BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs S...

By WynnthLnn

259K 9.8K 7.1K

Mia Kazzandra Song - Heiress of INNERCIRCLE Empire - is the very loved youngest child of the Song's . Oh yes... More

7: WHO
10: WIN
13: LAW
15: SONG
23: DROP - IN
24; WHIM
26: MIST
29: Coping
41: TIME
53: PAWN
54: LIFE


6.3K 162 134
By WynnthLnn


I woke up with my phone ringing nonstop. I pushed the blanket that's been covering my face away as I rolled over to get my phone on the nightstand. I didn't bother checking who called me as I answered it immediately.

"Where the heck are you?!" Wen Junhui just shouted through the phone. I pulled my phone away from my ear for a few seconds.

"Hello to you too, Kim Mingyu."

"Where are you?" He asked in a dead serious tone. I sat up and looked around me. "I'm at BoA Manor. Junhui bought me here last night."

"Damn, Wen!" He hissed. "What time are you coming back here in Castillo Luna?"

"I don't really know." I shrugged my shoulders even if he can't see me. "I don't know with Junhui."

"I'm dropping by this afternoon. Ride with me back here. You're already there, that means you know all about what's happening to Hyung. It's too risky." I can hear him moving around then and then the line went off. I moved out of the bed and wore the pair of slippers on the floor not knowing whether it's for me or not.

I tried calling Junhui but he's not answering. I tried again. But still no answer. Is he already awake? He might not be happy if I get out of my room without him knowing . . .

But since I'm pure rule breaker, I got out of the room without even knowing where Junhui's room is located. There's no one in the hall, and it seems like as if the whole mansion doesn't have people. I wander mindlessly looking around, until I heard voices. I look for where it came from and it led me to a door, it's slightly ajar so I move close to see who are inside. The siblings, except Mingyu.

Irene's back was turned to me with her hands on his waist while talking to Junhui. Seungcheol Oppa was pacing back and forth, with his forehead creased. "So you're saying the two might be connected?"

Irene nodded. "They could do that to drag us down at the same time hitting their exact target."

"Do they have a lead on who did it?" Seungcheol Oppa stopped pacing as Jeonghan Oppa fired the question.

"I need to talk with Mingyu first; he's with PJ and the team last night. They traced something, it matched to our conclusion."

"Conclusion? And that is?" Wonwoo crossed his arms over his chest.

"An empire enemy maybe? But I'm not sure. It could be anything or anyone." Irene said. "My hints are not really that clear. It's too hard to connect everything but I know this connects to someone who wants to take revenge on something." She continued.

"And that's your clue?" Soonyoung then joined the heated exchange of words.

"Clue? What are we suppose to be figuring out then, Soonyoung Oppa?" Irene groans and looks at his elder brother.

"I don't know. What does Joshua have to do with all of this?" Soonyoung Oppa said.

Jihoon Oppa suddenly chuckled. "It's not that simple, my dear siblings. Revenge could go beyond what you can't even imagine."

"Like that can help!" Irene fired out and released loud sigh.

"But why would they do that, what do they want? And by bombing the empire, wow. It's either they're just brave or they're someone as big as us."

"The Ball." Dokyeom answered bluntly. "The Empire was open to all that time, they must've taken it as an opportunity and all of us are too occupied to even notice. It's as easy as come and go."

"But no one entered illegally because the Empire Ball invitations are exclusive." Lee Chan answered.

"That's our mystery right now, no one came in illegally but the night after the party but something happened."

"Do you think it's after something?" Hansol asked.

"Not something, Hansol. Someone. But why?" Minghao said.

"We could narrow it down, Cheol. It could be us or just Joshua." Seungcheol Oppa said and Irene nods.

"Everyone is involved here, Rene but you left some people out . . ." Wonwoo Oppa said, trailing the last words.

"Do you think it's them?" Irene raised a brow at him. Wonwoo shakes his head. "It's only a theory."

"The Board already knows about this? Including Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah. All they can do is add up security, especially to Joshua. He will hate that, you know how he hates people meddling with his own business."

"He will, but we can't do anything about it. Mom and Dad are keeping tabs on him, and they even added up security for him. They can't come home because of a business summit in Greece."

"If only Jisoo Hyung's thoughts aren't jumbled right now, he'll immediately come to a resolve in this." Seungkwan said after keeping quiet.

"If he'll recover soon, then we'll all be dead for not telling him sooner." Irene sighs.

Vernon faced palmed, he looks really tired. "This is bigger than we thought."

