No One's Gonna Love You

By NeneJPhilly

371 35 1

The Teen Titans are living life following the success of defeating their ultimate enemies two years ago. They... More

Manic Monday
Taco Tuesday
Hump Day

Thorsday Thursday

45 6 0
By NeneJPhilly

Changeling whistled as he put the last dish in the dishwasher and turned it on. "I say we go down to the grove and pick fruit."

The subject at breakfast was what to do that day.

"That's a pretty good idea, C." Cyborg said as he waved Calvin's hand with his index finger. "We need more stuff."

"Would you like to go to the grove and pick the fruit, Christopher?" Starfire asked.

"I don't know how." Christopher raised his shoulders.

"It's really easy." Changeling promised. "You just pick fruit off the tress and bushes. Like a leaf."

Christopher nodded. "It sounds fun."

"It is." Starfire vowed.


"You guys have those good apples. I can't wait to pick a bunch." Bumble Bee hummed.

"Speaking of which." Changeling went to the pantry then came back with a mason jar. "Would you like these?"

"What is it?" She put Calvin on her shoulder and held her hand out for it.

"Spiced apple chunks." He gave it to her.

"Ooh. Sounds nummy. Don't mind if I do."

"Excuse me?! Did you just say "nummy"?!" Cyborg turned in his seat to look at her.

"I didn't want to say yummy." She shrugged.

"You're so weird."

"Forget you! You're weird!"

"You can't forget me! I'm awesome."

"An awesome failure." She rolled her eyes.

He glared at her. "Name one thing I've failed at!"

She named five.

"I said one!"

"Alright, guys. Enough fighting." Nightwing bit back laughter. "Let's just go outside."

Just then the alarm blared.

"Not fair!" Changeling crossed his arms across his chest.

The group crowded around the console as Nightwing brought up the crime details. "So much for being retired. Alright guys, move out! We have to stop Dr. Light from robbing the museum."

The adults started to move towards the elevator but Bumble Bee whistled sharply. "Who's going to stay with the kids?"

The others froze. They hadn't thought of that.

"I volunteer." Starfire said after a moment of them looking at each other.

"Cyborg or Bumble Bee should stay, too. For Cal." Nightwing nodded.

"I'll stay." Cyborg shrugged. "I bet the fight won't even last that long."

"Alright. Titans, go!" Nightwing led the way out for a quick costume change.

Starfire sat on the couch and folded her legs. She pulled Christopher to the middle of them and hugged him. "Would you like to play a game, young one?"

Christopher nodded. "What game, Mommy?"

She wrinkled her face as she thought. "We could play Klorbag."

"What's that?"

"A test of strength and agility."

"Maybe we can play another game, Star?" Cyborg suggested. "I know one that's fun and won't kill anybody."

"How did you know death was a heard of outcome?"

"Lucky guess."

"What is your game?"

"It's called If You're Happy and You Know It."

"I'm happy!" Christopher piped up.

Cyborg laughed. "I know. Okay let's do this.
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
Now you clap your hands together two times."

Christopher, Charlotte and Starfire clapped their hands.

"If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
Now you stomp each of your feet once."

The others got up to stomp their feet. There was a small ripple.

"If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray"!
Now you shout hooray."

"Hooray!" They yelled.

"This time we'll do all of it in a row.
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three"

"In what order, friend?" Starfire asked.

"You clap your hands, stomp your feet then shout "hooray"."

She and the kids followed his directions. "Hooray!"

"Now we're going to put it all together.
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely sure it
If your happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray!"
If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray!"
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray!"
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three

"That was so fun!" Christopher jumped in the air.

"Indeed!" Starfire smiled. "May we play again?"

"Please?" Charlotte asked.

Cyborg grinned. "Sure."


Nightwing, Bumble Bee, Raven and Changeling crawled back into the Tower bruised and bent out of shape.

"Alright, I'm going to go write the report. Raven, you heal Bumble Bee and Changeling. Titans, oh you know." Nightwing rubbed his sore shoulder as he limped to the evidence room.

"We can go to the common room and I'll heal you there." Raven said.

Changeling held his bloody ear. "I gotta get off my feet. I'm dizzy."

"You might need a heating pad anyway." Bumble Bee had her wing clamped to her side.

"How's your wing and back?"

"I'm afraid to let it go."

Raven was first through the doors of the common room and saw the kids, Starfire and Cyborg watching a movie. "Come sit down."

"Hey, guys! How'd it go?" Cyborg noticed them first and paused the movie.

"Badly." ‪Changeling‬ dropped onto the couch.

"Are you bleeding, friend?!" Starfire gasped.

He groaned. "Yeah. But I'll be okay."

Charlotte flew over and sat in his lap. "Daddy!"

"I'm fine." He patted her shoulder. "I just have to lie down."

"No!" Raven looked at Bumble Bee. "I need to heal him first. Can you get him some-?"

"Aspirin? Yeah." Bumble Bee left.

"What happened?" Cyborg asked.

"Dr. Light had a new gadget that burns." Raven began healing Changeling's head first. "He got a good shot at Changeling's side and would have gotten another one at me but he pushed me out of the way. The shot hit a building and pieces of it fell off, hitting him in the head."

"Why is Bee walking slow?"

"She dodged a shot by flying backwards. She skidded on the ground and ripped her wing." Changeling clutched his head.

Raven finished healing his head and started on his side. "Nightwing dodged a shot and hit a building. He has a sore shoulder and leg. I'm the only one who didn't suffer from an injury."

"How did you defeat him?" Starfire asked.

"I lost my temper." That was all she said.

"Oh." Starfire knew what that entailed.

Bumble Bee came back. "I took two tablets already. I'll get you some water, C."

"Thanks, Bumble Bee. Can you bring me a wet rag to clean this blood off?" Changeling flexed his bloody hand.

"Sure." She moved slowly into the kitchen.

Since Calvin was asleep, Cyborg could move and did so. "Let me get it. You sit."

Bumble Bee blinked. "No, I got it."

"No, I got it. Go sit." He went to the kitchen and grabbed a few paper towels and wet them before getting a bottle of water.

She went to sit down and sat huddled up so as to not aggravate her back.

"I'm almost done with him. I'll be able to get to you in a minute." Raven told her.


Cyborg brought the water and towels over. "Here you go, C."

"Thanks, man." Changeling cleaned the side of his head and his hand off.

Bumble Bee tossed him the bottle of aspirin. "Almost forgot."

He inclined his head and opened the child proof bottle to pop two tablets. He opened the bottled water and downed three quick gulps. "I can't wait for this ringing to go away."

"Chew a piece of gum."

"What?" He looked at her askance.

