Aviophobia (Leonard McCoy)

By ElizabethDarcy19

99K 3K 386

As her heart kept racing, she heard stressed voices all around her, but one voice cut through all the rest of... More

1. Katelyn Kirk
2. Kobayashi Maru
3. USS Enterprise
4. Lightning Storm
5. Marooned
6. Emotionally Compromised
7. Ups and Downs
8. Friends Again?
9. His Name Is Mudd
10. Deep Space Station K7
11. The Trouble With Tribbles (Part 1)
12. The Trouble With Tribbles (Part 2)
13. Volcano
14. Bad Decision
15. Daystrom
16. Morally Wrong
17. Change of Heart
18. You Are Not There to Flirt
19. I've Been an Idiot
20. My Name is Khan
21. Space Jump
22. Sacrifice
23. Captain Down
24. First Date
25. Awakening
26. Progressions
27. I Do
28. Surprise
29. Yorktown
30. Attack
31. The Search
32. Reunited

34. Vokaya

2.5K 67 17
By ElizabethDarcy19

Hanging onto Leonard's promise that they would catch up and knowing that he really needed help, Kate and Leonard headed over to Spock.

Jim placed a hand on Spock's shoulder as they got over there and asked, "Are you all right?"

Spock tried to put on his normal face, but Kate could see through him as he said, "I am functioning adequately, Captain," then adjusted as he began saying, "Captain we discovered that the stolen artifact appears to have come from this planet."

Leonard, not about to put up with Spock putting his needs behind everyone else's said, "Dammit, Spock.  He's hurt," just as Spock lost his balance.

Kate and Leonard managed to grab hold of him before he fell and led him over to a couch that he could lie down on as Kate said, "Lie down, Spock."

Once they got him down, Leonard turned to Jaylah and asked, "Are there any medical supplies on this ship?"

Jaylah nodded and said, "Follow me," and led Leonard toward the old med bay.  Kate called back in warning before was out of ear shot, "Len, these supplies are ancient, but they do still seem to be working."

All she got was a groan in return, and she knew that Leonard wasn't going to be happy with what he found.  Forgetting him for right now, she turned to Spock and asked, "What were you thinking?  You know you can't help anyone else when you're injured like this."

If Spock wasn't half Vulcan, Kate was sure he would have rolled his eyes as he replied, "I was thinking about getting our crew back together, and getting your husband back to you, Kate.  Much as Dr. McCoy and I might not see eye to eye, I do in fact know that you two need each other."

The way Spock looked at her, she was sure that he knew she was pregnant, but Kate didn't get a chance to push the topic further as Jim asked, "How do we get out of this place, Spock?  We've got no ship and no crew."

Spock sighed as he adjusted his position and said, "We will do what we have always done, Jim.  We will find hope in the impossible."

Jim and Kate smiled at each other, both sharing a moment over how poetic Spock always seemed to be, before Jim said, "Let's get you better first, okay."

Spock tried to sit up, but Jim and Kate pushed him back down as he said, "Captain, you must focus your attention on helping the crew."

Kate shook her head and said, "You know we can't do that right now, Spock.  Like it or not, the Kirk twins do care about you."

Jim nodded in agreement and added, "Besides, I need you to help with that, Spock."

Leonard came grumbling back into the room at this point and said, "These things are from the dark ages," as he sat some supplies down on the floor.

Kate looked over the tools as Leonard pointed one out and said, "I'm pretty sure this is a protoplaser," then turned to Kate and asked, "What do you think, darlin'?"

Kate took it and examined it for a moment, wishing she could remember more of her history of medicine course, and said, "I think so, but there's no way to know for sure until you try it."

Leonard turned to Jim and said, "It can stop internal bleeding, at least that's my hope."

To this, Spock said to no one in particular, "The miserable have no other medicine but only hope."

Jim, Kate, and Leonard shared a laugh before Leonard said, "Death's door, and he's quoting Shakespeare."

Fortunately, Leonard and Kate were both right and the tool had been a protoplaser.  Spock's internal bleeding was stopped and everyone sat around silently for a moment.   Jim looked around the room, assessing everyone before saying, "This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but we've all got to rest at least a little.  We're no good to the rest of the crew if we can't think on our feet."

Spock looked like he was going to disagree, but Kate spoke up and said, "As one of your chief medical officers, I'll have to say I agree.  I'll also have to advise that we can't rest too long.  We don't know what will happen to the rest of our crew since they've been taken by Krall and his followers."

In the silence that settled for the brief moment, everyone seemed to be weighing their options.  They all were exhausted and needed at least an hour of rest, but they didn't know what the rest of their crew was facing.  Kate was surprised, then, when Spock said, "I have to reluctantly agree, Captain.  None of us are in form right now to actually search for and find our friends."

