The Forgotten Sister | Jasper...

De Jaye_Never_Ending

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*Book One of the Daniella Swan Series* Daniella Swan is the twin sister of Isabella Swan. When their pare... Mais

Chapter One: The Prologue
Chapter Two: The Intro
Chapter Three: The Meetings
Chapter Four: The Dirty-Blonde
Chapter Five: The Conversation
Chapter Six: The Portrait
Chapter Seven: The Accident
Chapter Eight: The Greenhouse
Chapter Nine: The Dream
Chapter Ten: The Frat Boys
Chapter Eleven: The Cold Ones
Chapter Twelve: The Lion & The Lamb
Chapter Thirteen: The Meadow
Chapter Fourteen: The Family
Chapter Fifteen: The Major
Chapter Sixteen: The Kiss
Chapter Seventeen: The Tracker
Chapter Eighteen: The First 'I Love You'
Chapter Nineteen: The Bite
Chapter Twenty: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Visions
Chapter Twenty-Three: The End
The Sequel

Chapter Twenty-One: The Prom

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De Jaye_Never_Ending

    Nervous: anxious or apprehensive (of a feeling or reaction) resulting from anxiety or anticipation.

    Daniella sat at her bedroom vanity, looking at herself in the oval shaped mirror. The dress she wore was fitting, red and beautiful. Alice picked it out, more like she forced the dress into Daniella's arms a week ago.


    The morning was normal as Daniella leaned against the truck she shared with her sister. However, Bella had gotten a ride from Edward this morning, so the truck was all hers for the day.

    The sound of the parking lot quieting down in the slightest was what caught the attention of the dark haired teen. Dani looked over to see the Cullen's getting out of their sleek, expensive cars. She watched as Alice spoke sternly with Jasper, holding a dress bag in her arms.

    Alice still had Dani on edge. Daniella knew that Jasper wanted to be with her and only her. He had told her before that Alice and him were only friends. That they had only ever been friends. But there was still this nagging feeling that, if things were different, he would be with her and they would be happy. Together. It broke her heart that she wasn't even close to how beautiful Alice was and Jasper deserved to be with someone as beautiful as her.

    Daniella's eyes fluttered over each of the Cullen's faces before they landed on a certain bronze-brunette with his arm around her sister, Bella's, waist. His eyes held sympathy as they looked into Daniella's. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized he had heard what she was thinking. She had let her walls down because they were so far away, but she had forgotten that it didn't matter, for Edward's ability could reach farther that just across the parking lot.

    Daniella sighed as she shut her eyes momentarily in disbelief. How could she have forgotten? When she opened her eyes, her breath got caught in her throat as she gasped, jumping slightly. Alice was standing in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Damn it, Alice! Warn a girl would you!" Daniella spoke, a hand raised to her chest from the scare. "God, you're a Vampire, Alice. You're stealthy. At least say hi so I won't die of a heart attack next time." Daniella whisper yelled at the pixie like girl. She sighed sadly as Alice laughed. Even her laugh was perfect.

"Sorry, Dani. I just wanted to give you your dress for prom." Alice spoke as she extended her arms out, holding the dress bag out for Daniella.

"Prom?" Dani asked raising an eyebrow in question. "I'm not going to prom, Alice." Daniella laughed slightly as she responded to the Cullen.

"You are totally going to prom!" Alice spoke with slight disbelief in her voice. "Come on, Dani! Please! I promise you'll have a good time with Jasper." She had a slight smirk on her lips as she shook the dress between them. Daniella sighed as she leaned against the door of the car once again.

"Why...Why don't you go in-in my place?" Daniella asked, shrugging her shoulders as she looked down and played with the strap of her crossbody bag. She heard the sigh come from Alice, making her look back up at the small girls face.

"I thought Jasper talked to you about this." Alice's frown was evident on her face. Even when she was upset she was beautiful. Tears welled up in Daniella's eyes as she looked at Alice then back down.