"It'll help. I swear."

"Okay." He shrugged.

"Don't stretch for a while." Raven chastised. She moved her hands. "You're healed but you'll be stiff for a bit."

He put his hand over the previously burned flesh. "Thanks, Rae. I owe ya one."

"You're welcome." She went to sit next to Bumble Bee and began healing her back. "You should go change. Charlotte doesn't like seeing you hurt."

"How do you know? She's not saying anything."

"Still an empath."

Changeling looked to his lap and saw Charlotte was looking at his newly healed side. He pinched her cheek. "I'm fine."

She raised fear stricken eyes to his. "Did it hurt?"

He debated what to tell her. On one hand, he didn't want to scare her but on the other, he didn't want to lie to her. So he settled for the truth. "It did."

She reached out and touched his side. "Why did you get hurt?"

That was a question he wasn't sure how to answer. "Uh..."

"There are some bad people out there in the world and it's our job to make sure they don't hurt people." Cyborg explained.

"And they hurt you?" Christopher, who had been rolling the whole situation around in his head, finally spoke.

"Sometimes they can but that's why we train. So we don't get hurt and we can stop them from hurting other people."

He nodded slowly. "Can we train today?"

"We can ask your father." Starfire hugged him.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around ‪Changeling‬'s torso and laid her head on his chest.

He kissed her head. "What movie are you guys watching?"


Nightwing walked into the common room to see his teammates watching a movie. He saw it was ‪The Polar Express‬. "Why are you watching a Christmas movie?"

The adults turned to face him.

"I just realized we never got to show them a Christmas movie earlier so we were making up for it." Cyborg answered.

"It's time for training."

"Can we train, too Daddy?" Christopher pulled his gaze away from the television.

Nightwing thought it over. "Cyborg and Raven can help you. I'll come over to check your progress. Come on, Titans."

Changeling yawned. "The faster we do this, the faster I can go to sleep."

"You're not going to sleep, Garfield." Raven stood up.

"I'm tired." Not so tired he didn't notice what she called him.

"That's just the concussion talking, C." Bumble Bee handed Calvin back to Cyborg.

"And I'm listening. I want to lie down."

Nightwing clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Nope! Get up and get moving. I don't want you slipping into a coma."

Changeling stood up with Charlotte and wavered. "I feel like I'm going to fall out."

"Then how about you and Cy teach the kids? Going to sleep and fainting are equally bad."

"I'm not going to faint." ‪Changeling‬ was offended.

Nightwing waved his hand in front of Changeling's face quickly.

Changeling clutched his head.

"Exactly what I thought. Train the kids."

Changeling grumbled.

"Let's go, Titans." Nightwing led the rest of the team out.

Cyborg buckled Calvin into his car-seat and picked him up. "Let's go to the gym."

The duo took the trio of kids to the gym.

Cyborg set the car-seat down in full view of the weight bench. "Don't cry."

Calvin screwed up his face like he was thinking about it but ultimately he chose to keep watch.

Cyborg adjusted the weights on the bar to forty pounds on each side then clapped his hands. "Come on, Chris. I know you can knock this out. The couch is heavier."

Chris climbed onto the bench and scooted until he was by the bar and laid down like Nightwing taught him. "How many do I have to do?"

"Let's try until you get tired."


"Do I gotta do that?" Charlotte asked.

Changeling shook his head then held it when it pounded. "Just try to keep up with me shifting."


He put her down and shifted into a dog.

She copied him.

He walked in a circle and laid down.

Cyborg threw a one pound weight at him. "Don't you go to sleep!"

"Hey!" ‪Changeling‬ shifted back. "Don't throw things at me!"

"Don't die or I'll do more than throw things at you!"

Charlotte whined.

Changeling looked down. "I'm not going to die."

Charlotte changed back. "Promise?"

"I promise." He chucked her chin. Now that he was on alert from the weight, he wasn't as drowsy. "I'm going to turn into different birds. I want you to try to keep up."


Changeling and Cyborg walked into the common room with the kids and sat down. Cyborg turned on the TV.

"Uncle Gar?" Christopher patted his arm.

"Yeah, Chris?"Changeling got comfortable in his seat.

"Are we still gonna pick fruit?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that! Yeah. Let's just wait for the others to come in."

"Okay." He sat back happily.

"Uncle?" Charlotte leaned forward slightly.

"Uncle Vic. Yeah?" Cyborg looked at her.

"Can we play that game from before?"

"If You're Happy and You Know It? Sure can, munchkin."

"I think I know that one." Changeling pulled his legs up.

"It's fun." Christopher said.

"Well let's play." He stood up.

Cyborg put Calvin's car-seat on the table and turned it to view them. "Alright, people! This is the name of the game!
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands"

"Oh! You are playing the game from this morning!" Starfire's voice reached them.

"Come play, Mommy!" Christopher waved her over.

She and the rest of the Titans walked over.

"What game is this?" Raven was not impressed.

"If You're Happy and You Know It." Cyborg said. "I learned it when I was little. Was always my favorite. Give it a try."

"Yeah, it's fun. I remember doing it in kindergarten." Bumble Bee checked on Calvin.

"What is kindergarten?" Starfire asked.

"The first year of primary school."

Starfire wanted to ask more about school but wanted to play the game more. "Let us play!"

Cyborg waved his arms to loosen up. "If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely sure it
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray!"
If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray!"
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hooray!"
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three
If you're happy and you know it
Your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Do all three

"What is going on here?!"


Everyone turned to view two of the missing team members, Jinx and Kid Flash, both of whom looked gobsmacked.

"You're back." Nightwing said dumbly.

"What are you doing?" Kid Flash asked.

"Who are these kids?" Jinx wanted to know. She crossed her arms and glared at the tiny people.

"Hi, I'm Chris." Christopher walked to her and reached for her hand.

She stared at him for a second before giving her hand. "I'm Jinx."

He kissed the back of her hand. "Hi!"

She smiled.

"Hey, hey, hey, little dude!" Kid Flash scowled.

"He's three." Nightwing smirked.

"That's still my girl!"

"You need to quit." Bumble Bee rolled her eyes.

Kid Flash snatched Jinx's hand away from Christopher. "I'm watching you, little man."

"Why?" Christopher cocked his head.

"Because you're smoother than I am."

"At least you're admitting a baby has more game than you." Jinx rolled her eyes.

He glared at her, too. "You're the one getting hit on by a kid."

"He has good taste." She flipped her pink hair. It was no longer in her devil horns but two ponytails on either side of her head, trailing over her shoulders.

He flicked her right ponytail. "He's young."

Her fingertips sparked with pink magic. "What are you trying to say?"