Jim seemed satisfied with Spock agreeing with him and turned to Jaylah and asked, "Do you have somewhere we could all rest."

She nodded and took off down the same hallway that the old med bay was in.  As she, Leonard, Spock, Jim, Chekov, and Scotty all followed, she took Leonard's hand briefly and squeezed it before saying, "I'll be right back," and slipped into med bay.  She knew exactly where she had left the ultrasound machine and grabbed it quickly before hurrying to catch up to the rest of them.

Jaylah was pointing out the eight rooms that were at the end of this hall and directed them, "You all can rest here.  I can come back in one hour."

Jim nodded and said, "Thanks, Jaylah.  For everything."

She nodded, leaving them in the hallway.  Jim turned and looked at everyone and said, "Take advantage of this time, guys.  We've got to be sharp for everyone else," then entered the room closest to him.

As everyone else dispersed, Leonard and Kate entered a room together and saw something very similar to their quarters on the Enterprise.  It appeared that Star Fleet didn't do much redesigning on living spaces over the years.  Leonard sighed as he took Kate's hand and led her over to the bed.  They both sat down and laid back, then turned to look at each other.

Leonard placed a hand on her stomach and said softly, "All I could think about once we landed, after getting Spock patched up that is, was finding you.  I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you...either of you."

Kate pulled herself closer to him and wrapped herself around her husband as she admitted, "I didn't let myself think about you for a while once we landed.  I couldn't stand to think about what if something had happened to you," and began to feel tears forming in her eyes again.

Leonard kissed her forehead gently and said, "We're here together now, Kate.  And I promise, it will take Jim forcing me to get me away from your side again."

Kate laughed gently and said, "Well, Jim sure as hell won't let me go anywhere at this point.  I had to tell him I was pregnant.  I couldn't stop throwing up when we first landed, then I was really weak and he had to support me most of the way here."

Leonard nodded and admitted, "I had to tell Spock, too.  Well, I don't know that I had to tell him that, but I had to keep him talking and it was all that was on my mind."

Kate snuggled into Leonard as she said, "I assumed he knew.  The way he talked to me earlier, he said that he knew you and I needed each other, in spite of you and him not seeing eye to eye."

Leonard groaned and said, "The most uncomfortable moment of my life so far was him admitting that he actually respects me."

Kate laughed at how ridiculous he was being, but was warmed to know that Spock did in fact care about Leonard, as she said, "More uncomfortable than when you told me that relationships weren't good for you?"

Leonard pulled away slightly and sounded affronted as he replied, "Now, darlin', that just isn't playing fair."

Kate cuddled back toward him and kissed him gently before saying, "In spite of your not so bright moments, I did fall in love with you and marry you anyway."

Leonard smiled as he reached down to her stomach again, placing his hand there as he said, "And I'll never have the words or the time to express how grateful I am that you love me in spite of me."

Silence fell between them for a moment before Kate said, "I, uh, found an ultrasound machine in med bay earlier.  I was too afraid to use it on my own.  I was scared something might be wrong and I wanted to have you by my side."

She handed it to Leonard as he sat up and she pulled her dress up so that he could use the ultrasound on her.  He looked at her intensely before saying, "You know that I love you more than anything else in this world.  No matter what we see here, we'll handle everything together."

Kate felt tears form in her eyes, knowing both of them were fearing the worst after everything her body had been through since the Enterprise was first attacked.  She nodded and Leonard placed the sensor on her stomach.

It took only a few moments before she heard Leonard gasp softly and say, "Look Kate.  That's our baby."

Kate sat up slightly and looked at the screen and felt a feeling rush through her that she never felt before.  It was so early, but she could see where the baby's arms and legs were forming at.  And, most beautiful of all, she could see the baby's heart beating.  She wasn't even aware of the tears rolling down her face until Leonard wiped one away.

Kate smiled and kissed Leonard before looking back at the screen and saying, "He's alright."

Leonard, tears forming in his eyes as well, laughed and asked, "He?"

Kate shrugged and said, "Just a feeling I have," as she continued to watch her tiny baby move around on the screen, watching the heart beat and feeling  like the happiest woman in the world, in spite of being stranded on a strange planet.

Leonard pulled the sensor away and said, "Well, we'll just have to see about that in 12 or 14 weeks.  I, personally, have the opposite feeling."

Kate rolled her eyes before saying, "You know, mother's intuition is right more often than it's wrong."

Leonard smiled at her before kissing her softly again and saying, "Let's get some rest, Kate."

Kate happily obliged as she snuggled into Leonard and let herself fall into a deep sleep, that unfortunately didn't last very long.

It seemed like she had just closed her eyes when she heard the knock on their door and they both groaned as they sat up.  In spite of how short the rest had been, she did feel better and began to worry again about the rest of the crew.