"Can you blame me, Alice? God," Dani said, looking back to the vampire in front of her, "You're beautiful, Alice. Perfect even and me? I'm average. He deserves so much more than what I can give him. You'd make him laugh. You can keep up with him. You can be everything he's looking for. If I was never around, tell me, who do you think he would be with?" Daniella sniffed, quickly wiping away a tear that had fallen. Alice shook her head and pushed the dress bag into Daniella's arms before laying her hands on Dani's shoulder, looking into her eyes to get her point across.

"Daniella Swan, you know just as well as I do that you and Jasper are meant to be together. Have you not been paying attention to your visions? You've always found each other. Throughout all these years you have found each other over and over again. Don't doubt yourself because of this life's past events. You are made for him, Dani. Handcrafted specifically for him. Just like he was for you. Now," Alice said taking her hands off of Daniella's shoulders, a slight smirk on her face once again, "take the dress and wear it to prom with your boyfriend."

    Daniella couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She shook her head slightly and went to take the dress bag off, but was stopped before she reached the zipper.

"Nope. It's a suprise, but I know you'll both love it." Alice smiled before skipping off back to the Cullen's. Dani saw that Edward and Jasper were talking and couldn't help the rush of nerves that occured through her. She bit her lip, a nervous tick she had developed in middle school, as she watched how tense Jasper had seemed. Daniella knew immediately that Edward had told him.

    Daniella turned and put the dress in the cab of the truck, but when she turned back around she was suddenly trapped between the truck and a body. She gasped softly before she looked up seeing the familiar brown eyes she had come to love from all the times she had lost herself in them.

"Jazz, what the-" Daniella had started to say, but she was cut off by Jasper.

"Do you really feel like Alice is better than you?" Jasper asked, a pained expression on his face. Daniella looked down at her hands and she bit at her lip nervously. She didn't want to answer. But she nodded her head in confirmation.

"Daniella, look at me." Jasper's voice was soft, but stern as he kept his arms on each side of Daniella's body, his hands resting on the truck behind her. She lifted her head and gazed back into the brown depths of Jasper's eyes.

"I love you. There is no one else and there never will be anyone else. I have waited for you time after time and not once have I ever loved anyone as much as I love you, Dani. You have to understand that what I feel for you is real and only meant for you. You're my little Southern Bell, my Daniella Swan. Alice is my friend, my sister. She found me when I was at my weakest and told me that I would find the one I was looking for. That she had seen it. She said that she would have the brightest smile and that I would fall in love with it instantly." Jasper spoke lifting a hand off of the car to caress his thumb lightly over her bottom lip, "She would have big, beautiful, honey-brown eyes that I would get lost in everytime I looked into them." His thumb moved to caress the top of her cheek bone as he cupped her cheek in his ice-cold hand, "She would have beautiful, long, brown hair that fell down her back in effortless waves." He spoke moving a peice of her hair away from her face a small smile falling onto his lips, "She'd have an attitude that was bound to catch my attention the moment I was to meet her." He laughed a breathy laugh. Daniella rolled her teary eyes as she nudged him the slightest at the back handed 'complement'. "And that I would fall in love with her all at once. As if it was what I was put on this earth to do." Jasper leaned down resting his forehead against hers, nudging his nose against her's lightly then making their lips brush together softly. "And I did. That day I saw you, in the cafeteria, I fell. I fell so hard I lost my breath, Daniella." Jasper admitted, he had let down his walls and Dani could, for the first time, see that he was just as vulnerable to her as she was to him.

    Daniella let out a shakey breath looking into his eyes for a moment, before she shut her eyes and leaned up and connected their lips, her hands reaching up to get tangled in his blond hair and as they separated, she could feel the tingling of his touch on her lips. She bit her bottom lip leaning her head back to look up at him as she continued to play with his hair.

"I fell for you the minute I saw you on that horse, in my vision, when I was fifteen." Daniella confessed.

*End Flashback*

    Dani sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair sat in curls that flowed smoothly down her back. The makeup she applied was natural with a tinted lip balm to give her some color. A necklace sat at her colar bone consisting of a small silver heart and silver bracelets on her good wrist to match. That went perfectly with the form-fitting red dress that fell to her mid thigh. And the classic converse she matched with it. There was no way she would make it ten minutes in heels, let alone all night.