"He'll learn soon enough that being nice to women only invites problems."

"Excuse me?!" Every female eyed him.

Changeling and Cyborg cracked up.

"I'm just saying every time I'm nice to a woman, you chew me out!" Kid Flash stuck his nose in the air.

"You're not being nice! You're flirting!" She popped him upside the head. "There's a difference!"

"I'm just being friendly!" He rubbed his sore head.

"That type of friendly usually preludes dinner." Bumble Bee pointed out.

"I can't even with you right now." Jinx rubbed her eyes. "I'm officially ignoring you."

"How am I in the doghouse when he kissed your hand!" Kid Flash demanded.

"Did you miss the part where he's three?"

Kid Flash grumbled. "What's the deal on these kids anyway?"

"Daddy, who are they?" Charlotte had been hiding behind Changeling's leg this whole time.

"Daddy?!" Jinx and Kid Flash echoed.

"How long was that mission?!" Jinx looked to her boyfriend.

"Too long." He gaped.

"Sit down and we'll tell you about it." Nightwing said.

So they all sat down and the six "parents" took turns telling the two missing Titans what had been going on.

"I was going to tell you when we all were together that I received a message from Chief Egan." Nightwing said. "They arrested Wendy Marshall and her boyfriend."

A cheer went up.

"Speaking of doing things when we were all together, we promised the kids to go down to the grove." Changeling reminded them.

"Let's go." Bumble Bee adjusted Calvin in her arms. "I really want your apples."

"We need baskets." Cyborg stood up.

"There's plenty of things for us to harvest." Nightwing said. "Let's get started."

After collecting wooden baskets, the large group went outside to the grove of trees. The trees were in uniform lines going back and forth across their allotted space.

Bumble Bee walked straight to the two apple trees. "Yes! They're big and juicy!"

"Apple freak." Cyborg smirked.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "Get me that one."

He followed her finger. "Why should I?"

"Because I said so. Duh!"

"Why don't they just make out already?" Changeling whispered.

Raven elbowed him. "Be mature."

"I don't wanna."

"Talk about people who need to hook up." Kid Flash raised his eyebrows.

Jinx snickered before slapping him upside the head. "Stop mocking them. They'll get together when they're ready."

"They're taking forever!" He rubbed his head.

Starfire giggled.

"Starfire!" Raven crossed her arms in annoyance.

"I apologize, friend. He is simply humorous."

"He's not that funny."

Changeling laughed.

"And you're not funny at all."

He whimpered. "Hurtful!"

Charlotte giggled.

He bent down and tickled her. "You can't laugh at Daddy!"

She laughed and tried to escape him. "Mommy's funny!"

"At least funnier than Daddy." Raven floated over to a pear tree.

Changeling swung Charlotte up into his arms and followed. "Not even remotely true! I'm funny!"

Jinx tugged Kid Flash over to an orange tree. "Why are we picking things anyway?"

"The kids wanted to see the garden and grove." Nightwing said.

"They haven't done too much, have they?"

Starfire laughed. "Cease your teasing, friend. They have been through so much already."

"You never told us what Tin Man's tests said. Just that he tested the kids." Jinx spelled an orange out of the tree.

"Oh." Cyborg looked over from picking apples. "They're healthy. No allergies, no diseases, nothing. They're really lucky. Especially Charlie for being a premie."

"How long are we supposed to be stuck with the Tiny Titans?" Jinx dropped another orange in her basket.

"Just until space opens up at the home." Nightwing tugged down a banana.

"What are you supposed to do until then?"

"What we've been doing."

"I can't believe you six have been able to keep kids alive for four days." She shook her pink head.

"Hey!" Bumble Bee snapped.

Raven glared.

Starfire pouted.

"Okay, maybe I can see you three lasting a day or two but these guys? No way." Jinx shook her head.

"Rude!" Changeling snapped.

"Hey!" Cyborg yelled.

Nightwing glared.

Jinx smiled sunnily. "So what can these kids do again?"

Starfire ran down the list of their powers. "They are the powerful."

"And you think the shrimp is why we have been getting such funky weather?" Jinx looked to where Bumble Bee was sitting under a tree eating an apple and rocking Calvin.

"It makes sense." Nightwing moved over to the garden and started picking peppers.

"I guess we're just going to have to keep him happy. Some of those storms were killer."

Christopher tugged on her shirt. "Aunt Jinx? Would you like this?"

She looked at the Meyer lemon in his hand. "Thank you, small fry."

"Seriously, little dude?!" Kid Flash was over in a second.

"He's kinda cute." Jinx softened a little. "And I love his hair."

"I did it Monday." Bumble Bee said.

"You did this? I thought you went to a shop to get your hair done?"

"I do. I can't braid my own hair for nothing but I can do hair."

"Can you do mine?"


"But most assuredly I would be first, correct, Friend Bumble Bee?" Starfire picked cucumbers from the garden.

"How about I teach you on Jinx's head then I do yours?"

Starfire clapped. "I approve!"

"Ow!" Everyone looked to Cyborg, who was rubbing the back of his head. "Who threw a pear at me?!"

Charlotte pointed to Changeling.

"I should dropkick you into the bay, C!"

"What?! I didn't throw that!" Changeling looked aghast.

"Charlie says you did."

"She threw it!"

"Right. An almost two year old threw a pear across a grove?"

"She did! She used her powers!"

Cyborg rolled his eye. "Likely story. She's too sweet for that."

Raven pursed her lips in annoyance. "She did it."

Everyone gasped.

"But only because he told her to."

"So it's still his fault." Cyborg threw the pear back, knocking Changeling off his feet.

Changeling fell. "Ooof! What a world!"

Raven looked at Charlotte, who was watching ‪Changeling‬ ham it up. "Don't always do what he says. He's emotionally stunted and a giant baby."

"Giant baby." She repeated.

"He's also immature and infantile."


"Close enough." Raven took her hand and stepped over Changeling. "Let's go pick tomatoes."

"You're not gon help me up?!" Changeling held onto her leg.

She snatched her leg away. "You deserve to rot there."

He pouted. "You're mean, Rae."

"And you're an idiot."

"Your idiot." He laid back and crossed his limbs.

She blushed but kept moving. She hated to agree with him.


After the second training period of the day, the Titans were freshly showered. The boys decided to play video games in the common room so Raven decided to host the tea party in Charlotte's room.

It was such a success the first time that she wanted to continue the practice.

Charlotte insisted on serving. She liked being a hostess and loved the idea of tea parties. "Would you like tea, Aunt Kori?"

"Yes, I would, Charlotte." Starfire held her teacup out.

Charlotte carefully poured her a bit of tea. "Would you like tea, Aunt Karen?"