It didn't take long for everyone to be gathered on the main bridge again to begin discussing their options.

They had been discussing for a while, not really coming to a consensus, when Jim finally said, "We have to get the crew back now.  Chekov has the coordinates that can lead us to Krall's base, so we go."

Scotty didn't seem convinced, and asked, "With respect, sir, how do we know that Krall was at the base when she contacted him."  She referring to the other captain.  Someone Kate was glad that they were rid of.

Scotty continued, "And even if he was, we do not know if the crew was with them, or even if they are still alive."

Kate crossed her arms and said, "Scotty, we've got to know something.  We saw their pods being captured by Krall's ships.  Even if they're dead, we have to know."

Scotty nodded, and admitted, "Aye, lass, but we don't know for sure they were even taken there."

Silence settled over everyone for a moment before Spock handed Chekov a piece of paper and asked, "Mr. Chekov, can you reconfigure the search parameters in order to compensate for this formula?"

Kate furrowed her brows as she watched Chekov look over it then say, "Aye, Commander, but what is this formula?"

Spock explained matter-of-factly, "It is vokaya, Mr. Chekov.  A mineral unique to Vulcan which emits low levels of radiation."

Chekov nodded and mumbled to himself about needing to filter out other energy emissions as he got to work.  Kate looked over at Jim who raised a questioning eyebrow, and she shrugged in response, not knowing what Spock was going at.

Leonard saw the exchange between the two of them, so asked out of frustration, knowing they weren't going to, "Spock, what the hell would a Vulcan mineral be doing way out here?  Where are you going with this?"

Spock continued to explain matter-of-factly, "Lt. Uhura wears a vokaya amulet which I presented her as a token of my affection and respect."

Leonard looked over at Kate, astounded, before he said, "You gave your girlfriend radioactive jewelry?"

Spock shook his head as he said, "The emission is harmless, Doctor.  But its unique signature makes it very easy to identify."

Leonard seemed even more astounded this time as he asked, 'So you gave your girlfriend a tracking device?"

All heads, including Jaylah's turned and looked at Spock.  Spock seemed to realize how bad this seemed and explained, "That was not my intention."

Leonard mumbled to her and Jim, "I'm glad he doesn't respect me," as the search began beeping, indicating it had found something.

Kate leaned up and whispered to Leonard, knowing it would make him uncomfortable, "Except now you do know that he respects you."  Seeing the look on his face was priceless, and Kate was glad she took that moment to tease him, even if she now had to deal with him playing with her hair in retaliation to distract her.

Trying to ignore Leonard's fingers running through her hair and down along her arm, Kate focused on Chekov saying, "I am finding a very small amount of vokaya."

Jim asked, "Did the location match the coordinates you acquired earlier, Mr. Chekov?"

Chekov nodded as he responded, "It is a match, sir."

Spock turned to face Jim and said, "This presence suggests that Lt. Uhura, and the rest of the crew, are being held at Krall's base."

Leonard was still playing with her hair, which was making her have to put all her focus onto the conversation.  Leonard likely wasn't as distracted as she was at the moment, but he knew exactly what he was doing to her.  Trying to stay in the conversation and ignore her husband, Kate asked, "Can you beam them out, Scotty?"

He shook his head and said, "No, lass.  There is some sort of geological interference that is blocking the transporting signal."

Jim shrugged and said, "Well, I guess we have to go there and break them out the old-fashioned way."

Jaylah chose this moment to finally contribute to the discussion and say, "You can not go to this place.  Everyone who goes there he kills."

This shocked everyone and got Leonard to stop playing with Kate's hair.  All this time Jaylah knew what they were searching for, and she hadn't said anything.

Scotty asked, "You've been there before?  You've seen it?  Why didn't you say anything, lassie?"

Kate could hear the emotion in Jaylah's voice as she replied, "Because I know you'll ask me to take you there.  If your friends are there, then they will die.  Just like my family, and I will not go back to that death place."

Jim crossed the room to get to her and said, "Yes, but if you escaped, then you can show us the way in and out."

Jaylah exclaimed, "No," then turned to Scotty and said, "This is not the deal we made Montgomery Scotty.  If you choose to do this, you're on your own," then stormed out.

Jim called out, "Wait," but Scotty said, "Let her go.  She's lost people too, Captain."

Scotty went to follow her and nodded at Kate and asked, "Come with me, lass?"

Kate looked up at Leonard, who nodded in Scotty's direction and said, "Go talk to her, darlin'.  I'll be here."

Kate felt ridiculous, not really wanting to walk a few feet away from Leonard, but followed after Scotty, not really sure why he or anyone thought she would be able to convince Jaylah to help them.

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