Liars And Thieves

By ashhhirwin

46K 1.4K 445

"๐Œ๐ข๐ฌ๐ฌ, ๐ˆ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฆ๐ž๐š๐ง ๐ญ๐จ ๐จ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ง๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ž ๐š๐ข๐ง'๐ญ ๐ง๐จ ๐›๐ž๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ง ๐ญ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Author's Note

Chapter 61

505 14 14
By ashhhirwin

Grace was ready to bash her head against the wall behind her, she was over it. All she wanted was to leave the gang once she was sure they were home free. Micah had ruined it all, he had destroyed everything by making a simple deal. Grace knew how deals went with the law and they never went to plan. Why would a wanted man like Micah even accept a deal? Then again, all he ever wanted was the Blackwater money, it was more than obvious. He never shuts up about it but now he has been awfully quiet about it because he has a plan to get it. 
Her face ached from Micah's hits however she was more than thankful he hadn't shown up since she received a beating from him. Now she waited patiently in hope that whoever rode in would return for her. However she couldn't help but think it wasn't anyone she knew, it could've been a passing rider who got spooked. Grace closed her eyes, resting her head against the wall behind her. She thought she was dreaming when she heard approaching hooves until she opened her eyes. Once her eyes opened, the hooves continued. Grace wanted to cry in fear that it was Micah, the pain she was in was brutal. He could've done worse things of course but she would've rather be killed immediately then beat over and over. The hooves stopped and Grace could hear nothing else. She frowned in confusion, Micah was normally inside by now tormenting her.

"Hello?" Grace called out. "Please, help me," She pleaded. She heard the door creak open, she knew this wasn't Micah. Grace didn't keep her hops up as she half expected it to be Milton to pester her into ratting while Micah was gone. Wails of relief escaped her lips when she saw Abigail step into the house, her head immediately darting in the direction of her sobs. Abigail's blue eyes widened before she quickly ran over, pausing as she scanned the poor girls face. "Abigail?" Grace questioned. She was shocked to see her rescuer was Ms. Roberts but she was relieved to finally be somewhat safe. Abigail knelt down slowly, reaching her hand out to Grace's face.

"Oh, that bastard," Abigail grumbled before noticing her cuffs. She untucked the revolver held under her belt and held it in one of her hands. She held her breath before looking back at Grace. "I don't know if I'll shoot straight."

"Trust me, if you shoot me you'll be doing me a favour," Grace joked. Her chuckles were cut off to Abigail firing the gun, her bullet splitting the chain on the cuffs. The chain that held Grace to the table leg fell to the ground, Grace letting out a gasp of relief. Abigail grinned, proud of her shot before reaching a hand down to her. Grace took her hand, the woman helping her to her feet.

"Charles found out you were here," Abigail explained as she helped Grace walk towards the door. "This was the only chance we had to get you out of here without Micah finding out. The boys and Sadie are robbing the train."

"Already?" Grace slightly gasped. Abigail nodded.

"Yeah. Mostly everyone has left too, other than Tilly and Susan," Abigail informed. "They stayed back to help me with Jack. I hope Arthur doesn't mind that I told them what's really happening."

"You told Tilly and Susan?" Grace questioned. Abigail nodded as she held her breath slightly.

"I had too, I'm sorry. They knew I weren't just going out shopping, not during a time like this. I had to tell them but don't worry they're on our side," Abigail informed with a small grin. She helped Grace out of the house, looking back at the building. "I'm surprised he didn't put you in some dump."

"Believe me, this place is a nightmare," Grace muttered. She whistled for Kaya, her horse immediately running over to her from a grassy area. Grace groaned in pain before patting the horse, Abigail stayed by her side to support the woman. "I'm fine," Grace assured Abigail. Abigail however didn't leave her side, watching Grace as she mounted the horse before she hurried over to the horse she rode in on. Grace watched as Abigail pulled herself into the saddle of a Morgan, one of the spare horses the camp travelled with. 

