A New Addition To The Denali...

By BrienneSolace

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Harper was adopted by Tanya Denali after the loss of Irina, when she was a year old. Taking care of her helpe... More

Chapter 1 The adoption
The adoption Part 2
Chapter 2 The Baby's Arrival
Chapter 3 The Hunt
Chapter 4 Cooking for the first Time
Chapter 5 Bedtime
Chapter 6 Argument
Chapter 7 The Home Assessment
Chapter 8: First Picnic
The Denali House
Chapter 9: Birthday Party
Chapter 10: Difficult Choices
Chapter 12: Secret Help From Family
Chapter 13: Little miracle
"Ending Credits"

Chapter 11: Making up

454 8 0
By BrienneSolace

Kate's POV

A month after her argument with Kate

I stand in the heavy snow, staring at the largw wilderness, thinking. I haven't spoken to Tanya since the night of Harper's birthday party. I still couldn't believe that she would actually consider leaving the coven. Why would she? Worse yet, why would she leave me? We haven't been apart for centuries.

I hear footsteps behind me. It was Garrett. "You alright?"
I've opened up to him about Tanya leaving the coven and how it was unfair. He remains quiet most of the time, and nods his head. This time though, he decides to give his opinion. He puts his hands on my shoulders .
"Look Kate. You know that I care about you right?" I nod in agreement. I'm not liking where this is going.
"And you know I wouldn't do anything to upset. Otherwise I end up paying the price for it." I nod again. "Ofcourse", no doubt he's implying about me using my power on him, I laugh on that thought.
"My point is that, Tanya has her own responsibilities now. And Harper is her responsibility." I knew it, he doesn't agree with me either. He then wraps his arms around me to keep me calm. My is he brave.
"I don't like it any more than you do believe me. The kid was growing on me too, but whatever Tanya decides, we need to accept it. Whether we like it or not."
His words start to sink in. I roll my eyes and huff in frustration. "You're beginning to sound like Eleazar, but you have a point". He kisses my forehead. "You should go talk to Tanya. She misses you. You can't be angry with her forever."
"Alright, I will." I start to walk back to the direction of the house. "Aren't you coming?"
"No not yet, I still need to hunt a little longer." "Alright". I smile at him, and continue my way back home. I had a feeling that Garrett was lying about needing to keep hunting, I'm sure he only wanted to leave me and Tanya alone so that we could talk in private. I really did pick one of the good ones. As I walk to the front door, from a long distance in the snowy forest I swear I could hear a woman. It sounded like Carmen. That's odd. She's speaking in hushed tone. I focus on her voice.
"Por favor, no les dijes nada, a nadie. Por favor mi amor." She sounded like she was pleading, but calmly. It's  probably nothing. I open the door and let myself, then speed my way to Harper's room. Tanya had her in her arms singing the lullaby she once sung to me, and.. Irina when we first begun the painful stages of our transformation. The burning. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of my name. "Kate?" I look straight to Tanya.
"I'm sorry, for the way I acted before. I know you were only thinking of Harper."
Tanya walks towards with Harper in her arms, rocking her. She smiles at me. "It's alright. I understand why you acted the you did. I would have been the same way if our roles were reversed." What a relief. She gently places Harper back on her crib and we proceed to walk downstairs. "Oh I almost forgot to ask. Did Garrett tell you about the call Alice made a month earlier?"
"No why?" We sit on the sofa in the living room.
"Well, it was all very strange. She asked about the key she left for Harper. Then suddenly hung up the phone." She places a hand on her forehead, confused.
"That is odd. But it sure sounds like the same old Alice we know and love." We laugh together. I miss this. Us bonding together like this. Carmen and Eleazar come in with Garrett. 
I wanted to ask her about what I heard in the forest. Maybe some other time.

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