Boku No Hero Academia | My he...

By ImShishi

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Boku no Hero Academia | My hero Academia [One shots] [Some may contain mature writings] Lemon/lime/smut whate... More

Izuku Midoriya [Zombie apocalypse scenario]
Katsuki & Shouto [Class A vs Villain Reader Scenario]
Katsuki Bakugo [ senpai-reader scenario ]
Shouto Todoroki [husband scenario]
Katsuki Bakugo [Hostage Scenarios]
Dabi and Shouto Todoroki [Brocon/Siscon cenario]
Mirio Togata (Childhood Friend Scenario)
Eijiro Kirishima [Summer Vacation scenarios]
Hitoshi Shinso [boyfriend scenarios]
Katsuki Bakugo [summer Vacation scenarios]
Dabi and Shoto Todoroki[ Angst Scenarios ]
Izuku Midoriya [Fornication Quirk scenarios]
Shoto Todoroki [ Fornication Quirk Scenarios ]
Tenya Iida [Husband Scenarios]
Tokoyami Fumikage [Boyfriend Scenarios]
Katsuki Bakugo [Fornication quirk scenarios]
Eijiro Kirishima [Fornication Quirk Scenarios]
Dabi [Fornication Quirk Scenarios]
Kaminari Denki [Fornication Quirk Scenarios]
Shinso Hitoshi [ Fornication Quirk Scenario ]
Izuku Midoriya Ending [Fornication quirk scenario]
Shoto Todoroki Ending [Fornication quirk Scenario]
Katsuki Bakugo ending [ fornication quirk scenario ]
Alter end [ Fornication quirk scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [Summer Vacation scenarios]
Aizawa Shouta [ Husband/wife Scenarios ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Brocon/Siscon Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Truth or Dare Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Truth or Dare scenario ]
Eijiro Kirishima [ Summer Vacation scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Angst Scenario ]
Shigaraki Tomura [ Hostage Scenario ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Childhood friend Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Quirky baby Scenario ]
Note: Request
Hanta Sero [ Personal Tutor Scenario ]
Hanta Sero [ Birthday Scenario ]
Neito Monoma [ Boyfriend Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Boyfriend Scenario ]
Yo Shindo [ Childhood friend Scenario ]
Note: Author answers questions
Shoto Todoroki [ Force marriage Scenario ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Childhood Friend Scenario ]
Hanta Sero [ Childhood Friend Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Hanahaki Diseas Scenario ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Brocon/Siscon Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Childhood friend Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Summer vacation Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ OC Scenario ]

Eijiro Kirishima [ Angst Scenario ]

2.7K 73 20
By ImShishi

[ Angst Scenario ]
Kirishima x Reader

Credits to the artist who made this cute art! ❤️😍


This is another request which is somehow with a specific scenario.. I hope I could make this possible and yeah.. Hahaha! 😂 Let's just see what I could write with this sweet breakfast after a long walk.. :)


A world full of people with special ability, a world where heroes and villains exists, a world where everything is corruption, fix ideas, danger and a world full of anxieties of life.

As a young child, you think the world was colorful and full of delight. A lot of people loving you and a lot of people put so much expectations thinking you'd be a great hero in the future having both parents as heroes and an older brother who have a tremendous power.

You've grown having the idea you'd be a great hero one day like All Might, like what other kids your age would want to be and become the symbol of peace however, things didn't go out the way people expects from you.

No tremendous power like your parents, no more hero dreams and no more dreams to become a symbol of peace. Why?

Everyone in your class gain their quirks, your friend Shoto gain both his parents quirks while you.. stayed the same.

"I'm sure you'll get your quirk soon.."

Shoto cheers you up whenever you're feeling down however, the time for check up ended your dream ones and for all.

"I'm sorry.. but your daughter is quirkless.."

The doctor tells both your hero parents, they tried to cheer you up but you could see in their eyes your parents felt it was their fault however you tried to be positive about it.

"It's alright mom.. dad.. that means I'm special.. right?.."

