Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing

200 12 3
By EmmalinaP


When I open my eyes, I see Loki sitting next to my bed watching me carefully. He looks unusually tired and drained; his black suit is disheveled, his normally bright skin is sallow and his eyes are bloodshot as he sags against the metal chair pulled up to my bed.

When he sees me, he leans forwards his worried eyes suddenly alert, "You're awake."

I try to sit up, but a blinding pain hits me, and I gasp out in surprise. Cautiously I reach down to my side, remembering the arrow that pierced my stomach. "All I remember is losing a lot of blood. How am I still alive?"

"I've been channeling healing magic into you for the last few hours; since we left Knowhere." He sighs tiredly, "I've stabilized the wound and stopped the bleeding, but I need to rest before I can finish healing you." 

"Oh, okay.....thanks."

"It's the least I can do, since I put you in danger." His normally cocky voice is soft, and his eyes are downcast.

"Actually I was the one who put myself in-"

"Don't try to downplay what you did Kamilla. You risked your own life to save mine."

I give him a small shy smile, "That's what friends are for, Loki."

His regards me quizzically, "That's twice now, that you've saved my life."

I look him directly in the eyes, determined to make him hear the truth in my words, "And I'd do it again without hesitation, if the need arose."

He glances away from me, his eyes sharp with pain and shakes his head. "I don't deserve that." His voice is tinged with shame.

"Yes, you do."

He clenches his fists angrily, "No, I don't! I've done terrible things. I don't deserve anyone's mercy!"

"Everyone deserves a chance at redemption, no matter how far they've fallen." I respond soothingly.

"Not me, I'm a monster, I am the villain." His shoulders sag, and he adds bitterly, "Thor's the hero; you should have stayed with him."

I regard him carefully, my heart heavy with sorrow for him. His eyes seem to swirl with sadness and self-hatred as he stares at his soot covered black shoes.

"You are not a monster; your brother has already forgiven you, and so has your father." I pause to watch him, my voice entreating and soft, "I think you just need to forgive yourself."

Loki grimaces and is silent for a moment. When he finally speaks his words are so quiet and broken, that I have to strain to hear them. "I don't know if I can." He confesses hesitantly his words laced with sorrow. "I've done terrible things, that even you and Thor don't know about. There's so much rage and resentment at war inside me; I feel like I have to shove it down or it's going to explode out of me and destroy everyone and everything I care about." He grips the edges of his chair tightly, his knuckles turning white, "Deep down there is something dark and vicious just dying to claw its way out of me. I don't know how much longer I can keep it hidden."

Instinctively I want to reach out to him, but I'm in too much pain to move. "I'm sorry you feel that way Loki." I say gently, "But just because you have those thoughts and fears, it doesn't make them true. You're not evil, there is nothing wrong with you. You don't have to keep everyone away fearing your own self-destruction."

He shakes his head in dismay, and mutters, "But look what I let happen to you."

"This wasn't your fault!" I protest fervently. "You didn't let anything happen to me. You are not responsible for the decisions I make. It was my own damn fault for not wearing my armor!"

He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously, as if realizing the fact for the first time. "And why weren't you wearing it?"

I sigh, "Because I..I can't handle it's power. Just like Thor said. It's just too much for me."

He shakes his head, "Whatever will I do with you, Little Witch?" He taunts, "You are incredibly prone to danger."

I chuckle, "You're right, once I'm better, I'm gonna suck it up, and never take it off!" I pause thoughtfully, "Thanks for saving me."

"Well as a wise sorcerer once told me, that's what friends do." He replies with a playful wink.

I grin and watch him as his emerald eyes light up and his lips tug into a small self-conscious smile. Watching his lips, reminds me of the kiss we shared not too long ago and I can't help but think about the feel of his hot lips on mine. I want to tell him that he's the most beautiful creature, and that everything about him is as radiant as the brightest stars in the galaxy. That no one can ever outshine him, or diminish his brightness. But instead I settle for, "Thanks for using your magic to heal me. I'm lucky to have you around."

Loki's expression shutters closed and he stiffens, so I add hastily, "You may be a pain in the ass, but you do come in pretty damn handy in a fight."

"I do have my reputation to uphold." He fires back, smiling coyly. His teasing smile lights up his darkened face; and I can't help but smile in return. Happy that I get to be near him.

"I like when you smile." I confess, the words bubbling out of my mouth of their own accord, as if I'm powerless to stop them.

Immediately his grin vanishes, and he looks away from me. Shit! Get a hold of yourself! I force myself to think of something else, wary that the blood oath will force me to speak the truth, by saying something even more foolish. "So are you going to tell me more about the language you and Sif made up?" I ask changing the subject carefully. "Or you just gonna leave me in the dark?"

"There really isn't much of a story, I doubt it will hold your interest." He replies matter-of-factly.

