♥Series of Sasuke One-Shot♥

By Namjoon_sQueen

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♥Six Flages♥
♥Mini Dress♥
♥Date Night♥
♥A Better Man♥
♥We'll Be Happy♥
♥I'm Home♥
♥You'll Be Mine♥
♥He's A Monster♥
♥Come Back...Please♥
♥A New Start♥
♥Just Be Friends Part [1/2]♥
♥Listen To Your Heart♥
♥Ice Challenge♥
♥Movie Night♥
♥In Heaven We Meet♥
♥Winter Cold Days♥
♥Just Be Friends Part [2/2]♥

♥Our Family♥

1K 25 3
By Namjoon_sQueen

[Name] walked out the hospital holding her belly as sasuke appeared in front of her still in his anbu uniform “glad you came but your a little late” she giggled as sasuke walked towards her side taking off his anbu cat mask. “It’s kiba’s fault he messed up the scrolls” sasuke spoke kissing her cheek, he looked down seeing how big you had gotten.

He leant down so he was looking at your stomach “boy or girl?” he asked placing his hand on her belly “boy” you smiled placing your hand on top of his. [Name] knew how much sasuke wanted a boy to start off the new line of uchiha’s, so if you had a girl next time he’ll protect her, you prayed that you guys would get a son and it seemed like your prayers were answered.

“Oi sasuke-teme!!” naruto yelled “dobe don’t be so loud” sasuke glared standing back up you giggled waving at naruto “ah [Name]-chan your stomachs HUGE how much BBQ did you eat!!” naruto yelled once more pointing at your belly his eyes grew wide. “You dobe she’s pregnant” sasuke spoke with annoyance hitting the blonde on the head “ya’know for konoha’s greatest hero and hokage you're still not very smart”

You just laughed looking at the two ‘just like old times’ you thought thinking back to when the three of you were all of team 7.  

“Why do I have to be with him stupid teme” a 13 year old naruto mumbled pouting when he heard that sasuke was going to be on his team “don’t worry naruto-kun it won’t be so bad” a 11 year old [Name] smiled taking her hand in his. “Ah [name]-chan you're so sweet I hope your on my team” naruto cried out hugging her arm smushing his cheek up against hers.

A 13 year old  sasuke glared at the blonde who was on the side of [name] sasuke watched as naruto and [name] hugged, laughed and talked like best friends oh how he wished it was him instead of the dobe. “Last for team 7 is…[name] [surname]” there sensei spoke smiling at the [hair color] haired girl. “What?!” naruto,sasuke and sakura all said in unison “but sensei aren’t are teams only suppose to have 3 members?” you asked.

“Well [name] seeing as you're not only the youngest ninja here…” he paused looking straight into your [eye color] orbs, most of the kids in the room laughed everyone expect naruto and sasuke, you looked down your bangs covering your right eye “ahem like I was saying you may be the youngest but you're also very skilled the elders thought you’d be great for this team”


“Stop being such a dobe, dobe” sasuke spoke with annoyance crossing his arms over his chest “ah what was that teme you take that back baka” naruto yelled balling his hand up into a fist. The two got up in each others faces glaring at one another.

*End of Flashback*

You laughed tears coming to your eyes the two stop arguing and looked at you confusion playing on there faces. “Ah wha-what’s so funny [name]-chan” naruto asked letting go of sasuke’s shirt “haha oh sorry it's just the two of you fighting really brings back memories ya’know” you smiled closing your eyes.

The two stared at you in awe for a second “yeah your right” naruto laughed rubbing the back of his head. “Oh oh [name]-chan who’s the papa huh huh you gotta tell me” naruto smirked wiggling his eyebrows. You blushed pointing at sasuke who glared at naruto.

“I believe it’s the guy who called you a dobe” she giggled still looking at sasuke. Naruto’s ocean blue eyes widen twice there size “ah teme you're going to be a daddy” naruto yelled taking his hands “I know dobe now let go” sasuke snapped pulling away. “That means a mini sasuke will be running around! Ah your little sasuke better not ruin the village” naruto pouted crossing his arms knowing he’ll have to take care of it.

“Don’t worry naruto that won’t happen” you smiled walking over to sasuke taking his hand. “We should be going though, so I guess I’ll see you late...hokage-naruto” you spoke kissing his cheek before walking out the hospital gates.

Sasuke gasped silently before catching up with you, he took your hand once more interlocking your fingers with his. “Good afternoon [name]” the villagers greeted you with a smile “...sasuke” others mumbled glaring at the uchiha. He dropped his head some hurrying in his steps pulling you along.

