Ninjago oneshots❤️ [finished]

By PurpleCherryUwU

27.4K 394 218

Me when I'm bored: Comming up with random book ideas. I take any requests except x reader. That's a book that... More

•Darkfastthinking• We're different
•Jaya• You shocked me!
•Invisibleshadow• You're not bad!
•Kailor• We'll figure it out!
•Llorumi• My candy
•Darkfastthinking• I'm normal right? Part 1
•Darkfastthinking• I'm normal right? Part 2
•Darkfastthinking• I'm normal right? Part 3
•Fever• I wanna know you
•Resonatedgravity• This sucks...
•Thinkfast• The date
•Brainfreeze• Yandere! Zane
•Invisibleice• I-I
•Krux x Clouse• We'll have our revenge!
•Brainfreeze and ???• Yandere! Zane Part 2
•Resonatedgravity• Keep you safe
•Llorumi• My Queens
•Darkfastthinking• Wolfie!
•Invisibleice• Sharing bed?
•Flashthunder• Stop copying me!
•Cyrus x Acronix• Thank you...
•Shadowpheonix• Kiss without the bottle?
•Violetposion• If I would lose you?
•Garmawu• Snowball fight gone wrong...
•Fireflash• Shut up!
•Darkmind• A good drawing
•Fireflash• Games?
•Darkfastthinking• Tomato sauce!
•Smokeshade• Comedy!
•Thinkfast• Do you love me?
•Invisibleshadow• Beyond the code (Warriors!)
•Doublepair• He's here?
•Shadowpheonix• Wake up!
•Ray x Garmadon• Aliens
•Darkivy• D-daddy?
•Multiships• FOREVER!
•Thinkfast• I'm blind
•Violetposion• Who's the best?
•Disinegratedsmoke• Matchmakers
•Ash x Camille• Since we were pups...
•Pixane• Jealous?
•Glacier• A special kid
•Resonatedgravity• It's easy!
•Darkmind• Protect me
•Darkivy• Family
•Silverflash• Empty
•Ashmille• Explosion
•Jock&Nerd• Loner
•Smokeshade• Baby brother!
•Shadowpheonix• Nate and Natasha
•Thinkfast• I should've listened...
•Smokeshade• Talk to me!
•Darkthinking• Turn on the fan!
•Blackscreen• IT'S CONVENIENT!
•Kai x Maya• I GIVE UP!

•Fastshadow• Found you!

383 7 0
By PurpleCherryUwU

A/N The elemental masters and the ninjas are playing hide and seek on the island... Shush!

Turner's POV

"5...4...3...2...1! Ready or not here I come!" I smile and starts running around the island. I'm in one of the old houses when I see something red in a corner. "Found you, Kai!" "Aww Man!" he groans and walks out. "Try to find a RED environment next time!" I tease before I run into another house, I step on a stick before I hear someone yelp. "Okay, whoever is there! I found you!" Pale walks out of a corner, shivering. "I-I shouldn't have hidden in a dark house!" he whimpers before I continue running. Stop when I hear a branch creaking over me before Karlof almost falls on me. "Found you!" I chuckle when he gets up. "Did you find Karlof first?" he asks. "No! Kai and then Pale! Gotta go!" I rush into the temple and looks around carefully, then I hear someone sneeze. "Found you Gravis!" I call and lookup. "Dammit!" he groans when he lands on the ground. "Do you have any idea how dusty the air is?" I shrug and is about to run away again when he grabs my arm. "Neuro is hiding under his bed just so you know!" he smirks. "Thanks, buddy!" I say and rushes up the stairs into Neuros suite. I want to mess with him a little so bend down and scream under the bed. "FOUND YOU!" "OW! TURNER WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Neuro crawls out rubbing his head. "Who told you where I was hiding?" "Gravis told me!"

"GRAVIS!" Neuro yells and storms out. "THAT'S NOT HOW HIDE AND SEEK WORKS!" Well, THAT was unexpected... Maybe I should check the other suites too... I rush into Lloyds suite first... Nope! No one's here! I rush into Jay's suite and into his bathroom with the pool, why did he get a pool? I'm about to run into the next suite when- SPLASH! "WHO WAS THAT?" then Nya stands up in the pool and laughing her butt off. "OMG! Totally worth revealing myself!" "NYA! Why? That was something Jay would do!" "Well... he's my boyfriend so, go figure!" she teases. I'm happy she's still wearing clothes... "By the way, Cole is hiding in his closet!" Wow... how nice of her! I run an extra lap around the room to dry myself before I rush into Cole's suite. "Found you!" I smile and opens the closet. "Who told you?" he frowns. "Nya! Now if you excuse me... I need to find the rest!" When I rush down the stairs again I can see a purple butterfly flying across the room. "Camille, I know it's you!" I sigh before she turns to a human again. "I thought you wouldn't notice me!" she grunts. 

*time skippy*

Shade's POV

Heh... It's been a few hours and Turner still hasn't found me! I'm hiding in my suite using my powers. My suite is almost completely black so even if I stop using my powers... I blend in very good! "Somebody here?" I hear Turner say while he walks in. "Shady-Shade! Where are you?" Heh... Like I'll ever tell! And I LOVE when he has that voice! "Turner, it's almost lunchtime so I think you should focus on finding the others if you aren't sure he's here!" "Okay, Neuro!" then the door closes. I reappear from my shadow and walks around in my room. It's not like I WANT him to find me but it's starting to get boring! I mean, from what I've heard from outside e has already found Pale and Ash. So why not me? But... I refuse to reveal myself! "FOUND YOU JAY!" I hear Turner shout. For how long will I have to wait? After a few more minutes I hear that he has found Lloyd, Zane, and Bolobo so I guess he'll be done soon?

*time skippy*

Okay, it feels like half the day has passed and I'm getting tired! But I'm not leaving my room yet... I'll just lay down in my bad and close my eyes for a few seconds... it's not like there will be a problem if he finds me, it's not like I'm gonna... fall asleep...

*another time skippy*

Turner's POV

Okay, if I don't find Shade soon he'll miss lunch! "Ugh! Where is he?" I ask. "Well, it's lunchtime so I guess he has won!" Skylor answers. "Okay, HEY SHADE YOU'VE WON!" I yell. "COME EAT LUNCH WITH US NOW!" No response... where is he? I run another lap around the building... Nope! He wasn't there... I rush up back to his suite and opens the door, seeing him lying in his bed sleeping. Oh, he's so CUTE! Without thinking I lay down next to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I don't want to wake him up so I just I'm just gonna lay here next to him until he wakes up by himself. Jk! I snuggle closer to him and kisses his cheek. Making his eyes open. "Turner?" he yawns in surprise. "Found you!" I tease and kiss him.

(A/N Another Oneshot done! I TOTALLY don't miss school and all the homework!)

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