"Well if you don't tell me, then I'll just assume the worst and make up some crazy story in my head."

He shakes his head the hint of a smile forming on his lips, "There really is nothing to tell."

"What did you say?"

"That there really is nothing to tell." He repeats emphasizing the words loudly.

"I'm sorry what was that?"

Loki raises an eyebrow as he leans closer to me and hisses. "I said there's nothing to tell."


"I said there's nothing- oh forget it!" He replies throwing his hands up in frustration.

I snicker, "I'm kidding, I can hear you. I'm just fucking with you."

He rolls his eyes, "Of course you are Little Witch."  He leans towards me, "Have you always been this annoying?"

"Most definitely."

Loki leans back in his chair, and shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Come on Loki, if you tell me, I'll go back to sleep and stop trying to annoy you."

"Is that so?" He retorts cocking an eyebrow.


He sighs, "Alright, but only because you saved my life."

I bark out a victorious laugh, "You're damn right I did! Now the score is 2 to 3!"

Loki leans his head back and stares at the ceiling for a while, and when he begins speaking, his voice sounds like it's coming from faraway. "I first met Sif when I was 11 and Sif was 10; immediately I was awestruck by her golden-white hair. She had beautifully cunning eyes and like a moth to a flame; I was drawn to her beautiful smile. For a time, we were as inseparable as best friends; often escaping the palace to play together. Sif was smart, and she and I both had a knack for languages, so together we invented our very own language. We would speak it in front of Thor just to mess with him, teasing him with the fact that he didn't know what we were saying. But eventually Sif felt bad about leaving him out, so we taught him how to write and speak our language. Thor may be incredibly dense, but he is rather good at learning languages. Anyways, we spent all our free time together until one day Sif and I were playing and she asked me if I knew how to kiss. Of course, I'd never even considered it before and like most young children, I thought it was gross. But Sif said we should try it so that we could find out what all the fuss was about. I obliged and she kissed me. It was merely a quick peck on the lips..." Loki pauses to run his hand through his hair awkwardly, "I was only a boy, but I'd felt like the kiss was a beautiful life changing miracle. However, Sif didn't return the feeling; she simply shrugged it off and said that kissing was strange."

"Wait, so Sif was your first kiss?!" I ask interrupting him.

For a flickering moment his cheeks redden, then his expression smooths over, "It was."

"Aww that's so sweet!" I squeal, imagining him as an adorable, swooning little boy.

He scrutinizes me, seemingly horrified for a moment, then he shakes his head, as he picks the dirt off his sleeves. "Anyways, I was too embarrassed to tell her that the kiss changed everything for me and from that moment on I was as stupid as a love-sick puppy. I thought if I tried hard enough, I could win her over and that she would grow to return my foolish affections. But that was a little boy's naive fantasy. When I got older, I discovered she loved Thor and not me. So, I moved on, and over the years I made love to many women and men; gender makes no difference to me. In my reckless youth, I treated them like conquests; I suppose it was an attempt to prove that I could have whomever I wanted, that I had more to offer than Thor. But I never let myself fall in love again, not until... well that's a story for another time." He sighs and stands up, "For now my Little Witch, you need to rest."

I try to protest but am interrupted by a sudden yawn. "How much longer do you think it will take to heal me completely?" 

He looks at me strangely his eyes searing mine, then he looks away. "You were wounded really badly, an arrow to the stomach is usually fatal in humans, so it's going to take some time. But lucky for you, I am a master of sorcery." He cocks his eyebrows smugly, his tired green eyes flickering in the dim light. "It shouldn't take more than two days for me to heal you completely." Then he strides to the exit and adds with his back towards me, "In two days all of your body will be restored... and I mean, ALL of it."

Before I can ask what he's implying, he slips out the door and I fall asleep, dreaming of Loki and Thor as mischievous and adorable little children.  

I wake up late into the night, alone in the bedroom, but there's a bowl of steamy soup in the metal chair Loki was sitting in earlier. When I catch a whiff of the hearty roasted chicken soup, my stomach grumbles in response. I stretch out my arm and grab the bowl carefully and prop myself up slightly. I wince and grit my teeth at the sharp pain in my stomach, before bringing the bowl to my lips carefully. The robust soup is flavorful, but I'm disappointed to find that it's just broth. Nevertheless, I drink all of it greedily and lay back down, my hunger somewhat satisfied. A few minutes later, Loki magically appears in the room, and he picks up the empty bowl and nods.

"Good, you've eaten." His eyes roam over my body in a way that seems clinical and detached. "And how are you feeling?" His words are flat and business-like.

"It hurts significantly less than before." I reply. Why in the world is he acting so cold? I thought we were moving past this!

He nods again, "As I expected."

His body flickers as if he's about to vanish, but i'm not ready to be left alone so I call out, "Wait!"