You asked them and that made them think you're perfectly fine, they never talked about it anymore however, that small pain brought bigger problems for you.

As a child with a heart as fragile as a porcelain as you started to get bullied in school making you feel you're worthless in the society, you're a disgrace in the family you live in and some might claim you're adopted.

Shoto did tries his best to cheer you up but then you told him you're fine and don't do anything about it the moment he saw you tried to cut your wrist with a knife.

Middle school, Shoto did got quite distant and busy. You have no one to talk to for quite a while and cutting yourself did became your stress relief.

Nothing changed and people in your class where half of your classmates during childhood except for Shoto, bullying never stops and they're starting to call you names.

Worthless, brainless, quirkless.. this are just few of words they use to call you. You tried to put yourself in your imaginary box but they keep on destroying it through everyday bullying. It never stops till the end of middle school.

You thought you don't have anyone, you thought it was just you, you thought your parents don't care about you anymore as you grew up seeing your older brother get praises and all the attention.

You're no longer eating properly and couldn't even finish a meal, you kept yourself in your room the whole summer and the moment school year gets nearer..

You got yourself a visitor, someone you haven't seen for months.

"Y/N.. Open the door.."

Shoto said after a knock however you couldn't hear him because of the loud sound coming from your gaming headphones.

"She's been like this.. knocking wouldn't work.."

your older brother said and used a key to open your locked door.

Shoto enters your room and saw you haven't taken a shower, hair is totally a mess, and got dark circles around your eyes as you you play a 5v5 online game on your computer.

"Y/N.. let's talk.. it's important.."

Shoto told you however you're too occupied playing.

"I'm busy.."

You told him still looking at your screen.

"Well.. good luck talking to that shut in.."

Your older brother said to Shoto before leaving.

Shoto lifts up a bit one side of your headset and told you.

"Alright.. I'll wait till the game ends.. I won't bother you anymore just give me a chance talking with you this time.."

He starts to pick up your clothes scattered around the floor and some garbages you haven't thrown properly. Your game ends the time he's almost done cleaning your room so he stops when you stood from your chair and walk towards him touching his wrist stopping him to pick up the last one on the floor which was your underwear.

"What do you want?.. I didn't know we're still friends.."

You told him.

"Y/N.. I just got myself busy.. but that doesn't mean we're no longer friends.."

Shoto spoke and you've realized his voice got deeper different from the cute voice he got during childhood and when he stood properly, He's taller than you now.

"Did they ask you to talk to me and take me out of my box?.."

You asked.

"No, I came on my own will.."

Shoto told you.

"What do you want then?.."

You asked as you pull down your large shirt to cover your underwear.

"You promised me you'd enter UA with me.."

Shoto said.

"That promise is no longer valid.. I'm quirkless so there's no room for someone like me.."

You told him.

"We didn't agreed on a specific field.. it doesn't have to be hero course Y/N.. you can enter the hero support course.. you can work on your inventions there and make support items for heroes.."

Shoto told you and lift up your chin to see you properly.

"Wash up and take the exam Today.."

He told you as you look at him.

"Things won't change.. I don't want to go to school anymore.. I'd rather just kill of myself than going to school.."

You told him and walk towards your computer but then Shoto pulled your wrist.

"Just this one time.. I won't bother you anymore.. just fulfill this promise for me.. I worked hard for months to fulfil this promise so I can enter UA.."

He told you and pull you out of your dark room to the bathroom.

"Take a shower already.."

He said and closed the door for you. The bath is already prepared and Shoto's guarding the door waiting for you to finish.

"You prepared this?.."

You asked.

"Was it too warm?.."

He asked and you touched the water at the bathtub.

"No.. it's fine.."

You told him and starts to remove your clothes to take a bath.

After all the preparation, Shoto took you to UA, you've taken the exam and on the exact day.. the school accepted you after testing all the items you've made.

You decided to start a new at UA Academy but it seemed the ones in your class starts to hate you and thought it was a bad idea after all to enter UA Academy with Shoto.

