
By samevans17

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When celebrities Kirstin Maldonado and Avi Kaplan embark on a collaboration set up by their record producer K... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter 40
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter 42
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter 46
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Tour Pt2

Chapter Thirty-Two

139 10 2
By samevans17

A/N: Short chapter, but I hope you guys like it :)

Kirstie is trying to do her daily exercises in her backyard but it's proving just as difficult as usual. Tyrion and Sansa won't leave her alone, and Kirstie doesn't know why she thought it would be different today. She preservers anyway, she's in a good mood. Yesterday Kirstie called her Mom and they had a nice long chat about pretty much everything, most importantly: Avi. Her Mom had heard some of the rumours and said as such, but she didn't make Kirstie feel bad about it.
     Kirstie stretches out as Tyrion and Sansa take off, back into the house since the ranch slider is open. "Finally," she breathes. It takes her a moment to realise how odd that behaviour is and so she takes her earbuds out. She can hear the faint buzzing of the gates, and walks inside.
     Tyrion and Sansa are barking at the intercom as she approaches, "Who could it be kiddos?" She asks them because she has no idea. Avi has a show in Nevada tonight so it's not like he'd be back early, it could be Candice or Kevin, but surely they'd have messaged ahead, then again it could be Mitch wanting to surprise her with an apology.
     Kirstie flicks the screen on before she speaks into the intercom, she always does, and her jaw drops at the sight of who's at her gate.


Avi and his band leave the stage after finishing their second to last show of the tour in Nevada, tomorrow he'd be back home in California. They walk down the hall to the dressing rooms being congratulated on the great show by the stage crew. Avi gets his own dressing room and the others share, except his opening act gets his own too. He shuts the door behind himself and seeks out his phone, never and easy task. The moment he finds it, he's dialling Kirstie.
     "Hiya this is Kirstin, sorry I can't take your call, leave a message and I'll get back to you."
     Avi hates leaving messages, mostly just because he's sure he'll mess it up somehow. But he gives it a go anyway, "Hey Kirst, it's just me. I wanted to let you know that my show went pretty good, they put their phones away right away this time, so that's good. I've also officially replaced Esther, I asked Brad to be my manager, you can meet him tomorrow. And I miss you and I can't wait to see you at the show tomorrow, I intend for it to be my best performance and I can't wait for you to see it. So that's everything, bye." He hangs up right as there's a knock at his door. "Come in."
     "Client!" Brad cheers, practically barging in with a few other guys. "Let's celebrate my promotion," he points at himself. "Your last show is tomorrow," he points at Avi. "Did you know that we are less than a half hours drive from Las Vegas?" His eyebrows are practically up in the air.
     Avi shakes his head, "No."
     "I know right, pretty much unbelievable, all your other shows have been far away from the fun stuff," Brad laughs.
     "No, I mean I don't want to go. It's getting late and I still have backdoor," he gestures over his shoulder.
     "You can skip backdoor for one night."
     "I could, but I won't," Avi puts his phone in his back pocket as he pushes past everyone to the doorway. "And don't forget Brad," he turns around, "You're still my tour manager too, so you need to make sure all my stuff gets on the bus because I'm going straight there after back door." He knows he sounds harsh but he thinks that maybe Brad has had a couple to drink, not good.
     "Come on man, don't be a buzzkill," Brad complains.
     "Another thing not to forget Brad, you might be my manager, but I'm still the boss. My last manager didn't understand that but I'm making damn sure that you do. You're not going to Las Vegas, no one is. Everything is going to be packed up on the bus and we are going to be back in California by the morning. Clear?" Avi raises an eyebrow at his new manager.
     "Crystal," Brad answers bitterly.
     "Good," Avi leaves the room down another hallway and he pulls on a smile as one of the venues security guards take him to the back door.

A/N: I know it sounds kind of silly, but Avi really made me proud in this chapter, like I wrote it, but I didn't know it was coming XD

So, who do you guys think is at Kirstie's door? And do you think Avi is doing the right thing with Brad, or is he going to far?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)


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