Not really a fan

By amazing_fantasy

61.9K 841 215

What happens when you friend drags you to go on a meet and greet with people you don't even watch. Do you end... More

Road trip?
We are not even together!!!
Date night
The Trap House
Jake Webber
Heart Broken
Moving out
Hawaii part 2
Final chapter

Cheater already?

3.7K 56 19
By amazing_fantasy

For the last week Colby and I have spent so much time together that I don't get alone time anymore. Today I decided I was going to stay home and start working on music. I never really did music in my life but I am a good singer and I want to put that to use. I got out a notebook I had that I never used and started to think of ideas to write a song about.

A hour into writing I got a text.

Colby-wanna come over?

Lexi-as much as I want to colbs I need some time to myself just for today. I am going to try and start writing a song

Colby-oh ok that's cool. I have to film anyway

Lexi-Okay ttyl


I couldn't tell if he was mad or not because it was over text so I just decided to leave it.

It was now night time and I was working on ideas for music and editing pictures all day. I was laying down when I got a text from Brennen.

Brennen-Hey Lexi is Lola home?

Lexi-No why? Is everything ok?

Brennen-Yeah just checking. Um so I am throwing a party tonight because I hit 2M will you come?

Lexi-Of course it's your 2M

Brennen-Thanks it starts in an hour

Lexi-I will be there

I was running a little late because it starts in a hour and I wasn't ready at all. I decided I was going to do waves in my hair and I had to pick out a cute but not a girly outfit. That's the mood I was in lol. I told Brennen not to tell Colby I was coming. I wanted to surprise him.

Colby-are you coming to Brennens party?

Lexi-can't make it tonight

I left it at that and did my makeup and got dressed to leave

Lexi's outfit

I got in my car and headed to Brennens. I was already 30 mins late. But it's okay. To be honest I wouldn't come to this party because I am not in the mood but it's because he hit 2M and I wanna support him for that.

I pulled up to the place. Cars everywhere. I walked inside to see Brennen. "Lexi you made it" he said pulling me in a hug. "Yes I did" I said make laughing "Colby's outside with Lola they have no idea you are here" he said "okay I will be outside then" I said making my way outside. I walked up to the big back doors and walked though them and I couldn't believe my eyes. Colby sitting there with Lola on his lap sucking his face off. I didn't know what to do I just stood there. Tears in my eyes. Brennen came up next to me "Hey do u need help finding th-" he was just as shocked as me when he saw what I did. "Wtf" Brennen screamed. Everyone got quiet. "Brennen, Lexi" Colby said Running up to us with Lola behind him "fuck you. Both of you" Brennen said running inside. I ran after him. "Lexi wait" he said grabbing my wrist turning me around. I slapped him across the face. "Don't talk to me ever again" I yelled. I didn't care that everyone was looking. I ran upstairs to find Brennen sitting in his room crying. "Brennen" I said. I was hurt he was hurt also but I had to stay strong for him. It was supposed to be a happy day he hitting 2M and this is what happens. "Lexi I am so sorry I know you are hurt to" he said between tears. I let out a couple tears. After a while of us just crying I stood up "Brennen fuck them ok? We can't sit here and be sad over them. They lost us that's their fault. It's you 2M party and you have people downstairs let's go and try to get our minds off things" I said "your right" he said and we walked downstairs. Everyone looking at us. Colby and Lola probably left already. "Let's party" Brennen yelled and everyone cheered. I laughed as he walked away and went out front to sit outside. Someone came up and sat next to me. As I was crying. How could colby do this. "Are you okay?" The voice asked "yeah I'm fine" I said quickly. "You clearly aren't. I'm Kian by the way" he said "I'm Lexi" I said back "so was colby your boyfriend?" He asked. "Yeah only been together for about a week and then you saw what happened" I said looking down "who was the girl?" He asked "my best friend" I said crying some more. "Hey it's okay" he said pulling me in a hug "let me take you home" he said getting up.

"Thanks" I said closing the car door because Kian drove me home. I was in no mood to drive so I just left my car at Brennens. "Anytime" he said. I got in the house and sat on the couch. How could I be so stupid not only did Colby cheat but it was my best friend.

Lola walked in the door. I stood up trying to go to my room. I couldn't even look at her "Lexi I am so sorry you need to know I don't have feeling for him at all. We were both just drinking and Brennen wasn't talking to me and Colby was upset because you weren't there an-" I cut her off before she could finish "Lola I don't care to hear the excuses. I don't care if Brennen was ignoring you, you should've hooked up with someone else but no you had to go put your fucking lips on my boyfriend. You know what the worst part is? I am not even as hurt by him I am more hurt by you. You are supposed to be my best fucking friend" I said yelling. She stood there silent. I broke down and fell on the floor crying. She ran up to me. Pulling me in a hug. "I am so sorry Lexi I love you please forgive me" she said. I pushed her away and got up "I am going to bed" I said slamming my door.

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