He freezes and fixes his unreadable gaze on me and tilts his head. "Yes?"

"You never told me where the map we found actually leads to."

"It's a map to the planet Klyntar."

"You say that like I'm supposed to know what that is." I reply impatiently.

He cocks his head to the side smugly, "No I don't expect you to know; no one knows about Klyntar. It's an invisible planet, that can only be found if you know where to look."

"And why exactly do we need to find this planet?"

"Because Odin hid the god-killing weapon that was used to decapitate the Celestial that is Knowhere, on Klyntar."  

I give him a pointed look, and he shrugs. "When I was fifteen, my father and brother left to fight the terrible deity known as Knull. He was the First God of the Abyss; and he considered himself a world conqueror, determined to kill any Celestial who tried to prevent him from corrupting and destroying every world in the universe. After Knull killed one of the Celestial beings who stood in his way, the Celestials were frightened and begged Odin to destroy Knull on their behalf." He pauses and sighs, as if the story bores him, "Even though I insisted I was strong enough to fight by his side, Odin said I wasn't ready and wouldn't allow me to come. So, I waited, until suddenly Thor was sent back to Asgard through the Bifrost; he was unconscious and his body was covered in black, bloody cuts. It took my mother almost three days to heal Thor and when he awoke, he said that Odin sent him back because Knull was too powerful and too dangerous. Thor said that Knull had some sort of magical god-killing sword, called the All-Black that made him impossible to defeat. And he said that Knull defeated him so easily that he feared for Odin's life. Frigga sent warriors to Heimdall wanting to help, but Odin had forbidden Heimdall to send anyone through the Bifrost to join him in battle. All we could do was wait, until the next morning when Odin returned exhausted and uncharacteristically somber. He refused to speak of what happened and merely claimed that he destroyed the All-Black Necrosword and Knull. When we asked him for more information, he forbade us from ever mentioning it again."

Loki pauses, then his voice grows detached and jaded, "That was the last I heard of the magical sword until Thanos. He mentioned that he'd learned of several powerful weapons and that one of them was Knull's mysterious All-Black Necrosword. I defended my father's honor and told Thanos that Odin had destroyed it, but Thanos laughed in my face and insisted that Odin loved to lie to me. He said that even Odin was not powerful enough to destroy it; that he trapped Knull along with his weapon on an invisible planet, hidden from all galaxies. Then he told me that Odin made a map to its location and that my own mother sent a servant to hide it far from Asgard. Thanos never told me where the planet or map was, but I was certain that The Collector would either have it, or have at least heard of it. Of all the creatures in the galaxy, The Collector knew everything there was to know about powerful weapons." He shrugs, "So that's why we went to Knowhere in the first place."

"Okay." I say slowly, "So if Knowhere was once a Celestial, then what exactly are the Celestials? How many of them are there?"

"No one knows how many there are, but The Celestials were the first created beings. The few I've heard of are Eson, Jemiah, Madonna and Ego; but there are many more. They are gigantic, cosmic beings that predate even the Asgardians. They were known for using the infinity stones to wipe out hundreds of civilizations. Eventually they created the Eternals and the Deviants. The Deviants were vengeful, grotesque beasts that wreaked havoc, but the Eternals were a race of a humanoid, superpowered immortal beings. I know not what happened to their immortal race."

"So is Lady Death a Celestial or an Eternal then?"

"No, Death is a cosmic entity; she was never created. She is one of the four entities that created the infinity stones and the galaxies. Death, Infinity, Eternity and Entropy all came into existence at the dawn of time and have been ruling the universe from afar, ever since. Some cultures worship them as deities, and I suppose you humans know Lady Death as the famous Grim Reaper."

"Wow." I reply, my head spinning with so many god-like characters to keep track of. "This is mind boggling. I'm feeling pretty damn insignificant right about now."

Loki chuckles good-naturedly, "Yes humans are infamously low on the totem pole."

I smile, enjoying his laughter, even if it is at my expense. "Lucky me, that I have a prickly Asgardian to watch over me." I taunt.

At this his expression goes cold, and I wonder if he's thinking about the fact that he isn't actually an Asgardian. "Thanks for the soup." I add gently. "Do Asgardians often eat chicken broth?"

He shifts on his feet, "No, but while I was on Earth, I did learn a bit about your customs; like eating chicken broth when one is injured. It seemed ideal, as you won't be able to consume solid food until I've finished healing you."

I smile warmly, Loki misunderstanding American culture is absolutely adorable, I think to myself. "Actually, we eat chicken soup, not broth and we do it when we're sick, not injured." I correct with a grin, "But you were close enough."

Loki rolls his eyes, "Whatever you say." Then he clears his throat, "Well, since we've both rested, I might as well continue healing you; it would be best if you remain silent."

