Running From The Wolves ✅COMP...

By thedevilsdaughter300

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"This is the story of Hazel..a tale I tell to others...a tale not many know of.. Such a loving child with her... More

82 Final
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527 22 2
By thedevilsdaughter300

Again if u feel it's to far stretched 🚪....<3
Never said it was a cute story :/

Seeing his body sprawled out, not a word said. Seeing tears slowly go down his cheek. Seeing his eyes stare up at the sky.

A pit in my stomach rose. A dreading feeling of emptiness filled me. A sense of rage.

Rushing over and pouncing onto the first one, I didn't hesitate to dig my claws into them and take a mound of a bite and ripping it off.

Growling I went to the other as I felt them stab at me yet i continued. I continued feeling the aching rage in me. Seeing him down once more.

Turning to the wolf as he stood over masons body.

' get away' I snarled

They stayed quiet only resulting in me attacking them and both of us tumbling down. Yet I knew I could win. I had to.

Biting deeply in on their leg, hearing the tear in their leg as well as the cries, I aimed form their neck and bit in but not to kill, but to suffer.

Getting off of them hearing their desperate cries, I slowly went to mason seeing the spears on his body and blood flowing.

Slowly shifting till I fell to my knees. Pulling out the spears and pulling him to me. Holding him tightly as I knew not to far was a familiar scent.

" please no..don't be dead too I'm begging you please no" I croaked out

About to hug him closer when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Growling I was going to latch my claws on them but they grabbed my arm. Letting go of mason I used my other arm only for them to stop again.

My eyes were locked onto masons closed ones. I felt tears escaping, starting to blur my vision.

Carefully but quickly I let Mason go and attacked the man yet he pushed me away. Growling i out stretched my claws and got him on his shoulders.

He snarled as I kept a good grip. Feeling sudden claws sink into my thigh and pulling down to him feeling his claws dig down my thigh.

Our breathing was ragged and body trembling.

" it's's me Hazel. He's okay. He's still breathing" Xavier spoke

Feelings and smelling the honey scent i loosened my grip, laying my head on his shoulder letting soft sobs escape.

" it's okay" he whispered

I shook my head and stood up feeling a striking pain in my thigh. Wincing and looking down, I could only see the long mark of a scratch. Perhaps two inches deep done by Xavier.

Looking at him I noticed his bloody eye as I knew I had done that.

" Hazel I'm alright-"

" YOU BASTARD" I shouted

Seeing people still not pay attention to me I snarled and quickly made my way to a few fighting. Xavier quickly grabbed me but I snarled to him.

" haze, it's okay it's your father-"

" that is exactly who I'm trying to provoke" I gritted

" your bleeding, your in pain. Let's ends this now-"

Grabbing his face in my hands and connected our heads. I closed my eyes feeling tears weld up again

" I'm sorry I left you all. I left you all for so long and I'm sorry. I wasn't the Luna you needed at anytime, but my duty as a Luna to protect my pack"

I opened my eyes to see his one looking at me with curiosity.

" an order from me..and only order till we're done...take care of mason" I softly smiled

" hey what-"

Pushing him off I nearly jogged to them, but before getting to them I took a glance at mason and looked back.

' I'll leave you to Xavier masie'

Hearing a panicked whimper I walked faster to them to see a women was struggling to fight off two wolves, she only got scared the second she saw me.

Hearing the others laughing thinking I was going to help. I smirked letting my claws grow out getting as close as I could. They all froze waiting for me to harm her.

I only stood there looking at her. Her figure was shaking and her eyes were watering, as if begging me not to.

Softly smiling I reached my hand to the back of her neck and pulled her to my forehead and closed my eyes again.

" hey, I think it's time to come back to my people" I whispered but loud enough for them to hear

" a-alpha" one spoke


I growled cutting her off feeling a slight pain in my hip. Turning around as I locked eyes with them, seeing their eyes widened I didn't hesitate to aim for their neck. Of course it was full of fur but that didn't stop me from digging them in.

Didn't stop me from slowly crushing the bone that I felt from one. The other growled and tried to attack me but the women impaled them.

" Luna you're back to your senses" she spoke with a smile

" Alert everyone" I smiled to her

She bowed and let a howl out. Suddenly howls from the alphas were heard as the people followed.

