Blue Blood

By NoonaB25

136K 6.3K 1.6K

*smut -historical Fantasy like... -action? To my best knowledge -romance -jikook... obviously. +note: there... More

A New Beginning
The Hunt*
Love At First Sight
My Jungkook*
My Jimin*
Other Half
Moon Child
Second Chance
My Jimin Pt2*
A Stolen Gift
Second Try*
Moon Goddess*
Lovers Querials*
The Final
Wait! Double!?


2.7K 150 12
By NoonaB25

Maria pov

That annoying girl, to think she will go against Jimin? Stupid. What more surprising is Jimin, a white dragon? Things just keep getting more interesting each passing day. Going back to my room to see all of my things trash on the floor. Being alarm, I look all over to see what is being distributed, when I strong pair of hand push me around and pin me to the wall. "What the hell! Let go of me."

"You think you can get away by stabbing behind my back again? You have another think coming, Maria."

"Lord Tao?! But how! You are dead!"

"Dead? You think Jungkook can kill me easily by beheading me? Immortality is a beauty isn't it?" Joseph says as he squeezes my neck harder, making it harder to breath.

"Please! I ca..." I tried saying, looking at he's not the Joseph I know anymore. He's a lot older and his hair is gray, and it looks like he used all what's left of Jimin's blood to bring himself back. Definitely time is running out. If doesn't get a hold of his blood fast he will disappear into dust. Perfect. Less people to deal with honestly.

"Shut up you stupid girl. Who was the one that accepted you when your own family kick you out? Who was the one who gave you a home to stay? Food to feed you when you are hungry?"

"You, my lord."

"And what is the penalty for betraying me twice?"

"Death." I Said still fighting my way out of his strong grip.

"Good. Now who else is in my way of getting my love Jimin? Spill it unless you want to die."

"Ah! Please!" As his grip keep getting tighter and I had to slap his hand but it is not working. "Okay. I'll talk!" I manage to say and he loosen his grip a little but not letting me go.


"There's this girl named Sarah, who wanted Jimin dead because she loves Jungkook still. There is also Adam, he knows what Jimin is but he only knows little information about it and nothing more." And finally he let go and I drop on the ground gasping for air.

"Well it better be. It's time I use this." Holding out the fan that I stole from Jimin. "I already called out my soldiers to come and they will be here in two days time."

"My Lord. There is something else you should know."

"And what is that?"

"Your so called Jimin is pregnant with lord Jungkook children and this time it's twins he carries. Aside all that Jimin is that white serpent dragon."

"I thought that is a myth."

"I thought so too but it is not."

"Interesting. With this fan we can still control him once the time is right, we'll use this to go against him and Jungkook will not know what hit him."

"Yes." As I watch him looking at the fan like it is the most precious thing in the world. All that came into mind is how the hell did he steal the fan from me.

Sarah pov

Panic, I ran into my room and lock everything away. Ever since the battle with Jimin, I started to hear strange whispers, illusions all around. I even scared my father and all my other servant too.

"You think you can hide? You can't hide I'm always watching you. I know that you remember."

"Get out!" I said turning around and see nobody around me.

"Get out? Ha! You can't escape this time."

"Go away!"

"You want me gone? There is only death."

"I'll kill you!"

"Kill me? You can't when Jungkook is around protecting me."

"I will find a way! I always win!"

"You? Win? Don't make me laugh. You will only embarrass yourself."

"Watch me!"

Author pov

"My lord! My lord!" Adam ran yelling towards Lord Jeons chambers. "Bad news!"

Jungkook look up while he watches Jimin sleeping. "What is it?"

"I received word that Lord Tao's soldiers will be here in two days time!"


"We need to prepare for war. They will destroy our country and every innocent people. We need to use him to help us destroy them."

"You know what are asking of him? I will not. There are other ways to defeat his soldiers."

"My Lord! There are a hundred thousand! We need him now!"

"Go and gather them in the assemble and we talk more about it, I will not use Jimin into battle."

"Fine, but we still need him." Adam says and left the room to gather every official to the meeting room.

"Two days time?" Jimin says when he finally woke.

Jungkook look back at Jimin, "how are you feeling?" Right away the palace doctor came and check Jimin wrist for his pulse to see if nothing happen to the twins.

"Seems like they are doing okay and nothing major, here eat this. It will help gang some strength and your babies as well." She says as she handed Jimin the peach, soon Jimin start eating it she got up to leave the two alone.

"Jungkook there is something we need to check first. It's been bugging me for awhile now and I wanted to be sure."

"You mean Joseph?"

"Yes. I feel like he's not done, just yet."

Jungkook help Jimin up as they both walk towards the door and went out to the place where Joseph was buried somewhere. But once they reach there, they saw that it was disturbed like he crawled out of his own grave. "This is bad." Jimin says holding onto Jungkook's arm.

"Think. Remember you told me that your blood is like immortality? How did Joseph get a hold of yours?" Jungkook ask Jimin as he tried to remember.