"Wait before you do, I was wondering about the second scroll we found. The one with the Asgardian spells... can I see them?"

He purses his lips firmly, "No."

"But why not?" I wince at the sound of how needy my voice has become, I sound like a desperately whining child.

"Because they are ancient and rare Asgardian spells that are far too advanced for you."

"Oh is that all?" I quip sarcastically.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and looks away, exasperated. "You're already overwhelmed with magic as it is. You're not ready and that's final."

"Alright." I reply sweetly to placate him, as indignation burns inside me. As soon as he heals me, I'm going to find a way to look at those stupid spells!

His head snaps towards me and his eyes narrow intensely, "Don't even think of scheming Kamilla, I can sense all of your desires. I know what you're up to."

I swallow nervously, all of them?

I try to add some levity to my words as if this is all one big joke, "Okay you got me. I won't try anything Loki dearest."

He shakes his head wearily, "Don't make me your babysitter Kamilla. Just leave it alone."

"Okay, Okay." I mumble.

"Now do try to relax so I can continue your healing."

I bite my lip, holding back my sarcastic retort and simply nod. I do not want to piss off the only person who can heal the painful hole in my stomach. I know I'm far too weak to heal the wound on my own.

Loki's face is solemn as he puts his left hand on my stomach; instinctively I flinch, expecting to feel pain, but all I feel is the warmth of his magic. The warm energy flows through me, seemingly weaving in and out of my body. I let myself relax as his magic causes the ever-present pain in my stomach to subside. Loki's magic is both warm and cool, so I close my eyes, enjoying the soothing sensation that embalms me and lulls me to sleep.

I'm on my knees as Loki towers over me; his eyes hollow and lifeless. "Come along my dear." He commands yanking the magical chains that stretch from my wrist to his. The heavy chains are bright red and black, born of magic and blood; keeping me chained to him for all eternity. I try to run from him, but I only get a few feet before the chain pulls taught and I stumble. He laughs as I fall to the ground of the spaceship, his laughter so cruel and lifeless that I shudder with fear.

"Get up, filthy wench!" He snaps impatiently. I whimper but make no attempt to move. His face blazes with fury at my insolence and his hand swings forward to slap me across my cheek. The blunt force knocks me flat on the ground and I shudder in pain, as he swoops me over his shoulder like a weightless ragdoll.

"Listen, you wretched, insipid woman," He hisses, "I'd prefer to be released from our blood oath and vows as soon as possible. So we are going to the Norn Queen so that she can break our stupid curse." He huffs, "And then I will finally be rid of you."

Loki throws me down onto a large gold bed, covered in gold bejeweled pillows. "Until then, you are going to behave yourself and do exactly as I tell you." His lips tilt in a taunting sneer, "Or I will not hesitate to release you from your oath by killing you."

I gulp nervously, and tell him what I know he wants to hear, "As you wish. As always, I am yours to command my Prince."

He rolls his shoulders back, and sighs, "Believe you me, I would much rather be bound to someone else, like Amora or Sif. But alas, I am stuck with the likes of you; a weak and feeble-minded pathetic excuse for a sorceress."

My heart shatters in my chest, I can't believe he no longer wants me!
The small part of me that craved his love, shrivels and hardens into hatred.
Fine then. I refuse to care for him any longer!

Suddenly the dream changes and I see Loki trapped inside a tall, craggy old tree; its crooked branches filling the night sky. Loki's unmoving eyes gleam black in the moonlight and his expression is twisted in horror; forever frozen inside the silent tree. The grass surrounding the imposing tree has withered and the dark sky above crackles with lightening.

"It's been months since he was trapped there." Thor's somber voice whispers from beside me. "And there he will remain, never to be released until someone sheds a tear for his lost and wickedly misguided soul. But of course, no one will; Loki has always shown contempt for others and no one seems to miss him." 

Thor turns towards me, his eyes searching mine, "None but you that is." He sighs uncertainly, "I assumed that once you discovered his location, you would come to release him."

His eyes are questioning as he takes my hand gently, but I pull away and swallow the bitter sadness that rises in my throat.

"No." I reply shaking my head sadly. "It would not be hard to weep for him, the tears are there, but even I know better than to let him out."

"No." I repeat, louder this time, pure hatred filling my words. "I will not shed a single tear for this monster, he has tortured me for long enough. I will serve him no longer!"

Thor nods, seemingly satisfied, "Then what will you do my Lady?"

I summon my courage and stand up taller, "I am going to leave him behind and start fresh in Nornheim. The Norn Witches have agreed to train me in magic, so I plan to continue my training there."

Thor nods, "Very well, allow me to escort you there. I could not live with myself if any more harm befell you."

I wake up with a start, my mind slowly readjusting to reality. The dream was so vivid, it seemed real! What does this mean? I shudder beneath my thick blankets, are these some sort of twisted premonitions of the future?

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