"Why?.. why does things have to be like this?.. I've done everything I can so they would like me but.. all of them starts to hate me.. I don't want to get the teachers attention.. I just wanted them to like me and use my talents.. but why?.. no matter what I do.. everyone hates me.. every move I make is nuisance to everyone.. it's better I don't exist in this world.."

You walked to the equipment area, took out the support item you're developing suitable for Bakugo's quirk and went to the testing area to self-destruct the item with you.

This time, you didn't hesitate anymore, this time you're certain no one would ever cry or be sad once you're gone, this time you've got nothing to regret thinking it's better off dying instead of dying each and everyday.

You've pretend you're just going to test the item as the CCTV camera move to your direction.

"I've been in this darkness for a long time and I couldn't find that light.. even just a small dot.. there's no point.. I'm exhausted.. I'm tired of all this.. I'll end it once and for all.."

You thought.

It starts to count down from five and you're not moving.. just staying still as part of the device mechanism that stops you to move however, before the bomb reaches its limits.

You were hugged by someone and the massive explosion happened.

You were speechless, and you couldn't even move not minding some burns in your arms and legs.

"I didn't die.."

You finally spoke and looked at the one who just took almost all the damages you should have taken.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

He shouts and checked your wounds.

"You're Y/N right?.. Todoroki's friend.. right?"

He asked but you're not answering.

"How did you..."

You mumbled.

"I followed you the moment I saw you're acting up differently.. I didn't expect to see this but.. alright I did somehow thought you'd try to kill yourself.. I've heard from Todoroki you're hurting yourself and stuffs like this multiple times but.. please.. don't end yourself like this.. I'm sure Todoroki would definitely be sad if you end your life.."

He said and carried you.

"By the way I'm Eijiro Kirishima.. from Todoroki's class.."

He said and carried you out towards the school clinic that's probably still open at the current hour.

"If you feel like you're alone.. I'm glad to be your friend and be there for you.. I know you've been through a lot.. everyone did.. but.. can we look at the bright side together?.."

He asked you.

"I'll keep this a secret and tell it's just an accident.. hehe! Keep up the lie with me alright?.."

He asked and he gave you a bright smile that has been a long time since the last time it was given for you that just made you cry a lot.

"Let it all out.. cry it out.. all those pain and thoughts inside you.. you can start a new.. right here.. right now.. it's been hard for you for a long time.."

He told you.

After the incident, you were healed on the spot and you're able to attend class the next day. Everything was just the same except for one thing.

When lunch break came, you've got yourself a visitor that got your classmates really jealous since you got yourself friends at the hero department.

"Hey Y/N.. let's eat lunch together!"

Kirishima spoke.

It surprised you a lot that he would take the things he said seriously yesterday to be your friend.

He came with Bakugo along with Kaminari and pulled you out of class holding your hand tight and giving that smile for you that made your heart skipped a bit for the very first time as your cheeks turns so red while secretly looking at him.

"What's your favorite food in the cafeteria Y/N?!.. wahhh!!.. I'm so excited to know you more!"

Kirishima excitedly told you.

"Stop Shouting you morron and stop walking holding hands! People would take it differently!"

Bakugo protest.

"Are you jealous then?.."

Kaminari teased.

"Fuck you!!! You don't want people bullying her because of him!!"

Bakugo shouts.

"Alright! Alright! You win! But, aren't you a bully yourself Bakugo?!"

Kaminari said and Kirishima starts to worry about you.

"Don't worry about it Y/N.. Bakugo's just really vulgar but he's not going to bully you or anything.. he's maturing.."

Kirishima assures.

"Tss.. why would I do that.. she makes the perfect equipment for my amazing quirk!"

Bakugo said and starts to ask you a lot of things you could possibly make as a support item for his quirk.

"Hehe! Let's all work hard to be the greatest heroes!!"

Kirishima shouts in excitement.



Wah.. I don't know.. I think it wasn't much of an angst thing.. but I hope it's worth a shot.. hehe! :) Let me know what you think about this by leaving you comments down below.. :D

I'd like to make a request for myself next time.. (^^)

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