"I don't know.... Jungkook, your the only person I showed you my blood. I like to know how he found out and tak...." When Jimin suddenly remembers.

"what is it?" Jungkook look at Jimin with concern now as Jimin's facial expression change.

"Jungkook... the fan. I feel like someone is trying to use it."


Jimin close his eyes to find out, "something is blocking me. Sorry. Oh!" Jimin flinch as he touch his baby belly. "Ah!" Holding Jungkook tight as it felt like someone just pinch him hard. "Ow ow ow!!!"

Jimin pov

The twins are starting to act up by kicking me hard, along with someone pinching me or rather it felt like someone is pinching me. "Jungkook... I think it's time to go home now."  I said to him.

I tried to walk but the pain kept coming and I wonder why this is suddenly happening so quickly. Jungkook pick me up in a bride like style and take us back. Once we reach home, he placed me down and I happen to lay on my side as it kinda helps a little. The palace doctor came in again and check.

"Odd. You are fine awhile ago, but now..." she says as she listens to my heartbeat from my wrist.

"What is it?" I asked getting worried now.

"Your babies... are growing fast than I expected it to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Seeing you in battle today says a lot. You're a white dragaon sweetie and on top of it all your a blue blood."


Before the doctor could say more, Adam came barging in. "My Lord Jeon. Everyone is ready for you and we need to attend this."

Jungkook sigh and look at me, "Sorry, I have to go." And kiss my forehead, "take care of him please. While I'm away."

"No problem, my lord." The doctor says as both Jimin and the doctor watch Jungkook left the room.

"Doctor tell me the truth, when am I expecting."

"Early as few moons time."

"Really? But please be exact."

"I'm sorry it's hard to say."

"It's not the peaches right?" Cause I've been eating them like crazy."

The doctor look at the peaches and see that it is almost gone. "No. It's not the peaches, those are here to help you." Before Jimin could say how she knows there was a small knock and on the door.

"Jimin?" We both look up and see Namjoon along with Taehyung and Hobi.

"Hey. Jimin there is something you need to see." Namjoon say as he handed me a scroll.

"What is this?" As Namjoon handed me the scroll and I open it. Looking at it I recognized it. "Where did you get this?" Feeling alarm by it.

"We found it hidden in the library."

"Who else knows about this?"

"Nobody. Just us."

"Good." And I set this on fire. "This shouldn't even exist."

"Then how?" Namjoon says as he watches the scroll burns.

"I don't know. In the wrong hands it could be used against me and especially Jungkook in particular. I love him with all my heart and this shouldn't be here in the first place. It should be kept from the gods but now that it's here it has to be burned."

"There is also this." Handed me another scroll. "I found this in other piles."

I opened it and I recognized the writing it belongs to April. "How did this get there?"

"I don't know, what does it say?"

"This is something for Jewels to read."

"Jewels? Sorry what does it has to do with her?"

"Everything in the Tao clan."

"The Tao's?"



The next day, Jungkook didn't returned to the room as I figure that he's getting busy to prepare for battle. Only one day left and I feel like my twins are getting uneasy as well as me. "Jimin... you should sit down." Samantha says as I stay standing looking out the garden.

"I'm fine, I just want Jungkook to come back."

"Jimin. I get it. Your uneasy and if I have a loved one I would too. Right jewels." Looking at the younger one.


"Okay. How about we do something just to get things out of our minds? Hm? It will help, trust me." Samantha says.


My little helpers, help me change into a lighter robe color to match the outside weathers since it's slowly getting hot. So I wore a light silk white color over a faded sheer pink color over the silk robe. Already I feel the nice cool breeze blowing through me.

"Jimin... so when are you going to marry?" Jewels says, taking me off my mind.

"Yes!" Samantha says. "We still need to plan this. But we need to do it fast. Why don't we go to town and buy some jewelry for the wedding? There is this one gold hairpin that matches you Jimin."

"Guys... I don't think it's a good time for me to go out."

"Why don't we come along." Taehyung say dropping in.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Jungkook said to keep an eye on you in case something were to happen."


Our visited into town was rather short, we only went to the place we needed to go. "I think Jungkook will like it, don't you think so Jimin?" Says Samantha looking at the hairpin she picked out for me.

"I'm sure he will, he like anything that I wear."

"My Lady April! Help us!" Says a stranger who grab Jewels hand and pull her away from us.

"Let go!" She says struggling to be free.

"Please! Help us! Your brother has gone mad! Save us from him!"

"Brother? I don't have a brother. Now let go!"

"Please! Help us! Our clan is dying!"

"Clan? I'm sorry your mistaken me from someone else."

"No! Your April Tao! A kind hearted lady who loves her people."

"April? I don't know who you are talking about, now let go!"

"Hey let her go!" Samantha says pushing the stranger away and look back at jewels to see if she's okay.

I see that the stranger look broken by this and ran off in a different direction before I could say anything. "What was that?" Taehyung asked me while I look.

"It seems like that stranger is looking for some help in his land of the Tao's, but what are they doing here?"

"I don't know. Maybe Hobi might help."