"Should we tell him now?" Irene said, now standing still.

Irene looked at their eldest sibling. "He has the right to know." Seungcheol Oppa said as he sat on his chair. "I just don't know what he will do after knowing all of these."

"I'm worried about his reaction. I'm afraid about the decisions he will make. May be he'll . . ." Irene trailed.

"Maybe. We know Jisoo he's very difficult to read. Even for me. Let's just hope he doesn't make reckless decisions." Jeonghan added.

Junhui stood up when our eyes met, the others followed his gaze and it's too late for me to hide. Irene gasped. "K-Kazz". The door was fully open, my eyes moved around each of them.

"H-he's in danger, isn't he?" I concluded but I can't control my voice as it completely breaks.

"What are you doing here?" Irene asked then she eyes my clothes. "You slept here?! Jun Oppa! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" She suddenly shouted making me cringe.

"She'll help." Junhui calmly answered his sister.

"How?" Irene glared at him.

"Maybe she can calm him?" He said, partly hesitant.

"We already have a sedative that can do that." Irene said, proving a point.

"Yes but it's not enough. We need her, Rene and you know it." Junhui fired back.

Then suddenly Irene hugged me. "Can I talk to him?" I softly asked.

"You heard everything?" She asked, cupping my face on her hands.

I just nodded. "Can I talk to him?" I asked again. I won't take no as answer. I need to talk to him.

Irene looked at Seungcheol Oppa and the he slowly nods.

"He's awake. You can talk to him after breakfast." Irene said as she pulled me with my arm, out of the room.

I texted Mingyu over breakfast, to tell him to be here before noontime since Irene needs something from him. I made him bring some clothes and other necessities. The siblings are keeping their eyes on me from time to time as we ate breakfast together, as if they're waiting for me to say something.

Irene left in the middle of the eating proper without saying a thing. That's when Junhui nudged me with his elbow. "And I'll be doomed later. Why do you have to go out?" He said.

"I'm at fault now?" I raise a brow on him but I can't keep my smile. "It's really your fault, though. But you're not mad at me, right?" I gave him a sad smile.

"If they'll punish me, then that will be the time I'll get mad at you."

I laughed. "If didn't get out, I won't here you talking." I looked down on my plate before picking the last piece of bacon with my fork. "If that didn't happen, would you even tell me?"

"Nope." He said directly. "We don't even know if we'll tell Jisoo Hyung about everything. If he's really not out of his self now, he'd figure out everything now. We can't keep a secret from him, though he hates us for meddling on his life, especially when you're involved. Jisoo Hyung really values privacy even if we all grew up in the limelight of fame and wealth. He hates it, when he's surrounded with people who just wants to get on him for wealth and fame that's why he prefers to stay at either BoA Manor or Castillo Luna to keep his solitude."

I shook my head. "Do you really think Jihoon Oppa's conclusion is right? About revenge?"

"We're not really sure, Kazzandra. It can be a different for all we know, no one can do such a mess without scratching themselves except if they're also as big as us. Our private investigator team would definitely know who's behind all of this sooner or later."

I keep silent and he shrugged before continuing. "Mingyu said that they all have the best investigators in the team and they're still far from seeing the main suspect. On that night after the Carat Ball they discovered unusual happening in Carat Empire. Then on that night of the attack,something happened on the empire's Hospitals and Medical Division. The investigating team on Mingyu's lead and with Taehyung's help too is already working on it, Dad assigned Mingyu on it and Taehyung offered help."

"What about the empire's secret surveillance cameras?" I asked.

"All we've got is clean footage. Nothing strange."

I nodded. All of them are working their butts of for Joshua, just to make sure he's safe.

We heard footsteps approaching; we both turned to the entrance of the wide dining hall and there walking in, Kim Mingyu with a black travel bag on his hand. He shoved the bag to me and got the last piece of my bacon which made him earn a slap on the arm from me. After eating my poor bacon, he then turns seriously to Junhui. "Seriously dude, what the hell were you thinking?" He asked calmly.

Junhui just shrugs. "She has the right to know on what's happening to her man, and she can help. I know she can." Junhui smiled at me. He really does have faith in me.

"Joohyun must be mad." Mingyu stated.

"Beyond mad." I corrected him.

"She just doesn't want you getting involved, Mia, she cares for you. Joshua Hyung might go off on you. Irene just got all traumatized from what happened to you at the glass hall. She blames herself for miscalculating the time." Junhui said.

"I'm fine, really. It's been a day!" I said to them.

