A New Sensation - Book 1

By SheWolfSarita

109K 3.8K 311

"Oh, so you're part of this kidnapping posse too? I am not a possession! I have a life that I was abruptly pl... More

16 - Mature
24 - Mature
40 - Mature
45 - Mature


1.7K 77 2
By SheWolfSarita

A/N - This is dedicated to WildMel83.   Thank you for all your support throughout this book.  

A question for everyone.  I am thinking of publishing a chapter three times a week now.  I have an idea for the storyline, but want it to flow well, and not have to rush through.   So.  Do you think lots of short chapters.  Or three times a week longer action chapters?

The bitter aroma of coffee, and the tingly feeling of Issac gently brushing cheek wakes me up from my nap.  "Wake up my little fox, I know it's not even day one, but we have a lot to discuss tonight.   The Elders are on their way."

Inwardly I groan.  For someone who invited me into their bed to sleep the night, it is taking a damn long time to get me there. Why do I have to meet the Elders again?  Ugh, my brain feels fuzzy.  Drinking the coffee Issac made me, I sit up trying to bring myself back into reality and the room.  You know what?  I know I'm a grown woman.  But I feel like sulking.  I am so tired, and I feel these wolves are all overreacting to who and what I am.  Whatever it is they are worried about, it could have waiting until morning.

Taking inventory of the room, noticing Anton is missing, and there is now a drinks cart with coffee and liquors, I notice my body feels excited?  Like there are butterflies in my tummy, and I can't wait for something, and I really want it.  What kind of coffee is this?

Anton forcefully opens the door with a death promising scowl on his face.  At least I had the decency to hide my displeasure over this.  It was his idea to do everything tonight.  Grow up and commit to your decisions like a man already. 

"They're here Issac.  Don't let her out of your sight."

"Whoa there, I am here.  Don't talk about me like I am not."   Because that's just not okay nor polite.  He keeps that up, and I may just walk out the room and go to bed like I want to.

"Roxy, forgive me, but you don't seem to understand the gravity of this.  You are so important to our kind, you can help us flourish and prosper.  And there are vampires who will target you for that very reason."

"I'm here am I not? I am cooperating, and not acting impulsively.  Be grateful I haven't gone to my room dismissing all of this as an overreaction."

Whoops.  I should have thought about what I was saying before I said it out loud.  He narrows his eyes at me, and his Alpha aura gets a little stronger.  "Shoot, sorry Anton.  I am tired and cranky.  Okay, so is Marcus here then?"

That must be why I am feeling these odd feelings.  They are not mine.  Huh.  I wonder what he's excited about?

Right at that moment, that's when someone knocks on the door before entering.  A small woman enters, mousey brown bob cut hair, big wide glasses, and a black pants suite.   She dresses to be not noticed.  But she looks... like a weapon?  The way her body moves is deadly.  Thats someone to keep my eye on. 

Behind her, Damian and Marcus follow.  His eyes meet mine, and greets me with a soft smile. Dressed for comfort, they both are in smart jeans, and tight fitted shirts.  Looking rather good for casual.  Like the models I sometimes work with.  Oooh I wonder if any I work with are in fact supernaturals?  Thats an interesting thought.

My stomach clenches, pulse quickens and my whole body is flooded with anger, and a need to protect.  What the?


Before Anton has had a chance to drink from his glass of cognac, he has shattered it in his hand.  Well that was a bit dramatic.  But he's looking at Marcus with pure disdain.  If looks could kill, Marcus would have ignited into flames round about now.  This does not bode well for the rest of the trip.

Marcus makes his way over to me looking bored; pours me some more coffee, and himself some.   He may look nonchalant.  But I know he is anything but as he sits next to me, wanting to protect, placing himself between Anton and I.  Now that's interesting.  What does he see in Anton as a threat? 

"How dare you come onto my grounds, into my home."

"Now now Anton.  This is business, lets not make this personal."

Good god, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife.  I think Anton may actually pounce on Marcus in a split second.  Damian has taken a seat opposite me with Issac, and like Issac, is weary, observing these two interact.  

"It will always be personal with you vampire."  Wow.  The way he spat that word vampire out, that it sounded like he was swearing.  Thats a skill there.

"So princess, how do you like Ramstein so far?"   Oh hell no Marcus.  You are not bringing me in between some bad blood with you two.  Asshole.

