Road trip?

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It's been two days since I have left the house. Lola has been trying to talk to me but I just ignore her. Colby has been blowing up my phone non stop.

Colby-Lexi please forgive me I don't want her I want you
Colby-Please I will do anything
Colby-it was a mistake
Colby-I was drunk
Colby-I only love you

The last one got me. But I didn't let that change my mind. I answered back

Lexi-Leave me alone Colby. We are done. I never want nothing to do with you again. You broke my heart. I was so fucking stupid for trusting you. If you loved me, you would have been thinking about me and you wouldn't have kissed my best friend.

Colby-Lexi can we talk in person about this please? And I do love you. I didn't want to tell you like this but I do. You have to believe me

Lexi-One thing I don't mess with or believe are cheaters. Leave me alone Colby

My phone kept going off, I just ignored it.
I decided to text Brennen

Lexi-Hey Brennen

Brennen-Hey Lexi how are you?

Lexi-I am ok. Can you pick me up? I left my car at your house two days ago and I haven't left my house since

Brennen-of course be over in 20

I got dressed and waited on Brennen.

Lexi's outfit

"Hey Brennen" I said getting in the car "hey" he said pulling me in a hug

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"Hey Brennen" I said getting in the car "hey" he said pulling me in a hug. He started driving "so um have you talked to Lola or Colby?" I asked "nope have you talked to them?" He asked "no I mean I am trying to ignore Lola but we live together so it's hard but I haven't talk to Colby and I don't think I will ever talk to him. I am saving up my money though and I am looking for places to move into since Lola lives with me" I said "oh well you know the apartment next to mine is for rent" he said "oh cool I will check it out" I said "So how about we go somewhere and hangout" he said "yes let's go shopping" I said jumping up and down with him laughing.

A week later-

It's been a week and Brennen and I are close friends now. I now call him my best friend because it's definitely not Lola. I moved out from Lola's place and next to Brennen the day after he told me about it. I got tried of Lola trying to fix things. You can't fix what happened unless you go back in time.

"Come on Lexi you don't have to leave please we can work something out? You are my best friend" Lola said as I was moving my stuff to the front door. "Best friends don't kiss there best friends boyfriend" I said calmly. "I am sorry" she said "I don't care Lola I am moving out" I said "you know what fine Lexi, move out, you are my best friend and you can't even forgive me. There is nothing I can do then say sorry if I could go back in time I would" she said. I ignored her and walked out the door.

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