Bumble Bee smiled. "Sure thing, buttercup."

"How was the mission?" Raven asked Jinx as Charlotte filled her cup.

"In and out. No fireworks. I know I should be glad nothing went wrong but it was a little boring." Jinx pouted slightly.

"At least the Justice League will be impressed by your speedy time. You weren't due back for another week."

"I know. Things went off without a hitch."

"I like missions like that. But I understand. I hate recon missions. They're boring and tedious."

"Mommy?" Charlotte interrupted.

"Yes?" Raven turned her attention to her.

"Can Riley have some tea?"

Raven blinked. Stuffed wolves didn't drink tea but in all the shows she had seen, children played with dolls and stuffed animals. "Yes."

Charlotte beamed before climbing to her feet.

"Who's Riley?" Bumble Bee asked with a lifted brow.

"Changeling got her a stuffed wolf. She named him Riley."

"How adorable!" Starfire gushed.

"That is super cute." Bumble Bee agreed.

"I've never gotten anything so sweet." Jinx made a face.

"Changeling gave me a stuffed chicken years ago." Raven said quietly.

"And you still have it?!"

"Of course I do. A friend gave me a gift." She sniffed.

"Well you and "a friend" disappeared last night." Bumble Bee made quotations with her hands. "What was that about?"

Charlotte poked Raven's cheek as it turned red. "Your face is red, Mommy."

Raven sat her down. "Ask Riley if he wants tea." With Charlotte busy, Raven threw her hood up.

Jinx had a sly look on her face. "So where did you and the lettuce head go last night?"

"That is none of your business."

Raven's clipped tones didn't deter Starfire. "Please tell us, friend. It will stay just between us girls. That is the purpose of the girl time."

Raven sighed. They were her friends. "Changeling took Charlotte and I out."

The trio screamed lowly. "Ah!"

She knew she would regret this...

"It's about time!" Bumble Bee was the first to regain speech.

"I'll say!" Jinx tacked on.

"I am so happy for you both!" Starfire drew Raven into an one armed hug.

"It was just one date. We haven't talked about it." Raven fought the good feelings rising inside her.

"Where'd you go? What'd you do? Who'd you see?" Bumble Bee asked in quick succession.

"What were you wearing? What'd you do with the squirt? Was it expensive?" Jinx fired off.

"Was it the romantic? Did you have the fun? Did you have the after date kiss?" Starfire giggled into her hand.

Raven blushed. "We went to Luigi's. I don't know if it was expensive. He wouldn't let me see the bill. Then we went to Sprinkleland for frozen yogurt. We went to the park and talked."

"So romantic!" The girls feinted wooziness.

"I learned a lot about him and I told him more about me than I would have believed I ever would."

"What about the baby?" Jinx wanted to know. "What'd you do with her?"

"She was with us."

"You took your baby on a date with you?!"

"She was a mature young lady."

Charlotte smiled.

Jinx smirked. "What'd you all wear?"

Raven didn't want to admit to memorizing his appearance. "I don't remember."

"It was last night! How can you not remember?!"

Raven shrugged. "I did have fun."

"You do seem more relaxed." Bumble Bee pointed out. "But it has been like that since yesterday morning. You were even humming under your breath as you cooked breakfast."

"I was not." Raven was mortified.

"Yes, you were." Starfire giggled.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say Rae here got some." Jinx teased.

"Shut up." Raven said quickly. Too quickly.

"Did you and Changeling do it?!" Bumble Bee was going to say "have sex" but remembered the little girl in their midst in time.

"Do what? Get some of what?" Starfire was so confused. Bumble Bee whispered in her ear. Starfire blushed. "Oh my! Did you have the relations with Changeling?!"

Raven could have died on the spot and was actually wishing for a bolt of lightning to hit her. Alas her prayers went unanswered. "I'm not telling you that!"

"You can tell us!" Starfire put her hands together. "We will never tell. Not even under the threat of the torture."

"Cross our hearts, hope to die." Bumble Bee crossed her chest.

"Promise." Jinx held up her index and middle fingers.

Raven took a deep breath then turned to Charlotte, who was sipping her tea noisily and trying to decode what the adults were saying. "Can you go get Sammy? I'm sure he'd like some tea."

Charlotte lit up. "Where is he?"

"In my room. Go next door and pushed the biggest button on the box."

Charlotte climbed to her feet and ran out.

"Okay, she's gone! Tell us!" Jinx sat closer.

"Yes." Raven picked up her cup and drank. "And that's all I'm telling you."

The girls screamed again.

"Did you at least have fun?" Jinx wanted to know.

"Of course she did. That boy is wild." Bumble Bee grinned.

Raven blushed. "We can talk about something else now!"

"I can't believe this!" Jinx laughed.

"I can! They've been the perfect parents all week." Bumble Bee teased.

"Shut up." Raven glared.

"The way you are with Charlotte is simply amazing." Starfire sighed. "I wish we could keep the children forever."

"What?!" Jinx almost fell out. "Why?!"

"I love being a mother."

"But you're not a mom. You're basically a babysitter."

"No." Starfire shook her head. "I am a mother."

"So you're going to have a hard time giving Chris up just like Bumble Bee will with Cal?" Raven asked.

"I can do what's right!" Bumble Bee shouted.

"Okay! Okay!" The others raised their hands.

Bumble Bee blew out a breath. "I'm sorry. I just can't handle thinking about it is all. We don't know how long we have these kids and I don't want to spend every moment until then thinking it'll be over any second."

"That is a very good viewpoint." Starfire noted. "I have been frantic with the knowledge that any day would be the day that we would have to give them up. I dread it."

"Let's not think about it. In fact, let's finish up this tea and go get those kids and spend time with them."

Charlotte walked back inside with Sammy the Chicken. "I got him, Mommy."

"The tea party will have to be cut short." Raven shook her head.

"How about you two stay here and we send Changeling in? You three can spend some time together." Bumble Bee stood.

"Thank you." Raven didn't want to admit it but she did want to spend time with just Changeling and Charlotte.

"Come on, guys." Bumble Bee led the way out of the room, Starfire and Jinx following her.

Charlotte set Sammy down where Starfire had been sitting. "We still gonna have our tea party, Mommy?"

"Yes, we're still having our tea party." Raven sipped her tea.

"And then you'll read to me?"

Raven raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Yes, I'll read to you."

"Yay!" Charlotte flew in the air and did circles.

Raven chuckled internally at her love of books. "What do you want me to read you?"

"The magic book." Charlotte landed.

"Okay." Raven set her tea cup down. "I'll read the magic book."