    She still had the cast on her broken wrist, but luckily it wasn't her dominant hand. She slipped on her thin, knitted cardigan and made her way to go downstairs. She took a breath before she made her way towards the living room. As she walked in she saw Charlie and Jasper standing awkwardly away from each other, the tension between them was noticeable.

"Wow.." Daniella heard Jasper mutter. A small blush rose to her cheeks as she push her hair behind her ear. "You look beautiful, Dani."

"You're no to bad yourself, Jazz." Daniella smirked playfully at the tall blond. Jasper was dressed in a formal black tux with a red tie. He held a red rose corsage that matched Daniella's dress perfectly.

    Dani walked over to Jasper's side, noticing that his eyes never left her presence. Jasper took the corsage and slid it onto her good wrist, delicately taking her hand in his own. The smile on Daniella's face was one that could only be cause by Jasper himself.

"Alice gave me the dress," Daniella spoke, looking down at the dress she was wearing, "it was a last minute thing, kind of." She spoke softly a slight shy tone to her voice.

"You're perfect, Daniella." Jasper was quick to respond, "I'll take care of her, Chief Swan "

"Yeah, you said that last time." Charlie's voice was rough and stern. He didn't trust the Cullen boy because of that night, but they couldn't blame him. It was understandable. The pained expression on Jasper's face as he went toward the car broke Daniella's heart.

"Hey, I put new pepper spray in your bag," Charlie started.

"Dad." Daniella's tone was warning as she rolled her eyes.

"And you look beautiful, honey." He said. Daniella smile and gave her father a hug.

"Thanks, Dad." Dani mumbled before pulling away and heading out to the car with Jasper.


    Jasper had dropped Daniella off near the entrance so he could find a place to park the car. She spotted a certain brunette talking to a familiar long-haired boy and made her way over.

"He wants you two to break up with your boyfriends." Jacob had said. Daniella clapped a hand onto his shoulder, startling the younger boy.

"Well, that's not really anyone else's business but ours now isn't it Jake?" Daniella asked, a tone in her voice daring for Jacob to challenge her statement.

"Yeah..Yeah I know, but.." Jake was at a loss for words, knowing that he didn't have a reasonable answer.

    Just then Edward and Jasper walked towards them, a stony expression covered both of their faces. Dani couldn't help the small smile that crept its way onto her face at the sight of Jasper all dressed up. She made her way to his side and slipped her hand into his, interlocking their fingers together. And she didn't miss the smile that graced his face at the action.

"Well, thanks for telling us, I guess." Bella said standing up and moving into Edward's arms. "And tell him to pay up, okay?" She tried to joke, but the slight stare down happening between the three men was enough to make the situation awkward without the poor excuse of a teasing joke.

    The two couples parted from the interaction and Dani smiled as she pulled Jasper past the pushy photographer and into the room where music was blasting, people were dancing and the small group of Cullen's stood to the side where they were being avoided but watched closely by ogling eyes of the many teens around them.

    Daniella and Jasper greeted the other three siblings, Daniella getting pulled into a tight hug by Alice. However, this time she returned the hug and her smile grew as Alice gushed about how great Daniella looked. Dani stepped back into Jasper's arms feeling one rest around the small of her back and his hand to rest on the hip opposite of the side he was standing. The slight possessiveness filled Dani with a confidence she didn't know she had.

"Well, we'd love to stay and chat, but Jasper here owes me a dance or two." Daniella spoke, a slight smirk on her face as she took the hand that gripped her hip in her own.

"I do?" Jasper's confused tone and face made Daniella laugh.

"Hell yeah, you do! I didn't spend three weeks in a hospital and four hours getting ready today to stand in a corner all night. So, pull on your dancing shoes, Jazz, I don't plan on going easy on you!" Dani yelled over the pounding music, a slight sense of humor in her voice. But Jasper knew she wasn't joking as she turn and held their hands above her head and dragged him out to the dance floor.

"Good luck, Jasper!" Emmett yelled out to them, a smirk plastered on his face and a small smile gracing Rosalie's as well. Jasper glanced back one last time, sending his siblings a joking look that screamed 'help me' before following the girl he loved onto the dance floor.


