the same look of terror once we realized it could be someone attacking us.

"It's probably one of the boys... Right?" I asked him looking for reassurance.

"I don't really kno-" Liam began to say when the glass chattered from bullets going through them. Me and Liam looked at each other in pure terror. We both fell to the floor to avoid being shot.

"You get Harry and Sydney to a safe place, I'll deal with everyone else." Liam ordered me with a look of worry.

"But that not fair... Liam you can't get them all." I yelled to him, since the bullets were still firing.

"I don't care, I want you to be safe, go, NOW!!" Liam yelled, pointing towards my room. I nodded and scurried to my room.

Harry and Sydney were already awake, they both looked insanely scared. Harry was holding Sydney securely behind him, using himself as a shield incase if someone was to come into the room, since the people were only firing in the living room/kitchen.

Me and Harry looked at each other with worry. Harry was dressed already like I was, except he already had his shoes on, Sydney did also.

Harry grabbed our emergency bag and Sydney ran to me. I hugged her tightly and pulled away making eye contact with her.

"Sydney listen to me, I need you to stay with Harry no matter what... Unless I tell you to come with me. I'm going to get us out of here." I told her trying to sound sure of myself so she didn't worry as much.

She nodded, a tear streamed down her cheek, I wiped her tear and gave her a comforting smile.

Harry came over to me giving me a quick hug.

"Please take her, and hand me that gun." I asked him, pointing towards the gun laying on the small desk across from him. He grabbed it and handed it to me. He then picked Sydney up, hiding her small face in his chest.

I opened the door silently, the people should be close to the house by now, so we need to run... And fast.

"Harry we need to run out the back door and not stop until we are far, far, far away." I whispered to him. He quickly nodded, hopefully understanding.

I began to run out, Harry close behind me. We quickly got out the back door and began running towards the woods. We are soonly met with gunfire from a few people, who I shot back at. We ran into the woods, after a while we stopped to catch out breathes. Sydney was crying in Harry shoulder scared of what might happen and what she just witnessed. Me and Harry looked at each other. Since we know we've lost the people by now, that's when the worry completely settles In. What about Liam? What happened to him and the rest of them? Did anyone die? If so who? Where are they? These questions start to circulate in our brains as we try to find our way out of these woods. After about an hour of walking aimlessly and complete silence(other than Sydney's sobbing) we finally found a way out of the woods. We figured out that we were In a nearby town.

We stopped on the curb, unsure of where to go.

"What's going to happen Leanna? Where are we going to go?" Harry softly asked me looking down at the now sleeping Sydney.

I lightly chuckled not finding anything funny.

"Liam is the one who always answers those questions for me." I confessed to him running my face with stress.

We sat there in silence. If I wanna get an answer like Liam's I'm gonna have to think like him.

"Okay... We firstly need to get a car, then we need to drive far away from here, maybe a different state? Then we need to find a motel, and wait for calls from the rest of them." I told him unsure. He nodded with a worried sigh.

"Where Leanna?" He asked me, you could tell he was scared.

"I don't know Harry, let's get a car first." I told him. I jumped up off the curb and held my hand out for him. He grabbed my hand and I helped pull him up. Sydney of course woke up, but stayed silent.

We walked to a nearby Walmart, since it was like 1 in the morning it was really dark and there is practically nobody here. We had the options of a truck and a GMC range rover. Obviously we choose the range rover, room for Sydney and all.

We got into the now stolen car and quickly drove off before any security cameras could catch us. Sydney fell asleep In the back and lucky for us there is already a booster seat in here for her.

We end up driving to St. Louis, MO and checking into a decent hotel.

"How about we go to Vegas next time?" Harry asked jokingly, but with a bit of seriousness.

"Yeah maybe." I replied smiling.

Great, I have no idea where my brother or the rest of us are , or if they are all alive, but at least I'm safe with Harry and Sydney, but still the worry is never going to go away until I get a call from someone.

"Are we going to die?" Sydney suddenly asked catching us by surprise.

"No, of course not. I won't let anything happen to anyone." I told her, wishing that what I just said was true.


What did y'all think?? Boom!! Sorry it's a short chapter, next one will be much longer.

Love you guys!!

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