Counterfeit Boyfriend

By AngelaLott9

8.4K 521 100

Magnus's ex is making his work life unbearable and to top it off she's under the impression he has a boyfrien... More

A Proposition
Date for the Evening
A Real Shot
5th Wheel
'Work' Dinner
Your Drink

Blue Eyed Solution

895 54 3
By AngelaLott9

Magnus was starting to get desperate. It was a mere three hours until his work party and he had no one - save for his cat - to take with him. The idea of calling in sick to the whole party was looking better and better every minute. Claim you're throwing up non-stop, and no one expects you to attend office parties. Oh, but he hadn't been sick yesterday and would anyone even believe him? Plus even if he got out of this one event Magnus had a feeling Camille would expect the fake boyfriend to show up to the next one. Either that or he'd have to fake break up with his fake boyfriend, and wow how had he gotten himself into this mess again?

Then again, how bad could it really be if he showed up alone tonight? He'd make some excuse for the fictional guy's absence, and then duck out of the party early... yeah that might work. Like maybe it was fictional boyfriend guy who was sick instead of him? Oh, but that stupid blonde woman would never let him live it down! She'd smirk and tease him about making up a boyfriend, which in this case was true, but he didn't want her to know that! And even if she didn't see through him outright, Magnus would end up spending the next few months dodging her hints, and pretending to ignore her gibes.

Thud... thud... thud...

There was really nothing else for it. He just had to find somebody to come to the party with him. It almost didn't matter who it was at this point! Three hours wasn't so short a time. All he needed was a gay man with no plans on a Saturday night, or in other words, no social life. Magnus groaned and hit his head on the table again. Yep he was doomed.

Thud... thud... thud...

You know, in all honesty the guy didn't even have to be gay or even bi. He just had to be willing to pretend to be with Magnus for an evening. Non-homophobic date requested. Maybe he should just give up and see if he could hire a male escort?

Thud... thud... thud...

Magnus was at this very moment seriously considering getting drunk. He was sitting at a bar stool. Over the last few days he'd spent far too much time in bars, even if he had nothing to show for it. Magnus had met only two types of guys: ones who wanted a quick hook up, and ones who ran the other way at the prospect of a first date being a work function. He hadn't even gotten to the small detail of everyone at said work function thinking it was an established relationship rather than a first date, and they'd still run for the hills at the very idea. Did no one take first dates to work functions anymore? Magnus was getting too old for this kind of drama.

Thud... thud... thud...

His head was getting sore at this point.

Thud... thud... thud...

It was stupid Camille's stupid fault! She brought out the drama everywhere she went. That leech of a woman could turn the most mundane thing in the world into a drama fit for television. Moving on so freakin fast with her Russian underwear model! Like what kind of person does that, and why did Magnus have to care this darn much? He could do better, and he knew he could do better, but she just got under his skin. It wasn't even like he wanted her back. No way in hell was he ever taking her back! At this point there was more spite to it than anything. Magnus wanted to beat her at her own game. He wanted to win the break up, as cheesy as that sounds.

Thud... thud... thud...

And he was sure doing a fine job sitting here alone banging his head against the bar counter.

Thud... thud... thud...

Maybe it was time to give up and get drunk. Three hours to the party. He could show up drunk right? What's the worst that could happen? He knew he was pathetic, but he didn't care. There was no version of these events in which he actually told Camille the truth, even if he knew she'd figure it out on her own anyway. If he didn't know better Magnus would have sworn she could read minds.

Thud... thud... thud...

Okay, enough was enough. He had to get up and face the music... or there was always the drunk option?

Thud... thud... thud...

"If you keep that up you are going to hurt yourself."

Surprised, Magnus looked up. For one perfect second he felt sure his agnostic prayers had been answered. For there, standing right in front of him, stood a guy. He was wearing a baggy black sweater that, if Magnus wasn't mistaken, had a tiny hole in one sleeve. This guy had pale skin, black hair, and brilliant blue eyes. He was looking at Magnus without amusement, but rather concern. Magnus couldn't get a gay or straight reading on the guy at all, but at this point he hardly cared.

"You aren't wrong," Magnus replied, smiling.

"Why are you banging your head on the counter?" blue eyes asked. "You've been at it a while."

"Also true," Magnus replied.

"Do you always answer questions so indirectly?" blue eyes asked.

Magnus smiled. "If you actually want to know," he said. "I have a very strange problem, and until you showed up I hadn't a single hope of solving it."

"If that's a line it's not one I'm familiar with," blue eyes replied, slightly awkwardly.

Just then they were joined by another guy, this one very blonde, and for lack of a better word, jockey. He had broad shoulders and a carefree expression. What Magnus noticed first though, was how casually he touched blue eyes with an arm around his shoulders.

"We dancing or what?" the blonde guy asked. "Don't be a wallflower."

"Ummm," blue eyes continued, still looking rather confused.

Magnus decided boyfriend or not, this guy would have to do. He stood up and prepared to plead his case.

"So here's my very strange problem," Magnus began, looking blue eyes right in the face. "My crazy ex has been parading around with her Russian underwear model, and in a moment of true idiocy on my part, I told her I had a boyfriend to take to a work party that starts in two hours. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to work with her come Monday. I know it's a long shot, but I'm looking for someone willing to pretend to be my boyfriend for a few hours to prevent my work life from becoming unbearable. There's free food involved, and my undying gratitude."

"Okay, that sounds like fun!" the blonde exclaimed. For a moment Magnus was worried he'd volunteer, but then the blonde turned to the other and said. "You should totally do this."

"What, are you crazy?" the dark haired man spun round to face the blonde. "I don't even know this guy!"