"Please. Maybe it will clarify what's going on in the southern parts of the land."

"What about the scroll?"

"When the time is right I will show her." I said to Taehyung. "Let go back. It's not safe to stay here any longer."

"Alright." Taehyung says.

Soon we walk back I hear start to hear the sound of ringing in my ear. I turned around and there I felt it, my fan is close by. I change my direction and followed the sound of it until it suddenly dies. "Jimin!" Taehyung says catching up to me. "Please don't go walk off walking around on your own. Jungkook will kill me if I lose you."

"Sorry. Like I said we should hurry."


Soon we came back, the girl help me dress in red and gold silk robe. While the others find Jungkook and pull him away from the meetings and get him ready. They decided to make this a quick and private wedding ceremony and only a few handful knows about it.

"You think it's okay? I mean I know we are doing it traditional, but should we just do the whole big ceremony?"

"What! No. If we do that you may never know who will interrupt the wedding. And I have a few people in mind who will." Taehyung says to me as he watches the girls help me get dressed. "Wow Jimin you growing each passing moment it seems."

"Really? I feel like they are." Rubbing my belly and that is when I felt a kick. "Oh?"

"What is it?"

"It kick. Here. Feel it." Pulling Taehyung's hand and place it on top of my belly so he can feel.

"Wow. It kick."


"Jimin it's time. Jungkook is already there waiting with a few people who agree with this." Namjoon says popping in from the room.

"Thank you."

The two boys help me stand and the girls help me put the finishing touches on. "Wow! Jimin you look beautiful."  Everyone says as the all look at me.

"Thanks everyone, for helping me really."

We all walk out of the room, Samantha and Jewels are in front of me guiding me out while my two boys behind me and so as Taehyung and Namjoon. Soon we walk out down the hall, there is indeed other people waiting for us. A few others? More like most of the people who lived in the palace.

We all walk down to a small prayer house and waited for a bit before going inside.

Author pov

Before going inside, Samantha and Jewels help Jimin with a last minute things and making sure that the red veil is covering his face. The veil is semi sheer with red color and red embroidered of a dragon to symbolize Jungkook and being a superior being. Jimin's outfit is a traditional red and gold color all silk that it has to be transported from another country.

It's all red with gold outline and a gold dragon embroidery on it. There a hint of a small stars at the bottom ends with cherry blossom on it. Elegant and very high in status almost like a god like. Jimin took a deep breath before giving them an okay to open the door.

Once they open the doors there are almost half of the government officials there who wanted to witness the ceremony and there Jimin see that Jungkook is waiting for him.

Jungkook also wore a red and gold color robe but his is more high status like more of an authority ruler. Just looking at it made Jimin nervous and that his heart flutters in excitement but at the same time scared. He wore mostly red with a big design of gold dragon with a hint of a black outlines of the fabric. Jungkook reach out his hand for Jimin and walk a little way to face the big statue of the dragon lord and a moon goddess next to it.

They both took their position light up a candle and walk back and bow down three times in front of the statute to show them respect. Soon they were done the boys help Jimin up until they both face each other once again and bow in front of each other again. After that they both face the crowd of people and bow one last time while everyone clap. It was a quick and simple ceremony, Jungkook got a little closer to removing Jimin's veil. Just when they are about to kiss, loud screams filled the night.

Everyone in the room rush out to see what is going on. In the distance, there is fire burning and people screaming. "Damn!!"

"Everyone gather as much people to safely and the rest you follow me."  Jungkook says ordering people around, "yoongi get the soldiers ready."

"Yes, my lord." And yoongi quickly left.

"Jimin. Stay here. Your in no condition to fight."

"Well obviously, Jungkook please be careful."

"You two boys take care of him. I'm leaving him in your hands."  Jungkook says to Jimin little helpers and they both bow and stay close to Jimin. Before Jungkook can leave, he grabbed hold of Jimin waist and pull him closer and kiss him. Jimin wrap his arms around Jungkook and kiss him back.

They broke the kiss, "come back to me." Jimin says one last time to Jungkook.

"I will." And Jungkook gave Jimin a quick peck on the lips and left Jimin and his helpers alone with him.

"Jimin. We should get going now." Samantha says as they hurry out for safety along with the doctor.

"Where do you think your going?" Jimin froze his tracks and the two boys came in front of him protecting Jimin and the babies. "We are not done."

"Yes, we are Sarah, look at you. You're facing your own punishment that is long overdue."

"Red? Why are you wearing a wedding attire? Unless you." And Sarah being in denial about. "No! No! How could you!" She pulls out her sword and charge right at Jimin, but the two boys use their swords to block her attacks and push her out of the way. "You brats! Your in the way!" She pushed them out of the way and charge right towards Jimin.

Right then Jewels close her eyes and ran in front of Jimin protecting him from her.

A/N: phew that took longer then expected. So busy with work and being only last week before going to work at my other job. It's time of being lazy before pulling double shifts.

I have the next one in process, hopefully I'll update it soon before I start work again. See you in the next chapter and thank you for all the support you guys give. I'm truly grateful.

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