There was a knock at the door and both girls turned to it. Changeling stuck his head inside. "I've been summoned?"

"Tea, Daddy!" Charlotte pointed to the teapot.

"Oh? We're having a tea party?"

"With me and you and Mommy and Riley and Sammy."

"Who's Sammy?" He came into the room.

"Mommy's chicken."

"You named him?" Changeling sat in Bumble Bee's old spot.

"She did." Raven said.

"And you like Sammy?"

"It's a name."

He leaned closer to her. "Hi."

She blushed slightly. "Hi."

"Hi!" Charlotte waved.

Changeling laughed. "Hi!"

"Want some tea, Daddy?"

"Sure would, pumpkin."

She poured him a spot of tea. "There you go."

He sipped his tea. "Ah! Delicious! Just the way I like it!"

She giggled. "Delicious!"

"How are you, Sammy? Riley? Good I hope." He lifted his cup.

She giggled again. "Riley says he's good, Daddy."

"Good! Good!"

"Riley is asking how your day has been."

"Oh, thank you, Riley! My day has been pretty good so far. I'm just spending time with my favorite girls right now."

Raven pulled her hood up to hide her blush.

"I'm your favorite girl?" Charlotte asked with wide eyes.

"You and Mommy." ‪Changeling‬ kept his eyes on Raven. "Mommy likes being my favorite girl. Don't you?"

Raven was thrown. "Charlotte, go see if any of your other toys want tea."

"Okay, Mommy!" Charlotte flew out.

As soon as she was out of sight, Raven put her hood down. "What are you doing?"

"Flirting." Changeling grinned.

She blushed. "Why?!"

"I'd think that was obvious."

"I-" She couldn't get anything out before Charlotte came racing back in.

"I don't know where I'm going!" The little girl was distressed.

"It's okay, kiddo." Changeling grabbed her and put her on his lap. "I was just telling Mommy how much she reminds me of a wild orchid. Beautiful and untamed."

"What's an orchid?" Charlotte frowned in confusion.

"It's a remarkable flower. I'll show you a picture later."

"What else did you tell Mommy?"

"That she was smart and talented and very nice. That she was brave and kind and generous."

"Mommy's amazing!"

Raven set down the bed she'd subconsciously picked up. They were making her powers go haywire. She really liked the praise though. "Stop."

"Uh oh. Mommy's embarrassed." Changeling's eyes twinkled.


"Ah, ah, ah! I told you, in private... Now try again."

"You're so annoying."

"And you're uptight. But I love you anyway."

A smile crossed her face, followed closely by a scowl. "Stop that."

"Okay. I can shelve it until we're alone." He shrugged carelessly and turned to Charlotte. "What were you, Mommy and the girls talking about?"

"They were talking about keeping us." Charlotte repeated.

"Really?" Changeling turned to Raven. "I'm proud of Mommy for admitting she wants to keep you."

"I never said that!" Raven snapped.

"Of course you want to keep her." He wasn't asking.

She blushed. "What I want doesn't matter. We can't keep her so why bother getting attached?"

"Oh we're going to keep her."

"We cannot. Stop filling her head with that nonsense."

"Charlie, why don't you play with Riley and Sammy on the bed while Mommy and I talk about big people stuff?" Changeling rubbed her little belly.

Charlotte had a feeling something was happening but as long as they didn't start fighting, she would ignore it. She carried the two stuffed animals with her powers and sat on the bed.

Changeling faced Raven. "We can keep her. We're going to keep her. How is that nonsense?"

"We realistically cannot keep her. She is not our child." Raven didn't understand how he kept missing that very pertinent fact. "There are so many reasons why we wouldn't be able to keep her that it doesn't bear talking about."

"I think we should talk about it. I'm keeping her."

"You can't! You holding on to her can keep her from getting adopted by some really nice people. She could have siblings, a house with a nice backyard, a pet!"

"She could stay here and have cousins in Chris and Cal. She could stay here and have a house with a garden and grove. She could stay here and have Silky as a pet! We're really nice people; why can't we do this?!"

"Nightwing would never allow it!"

"I'd leave the team then."

He said it so seriously, Raven gaped. "You'd really leave the Titans? For a child that isn't yours?"

"I'm telling you, Raven; she is mine. I can feel it in my bones. This little girl was meant for me."

Raven hung her head. She felt that way, too but she would never admit it. "I guess that's all there needs to be said on the subject."

"I guess so."


"As much as jumping on the bed is dangerous and juvenile, I think it can help you learn to fly better." Nightwing watched Christopher and Starfire jump on the bed.

"Yay!" Christopher yelled.

Starfire was jumping then flying in the air before dropping like a stone then bouncing in the air. "I knew this would be a most productive use for our time!"

"Jump with us, Daddy!" Christopher asked not for the first time.

Nightwing shook his head. "No thank you. I don't think there's room for me."

Christopher jumped a few inches to the right. "There you go!"

"I don't think so. I'm fine watching you."

"Please, Friend Nightwing?!" Starfire begged.

"I'm good, Star. I'll just watch."

"Perhaps we can do something that you can enjoy?" She stopped jumping and hovered above the bed.

"I know!" Christopher fell face first onto the bed and stretched out. "We can color!"

"Color what?" Nightwing wrinkled a brow.

"Aunt Karen got us coloring books and crayons." He slid off the bed and showed him the Avengers coloring book he had on his nightstand.

"I don't know, buddy. I haven't colored in years." Nightwing was reluctant.

"I have never performed such artistic endeavors." Starfire looked between them. "I would very much like to learn."

Nightwing debated it before deciding it couldn't hurt. "Sure. Can we have a few pages, Chris? Just rip 'em out."

Christopher liked the idea of ripping paper. He opened the book and started to rip a page out but Nightwing stopped him.

"Wait! Let me rip it out."

Christopher grinned and held the book out.

Nightwing neatly tore out two pages and gave Starfire a sheet. "Here you go." He gave Christopher back the book.

Christopher went to get the crayon box. "I like to use all of them."

"I like the entirety of the color spectrum as well." Starfire said. "But I am very partial to purple."

Christopher understood only one word from that. "I like purple, too." He waited a beat. "Which one's purple?"

Nightwing couldn't help it. He laughed.


"I like this one. He doesn't flirt with my girl." Kid Flash was sitting next to Bumble Bee, who was holding Calvin.

"You're trippin over a three year old. Are you that deprived of self-esteem?" Cyborg mocked.

"I have great self-esteem!"

"Shh!" Bumble Bee shushed him. "If you wake him up, I'll zap you in another world!"

He backed off. "I haven't seen him flip out yet. Is he really powerful enough to cause storms?"

"If he was awake, you'd see." Cyborg smirked.

