
By _book_geek

589 25 14

You know how people were like "zombies don't exist?" That's a load of crap. Meet Mazz Hileper. She's a par... More

Sisters and Snow
Zombie, Best friend?
Why so many Zombies?
Why the voices?


171 7 2
By _book_geek


My name is Mazz.

I have a little sister by the name of Kim.

Life is normal. She had brown hair. Me black hair. We both live on our own.

Constantly running and killing zombies.

Life is totally normal.

Oh. Let me explain.

So I'm what, 17 years old. Kim is 10. When I was seven zombies corrupted the earth. Life was normal before. The only issue I had was if my crush liked me or not.

Anyway, my dad was in the military at the time and he came strait home as did all the fellow soldiers.

He took us to the storm shelter. I remember he talked to my mom is a hushed voice but I could still hear

"The virus has been unleashed,"

"What!" My mom didn't even try to be hushed.

"What's going on daddy?" I asked.

He looked at me and said "go to bed Mazzie." I swallowed my fear and headed to my little bed that was in here.

I never did get answers. I just woke up and my dad taught me how to shoot a gun, a bow, and how to work a tank.

I did that for about a year with him.

We always stayed hidden in the shelter though. He never would tell me why he was training me to do this, or why we stayed hidden. We just did.

Then mom got knocked up. Had Kim and yeah.

I remember one day my dad pulled me aside as we were eating breakfast -Kim was six I was thirteen-

"You protect her" he said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Kim" he answered. My dad was a tall blond haired man. Over time in this shelter he had seemed much older. He was maybe about 35 at most, he looked forty. The darkness had changed him.

"I will always protect her" I whispered nodding my head, "why wouldn't I?"

He shook his head and lead me back to the breakfast table.

Sitting down he announced "we're leaving the shelter today."

My mom paled.

My sister squealed in delight.

I almost choked on my juice.

"What!" My mom and I choked out.

I didn't know at that age what was out there but I knew that it was something sinister.

"Yes. We need to relocate."

"Why?" My mom demanded.

"Because. Tim."

Tim. I had heard of him. He was the glue that got my mom and dad together. He was there best friend.

"Why now?"

"He has contacted me. He is still alive," my dad called out.

"What do we pack?" Kim asked.



"Because. What's out there is evil. You can't have anything slowing you down."

Kim and I nod.

"We're leaving right after breakfast." With that he went to the back of the shelter and started getting the guns ready.


We exited.

This was Kim's first time out.

She covered her eyes to shield her from the light.

My mom and dad held hands and I held Kim's.

"Where do we go?" My mom asked.

I heard a snap. My dad had been training me out here everyday since I was seven.

I didn't even know what I was fighting.

I had asked once. My dad said I was fighting the 'world.'

It's funny. I smell the beast before I see it.

It's rotten. It's skin is falling off, red and sunburnt. Tall, shredded clothes, male. Is basically all I can say to describe it.

It rushed at us. My instincts took over and I grabbed Kim. No. Not grab. I held her and ran.

I just ran.

The weather was hot and normal since we lived in Arizona. The town was abandoned. I rushed Kim inside an old Walmart.

It was still stocked with goods.

I hear a rustle. And a unhuman groan came from an aisle a few feet away from where I stood.

Kim held my hand in a death grip.

I reached inside my pocket and gripped the knife dad had gave me before we left.

I kneel down to Kim's level.

"Kim," I whisper "I have no idea what's happening. But listen to me. I'm going to distract the beast and while I'm doing that you run into that office," I nodded my head in the direction of a managers office "and hide."

"You'll come find me right."

"Yes. Then we'll go find mommy and daddy." She nodded and I got up.

"Ready?" I say. She nods once again. Without thinking I yell "RUN!"

Kim ran without hesitation.

I gripped the knife as the beast rounded the corner of the aisle.

This thing was ugly. It was a girl. With matted blonde hair with skin like the other beast.

The only word that was running through my head was "zombie, zombie, zombie" I had seen one zombie movie.

They looked kind of like this.

The girl ran at me.

I gripped the knife like dad had taught me and I aimed....


The knife hit the girl in her eye and from the force she flipped backwards. I ran forward and putting all my fear aside I gripped the knife, turned away, and swung at the ground where she lay.

I hear a strangled cry and look down at the motionless body.

In horror I run to where Kim is. I find her lying under a desk and join her.

Then at that moment I cry.

Fear is evil. It makes us stronger. But destroys us along the way.

This is the intro of my horrid life. I hope you enjoy it.

A/N: how do you like it so far? Good? Bad? This is not edited.

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