The two of you made it home faster than you thought “sasuke what’s up with you?” you asked concern ringing throughout your voice. “It’s nothing” he groaned sitting down on the king sized bed the two of you shared. You frowned sitting next to him, he sighed looking into your worried [eye color] orbs.

“I’m not sure the village is so fond of the fact that the leaf’s greatest S-rank criminal tried to kill there most skilled kunoichi” he sighed once more. You patted his back “who cares what they think sasuke i’m happy with you and that’s all what matters” you smiled kissing his cheek.

You took sasuke’s hand in your own “just think in a few months will be parents and our family we be complete” you placed his hand on your stomach still having it rest on top of his as you closed your eyes a warm smile coming to your flawless face. Sasuke blushed a little looking down at his hand feeling the warmth from your belly flow into his hand, he looked up at you titling his hand to the side  though you couldn’t see him you knew he was thinking too much.

[Name]’s eyes fluttered open meeting a pair of onyx eyes staring straight at her lost in thought. [Name] laughed a little before poking his forehead much like itachi did but she only did it when sasuke was thinking too much. “You're thinking too hard just relax everything will be fine they just need to warm up to you, I promise things will get better” she smiled.

Whenever [name] smiled like that it sent butterflies down into the pit of sasuke’s stomach not only that though but when he stared into those sparkling [eye color] eyes he knew no matter how much he be worried, everything would turn up ok eventually. “Your right [name]” he breathed out softly, sasuke loved seeing [name] laugh and smile and the mere thought that she would just stay quiet if the villagers started picking or her drove him insane.

He wouldn’t allow that to happen ‘I’ll protect what’s precious to me, I won’t allow anyone to hurt you or are child I’ll be the best father and husband I can be for [name], for our child...for the bond we hold as a family’ he thought kissing her cheek.


~3 Years Later~

A small raven haired boy ran across the lawn to his mother holding a small lady bug in his hand which crawled about tickling his palm. “Mama Mama” the little raven chirped tugging on the [hair color] haired woman's [favorite color] dress. [Name] looked down at her son  “oh what do you have there chiko (chi for short)[1]” she spoke sweetly looking down at her sons hand.

“Lookie lookie what I caught” he smiled showing her the lady bug on his hand she giggled ruffling his hair. “That’s very cute chi, you know” she bent down to his height holding up her index finger “there’s an old saying that if you catch a ladybug it’s good luck” she winked smiling at her son. Chi gasped his [your eye color] orbs sparked with wonder “ah then I’ll go catch a whole lot of ladybugs and wish for father’s return with all my might” he spoke running back into the grass.

You sat down criss-cross watching your son play in the lawn ‘wish for father’s return will my might’ chi’s words echoed in your head. How long had it been exactly since sasuke left? Exactly 1 year it’s been since he left he had important business in some other villages and wasn’t able to make it home but even when he was home he was too busy working it felt as if he wasn’t there. As for chi he only saw his father once and that was on his first birthday.

You remember it like it was yesterday…

“C’mon chi blow out your candles for papa” [name] giggled watching her son blow with all his might to put out the little flames that lit the candles. He took a deep breath before blowing out the candles you clapped “yay chiko, your such a good boy” you smiled hugging him.

[Name] walked back into the kitchen grabbing a few plates and a knife “cake time~” she sing-sang walking out only halting in her steps as she watched the scene before her. Sasuke was smiling down at there son with so much love and care and yet his eyes held a different emotion as if he was hiding something. You walked over to the two ravens placing your hand lightly on sasuke’s shoulder gaining his attention.

Sasuke looked at you his eyes begging to speak what he was trying to hide yet no words came out. You handed the knife to sasuke and smiled “how about my two strong men cut the cake together” you joked laughing some “ah I wanna cut the cake with papa” chi cheered taking hold of the butter knife. Sasuke came up behind him wrapping his hand around the small one underneath guiding chi to the cake he help him cut it to three pieces.

The three of you ate cake together talking about various things, after a while chi’s eyes started to fluttered open from close in a very slow motion doing his best to stay awake. “Sasuke will you tuck chi in” you asked getting up picking up the messy cake plates, sasuke nodded picking chi up and walking towards the child’s room.

You started dishes a few thoughts popping into your head every once in a while ‘sasuke what is that you're hiding? Is there something you wish to tell me?’ she thought finishing the last dish drying her hands on the white dish cloth. You made your way to the bedroom seeing sasuke dressed in his anbu clothing still “you aren’t going to change?” you asked walking over to him sitting beside him.

