Friend to all

Av SecretGarden03

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Being the younger sister is not easy, even if it is just by a year. Having a brother that doesn't know much a... Mer

Where it all began
I choose you
Bug pokemon and- EGG!!
The moon stone and more!!
Transferring pokemon and the Cascade badge!!
Stray pokemon and the Lighthouse!!
The Electric Showdown!!!!
The St. Anne
bye bye Butterfree, Lavender town and Saffron city
Authors Note
Primape goes bananas!
Authors Note

Tentacool, Tentacrule and Maidens Peak

451 7 5
Av SecretGarden03

The next morning we packed everything up and I returned Ruth to her ball so she can rest as Sage walks with us along the beach.

We soon come to a rock that has a Slowpoke on. Ash and Misty start to complain about who is going to catch it as Brock and I walk over and I start to talk to it. "Heya." It looks at me. "Do you want to go on a pokemon journey with me?" I ask quickly since the argument Ash and Misty are having seems to be going in Ash's favour.

He looks at the two arguing humans then back at me. "As long as I and not one of their pokemon I agree." This causes me to giggle and agree. He taps the poke-ball that I held out for him and I tuck him into my belt and Ash starts to complain.

"Come on!! Why can't you let me catch a pokemon?! I was just going to catch it as you did!!" Ha shouted disgruntled.

"Well Ash, maybe if you stop standing around, arguing and possibly scaring the pokemon to are trying to catch then you might be able to next time." Brock reasons and we continue on out way.

A few hours later we come to a beachside town where I told Sage to return to not scare the people and we miss the ferry but as we walk by a pier two Horsea appear, both looking badly beat up. They start to panicking as a boat sails to something that is under construction out on the ocean and I feel like something bad will happen.

"Please help!! You need to stop them from building over there!! It is the home of the Tentacool!!" One of them says and I translate.

"That boat must be in danger then!!" I shout and call out Neptune, Lilly, Vapour and Relic, who stays with the two Horsea and ride out with them and as we do the boat gets destroyed and people start to panic. I use Psychic to pick up the boat and my pokemon with help from Ash's Squertle and Misty's Staryu and Starmie everyone is soon safe and back on dry land so we return our respected friends and the crew start to speak.

"Terrible. It's terrible. I gotta tell the boss what happened." He says and Brock questions him about what happened.

He brings us to his boss who is in a large skyscraper. "I'm the boss!! Nastina! I understand that you helped to save the man on my ship. Thank you very much." And then starts to laugh. She does not act or sound very grateful. Just sarcastic and mean like a stuck up rich snob.

"Thank you." Ash starts. "I was wondering if you could give us a ride to the mainland?"

"Ya don't think you can get away that fast do ya?!" Acting like we did something wrong and the others flinch. I just take my jacket off and wrap it around my waist, showing my muscles, hoping she might back off a bit. "Not until you see my new resort!! And you young lady have a good bit of muscle to ya!!" She laughter again and starts to explain about her floating hotel and then blame the Tentacool.

This got me and Misty very angry. "Because of the Tentacool all the tourists have been avoiding this place. I don't even know why such despicable creatures exist!!" This pissed me off to no end.

"Despicable??!" Misty shouts.

"They are discussing!! You can't even eat them!! And they are hurting my profits!!!!!" I am so close to ripping this idiot a new one. She then trys to hire us and persuade us to 'exterminate' them. This is horrible and I want no part of it.

I was about to shout but Misty beat me to it but it was not how I thought she was going to go at it. "That's descusting!!" She begging to walk out of the room.

"It doesn't matter what creature they are thay are all beautiful. It is only odd ones in a species that get used to show what the majority is like when in fact they are nothing alike. YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE." I say dangerously and the others back off, not wanting to be the next target of my wrath.

When we get outside we go back to Pikachu and the two Horsea who are in a pool with a super potion to help make them feel better. Along the way Misty starts to explain why she loves Tentacool so much. They dont bother to ask me or they would either get shouted/ranted at or I would give them one look that they back away from instantly. I am scary when I am angry.

"Say didn't that picture it look like a Tentacool." Ash said. They had obviously forgot what I told them.

They chatted for a little while longer but we were interrupted by the speakers going off. "Citizens of Porta Vista!! Effective immediately I am recruiting volunteers to exterminate the Tentacool, terrorizing our town!! I will award 1 million coins to whoever can exterminate the Tentacool. Isn't Nastins generous!!"

"Ugh. She will do anything to get rid of them an unfortunately many people can be easily swayed by money." I say as many people flock to one part of the town. I get brand new waves of anger and I follow and people give me a wide birth.

At the back of the crowd I use my Psychic to levitate myself as Nastina keeps taking, adding fuel to the fire which is my wrath.