"Weren't we just talking about how you need to get out more," the blonde reminded him. "Isn't this just the reason why I dragged you out of the house today?"

"Going along with a stranger's ex revenge plans was not what I had in mind," blue eyes snapped back at his friend.

"Umm... if it helps, my name is Magnus Bane," Magnus said, hope suddenly alive that tonight wouldn't ruin his life. "I'm a lawyer. I have a business card. You can google me. I'll even throw in some IOUs for future Lawyer assistance with the undying gratitude."

"Excellent!" the blonde guy exclaimed. "I can always use some help with parking tickets." With that he pulled out his phone, and seconds later he was showing blue eyes the screen. "There see. I googled Magnus Bane. He's really a lawyer," blondie continued, then turned to Magnus and added, "I'm Jace, and this reluctant shy idiot is Alec."

"Oh, thanks for that," Alec scoffed. "Real helpful, Jace!"

"Anyway," Jace said with a wicked smile. "Clary will kill me if I don't get back out there and dance with her."

"Then I'm coming with you," Alec told him firmly.

"Oh no you aren't," Jace replied angelically. "You have a date." Jace turned to Magnus and added, "About when should I expect him home?"

"Elevenish, maybe a little later?" Magnus said, a little stunned, but very happy with this turn of events.

"Perfect," Jace smiled as he turned to leave. "Have fun kids. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Ha! That doesn't mean much!" Alec snapped at the blonde's retreating back. "And I'm not a kid!"

"Is he always so..." Magnus wasn't quite sure how to phrase it.

"Annoying yes," Alec sighed. "He's my step brother." Then he raised his voice to try and make Jace hear too before adding, "Who is actually younger than me!"

"I see," Magnus chuckled.

"Okay, so he's only five months younger than me, but it still counts!" Alec pouted. Magnus couldn't help but smile. This guy was cute. Gay, straight, bi, in or out of a relationship, Magnus had quite literally no idea, but cute he knew for sure.

"So you said there's food?" Alec inquired. "At this not-a-date?"

"It's a staff party for the whole firm," Magnus explained. "Something about celebrating years of excellent lawyering or something. It's catered."

"Alright then," Alec said solemnly as if he were heading for the gallows.

"You really don't have to," Magnus spoke softly. "I mean, that brother of yours kinda pushed you into it, and I don't want-"

"Oh no, we're doing this," Alec stated firmly. "Or Jace will never let me hear the end of it."

"That I believe," Magnus replied. "So one evening out to save face for both of us, then?"

"Looks that way," Alec replied.

"First things first," Magnus said, looking his date up and down with a keen eye. "Let's go shopping!" And suddenly Alec face fell. He looked like he was being sentenced to a fate worse than death.

"I take it you don't like shopping?" Magnus inquired.

"What gave me away?" Alec laughed.

"Well the holey sweater was my first clue," Magnus replied. "But it was the expression on your face at the prospect of shopping that really did it."

"I have a nice suit at home," Alec suggested. "I could just go get it."

"And by nice suit you mean?" Magnus asked worried.

"My sister bought it for me," Alec confessed.

"Ah so your sister likes shopping?" Magnus smiled.

"She loves shopping," Alec corrected him.

"Do you want to meet at the party then?" Magnus asked. "Or should I pick you up?"

"If this is a real date you can pick me up," Alec replied. "If this is a fake date so my brother and your ex stop teasing us, then I'll meet you there."

"Whichever would make you more comfortable is fine by me," Magnus replied with a smile. He was feeling far too grateful to push his luck.

"I'll meet you there then," Alec said. "Where is it exactly?"

"The Ramada hotel."

"Okay," Alec said. "And you said two hours right?" Magnus nodded. "See you then." And with a smile, Alec moved back out onto the dance floor. Magnus watched him join up with Jace once more and exchanged a few words before moving towards the exit.

Magnus found himself oddly curious about what had just taken place, though it was probably nothing. Even if it was just for tonight, Magnus found himself rather intrigued by Alec. He was stunning in a simple kinda way, and with that baggy sweater he felt rather wholesome. Magnus decided right then and there that he would be a perfect gentleman tonight.

Very glad now that he hadn't begun drinking, Magnus got into his car and drove home to get ready for dinner. All the while thinking idly of his rather surprisingly good fortune at meeting Alec. Clearly Alec was not someone who often went to bars, and therefore, the changes of them running into each other had to be extremely small. The whole situation didn't quite feel real. In fact, if he was a gambling sort of man, Magnus might have thought it was the perfect time to buy a lottery ticket.


What do you think of how they meet? I had a couple different ideas for them meeting but this is the one that stuck. Please leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Also if you are following any of my other stories sorry for the super slow updates. Just know I am working on it! :D


Sneak Peek Chapter 3

It took a great deal of energy to sit there and try not to panic. Magnus come up with one rational explanation after another as to why Alec was running so late. Round and round they went as the clock continued to tick.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

"Goes the clock," Magnus sighed, dropping his face into his hands. So much for his good luck.

With determination Magnus got up from his chair and began moving towards the doors. He couldn't wait anymore. It was time to face the music. He had to decide between faking sick, pretend break up or just getting wasted and giving up. He didn't like any of his options.

But just then the doors burst open. Magnus turned to see Alec, out of breath but very much present.

"Sorry," Alec began breathing hard. "I'm- late." He stopped to breath again. "Car- broke down. Didn't have- your- number- to text- and tell you."

"Did you run here?" Magnus gasped, stunned.

"Ran- from- my car," Alec answered, his breathing getting easier as he stood there though he was clearly still catching his breath.

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