“Hn.” was his only reply you placed your hand on his thigh gaining his attention “how about you tell me what’s bothering you” you whispered looking at him even though he didn’t look back at you. “What makes you think anythings wrong” he mumbled now looking down at the carpeted floor “sasuke I known you all my life, I can read you like an open book…” you chuckled a little before turning serious “I can see it in your eyes there’s something wrong but you won’t say it...so tell me what is it?” you asked taking hold of his hand.

He reached for the nightstand opening up the small drawer pulling out a letter and handing it to you. You gracefully took the paper reading over it your eyes widen for a second before a frown came upon your face. Sasuke hated it! He hated seeing you frown he promised that he would always make you smile no matter what “what time do you leave?” you asked still looking down at the letter.

“I was suppose to leave a few hours ago but I didn’t want to miss chiko’s first birthday if I leave now I should be able to catch up to the other teams” he sighed combing his raven bangs upwards getting up pulling you up with him. You walked him to the door as he wrapped his long red scarf you made him around his neck.

“I’ll come back as soon as I can” he whispered putting his kusanagi behind his back as it slipped into the pouch. You reached on your tippy toes pressing your lips against his he kissed back wrapping his arms around you pulling you in closer “I love you sasuke please be careful” you whispered once you both pulled away “I love you too [name] don’t worry no matter what happens I’ll make my way back home to join my family” he smiled kissing her cheek.

“Mmmh” a little whimper came from behind the two of you, “ma-mama...pa-papa” chi mumbled being in the state of half awake and half asleep. “Oh chi did you have a bad dream” she asked bending down taking hold of the little ravens small hand. Sasuke looked at the two of you biting the inside of his cheek ‘damn why now, why do I have to leave now?!’ he mentally yelled in his thoughts. [Name] turned around smiling at her husband “go on sasuke will be fine” she smiled picking chi up who waved his small little hand not knowing exactly what was happening.

Sasuke sighed walking over to his wife and son “I love you both stay safe” he whispered kissing both of there foreheads before leaving. He swore for a minute the moment he looked over his shoulder as he walked out he saw [name] frown once more sadness showing all over her face ‘I’ll hurry home’ he thought already leaping from tree to tree as fast as he could the faster he finished the faster he could come home to his family.


[Name] snapped out her flashback coming to reality she looked over at her son who was smiling playing with a butterfly that fluttered around him before landing on his nose making him giggle. You smiled ‘watching chiko makes me think of sasuke, he acted the same way when we were little’you giggled at the thought “oi chi come to mama for a second” you said sweetly opening up your arms.

Chi sat up running over to you tripping over his own two feet before gaining back his balance and running back over to you. He sat on your lap smiling up at you “chi you know your father and I love you very much right” she smiled messing with his hair “me know you say it everyday” he smiled for a second before frowning “when’s papa coming home mama” he looked up at you searching for an answer.

“He’s-”  “He’s already home” a husky voice called from behind them, chi jumped off your lap running to the person behind you. Your eyes widen before you whipped your head around there he was leaning against the sliding door a small smirk on his face he had a few bandages on his face here and there but it didn’t look serious. “Ah papa came back mama! Papa came home~!” chi chirped hugging the older ravens ankle.

You got up walking over to sasuke tears threatening you slip past your [eye color] eyes “sasu-sasuke” you breathed out in a shaky tone. Begin at a lost of words you hugged him “I missed you sasuke” you cried out tears rolling down your cheeks “I missed you [name]” he said back taking hold of your chin he crashed his lips onto yours, one hand covering chi’s eyes as the other wrapped around your waist pulling you close.

“Hey what’s going on” chi whined shaking his head side to side wanting to see whatever it was that was happening. When sasuke pulled away from you so did his hand that was covering chi’s eyes. Sasuke looked down at chi who seemed upset that he was “left out”  sasuke smirked picking chi up holding him on his hip “hey kiddo daddy has a surprise for you” he smiled walking back inside taking hold of your hand.

That evening was filled with laughter,smiles, joy and pure silliness, sure enough sasuke knew [name] was right about everything turning ok then again [name] was always right about these things. He had his loving wife by his side and his son that he loved, carried for deeply all by his side, his life was complete all he needed was his family. They lived happily ever after ♥

[1]-Chiko or Chi for short means-“child of a thousand generations.”

A/N: To make up for my lack of update since something funny was happening on my Google drive account I made the one-shots longer and instead of 3-4 one-shot updates I did more than that as a apologize I hope you guys enjoyed it ^-^ love you my dears ♥ Also a little note the second part to “Come Back...Please” will be posted in the next update ^-^

-Love Mayumi-chan

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