"ENOUGH!!" I shout and everyone instantly quotes down. I lane on the tank next to Nastina. "The Tentacool are only trying to protect their home!! The part of the ocean this witch," I point to Nastina. "Is building in is the place they live with their friends and family! If your home was getting destroyed to build something on top of it you would fight for your home wouldn't you???!! The Tentacool are just doing the same thing that any of us would!! They are just like any of us. They can be kind and compassionate creatures but will fight back if provoked!" The looks on peoples faces is guilty.

"Look at yourselves!! You are trying to murder defenceless creatures that are just trying to protect something they care about. AND FOR WHAT!!!?? MONEY!!!? It's discussing!!" I say and Team Rocket begin their little song and dance but I interrupt them, a dark purple aura now around me. "You even think about continuing that and start saying things about this Team Rocket and I promise it will not end well for you." This gets them to back off.

People start talking amongst themselves and nodding at my words. Soon everyone is protesting against it. The council who had been watching since the beginning come to an agreement that no one is going to build on the ocean because it causes problems for everyone and it is to protect the natural environment.

It was somehow also decided that I would be the one to go and inform the Tentacool that their land/ocean would not be destroyed again and if anyone trys they would be facing serious charges. Thay also have permission to destroy the hotel that is in the ocean with them and i promise to bring back all the pieces to recycle them and the money will go to the community.

Nastina was not very happy about this and tryed to protest insulting the poor pokemon. Angering me to the point of snapping. Everyone took a few steps away from me when they noticed that I am glowing purple and my furious expression. "I have had enough of you!!" I shout and using Psychic I throw the pathetic excuse of a human being a very long way towards some type of family member to ensure that if she is hurt someone who actually cares for her is there and they will help her. I may be cruel and cold when angry but not heartless like that she-devil.

Everyone gathers around as I call out Nessie, who is now fully rested, and we go over to the resort with a white flag. "I have come to talk Tentacool and tell you the great news." They begin to rise up out of the water and all look at me but I don't flinch. "The council and public have all come together to stop Natina and her building this stupid thing." I say throwing some Psychic energy at the building and any bits that fly off I catch at the same time. "You have permission to destroy it but be careful because it could hurt. Anything that comes off I have been asked to collect so it doesn't pollute the area and will be sold off to other places and that money will go to helping the community. Anybody found to be disturbing your area is not going to be tolerated and will be put to justice. You are free to start destroying."

As I finish that sentence they swarm the island-thing and start to dismantle it ad I collect it. Using all this energy I'd beginning to drain me but I can continue for longer. I just need to meditate soon.

It did not take long for them the destroy it and I bid good bye and we go out separate ways.

I dump all the materials onto the fairground that Nastina also seemed to own, destroying that. Shouldn't piss me off and pick on poor pokemon.

People praise me and start to celebrate, one of the Horsea even want to come with me on my journey whilst the other stays with Misty, but soon everything begins to wind down and we stay at the poke-centre for the night where I let out Sage who stretches herself out, happy to be out of the ball.

I call Professor Oak and send over all of the pokemon I caught except the usual 5, Sparky, Sonic and Nessie whilst telling him about what has happened and mom visits him seeing that we are all well. I even get Sage to carry 6 of the 7 eggs I have.

Just as I am about to end the call one of the eggs begin to glow. Once the light disappears there is a small, frmale baby Litwick who I call Candle and catch in a normal ball.

Just as I am about to end the chat after everyone has gone to bed or to do their own thing Professor Oak gives me a something and tells me and old tale saying it might be useful for where we will be going. I thank him and go to bed with Sage and the other 6 remaining eggs.

Early the next morning we get the ferry to the mainland at a place called Maidens Peak. On the ferry Sage was given a wide birth but after being shown that she would not harm anyone people began to interact with her a bit even giving her treats and sweets. To say she enjoyed it was an understatement.

Many people asked about the eggs and some wanted to but them but I made it clear they are not for sale and I will be taking care of all of them when they hatch. People thought I was crazy but after a bit of talking they realises that I just love pokemon, I also don't know them at all and just want what is best for the babies. Some had the gall to try and suck up to me. I did not have to worry about someone trying to steal one because of Sage being such an intimidating pokemon that no one would even think of it.

When we got to Maidens Peak I saw Brock stare at something and when I looked I saw the 'ghost' of the Maiden but the Psychic energy around it fit that of a Gastly so I know what needs to be done.

A speaker welcomes us all and talks about the end of summer festival. We divide to go to the poke-centre, get some rooms and join the festival. There are people dancing and having fun all around us, they even greet Sage kindly, without fear. That truly are kind and remarkable people.

