Ice To Meet You

By mrigankac

48.4K 5.2K 5.3K

"What else do you want me to say, Mia?" "Did you mean it?" There is a pause and I just-I feel exhausted, the... More

Getting the job by fluke
What's Gucci?
You snooze; you lose!
Pro Tip: Listen to the voice inside your head.
Is he playing with me or am I getting played?
Proposition to fuck
Make him an offer he can refuse
Brunch is not always a good idea
I was better off at the ma'am cave.
Oh, Balls! He has a she
I don't dessert you
Ice to meet you
D's get degrees
Skyline is the limit
The Broke-lyn Times
Mia makes pour decisions
Sometimes you gotta pop off.
Let's get fizzical
Running latte!
Pitch imperfect
I love you until I find someone better
Loves the article or loves it not?
Hello, Nathaniel! Bye Kent?
Cheese still not over it
Do it for the gram
Why so salTEA?
He's guiltTEA and he nose it
Donut let me go
The good in goodbye
5 Reasons I Would Rather Date An Asshole Than A Nice Guy
Brow down to me.
Don't fall in love with a girl like me
Nate Happening
What we've all been waiting for part 1
Part 2
Drinking about you
She alcohol-ed me
Do I have to paint you a pitcher?
Too sleepy to think of a title.
That was a mouthful to swallow
Exclusive or Ex-clusive?
Tit for tat
I think I can finger this out
Where there is a Will, there is a way
All's fire in love and war
A step too fire
Turn Mi(a) On
As fire as the eyes can see
Love-heat relationship
thank u, next
He's neat
colLITeral damage
Fast and fieryous
A cremative mind
Too Match, too soon
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
High definition
When Liam shows emotions
Sleep deprived Chapter.
Oh, deer.
What if I can't?
Rachel's Story, Part 1
Take it or leave it
Flowers and thorns Part 1
In My Mind Part 1
In My Mind Part 2
In My Mind 3
Chapter 80
Untitled Part 81
Untitled Part 82
Untitled Part 83
Untitled Part 84
Part 85

Rachel's Story, Part 2

313 34 11
By mrigankac

"Who is he?"

"Daddy," she says as she lights another blunt.

"Do you mind if I take some pictures of you while Mia interviews you?" Salvador asks.

"No—no picture. He'll kill me. I was promised no pictures; this interview is over. Leave now," she is flustered and livid.

"Okay we won't take any pictures, you have our word Rachel." Salvador tried to console her, but I don't think she's comforted one bit. She seems to be in a fit of panic, looking around the apartment and then back at Salvador and me.

"This was a bad idea. If daddy finds you talking to me—I am meat. Please leave and don't ever return," she cries out, and for the first time, I notice her shaky hands. I reach out to her and hold on to her scrawny arms.

"You're safe with us, Rachel," something tells me that is not even her real name. I can't even imagine the life she has had to live and the pain she must have had to endure.

"I am only safe when I am dead."

That's a morbid thought.

"He'll kill me if he finds out I spoke to anyone. Maybe that's really what I want." My phone buzzes, and it's Liam again. I let it ring.

"Tell me more about daddy," I try to change the topic, as much as I can change it.

"Daddy calls me one of his babies—he has babies scattered everywhere. We are his ATM, if we don't have a minimum of 7 customers a night—he beats us up. He broke Sierra's shoulder because she only had three customers one night. He beat me up when I told him I was tired one night—you don't get breaks. You have to go all night. Even in -12 degrees, you have to stand on the streets. He takes everything we make in return of protection."

"Protection from who?" isn't he the threat? I don't get it. How can somebody be your protector and the danger itself?


"Why do you need protection from the police?" Aren't police the protection.

"If they find us, they lock us up. One time this policeman forced me to have sex with him and then did not pay me—because he was the police and you can't say no or else they still do it. And if you don't perform well, they'll rape you and still lock you up." Her voice is monotone—there isn't any dramatic pause or a speck of sentiment. It's just dry, coarse, and lifeless — a lot like her.

"You have no distant relative or a friend?" I don't mean to sound cold, but how can somebody have nobody in their entire life.

"My friends are either locked up, dead or in the streets whoring. It's just me." That is just sad. My heart breaks for her—I can't imagine a life so empty.

So, she can't leave, clearly can't stay here and has no escape route. I blink hard at the reality of her life—what can I do to help her?

"Come stay with me." The words are out before I have had a moment to think them through. I don't even have a home of my own—I am staying at Liam's, but he'll be okay with it, right?

I mean he might bitch and moan, but he has money—his mom even runs a charity, maybe Martha can help me find her something.

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I can't leave daddy."

"Yes, you can. This is a vicious cycle and you can break it," I have no idea what I am saying, but I can't let her stay here. I have to do everything in my power to help her.

"This is crazy—" Salvador says and I shut him up.

"Stay out of this Salvador, it's two women talking," I warn him. It doesn't concern him one bit.

"He's right; I can't leave."

"Why not?"

"Daddy is all I have left."

"That's exactly what he wants. He wants you to only have him so can pimp you around. You deserve a life with happiness and ice-cream and sunshine and love and puppies and—you deserve a life, Rachel. You just traded one jail for the other."

I know Liam would understand—he's got a heart. She can stay with us for a few days until we figure a more permanent solution.

"What if he finds me?"

"My boyfriend is a powerful man; you have my word that daddy won't be able to touch you. I know I am a stranger and you can't trust me but come to my house and see it for yourself. You can come back if you don't feel safe with me." I am ready to beg her to leave this life behind. I know I can convince Liam to help her out. Once he knows her story—he'll want to help her. Together maybe we can get her a job or help her get her GED. I don't know—I just—Liam will figure it out. I know in my heart he will.

She is thinking about it—I can feel her brain ticking—this is really happening.

"You get into stranger's cars every night without fearing the outcome—give me a chance, it might turn out better than you could have ever hoped," I give her the nudge she needs to make the final decision maybe if I help her my life won't feel so meaningless myself.

"I can leave whenever I want."

"You have my word."

We take an Uber back to my—I mean Liam's apartment. My messages are flooded with Liam freaking out about my whereabouts. I text him, "I love you. Coming home with a friend. Please be calm and hear me out."

He doesn't reply and I keep my phone in my pocket. Rachel and I talk about New York, the weather and of course, her life.

"Sometimes, I regret getting out of jail; it was so calm. I had food to eat and a roof to sleep under every night." I want to make tonight special for her. I am mentally picking out the night suit I will give her to wear tonight and maybe I can order some pizza. And Ice-cream. Definitely ice-cream.

Liam calls me and I pick up. "I know—I know—Please don't be mad. I love you and I am bringing a friend over for a slumber party—"

"What the fuck are you doing in the Bronx? Who the fuck is with you and why the fuck would you not take my call?" 

Author's note 

How would you react if you were Liam? 

What do we feel about Rachel?

Is the story getting too dark?

How are you doing?

Do you know we have our own Instagram account for the book? For updates, memes and just fun stuff, follow chawlamriganka :) It's also added as an external link

I love you guys so much <3 

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