The Devil's Dance

By SoundsGayToMe

898K 25.8K 3.8K

I was her student. She was my teacher. Always being the focus of her critique, I believed she disliked me... More



16.5K 433 51
By SoundsGayToMe

We're sitting in the lobby waiting for me to be called for my audition. Mistress is as poised and calm as ever. Legs crossed and humming the last song we heard on the radio, she doesn't seem the least bit worried. I, on the other hand, am a complete and utter mess. My stomach is in knots. "Nervous" doesn't begin to describe the feeling.
"Katia." Mistress says flipping through the magazine in her hands.
She puts the magazine down and turns towards me. "You don't need to be nervous, love. You could do this in your sleep. Just go in there and show them what you show me everyday in class."
"What if something goes wrong?" I ask.
"Do you want to know a secret?" She asks leaning closer to me. I wish she wouldn't, it's so hard to resist her.
I swallow the ball of lust forming in my throat and nod.
"My first big audition they didn't even let me dance because I forgot my shoes." She admits.
I burst out laughing. "What?!"
"It's true." She chuckles. "The point is, one audition doesn't define your future. You will still be a wonderful dancer after you leave here. If you get this, great. If not, that's okay. It's important that you try your best and have fun doing what you love. The opportunities will come."
I smile. I feel better. After all, at the very least, I didn't forget my shoes. "Thank you ma'am."
The double doors swing open and a tall slender man walks out with a clipboard. He scans the room slowly until his eyes land on Mistress.
"Christine?" He says joyfully.
She looks up and smiles, "Michael. Hi, how are you?" She stands and they embraced each other quickly.
"Chris if you wanted a role you should have just told me. It's yours." Michael says.
Mistress chuckles. "No. I'm just here for moral support today."
Michael's eyes drift to me. He smiles politely. "You are?"
I stand. "Katia Galanos. Nice to meet you."
"Don't speak too soon." He smirks. "I'm excited to see what you have for us today. Thank you for coming out." He reaches out to shake my hand.
"Thanks for having me." I take his hand in mine.
He smiles before turning back to the group and looks at his clipboard. He calls out a name and a girl follows him into the auditorium. This process goes on and on until he gets to me. I look at Mistress.
"Break a leg." She says.
I nod and follow Michael. There are a thousand bees buzzing, swirling inside my belly. I may puke. I take the stage as Michael takes his seat on the panel of judges. The house lights dim and the music starts. The more I move the less nervous I feel. I dance like the only one watching is Mistress. I can hear her in my head, feel her hands on my back. She's the only one I want to impress. Before I know it, my song is over and I'm finished.
"That was beautiful, Katia. Thank you." A lady from the panel says.
I bow and exit the auditorium. Mistress stands when she sees me. "Well?" She asks.
"I think it went well. I realized I was leaning when I was supposed to be straight but I fixed it immediately. They probably didn't notice or at least I hope not. I don't know. Maybe I did better last night. It all happened kind of fast." I'm rambling and my hands are shaking. I'm nervous again. This time about callbacks.
She puts a comforting hand on my back. I take a deep breath. "Okay," she says, "let's just have a seat and wait for them to post callbacks."
I nod and sit down beside her. I wish I could hold her hand. It would calm me down. We watch each person get called back one by one until the last person is finished. It's been a while since the last person came back.
"Relax, baby." Mistress whispers. "You've got this."
Before I can respond, Michael comes strutting through the doors carrying his clipboard and an extra sheet of paper in his hands.
"Thank you all for coming out, as you know we can't take you all so we've made cuts. This," he holds up the paper in his hand, "is a list of names. If your name is on the list, congratulations you made it. Report back here, Monday at five am. Thank you." Michael posts the list on the board and walks away. People quickly gather around to see if their name is present. I remain seated.
"You're not going to look?" Mistress asks.
"Can you?" I ask.
She chuckles. "Yes."
She gets up and searches the paper for my name. I can't watch her reaction. I don't want to know until she says it. A moment later she walks back over. I look up at her.
"Congratulations." She says smiling.
"What? Really?" I ask. My heart is slamming against my chest.
"Yes really. You made it."
I could scream. Oh my god. I jump up and hug her. I feel like I can breathe again.