"I think he is awake." Jinx peered into the baby's face.

Bumble Bee readjusted Calvin and looked into his face. His eyes were open and his mouth was pulled into a loose smile. "Oh, you are awake. You were just faking me out."

Cyborg chuckled. "It's not that hard to trick her, is it, little man?"

She lifted a brow.

He grinned. "You know what I mean."

"I really don't. Enlighten me."

"I'm just saying you're..."

"Tread carefully, Tin Man." Jinx tapped her fingers against her chin.

"I'm not trying to diss you. It's just that- I don't know how to make this better."

"And I thought I stepped in it." Kid Flash grimaced.

Cyborg put his hand in his face and pushed. "Not helping!"

Kid Flash climbed from the floor. "I don't know about you, Bee but I wouldn't forgive him."

Jinx laughed. "Tin Man here was just making a bad joke, hot mama and he's very sorry."

"Thank you, Jinx." Bumble Bee pursed her lips. "At least you make a beautiful apology."

"I have to. I never get one."

"Should have known this would turn around on me." Kid Flash groaned.

"Whatever." Jinx rounded the sofa and sat next to Bumble Bee. "He's awake now. Show us how his powers work."

Bumble Bee gave Calvin to Jinx.

Calvin began crying immediately. Clouds gathered and thunder rolled. The sea stirred up and a lightning bolt struck a rock.

"Oh my goodness, take him back!" Jinx cried.

Bumble Bee laughed and took him back. She rocked him and cooed at him. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm not going to leave you with anybody else."

Cyborg raised his eyebrow. "See how he trips?"

"We see!" Kid Flash was by the windows watching the weather return to normal.

"He does not like me." Jinx didn't know how she felt about that.

"Don't take it personally. He doesn't like anybody." Bumble Bee kissed his cheek before putting him on her shoulder.

"He loves you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Sure. He's totally happy in your arms. He's holding onto you tight and he's probably teed off that you gave him up in the first place."

"Aww! I'm never giving you up again." She rubbed his back.

Cyborg looked at her serene face. "It's getting late. Whose turn is it to cook dinner?"

"Yours, Tin Man." Jinx noticed Bumble Bee's total relaxation of her entire being.

"Guess I'll get started then. Pizza okay?" He stood up.

"Homemade pizza?! Oh yeah!" Kid Flash was by his side in an instant.

Cyborg smirked. "Pizza it is!"

The two left for the kitchen.

Jinx sat closer to Bumble Bee and listened to her babble to Calvin. "How are you and Tin Man?"

"What do you mean?" Bumble Bee sat back.

"This baby seems to be bringing you closer." Jinx had a sly look upon her face. "Being mommy and daddy is cute."

Bumble Bee blushed. "Shut up!"

"Aww! Your mommy loves your daddy." Jinx cooed to Calvin.

Bumble Bee slapped her arm. "Jinx, shut up! I do not!"

"Yes, she does. She loves him. Yes, she does." Jinx sung.

Bumble Bee stood up. "I don't have to take this!"

"Aww! She's mad cuz Aunt Jinx knows!" Jinx laughed.

"I'm going to watch Sparky cook, you mean hag." Bumble Bee swept into the kitchen.

Jinx laughed her head off.


"This is great pizza, bro." Changeling complimented his cybernetic friend.

Cyborg saluted him with a slice. "Thanks, bro!"

Cyborg had made three different types of pizza with a salad.

"You did do a fantastic job on the dinner for tonight." Starfire smiled.

"Thanks, Star."

"I think we should watch a movie tonight." Nightwing wiped his fingers on a napkin. "Show the kids other kid movies."

"What about Dumbo?" ‪Changeling‬ suggested.

"Isn't that a bit... much for a kid?"

"They won't know that."

"What about the scary parts?" Kid Flash asked.

"Good point." Changeling waited a second before his eyes lit up. "Oh I know! The Lion King!"

"Scar's kind of intense."

"Are we raising wimps here?!"

The table laughed as the phone rang.

Nightwing went to get it. "Titans Tower. This is Nightwing. You do? You do? What about-? Oh...? Unless? Unless what? What?! We do? Goodbye."

The others watched as he hung up the phone in a daze. "What happened?!"

"That was a social worker. Room opened up at the home."

Everything stopped. "What?!"

"Room opened up at the home."

"No!" Starfire cried.

"You're joking!" Bumble Bee gaped.

"No!" Changeling snapped.

Nightwing nodded slowly. "Yes. We have to have them ready tomorrow morning."

Starfire began crying immediately.


"Unless what?" Bumble Bee eyed him suspiciously.

"Unless we want to adopt them." He leaned against the table.

It was quiet until Changeling spoke up. "Problem solved. We'll adopt them!"

"Changeling." Nightwing looked at him weakly. "It's not that simple."

"Why not? It's simple to me."

"Just think! This is a big step! We are talking about being parents! We have to talk about this!"

"Then let's talk! We're doing it. Great talk!"

"We have to talk about this as a team and as individuals. Are we really ready to be parents?"

"I am! Raise of hands who's ready!" Changeling raised his hand and looked around.

"Changeling!" Nightwing couldn't think with him arguing like this.

"Guys." Cyborg spoke for the first time. "Let's just calm down and talk this out. No need to get all riled up."

"You're right." Nightwing took a much needed deep breath.

Changeling breathed deeply, too. "Yeah. Sorry, bro."

"What do you two think?" Nightwing looked to Kid Flash and Jinx.

"I love kids." Kid Flash shrugged. "Even the flirty one."

"I won't have to do anything right? Like I'm not changing any diapers. That's gross." Jinx refused.

"You don't have to change any diapers." Bumble Bee assured her quickly. "We can take care of our own kids."

"Your kid doesn't like me anyway."

"He'll learn."

"I guess I don't mind." Jinx lifted a shoulder.

"See? No problems." ‪Changeling‬ spoke quickly. "Case closed. We're keeping them. Pass the salad."

"Changeling, we have to discuss this as individuals." Nightwing sighed.

"What you mean is as couples. Then let's go, Rae."

Raven, who'd been in a state of shock, shook herself. "Excuse me?"

"Come on. Let's talk." He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out. She was so out of it, she let him.

"We can put him down while we talk." Cyborg told Bumble Bee.

She agreed. "Good idea."

The two took the stairs.

Nightwing looked to Starfire. "We should talk."

"Yes. We should." The redhead had gone through wildly different emotions in a short amount of time.

"What's going on?" Christopher asked worriedly.

"We are to converse but we shall return shortly." She explained gently.


"They're going to talk but will be right back." Jinx revealed.

"Oh. We're still going to watch a movie, right?"

