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It was now morning and I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I didn't see Jake so I walked to the kitchen and he was standing there cooking shirt less. Damn he was so fine. He turned around "hey good morning" he said "morning" I said with a smile. I walked up to him and hugged him around his waist. He pushed me back. "Is everything ok?" I asked. "Here let's sit and eat" is all he said. We sat down "I've been thinking..." he said. Great I know what this means "I like you lex but can we have to face reality" he said then it got quiet. "What's that?" I asked "you are in love with colby" he said. I signed "why can't we just stop talking about him and no I am not" I said getting upset "Lex I see the way you guys look at each other, you will never look at me like that, Colby May have fucked up-" he said before I cut him off "yeah way to many time" I said. "But just give it time and right now you shouldn't worry about me or Colby just worry about you and do something that makes you happy" he said. I looked down "you make me happy" I whispered. He pulled my chain up "Lex I am sorry but you love him and he loves you, you and I will always be best friends nothing will change that but we can't be nothing more" he said "I get it. Thanks for being honest Jake" I said getting up and walking to my room. I sat on my bed for a hour looking at the ceiling. Jake was right as much as I didn't want to admit it he was right. I can't mess with Jake after everything with Colby. I need time for me.

Jake walked in a while later. "Hey" he said sounding nervous "don't worry Jake I am not mad at you. You are right and thanks for making me open my eyes, honestly it going to take time to get over Colby but I want you to know that I will get over him and I will be here ready for you and I-" He cut me off giving me a hug. "Lex it's okay, we are still best friends and I will be here when you are over him" he said smiling "thanks Jake" I said. "I have to film today wanna come?" He asked "where?" I asked "dollar tree food review with Corey" he said "I don't know if I want to try that" I said laughing "Come on it will be a blast" he said. I got up and we walked out the door. We pulled up to the Trap house to pick up Corey and of course as we pulled up Colby was outside with all the roommates. "Come on Corey" Jake yelled beeping the horn. Corey got in the car as we were about to drive away I looked up and Colby and I locked eyes. Tears wanted to come out but I didn't let it. I just looked away.

We did Jakes video and now it was time for them to go home. "Thanks for today guys I had fun even though I might have stomach problems now" I said laughing as I was getting out of the car to go home. "Yeah no problem" Jake said "yeah if you need us to make you throw up come to us any day" Corey said making me laugh. "Night" I said walking into my apartment. I have to say I can get used to living alone. It's quiet but to quiet.

1 Week later~

For the past week I have been hanging out with Jake and everyone except Colby. I have been going to the Trap house though to help everyone with videos. Colby and I would both be there but we never said anything just glared at each other. Honestly this week has been crazy. I have done so much with everyone and I have been posting videos. Most of my videos have a lot of hate people saying 'why did you break Colby's heart' or 'slut' it's like they don't even know the story. I might be behind camera but I am a real person and those things hurt. It took me a little to decide but I think I am going to go on a vacation. I always wanted to go to Hawaii and honestly I need a get away. I decided to call Jake and tell him. "Hey Jake um so I have decided I will be going on a getaway to Hawaii for the weekend and clear my mind" I said "oh well that's fun, you sure you don't want anyone to come with" he asked "no" I said quickly. I didn't mean to sound rude it's just I need alone time "sorry but no I think I am okay but some me time" I said "okay will when you come back let me know" he said "I will. Also can you drive me to the airport tomorrow to go?" I asked "Sure see you tomorrow" he said "see yeah" I said.

Vacation here I come.

A/N sorry guys I haven't been updating a lot. I am starting High school in a couple days and it has been a roller coaster anyway enjoy the story.

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