"Does Hyung know?" Mingyu asked.

"If he knows then the chamber would've been broken by now." Vernon casually said.

"Damn it you two! We have a much bigger problem now!" I interjected.

"I guess she knows huh?" Mingyu then eyed me. Wonwoo Oppa nodded. "She's an awesome eavesdropper."

I roll my eyes at them. "Got any news?" Seungcheol Oppa asked.

Mingyu shakes his head. "Still negative, all camera footages were clear. Nothing strange on it. All departments were informed and told to be discreet and be aware of their works under Nique Noona and Aianne Noona. The whole empire is on a tight watch now since that is what Dad wants."

And that's my cue to leave. I already eavesdropped about Joshua's condition. I'll give them the privacy to talk about their business now.

"I'll just take a bath and get changed." I said to them.

After doing my routine, Junhui and Mingyu are already outside my room. Mingyu eyed what I have on my arm. "What?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He just said and then they both lead the way to Joshua's room.

We stopped in front of the huge door, as what Junhui said, Irene is inside so he'll just get inside first. He just let the door slightly open.

"Rene, please!" My whole system came alive by just hearing the voice I dreaded to hear ever since that incident happened.

"I promise, I'll control it!" He said.

"I can't, Oppa." Irene said calmly.

I jumped a little when I heard a loud bang, Mingyu held me by my shoulder. "What is that?" I asked.

He just shrugged and didn't say a word. I stepped more closely to the door to hear them properly.

"Please! Even just my phone, Rene!" Joshua said, almost begging. "I need to hear her voice." He slowly added. My heartbeat raced hearing him say those words. Joshua Hong has never been this vocal about what he feels and what he wants.

"I really can't." Irene said again.

"She can't because Mia's already here." Junhui said and I think that's my cue to get inside. I saw him immediately, his palms on the glass chamber, and there's a huge crack on the glass with blood. Did the sound a while ago came from it? Did he punch it? The others were just looking at me, the three of them kept their distance as I took a step closer to him. I'm focused on him.

He looks at me with a lost expression as if he's not fully aware of what's happening. He blinks then his eyes darkened.

"You're here." He said.

There's no trace of any emotion in his voice. How does he feel after seeing me? Happy? Sad? Angry? Why his eyes don't hold any emotions? Because for me, I'm glad to just see him. I feel like everything's okay now. That's there's no harm anymore.

But still, this is reality. He's in danger and he doesn't know it.

"We'll go ahead. Mia, if you need anything, we're just here around the manor." Junhui nods at us and got out first.

"You'll have to take some meds soon." Was Irene's parting words before following Junhui.

"See you later, Kazzandra." Mingyu said. "Hyung." He nods at Joshua who was now glaring at him. Then I heard the door finally closing, as I walked slowly towards him. He looks up and his eyes locks with mine and he slowly smiles.

I missed his smiles.

"Hi." I greeted smiling at him.


I sat down with my legs crossed and he did the same. The glass wall is the only thing keeping us apart, but I could live with it. He's in front of me now, in whole, and I'm okay with it.

"I missed you and I know you missed me too." He then said which caught me off guard but I didn't let him notice.

"Even when your emotions are all jumbled up you can still tell how I feel." I chuckled.

"Your expression says it all, baby." He smirks and shrugs. "It's pretty obvious."

It was just a few minutes since we saw each other and he already managed to make me blush. Damn, Joshua Hong.

"How do you feel?" I asked him, if not for the glass wall, I have his hand on mine already now.

He leans in and rests his forehead on the glass wall, he's not looking at me, and he's staring at the floor.

"Lost . . . Broken . . . It feels like my soul is scattered everywhere and missing you so bad doesn't help."

"It feels like I'm going out of my mind, just one push then I'm off the cliff. Everything, everything is so mixed up and yet I kept thinking about you, what you were doing, if you're thinking about me . . . It feels so wrong."

He groans and punches the glass wall softly, he looks up at me with a lost expression again, as if he still can't believe I'm here in front of him. "Joohyun, told me I need to be focused to recover quickly but I can't do it."

Then he softly bangs his head on the glass wall. "My emotions are mixed up as well, so if I say something too corny anything off my league, ignore it. My whole being is in a whirlwind."

I grinned. "Where's the fun in that? After all of this is over, I'm totally using it against you."

"You're an evil girl." He said in a deadpan.

"Yeah but you love me anyway!"

My hands automatically flew to my mouth. Damn it, Mia Kazzandra! Why did you say that?!