"We can watch them while you guys talk." Kid Flash offered.

"Thanks." Nightwing escorted Starfire down to his room. He didn't usually have visitors but it wasn't like it was a social call anyway.

Starfire took a seat at his desk.

He held up a wall.

His clock flipped through numbers as neither one of them spoke.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "This is insane, Starfire."

"Why?" She demanded. "Why can we not keep them?"

"We are too young for such responsibility." Was the first thing he threw out.

"We protect this city and have saved the world multiple times. We carry the burden of great responsibility well."

"This isn't normal. What kind of life would we be giving those kids?" Was his second defense and hit closer to home than he would have liked.

"Who better to raise them than superheroes?" She shrugged.

"Safety is another issue. We work a lot and we have plenty of enemies that would hurt them to get to us."

"We would protect them to our dying breath."

"What about the media? They'll have a field day with this!"

"Why must we tell them?"

That's a good idea... He shook his head when he realized he was thinking about it. "No! This is just crazy! I can't be a father! I mean we can't be parents."

Starfire was no fool. "You are worried about your ability to care for young Christopher."

He glared at her. "That is not true."

"I have thought that you have stopped hiding from us."

He turned around and faced the wall to get his bearings. He was silent for a long time as he wasn't even sure how to make her understand. "Batman was more than just my mentor. He was my adoptive dad."

She blinked slowly, knowing he was opening up.

He turned around to see she was standing right behind him. He didn't flinch (by sheer will) but stared at her as she took his sunglasses off. He felt bare and exposed. "He was cold and distant at the best of times."

"That must have been hard on a young child."

"I was mourning my family. It was not easy to mourn in the presence of someone who seemed to have no feelings. He was like a cold, calculating robot. If I didn't know Cy, I would be convinced he was."

"What exactly are you in fear of?"

"That I'll be just like him..." His eyes met the floor in shame.

She lifted his chin. "You will never be like the Batman. Christopher adores you and you adore him. No one can change that. You are nothing like the Batman. Your fears are unfounded."

"Do you really think so?"

"I do." She nodded.

He took a deep breath.



Cyborg leaned against the wall. "What do you think?"

"I think yes." Bumble Bee set the baby in his crib and rubbed his stomach in small circles gently. "I want him. So much."

"I thought you could do the right thing?" He folded his arms across his chest.

"Maybe this is right?" She turned to view him.

"How is this right? We're keeping him from-"

"From a children's home. No kid wants to be there."

Cyborg frowned. She spoke as if from experience. "He could get adopted really quickly."

"If his own mother was afraid of his powers, how are other people going to feel about him?"

She had a good point. "Why do you think we're equipped to take care of him? We're just kids."

"We're eighteen and you'll be nineteen in November. Besides, I know a lot about children. I can help you with whatever you don't know and can't figure out."

"My- my dad and I don't have a great relationship." He hated admitting this but he had to make her understand. "We never have. What if I'm just like him?"

"Are you like your dad in any other ways?"

"He's pretty smart." He really hated having to compliment the man. "He could even be labelled a genius."

"If that's where your similarities end, you have nothing to worry about. If he's your polar opposite, you don't have to worry about ending up just like him. You're different so your childrearing will be different."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You're going to make your own mistakes, Sparky. You can't get away from that. But if you lead with love, you can't go wrong."

"How'd you get like this? You're just Miss Team Spirit when it comes to these kids."

"Because I know in my heart that they're ours and we're meant for them."

"And you're not worried about messing them up?"

"Completely. I'm not perfect and I'm going to make a ton of mistakes but I'm going to keep his well being first and foremost in my mind."

"What about our job? It's dangerous and we can make them orphans again in no time flat."

"We could be hit by a bus two days from now. Nothing is promised. Except death, taxes and love."

"How is love promised?"

"You're going to love in your life. It may not be returned, it may not last but you're going to love. And as long as you're loving, you're doing life right. Life is too short to be scared to be happy."


Raven watched ‪Changeling‬ pace. "Why are you so angry?"

"I'm not angry. I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous?"

He spun around and looked at her in his room. She looked out of place and awkward around his most treasured objects. "Because I don't want to leave the Titans."

"Why would you leave? You can keep her even if they don't keep theirs."

"It'd suck but I guess you're right. The only problem is we should keep her."

"No." She was already shaking her head.

"Why not? I know she's touched you. I know you've touched her."

"Why do you insist on thinking these idealistic thoughts?!" She exploded. "She's just a child! A child that isn't ours! We cannot keep her!"

"What are you so afraid of?!" He didn't understand her. "That you could love someone more than yourself? That you could care about something? That someone could make you feel? It's not a bad thing, Rae!"

"You have no idea how I feel!"

"I know you're afraid."

She opened all of her eyes. "I am not afraid."

"You can do the big scary demon thing all you want but I can smell the fear coming off you in waves."

She'd forgotten he could smell emotions. All of her eyes closed. "You don't understand."

"Try me." He crossed his arms.

"I am a demon. What if I go too far in being one and I hurt her? What if I'm a worst parent than my father? What if I scar her?"

"You don't think I'm scared? I'm terrified of messing her up. My dad was the best man I have ever known and I'm scared I can't even be half the man or father he was."

"Gar, you're amazing with her. From the first day, you were great with her."

He smiled when he noticed she called him by his name. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

"I haven't been very welcoming."

"You weren't that receptive to me when we first met and now you love me."

She looked at him askance but he only smiled. "All that aside, I wasn't accepting of them being here. I wouldn't even let her call me Mommy."

"At first. But you thawed out."

"I simply tired of correcting her."

"You're trying to get out of this but I'm not going to let you. You read to her every day. You introduced her to tea. You're potty training her. You fix her breakfast every morning."

"She does like me reading to her and she's taken to tea. I'd like to think we're potty training her. And I fix everyone breakfast every morning."

"You know what I love about you? How understated you can be."

She frowned. Then blushed. "How can you love me?"

"How can I not?"

She ducked her head. "What does this mean for us?"

"Well..." He stalked closer. "I hope it means that we'll be in love parents who are together."

"What if I said I wasn't ready? To be together?"

"I can wait for you. We've got that forever love." He stopped in front of her.

"What if I said I wanted to be with you?" Her voice quivered as he cupped her cheek.

He leaned down and brushed her lips with his. "Then we'll be happy."


Jinx and Kid Flash looked up as the others returned. Both got up and left the kids to their movie. They went into the kitchen, where dinner was still waiting. "So what's the verdict?"

Jinx nodded. "What's it gonna be?"

Nightwing took a deep breath. "We're keeping Chris."

Cyborg nodded. "We're keeping Cal."