    Four dances, two applauds, and many many laughs later, Jasper and Daniella walk out to the small garden in the back of the venue. Daniella was slightly out of breath from moving around continuously. She glanced at Jasper and huffed leaning against the railing of the gazebo.

"It's really unfair that you can't get tired." She pouted slightly as she looked up at the brown-eyed man in front of her. He smiled and stepped closer to her as a slow song could be heard from inside the prom venue. He gently took her by the hand and pulled her into him. His other arm wrapped around her waist and settled on the small of her back.

    Dani couldn't keep the smile forming on her lips as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders, his other falling down to wrap around her waist. She sighed and laid her head on his chest, her other hand fiddling with his tie as they swayed to the soft music filling their ears.

    Any other time you could hear the drum of a heart beat in a person's chest if you had been this close, but Daniella's situation wasn't that of a normal seventeen year old. Instead, she heard silence. The type of silence that Daniella was still slightly shocked by. But for some unknown reason, it comforted her as well as him gently rub circles into the small of her back.

"Jazz? Why...Why didn't you let the venom spread?" Daniella's timid voice asked, "I could be like you right now. You wouldn't have to worry about me, or be afraid I'll break at the slightest touch.." She didn't understand why he wouldn't want her to be with him forever. They stopped dancing and Jasper took a small step back so he could see Daniella's face.

"You don't want this, Dani. I don't want this for you." He responded, his voice was filled with emotion as he tried to get her to understand.

"Jazz, I want you. Forever. Don't you want that?" Dani asked, her voice slightly watery from trying to keep her tears at bay.

"I will not be the reason your life ends." He stated wanting it to end there as he gently swayed them side to side. A tear fell from Daniella's eye but it went unnoticed as it soaked into Jasper's suit jacket.

"I'm dying already. Every minute. Every second. I'm just getting closer, older, and soon I won't be able to be with you. You know that, but then again maybe that was the plan." Daniella's bitter tone hit Jasper hard as they seperated. She wouldn't look at him as she stared down at the wooden floor.

"What do you mean? What plan?" Jasper was utterly confused at what Daniella was implying.

"Do not play dumb with me Jasper." The use of his actual name disappointed him slightly. She always used his nickname. The nickname she made for him. "I'm not an idiot. What am I supposed to do when I'm in my twenties and people still see you as a teen? What am I supposed to do when people start asking why you haven't aged a day since high school?" Her voice was shaky and broken and a few tears fell down her cheeks, "You'll have to leave and I'll still be here. Heartbroken. Because you chose how my life would continue. Newsflash Jasper, It wouldn't be the first time I died, now would it?" She spoke harshly as she glared at his shocked face.

"Dani, I-" Jasper tried, but Daniella was on a rant and she needed to finish.

"I'm not done." She spoke, "You have known different versions of me. You fell in love with each and everyone of them, but do you not realize that I can't remember them. That I only get flashes of them. Of us together. But it's not the same Jasper. It's not me." Daniella shook her head as she took a breath, "Me now? This me standing in front of you? She's broken." Dani confessed, "I'm not supposed to be..." She couldn't find the words to explain how she felt. So she shook her head and looked away from his saddened gaze, "Something is different this time. These-these visions they didn't happen before now. Did they?" She asked.

"No..No they didn't." Jasper admitted. He was overwhelmed by the words and emotions flooding from the girl he loved. Jasper wanted nothing more than to hold her and make everything okay, but he also knew that this was what she needed. She needed to vent out everything she has been thinking about since she realized that she wasn't...normal.

"You know that has to mean something, right? That this isn't just a coincidence?" Daniella was desperately trying to make him understand. Her mind was going a mile a minute as thoughts ran through it continuously. Every vison she has had since she was fifteen resurfacing as she stopped trying to push them away.

    Then suddenly Jasper's response was muffled and her vision blurry as she swayed. The floor was comming closer faster and faster as she felt herself fall into, yet, another vision. However, this one was bound to be more scarring than the rest.

A/N: I'M SO SORRY MY LOVELIES!! I didn't mean for this to take so long to write and updaten but here's another chapter. I hope you like the direction I'm taking this book ;)


P.S. I promise I'm writing the next chapter as you're reading this!
                               -xoxo Jaye

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