' good to know your back rouge, took a beating' Jax spoke

' missed me much?' I joked

' eh, kinda-'

' we all did Luna, nice to have you back' Ross spoke

'but your family' Salvador spoke

Hearing a laugh come from a familiar male, feeling it rattle at my bones.

' I know..'

" oh such a sweet victory really!" Father spoke

Seeing wolves around stop fighting as Xavier was in his grip. My heart clogged in my throat as I wanted to speak but nothing came out.

Father smirked his eyes glowing with amusement.

" you're so special Hazel did you know? You and your two other brothers can kill better then any other wolf in the world yet you somehow end up here..where I didn't put you" he snarled

" let him go" I spoke

But my eyes stayed with Xavier. His claws inches from going into his neck.

" XAVIER!" Jax shouted from the crowd

Quickly he tried to run to him but pack members held him back.

" Put Him Down!" Ross shouts

Father started to laugh when a sudden white haired wolf came onto his back. Hearing the tear of flesh come from his back. Hearing the agonizing shout of his.

Xavier was thrown to the ground as I quickly went to him, only to feel another body hit me. Both of us laid still for a moment before he slowly got up and looked at me.

" Apollo"

He huffed seeing his legs give up and collapsing onto the ground once more.

' Xavier' he said

I looked to see Jax and Venus pulling him up, yet I laid still. I couldn't move. She was scared.

" I should have killed you all when I had the chance!" He growled

I froze only hearing cries from others. Feeling a sudden hand on my shoulder a voice spoke.

' you're stronger' she spoke

' no mom...I lied to my self-'

' your family is getting hurt..and I'm sorry...but the deal is true...I can't do anything but you can stop him'

Feeling his footsteps getting heavier and heavier knowing he's getting close, but I didn't pay attention.

' you can...'

Seeing his hand reach to me when moved away and quickly standing up. He was just about to retaliate when I grabbed the back of his neck and bring my knee up.

Hearing a pain growled and liquid on my knee I knew I hurt him. Though the feeling of achievement was short lived as he grabbed my neck and pushed me down.

I kept my legs up on his abdomen pushing him away as best as could and spoke.

" How Dare You Father Try To Make Me Turn Against MY PACK" growled

" oh so you can speak" he snarled

" They Will Not Become Like Mother I Will Kill You"

Letting go of my left hand, I let my claws into his shoulder, making it bleed.

" guess you really broke free....what a shame" he sighed

" I hate you" I snarled

" hmm... so as your mother"

He gripped my throat yet I blocked everyone. It was as if him and I were just there.

' I could have really used you if it worked can't kill me' he smirked

" But You have Caused Enough Pain. You have only made people suffer" I said

' not enough because you are clearly standing' he grins

"and I'm not giving up either" I spat

He came closer as I gripped tighter seeing pain in his eyes.

"I Challenge You Alpha Jack" I growled

I heard gasps from others. Hearing shouts from both sides to tell me to stop.

I heard the pained and rough shout from Xavier.

" you? Challenging me hazel" he scoffs

" how when you lay under me, just like your mother, you will die under my hands" he chuckled

" i will take any chance to save my pack" I softly spoke

" NO! STOP IT!" I heard Ross shout

" you've grown..grown to be stupid" he scoffs

" I may be under you, I might be stupid to you, yet I'm still alive by your choice and mines..." I spoke

I suddenly felt him close my air way yet I kept a strong eye contact.

" you will die. Just like your mother." He grits

" I know" I whispered to him

Grabbing his hip bone accessory, I ripped it off and stabbed him in the stomach. He pulled away and roars in pain.

Quickly standing up I was going to grab him when he did to me and punched me hard on the side of my head.

Feeling my head spin, I kept my footing and paused. Seeing him rip it out and toss it to the ground.

" you asked for it Hazel"

Suddenly steam started to revolve around him yet he moved. He moved closer and closer till I saw his claws at my face.

" I wouldn't mind dying for their sake"

Moving away quickly hearing him growl.

" Hazel No Stop" Xavier shouted frantically

' stay it's going to get ugly'

" H-hazel s-"

" I know what I'm doing. it can go wrong but for your safety and the me" I softly spoke to him

Seeing him look at me, his eye locked onto me and his figure nearly trembling.

' please don't leave again'

' no promises today-'

Feeling teeth sink in, thick steam immediately surrounded us.

' but I won't die without a fight' I snarled to father

Feeling him let go as I stood up. The fur covered my body yet it felt short. Feeling my teeth stick out from under my lips and the bleeding on my shoulder.