I shook my head, avoiding his eyes.

"Hey." He said softly. "Look at me."

"Mia Kazzandra, look at me." He repeats, his tone soft. "If it weren't for this stupid glass wall then I would've kissed you right now."

I gasped at what he said. He smiles at me. "But yeah I do." He searched my eyes for a second then whispered.

"I love you"

And that's when I realized I've been crying as tears rolled down my face. Why am I crying? Because I love him too? Is that even a question? Why am I asking myself?

I love him.

I'm crying because I'm overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed knowing that he loves me too!

"Saying those three words back is enough to keep me going, baby." He whispered.

"The sooner I finish this mess, the sooner I can get out of here and prove to you how much I love you."

"Y-you don't have to, Josh." I said to him.

"You already proved yourself by making me feel special. Making me feel me. Like I'm no different from you, yet we're on different ranks in life."

I shake my head. "You proved yourself by just being you. You're not afraid to show everyone who you really are, I loved every second of it. And I feel special because I'm the only one getting to see that side of yours. Everyone of them knows you as the heir Joshua Hong but I know you as my Joshua because I get too see you laugh, smile and be so carefree and it makes me feel special."

I love you. I love you. I love you

"You are special." He said softly, capturing my watery eyes. "One of a kind. Different. Unique, I could go all day with this . . . " He smiled. "You're my Mia Kazzandra."

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. "Cheesy."

He laughs. "I'm still waiting. It's not fair that I'll be the only one confessing."

"I love you too." I hurriedly said and he laughed. "Pardon?"

I roll my eyes. "You heard me."

"I did. I just wan't you to say it again."

"I love you too." I said and this time he didn't laugh, instead he pressed his palm on th glass wall and I did the same. His dark eyes captured mine.

In this chamber, sitting crossed leg with a glass wall keeping us apart I told Joshua Hong I love him because, simple enough, He's mine.

He's my lost boy and my reality my Joshua Hong.


"I know this will work." I say staring at the dark sky in front of the huge glass window. We have to take Mia back to Castillo Luna because that place needs someone who'll be taking care of it as of now but we'll eat dinner first, I'm sure she's hungry.

"What if we'll check on them? You know . . . just to make sure everything's alright." Irene says while staring at Joshua Hyung door while hugging herself.

"Don't stress about it, Rene. They're fine." Mingyu said to her while texting.

Joohyun walks back and forth. "I can't help it! What if he's still messed up? What if he'll go beast mode on Mia and hurt her? You know I can't handle that!"

I roll my eyes at her. Sometimes our little sister can be a little anxious at time; well little is an understatement right now. "Fine! We're going to check on them just to get you out of your misery."

"Mingyu?" She turns to him.

He waves his hand and continues texting. "I'm sure they're fine anyway."

I put my arms around her shoulders and led her to the chamber, I opened the door and we saw Jisoo Hyung and Mia sleeping on the floor, in front of each other. Mia was hugging the panda stuff toy she asked Mingyu to bring here and her head was lying on a brown pillow that she brought with her a while ago when she got out of her room.

"I told you I was right." I whispered to Joohyun who's also watching the two.

"Yeah." She said and smiled. "You were."

"All he needs is a dose of Mia Kazzandra." I grin down at her.

Joohyun pushes me softly. "Great work, genius."

"I have faith in her - in him. They can get through this together."

"We have to wake them up soon. You'll have to take Mia back to Castillo Luna and Jisoo Oppa needs to drink his meds."

I nod. "Yeah but they still need a little more time. Have you figured it out yet?" I asked her, her knowing what I was referring to.

"We can't let him be out there." She said glancing at both of them again.

"But you're the only who can say it to him." I said. "It'll be you or her. If we'll tell him, it would be easier."

"That's why we have to wake her up soon. Oppa will hate it but it's the only option we've got."

We turned silent for a while, and then she speaks again. "Thirty minutes then we'll wake them."

We got out of the room quietly when we came across Mingyu taking big strides towards us. "What's with you?" I asked.

"They found it."

My eyes widened, Joohyun's stance turned stiff. "Really? Where?" I asked the same time as Joohyun asked "What is it?"

"An old employee who worked for the empire before. He was spotted at at Ilsan, now it's crossing another town. The team is already waiting, they're chasing after it and I need to be there."

Joohyun's right. It's a revenge plot.

"I'm coming with you." I said but Joohyun didn't let go of my hand.

She looks up at me with fear – the kind of fear that is unknown.

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