Jake Webber

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It has been 2 months since my birthday and since I have moved In the Trap house. A lot has changed. Elton moved out because he was ready to live on his own. The roommates were telling me how they were going to have their friend Jake move in since Elton moved out. Today was the day Jake moved in and I have never met him before and to be honest I am kinda nervous. "Hey are you alright?" Sam asked as we all sit on the couch waiting for the new roommate to arrive. Colby was sitting on the other side of the couch talking to Aaron and I sat next to Sam and Corey. "Yeah just nervous" I said "don't be Jake is chill" Sam told me. I nodded my head. Truth be told I didn't want this guy to move in. I didn't know him and I missed Elton. Elton was like the uncle we all needed, the person to own the house. A couple weeks ago him and Corey got in an argument about something that I don't even know about so Elton just thought it would be best if he lived alone and moved out. Corey and Elton are still trying to be friends though. "He's here" Sam said jumping off the couch. I followed him. As we walked out Sam gave Jake a hug "Bruhterrr" Corey said. They all gave each other hugs and I was standing there, Quiet. I mean he looked like a nice kid his smile was bright and his hair was cute. "You must be lex?" He asked pointing at me "the one and only" I said laughing "well it's nice to meet you" he said smirking. We just stared at each other "yeah you to" I said blushing. I don't know why but his eyes were like reading my soul. Colby came up behind me and put his arms around me "oh so this is the lucky girl you are dating?" Jake said "yes she is" he said giving me a peek on the lips. It wasn't romantic it was more like 'she is mine and only mine' kind of kiss. "Alright will let's get your stuff inside" Sam said. We all helped Jake move his stuff inside. After we moved stuff we ended up just chilling around the house. Sam and Colby were talking in the kitchen and Jake and I were in the gaming room on our phones. I don't know what Aaron and Corey are doing. "So your from Kansas?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yup lived there my whole life" he said "cool" I said. It was awkward. I didn't want it to be awkward all the time so I decided to just try and make friends "so um do you want to maybe go somewhere and hangout? I don't really know you and it would be great to get to know you" I said nervously "yeah that would be great let's go to tender greens I am striving" he said standing up. We walked to the front door "where you guys going" Colby asked "oh we are just going to get food and get to know each other more" I said "mm lex can I talk to you real quick?" He asked "um sure" I said walking with him "what's up?" I asked "why you all up on Jake?" He asked "woah slow down there buddy I am not all up on Jake he is a stranger that you brought into not just your home but mine to so I want to get to know him" I said. He rolled his eyes "just don't do anything stupid with him" Colby said "wow really? If you don't trust me then you don't have to be with me colby" I said walking away "that's not what I meant" he yelled trying to follow me. Jake and I walked out the door and headed to tender greens. "So is Colby alright?" He asked "to be honest I don't know. Ever since Elton moved out him and I have been kinda distance we haven't really hung out much and now he is being dramatic" I said "sorry if I started something with you guys" Jake said "no Jake you didn't start anything it's Colby starting stuff only because he is jealous" I said. We pulled up to tender greens and got out the car.

Jake and I had some good conversations. At first it was awkward and then it was like we knew each other our whole life's. "Favorite tv show?" He asked "spongebob duh" I said laughing "no why? May I take your hat sir may I take you hat sir" he said making me laugh. "Okay open your mouth I bet if I throw this in you mouth you owe me ice cream" I said laughing "deal" he said. I throw a piece of food in his mouth. "Yes ice cream on Jake" I said laughing. I don't know why but something feels different with Jake. Colby and I have funny times but it's never like we have a lot in common Jake is like me a child in a kids body. "Fine ice cream on me" he said. We got up and went to get ice cream. We ordered ice cream from this little ice cream shop and sat in the car and ate it. "Thanks Jake" I said licking my ice cream "no problem" he said "also I think we are going to get along great thanks for letting me get to know you because I am not going to lie I wasn't sure about you at first" I said "I get that you don't know me and I bet you miss Elton?" He asked "yeah I do" I said looking down. "You guys can still hangout though just ask him to put you in the TFIL videos" he said "I mean I am apart of TFIL I moved in to join it and we are still going to go on trips and stuff but I just miss him around the house he always get the energy up" I said. Jake grabbed my hand "well now you got me and you still have all the roommates" he said. Something about his touch made me want to kiss him. But I couldn't, Colby might have done that to me before but I am not like that, I can't do that to him no matter how distant we are right now. Jake and I just stared at each other. I cleared my throat. "We should get going" I said "yeah, right" he said backing out and driving home. My mind was so confused. I loved Colby maybe we are just to distant right now and we just need to get back to how it was. I bet if Colby and I were close like before I wouldn't even be thinking about kissing Jake.

A/N hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter. I couldn't just leave Jake out like that so I had to add him in. But we will see what happens.

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