Soon an 'old lady' comes up to us and Brock opens his stupid mouth insulting the shape-changing pokemon. They talk about the Maiden and insult Misty but the Gastly stares at me for a few seconds and compliments on my muscles that I am showing because I have my jacket tied around my waist. He knows I know that he is a pokemon and is trying to play nice. I just smile and laugh.

We go to the Shrine of the Maiden for the unveiling of the painting and her story is told by the Shrine Master.

Brock wonders where Maiden Rock is and we go there. Brock insists on staying so we stay with him and Sage falls asleep as I decide to Meditate with Ruth watching over us and being the one who will bring me out of it.

I soon get lost in the meditation and seem to have been forgotten because when I come out of it it is morning by Ruth, with everyone looking for Brock and I am glowing like a purple glow-stick again. Thanks everyone.

Sage is still sleeping but I can tell it is a light sleep being ready if she is needed.

The 'old lady' is seen again and makes some money, saying that the seals will stop the Maiden but I keep silent knowing they are just stickers.

As night comes the wind picks up and the 'seals' blow off. A force opens the doors and Psychic is used to take them outside. Strange ghost things come out of the forest but they are just an illusion. It scares them all so bad that I decide it is time to intervene.

"That is enough Gastly. I know you want to keep the tale of the Maiden alive and want the to find her lover. That is why you do this. But I have another story." I say but am interrupted.

"Wait. If that is a Gastly then where is the old lady?" Jessy asks as Gastly sake his true form.

"That was also Gastly. Whenever the Maiden appears the 'old lady' disappeared and vic versa it was Gastly playing all the roles. I knew since the moment I saw both who they were. Never underestimate the poverty of Psychic energy." I reply.

"And I must say you do look lovely then you have a slight glow of purple, it is great." He says honestly. "Now what is this story that you also wish to tell?"

"Back in Port Vista at the end of the call with Professor Oak he gave me something and told me the tale about it." I say pulling out the ring box. "Century's ago a fisherman was walking along the beach and found pieces of a wrecked ship. He looked around and found a man who looked like a soldier, badly injured and dieing. The soldier asked the fisherman the before he dies that he would give something to his Maiden who is waiting for him back home. The fisherman agrees and I given a beautiful metal box that holds one thing. A ring. The soldier said her was going to ask his Maiden to marry him so they could be together forever. The fisherman promises to try his best give this ring to be given to the soldiers Maiden since they were from across the ocean and if he fails then someone with a string heart will bring it to the Maiden and reunite them together one day. The ring has been passed on for generations and taken care of by one family. This story only being shared by direct descendants, until a few weeks ago when the descendant of the fisherman asked Professor Oak to give this to someone with a strong heart who he believes will bring them back together. He chose me." I say opening the box and inside is a beautiful golden ring with rubies, emeralds, sapphires spiraling around it and one large diamond in the middle. (Just imagine it gold not silver)

I direct the next part to Gastly. "If I have your permission, I would like to give this to her." I say and he nods with tears in his eyes.

Using Psychic I float over to the rock and the real Maidens ghost appears. "He was going to give you this before the war happened but decided that he would do so after the battle was finished. He left it in the hands of a good and noble man who took care of it along with his many descendants so it can be returned to it's rightful owner." I away and she holds out her hand as I slip the ring on her finger.

When it is fully on a glow comes from it and the Soldier from the story appears. "Thank you child. You have brought us together again and helped us find peace." They say as they hug me, then each other before fading away into the statue which now donned the beautiful ring.

"I will continue to spread the story of the Maidens ghost for as long as I live and I thank you Willow for giving her the greatest thing ever. You truly do have a good and king heart. Just like the Maiden. You can also be just as scary when angry." He said but mumbled the last part.

"It was nice to meet you too Gastly. I hope we see each other again sometime." I say as the sun comes up and he disappears.

We all go back down to enjoy the party and the last of the summer festival.

When night comes they light lanterns to guide the ghost of the Soldier to the Maiden but light them to show new hope that they will stay together forever.

"Hey Willow, why didn't you say anything about Gastly before? And why did you let us buy those stupid stickers?" Ash asked.

"He asked me not to. As for the stickers I thought it was just funny and kept my mouth shut. Sage did nothing because she knew about Gastly already too. They had a mini agreement whilst i was meditating that he would leave her and the eggs alone. He likes playing pranks, like most ghost pokemon, but even he wouldn't do anything potentially dangerous with eggs around." I reply, stating the honest truth. Ghost pokemon realy do just love pranks and making people laugh.

The rest of the night is filled with laughter, music and dancing all through the night till the sun comes up and we all head to bed for some rest before we set off on out journey again.

3196 words

Well that took me a while because I have been busy.

I hope you guys liked it.

I found the last message sad and decided to make it a bit happier than it was originally.

I wonder what the next few episodes have in store for us.

Till next time guys!!!!


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