We get back to Mistress's house and I can not keep my hands off of her. The pure untapped lust that has been building all day is bubbling over at this point. Lust mixed with the high of being hired for my first big musical is intoxicating.
"Mighty handsy, aren't we?" Mistress asks opening the front door.
I grin sheepishly.
Once we're inside I go to freshen up and change my clothes. I check my phone to see a missed FaceTime call from Liv. She's probably checking on me to see how the audition went. I texted her this morning and told her about it. I call her back. She answers sweaty and out of breath.
"Hey Kitty." She says wiping the sweat from her forehead.
"Hey. What are you doing??" I ask.
"Just playing a pick up game of soccer with some of the girls from the team. How did the audition go?" She takes a drink of water.
"Really well apparently. I got the part!"
"Hell yeah! Congratulations! We have to celebrate when you come back home. I'm so proud of you." Liv yells.
I laugh. "Thank you, Livy."
"That's awesome. I can't believe I'm excited to see Blue Bird now. For the one hundredth time."
I giggle. "I know. I can't wait. Well have fun playing football."
She rolls her eyes. "This is America. We say soccer."
"It makes more sense!!" I say laughing.
She smiles. "Bye. I love you."
I wave. "I love you too."
We end the call and I leave my room to find Mistress. Her house is so big, we could play a great game of hide and seek.
"Mistress?" I call out. There's no answer. The longer I walk the more uncomfortable I become. If it was nighttime I'd be scared shitless. I turn around and head to the cellar. Maybe she's down there. I get to the bottom of the steps but the wall is still in tact. I push the button to bring the wall down and enter the play room. I start messing with some of the equipment in the room. Playing around with the whips and paddles.
"Having fun?" Mistress's voice rings out from behind me. I jump, dropping the paddle in my hand to the ground.
"Sh...." I stop myself from cursing.
She raises any eyebrow. "Care to finish that word?" She asks.
"No ma'am."
"Pick that up" She points the paddle I accidentally dropped.
"Yes ma'am." I pick it up and put it back in it's place.
She approaches me and leaves very little space between us. "Katia?" Her tone is pointed.
"Yes, Master?"
"What are you doing wrong?" She asks.
I gulp. I don't know. "I'm not sure, Mistress."
She pulls at my shirt. Oh. I'm not supposed to wear clothes down here.
"I'm breaking the rules by wearing my clothes in the cellar, Ma'am." I say.
"So fix it." Mistress orders.
I rush to take my clothes off. I stand in front of her naked. "I'm sorry for disobeying you, Master." I lower my head.
She doesn't say a word but walks over to the X shaped post and with a single finger motions for me to come to her. I do so slowly. I am nervous. The last time I broke the rules I got a spanking that hurt really badly. She positions my body so that I am the same shape as the X. My hands and feet are cuffed to the fixture. Mistress looks through a chest of toys and finds what she's looking for. A gag. She puts the ball in my mouth and secures it around my head. She walks away and comes back. I'm so focused on not drooling I don't see what's in her hands. Then I feel a sharp and stinging pain on my nipples. I audibly groan. The pain doesn't go away. I look down to see the clamps pinching my nipples. It looks worse than it feels but it's still a pretty miserable feeling. I'm feeling embarrassed because I can't stop the drool from forming and dripping down my chin. Mistress takes my clit between her fore and middle fingers. She squeezes ever so lightly. Still enough pressure to cause me to buck my hips. She isn't saying a word and that is punishment enough. I love her voice. She lets go of my clit and licks me from her fingers before going back to the chest of torture, I call it. She comes back with a rope and a vibrator. She ties it into place so that it's right against my throbbing clit.
"Clearly you cannot ask me anything. Therefore you're not allowed to cum. If you do, I'll leave you here all night. Understand?"
I nod my head quickly. I wonder if she can see the terror in my eyes. She turns the vibrator on and takes a seat right in front of me, watching me squirm and buck my hips. The drool from my mouth is trickling and tickling my chest before pooling on the floor below. This is humiliating yet I am aroused beyond belief. I am not a fan of the nipple clamps, but I guess that's why It's called a punishment. It's getting harder and harder to be a good girl and not orgasm. Mistress's mouth twists into a wicked smirk. She's thoroughly enjoying watching me squirm. I shut my eyes and focus on not cumming all over myself. Fuck. My moans are being muffled by the gag, otherwise they'd probably sound like screams. I don't think I can hold it anymore. I'm so afraid of disobeying Mistress again. My legs start to shake and breathing becomes labored. Tears well in my eyes and stream down my face. I whine for my Mistress.
"Please" Doesn't really sound like please with a ball in your mouth but I think she understands. She stands up and walk over to me.
"Are you sorry?" She asks as she turns the vibrator higher.
I squeeze my eyes shut forcing the tears to roll. The tingle starts in my toes and rolls to my belly, building a wave ready to crash. I can't stop it. I whimper and nod my head. She has no idea how sorry I am.
She puts her hands on my hips and leans close to my ear. "Cum for your owner." She purrs.
Finally. I allow my body to release. I shake and convulse. I let the overwhelming pleasure take control of my body. My moans are loud even while muffled. It's hard to catch my breath. My body feels limp, weak. My heart is in overdrive. Mistress turns the vibrator off and removes it from my leg. She takes off the clamps and the ball gag. I'm released from the post. I rub my wrist. I have marks from the cuffs cutting into my skin. I must have really been pulling against the restraints.
"I'm sorry Mama. Do you still want me?" I ask sadly.
She pulls the blanket from the bed and wraps it around me. "Of course I do baby. You're my little girl, I'll always want you." She coos while holding me against her.
"Even when I messes up?"
"Even then. Always." She kisses the top of my head. "Come on little one. Let's get you in the tub before dinner."
I don't want to speak anymore so I just nod my head and follow her upstairs.

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