' what a beautiful white, come at me Hazel.' He nearly scoffed

Growling, I went to lunge at him but he tackled me down. Snapping his jaws at me but I got him in the leg pulling down as much as I could.

He whimpered and pulled away, quickly though he slipped him self down to my exposed stomach and was about to bite down when seeing someone behind him.

' you don't get all the fun' mason spoke

If I could smile I would. Seeing him jump on father as I moved away and grabbed his back leg in between my jaws.

Hearing growling and snarls of warnings and pain. Tasting iron and painting our bodies as we heard cheers from both parties.

' I Told You All to Kill Him' father shouted

Yet no one responded to him. From that he let a roar of growl and throws him self down, causing us to let him go and for him to come back quickly to us and nearly bite my neck.

Moving away only for mason to bite his side. Father winced and bites down on his neck and pulls him off and onto the ground.

My eyes widened seeing mason slowly pull himself up.

Growling i lunge at him as he snarled and both of us began to take quick bites to each other. Hearing the cheers and support.

They knew no one could jump in. No one could help in challenging an alpha, and because it was a fight only we could fight.

Feeling each teeth, scratch, wound, he inflicted, I only added more to him. Seeing mason and I pounce on him yet both of us kept getting up.

All three of us feeling exhausted and out of blood. Feeling light headed I stopped moving.

' come on Hazel!' Mason growled

Huffing I looked at Xavier and seeing the other alphas there holding onto him.

Knowing this might be my last fight I sprinted to father. Seeing he was busy with mason I placed my claws on his side and bite into him.

He howled in pain and heard a sudden whimper then silence for a moment.

A sudden thud to the ground, hearing no sound come from them. Slowly letting go I spotted him, again on the ground yet, not even seeing his stomach rise.

My stomach dipped. Getting off him and rushing over to mason, I went over him and nudged at him.

' h-hey are you okay?' I asked

No answer

' mason come on wake up'

Again nothing

Looking into his eyes, they were open. Staring at them seeing them so dull of their colors. Seeing them stare up at the sky above us.

' n-no.'

A howl came from me. It alerted everyone. It alerted the pack that we have lost one of our own.

' dead already?' Father scoffed

Slowly shifting back, I hugged his fur body and stared. Not a tear could leak from my eyes. Not a single breath of a cry was let out.

' kill Him, Hazel' I voice spoke

Looking up I saw those yellow eyes. Those familiar features of Xavier's.

' you fought for it. Shed no tears till he's dead' she snarled

In daze I slowly stood up. Hearing the cries and wails from my pack. Looking to the body of Lea and the past out body from Apollo.

Seeing the blood splatter all over our ground. I looked up to the sky seeing the moon half way white.

' kill him'

Looking down seeing I did have clothing on, seeing the many sharp bones in my possession.

" where ever I go, I leave a blood trail" I spoke

Hearing a huff and him walking to me, though I didn't face him just yet.

Feeling him behind me I ripped off the bones and impaled him. Hearing his cry i suddenly felt the heavy scent of ashes.

Making my body freeze and my body lowering down to the ground.

' You've become weak....' He snarled

" no, I hurt you. I hurt you-"

Feeling his teeth just at my neck.

' no, you've become weak'

Feeling him sink them in near my neck as I heard screams. Yet no one could interfere.

Feeling blood start to gurgle up I grabbed the bone sticking out and press it more in.

He growled into the bite and started to shake but I held onto him.

" I'm the monster you created" I gritted

Feeling him throw me down I hissed but slowly stood up. Realizing he threw me in front of Xavier I slowly walked to him.

Immediately he was let go and he hugged me tightly.

' he's coming. He's running to us. Let me go' I told him

' let me fight him-'

" I said he's Coming"

Pushing him off I shifted meeting neck to neck of our bites.

Both of us began to take another round of bites as exhaustion and blood loss started to get to us.

Biting the side of his face and taking a bit of ear when I felt the crushing sensation in my throat. It had momentarily stopped me.

My movement was broken.

Feeling my self fall to the ground, laying just a few feet from mason.

Slowly I stood up seeing the pool of liquid following me. I continued till I laid beside him.

Not hearing the shouts and cries. Not hearing the certain male call me. Not hearing fathers victorious howl.

' I'm here now mason..I'm here'

[ my brain the whole time im writing this, also rain is like 10/10 wolf visuals]

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