Anton looks between us, clearly notices his familiarity, and practically roars. "This is who you are claimed by?! This volatile, scum of the earth vampire?"

"Watch your temper Anton, you may regret your actions if you let that wolf take over.  Though, you are not one really for regret or remorse if I remember correctly."

He's poking the bear.  Christ.  

I can practically hear Anton grinding his teeth, he's not moved, still standing by the fireplace, his fists clenched to his sides.  Well, now this is inconvenient.  How on earth are these two going to work together with the Elders around, and try come to some peaceful agreement?

Looking at Issac, he looks concerned and cautious.  He wants this meeting to go well, for a plan to be made, and for everything to move along smoothly.   Anton may sabotage it if he doesn't get his temper under control.

"Marcus.  Anton.  Clearly there's some tension between you both.  But, could we focus on why they are here?"

"To kill you I am sure."

Marcus growls at Anton.  Issac though looks relaxed, has positioned himself to leap into action in a second.  Damians eyes are glowing, though he is yet to move or say anything.  Wow, Anton really knows how to upset someone.

"How dare you suggest such a thing. I would die first before I let anyone harm a hair on her head."

What the hell is happening here?  I am feeling conflicted and confused. He would die first?  Thats a bit dramatic.

"Thats fresh coming from a wolf killer such as yourself."

I didn't even see him move.  One moment he's next to me sipping his coffee.  The next he's grabbed Anton by the neck lifting him off the ground impressively.  The growl that comes from Marcus has my wolf whimpering.  I don't feel that he would hurt us.  But, he looks so malicious and threatening right now it's hard not to be scared of what he's about to do.   I can feel the aggression, and anger through him.  He hates Anton.  Really despises him.  Flip.  I wonder happened. Should I do something?

"That one dead wolf was a favor to the world. He was a monster. Hate me if you will.  But do not mistaken the fact that your brother was the real killer, the real monster of this world."

Mind linking Issac, I am doing my best not to freak out.  There really is bad blood.   Issac, should I calm them down?  Did you know about this?

"I have never seen Anton like this. This is not good Roxy.  The meeting with the Elders will be soon.  We can't have them at each others throats.  Yes.  Help them."

I go to take a deep breath to center myself, and before I even breathe out Marcus is in front of me, his hands gripping my arms gently.  The look of concern is etched over his face, and it makes my stomach clench.  Are those his feelings or mine?  

"Don't.  There are other vampires near who don't know about you. It would be easy for them to figure out who you are if you do something.  I don't want you harmed."

Anton has stalked over, about to pull me out of his grip.  Before he can do that, Marcus has shoved me over to Issac.

"And why wouldn't you want them to know?  So you can stop the panic before it sets in knowing she could stop your intentions and plans?"

"Anton, you are delusional, She's helping us, is the reason why the elders are meeting us.  I actually care about her.   I don't wish to use her for my own gain or personal agenda.  She being who she is, is in danger.  Damian and I are the only vampires who know about her, and will know about her.  As long as you don't do something stupid and use her abilities publicly."

"You know nothing of how to keep her safe.  She will be harmed in your care. How dare you try to dictate what I should do with her abilities during this summit."

I have stepped out from behind Issac.  Anton was going to use me?  I mean yeah, I was here to help, and I had every intention of helping.  There seems to be something I am missing, and I don't like that, especially because it involves me.

"I am the sound of reason.  Her friend.  An ally.  I don't want to see bloodshed. Its why we are here.  Though, I wonder if we can say the same of you."

A small knock on the door startles all of us.  The little wolf from before comes in with a note on a tray.  Handing it to Anton, she turns to us.

"The Elders have started to arrive and are going to convene in the drawing room for an impromptu catch up if you would like to join them."

Thank god.  Her timing was awesome.  Maybe it will give Anton some time to cool down.  I make my way over to the doors to get out of here.  Issac is close on my heels, and Marcus is gracefully behind following.  

"Roxy, would you mind talking a walk with me in the gardens?  There is much I wish to discuss with you."

Issac nods, shakes hands with Marcus and makes his way down the hall.   "I'll go wake up Andrew and the others.  They will need to be updated on their arrival."

Marcus, now sharing a calmer feeling with me, steps to my side and offers his arm in a gentlemanly manner.  

"Shall we my princess?" 

A/N - Do you think Anton will be able to work with Marcus?  And I wonder what Marcus wants to talk about.  He he.    First to comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them. xxx

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