Raven looked at Changeling. "We're keeping Charlotte."

Kid Flash smiled. "Cool. You're parents."

"Not yet." Nightwing denied. "We have to be at the courthouse at eleven thirty tomorrow morning and we have to decide some things."

"Like what?" Jinx asked.

"Like how we're going to keep them away from the media. Like the cost of caring for three children. Like Bumble Bee staying here."

"Oh, I'm staying here. Speedy can't be near my child." Bumble Bee teased with a straight face.

It had the desired affect. Everyone chuckled.

"We'll have to discuss your position then." Nightwing told her.

"I figured as much. But as for the media, I don't think it's a good idea for them to be involved. We should keep the kids at home as much as possible and wear disguises whenever we do take them out."

"That's a good idea. I can try to draw up a budget tonight. If someone will take my patrol shift."

"I hear you loud and clear, Boss." Kid Flash saluted him. "I'll help out any way I can."

"Thanks, Kid." He huffed slightly. "I guess we should get back to dinner. Our cold, cold dinner."


Nightwing frowned as he moved a figure to the next column. That took care of the grocery bill but the bill for child necessities was giving him the flux.

He scribbled more numbers on the page before going to the computer for answers. What he was doing was trying to calculate how much things cost and how many times they'd need it.

Figuring out diapers was confusing because he didn't know how many diapers Calvin went through on a daily basis so it was hard to know how much to buy and how often.

He was about to call Cyborg or better yet, Bumble Bee when his communicator went off. He grabbed it off the desk and flipped it open. "Nightwing here."

"Nightwing? I'm giving my report. There's still no sightings so I'll be home tomorrow afternoon."

It was Terra, the last missing team member. After going to school for a year, her memory came back in chunks. She had immediately applied for her old job and after a trial basis (where her loyalty was tested), she was reinstated as a full time Titan.

At the moment, she was on a solo mission to find any sightings of Slade. Each team member went on a mission every few months to make sure the maniacal man was truly gone.

"Terra." Nightwing had forgotten all about her. "There's been some changes at the Tower."

"Changes?" The blonde scrunched her nose.

Nightwing told her all that had happened in the past four days. "So changes."

Terra gaped. "I can't believe it! I miss everything!"

Nightwing almost laughed. "It's been an... adventure."

"Well by the time I get back, you'll all be parents. See you then."

"Signing off." He nodded.

"Terra out."

He closed his communicator and attended to his calculations. He could do this. It was simple math and he was Nightwing.

But how many diapers did Calvin go through...?


"What's going on, Daddy?"

Changeling smiled. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone was so sad at dinner and then you went away and when you came back, you just eated and played with us. Why were you so sad?" Charlotte expounded.

"We were sad because we thought we had to give you up."

"No!" She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed.

He gasped. "I can't breathe, Charlie! Let go!"

Raven found it funny so she waited a beat before helping to pry the little girl off. "We don't have to give you up though."

"You don't?" Charlotte looked at her worriedly.


"We get to adopt you tomorrow." Changeling wheezed.

"Yay!" Charlotte got up and jumped on her bed. She stopped. "What does adopt mean?"

"It means you'll be ours and nobody can take you away."

"Yay!" She began jumping again.

Changeling snatched her out of the air and danced with her. "That's what I'm talking about!"

Raven shook her head with a smirk. "Back in bed. We have an early day tomorrow."

‪Changeling set her on the bed and Charlotte got back under the covers. "Okay, Mommy."‬

"Want me to tell you another story (since you were too preoccupied to listen to my first one)?" Changeling laid beside her.

"No. I want you to sing a song. A happy one."

"A happy one huh? I think I got just the thing."

Raven adjusted the covers around her. "I want to hear this one."

"Oh when the sun beats down
And burns the tar up on the roof
And your shoes get so hot
You wish your tired feet were fireproof

Under the boardwalk
Down by the sea, yeah
On a blanket with my baby
Is where I'll be

Under the boardwalk
Out of the sun
Under the boardwalk
We'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk
People walking above
Under the boardwalk
We'll be falling in love
Under the boardwalk

On the pier you hear
The happy sound of a carousel
You can almost taste the hot dogs
And French fries they sell

Under the boardwalk
Down by the sea, yeah
On a blanket with my baby
Is where I'll be

Under the boardwalk
Out of the sun
Under the boardwalk
We'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk
People walking above
Under the boardwalk
We'll be falling in love
Under the boardwalk

Under the boardwalk
Down by the sea, yeah
On a blanket with my baby
Is where I'll be

Under the boardwalk
Out of the sun
Under the boardwalk
We'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk
People walking above
Under the boardwalk
We'll be falling in love
Under the boardwalk

Raven frowned in thought. "Isn't that from Beaches?"

"Yes and no. Yes, ‪Bette Midler‬ sang it in Beaches but no, it's a Drifters song."


"Old group. Maybe I can put on one of their records and we can dance to it like my parents used to do when I got sick?"

She reared back with a blush. "I don't dance."

"I can teach you."

"I didn't say I didn't know how." She was offended and he could hear traces of it in her speech.

"You didn't say you did."

She glared at him before looking down. "I can't dance."

He grinned. "I'd be delighted to show my lovely girlfriend how to dance."

"You're getting a lot of mileage out of this girlfriend thing, aren't you?"

"The novelty won't wear off for a while."

"You're going to get a lot of mileage out of teaching me to dance, aren't you?"

"Less than the girlfriend thing."

"Fine. But no laughing at me."

"I'd never!" She glared at him and he grinned. "I won't!"

"What do I have to do?" She didn't believe him.

"You want to do it now?" He was surprised. He expected her to put it off until he forgot about it.

"No time like the present. Oops. You don't have a record player."

He knew it. "I do have a record player. But most importantly-" He took something from his pocket and held it up. "I have an i-Pod."

Her face fell. "You don't have music on there, do you?"

"Oh yeah. Especially the Drifters."

She deflated. "Fine."

He grinned smugly before putting the song he wanted on a loop. "Watch Mommy and Daddy, Charlie. We're going to dance." He gave the little girl the device and swept Raven up into his arms.

She immediately burned at his close proximity. "Changeling!"

"Who's that?" He held her close with one hand on her back and the other clasping hers.

"Gar." She blushed anew.


Her voice lowered to a soft whisper in shyness. "I can't do this."

"You're already doing this."

She looked down and noticed they were moving around the room. "We're dancing!"

He smiled at her adorableness. "We're dancing."

"Yay, Mommy!" Charlotte yelled.

Raven smiled and looked at him with restrained happiness. "I'm doing it."

"You're a natural." He closed his eyes. "Don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darling, save the last dance for me"

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