"We need to move fast, let me know if it's too much though," Abigail assisted. Grace nodded at her before the women pushed their horses into a gallop, leaving the treacherous house in the swamps. Grace never saw herself being rescued by Abigail but she was glad, she would've hated for Arthur to find her in the mess she was in. 


The two of them arrived back at camp, the boys and Sadie weren't back yet as Grace acknowledged from the lack of horses. Abigail quickly dismounted before rushing over to Grace and Kaya, holding the horse's reins steady for Grace as Grace dismounted. Grace could hear footsteps approaching them fast and turned around to see Tilly and Susan. Susan's face dropped in horror before she continued to rush over to Grace.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Susan announced, her voice lingered with sadness. Grace gave a small smile to the woman as she walked her back into the camp, Abigail hugging her child who had ran over to her. "Abigail, you mind getting some fresh water from the river?" Susan asked, looking over her shoulder at the woman.

"Of course," Abigail agreed before looking back at Jack. "You stay with Auntie Tilly, I need to go get some water," she explained to her boy before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Okay," he answered before Tilly reached her hand out to him. Jack happily took her hand, Tilly and Jack following Susan and Grace into the camp. Abigail drifted from the group, grabbing a bucket before heading down to the river. 

"Micah did this?" Tilly called out from behind. Grace nodded.

"Yes, did Abigail tell you both everything?" Grace asked.

"Just that he was up to no good," Tilly answered honestly.

"Well, I caught him ratting. He made a deal with Milton, he gets him the Blackwater money and he'll tell Milton everything including where we are. Micah's been pestering Dutch into telling him where he hid the Blackwater money so Milton can get it for him," Grace explained, letting out a yelp of pain from her jaw hurting. She cuffed her jaw with a hand, Susan squeezing her shoulder comfortingly as they continued into the camp. "He was the one who shot me too. Dutch is going to learn everything when he gets back," Grace hissed in anger. Susan nodded.

"He better, Micah can not get away with this. Here, sit here," Susan offered Grace a seat at the desk Leopold Strauss use to sit at. Grace sat down on the chair as Susan stood upright, turning to Tilly. "Find a cloth of some sort," Susan ordered. Tilly nodded, letting go of Jack to look around for a cloth. 

"Get your hands off of me!" Abigail screamed. Grace and Susan immediately looked at each other in alarm. "Let me go!" She shouted again. Jack's face immediately fell white with worry.

"Mama!" Jack cried out. Susan brought a finger to her lips, telling Grace to keep quiet before pointing to the cave. Grace spotted Tilly running across the camp and scooping Jack up into her arms, rushing her and the boy into the safety of the cave. Susan and Grace quickly moved quietly to the cave, joining Jack and Tilly in a clearing at the bottom of the cave. Tilly kept a hand over Jack's mouth, keeping him quiet as the women heard movement in the camp. Abigail's screams were gone now. 

"Are there any more of them?" Grace heard the voice of a man ask. There was a pause before someone responded.

"I don't think so, not that I can see," the other man responded.

"Alright. Move out, back to Van Horn! We need to get that woman onto a boat to be tried for murder" Another voice informed, hooves were heard rushing away from the camp. Grace immediately stood up. 

"Tilly, get Jack and go. I'll come with you," Grace ordered which Susan stood up to argue but Grace stopped her quickly. "I'll be fine. You stay here and wait for the others to get back. We need to find Arthur and John and tell them they got Abigail."

"How do you know it was the Pinkertons?" Tilly asked.

"Micah must've got the money and told them where we are. We need to go, now," Grace ushered Tilly who still carried Jack in her arms. Tilly nodded before walking for herself.

"Are you sure about this?" Susan called out after them. Grace nodded at the woman.

"Don't say anything to Micah until I get back," Grace informed which Susan nodded. Grace, Tilly and Jack ran out of the cave and to the horses, Tilly mounting the already saddled Morgan that Abigail rode on. Grace handed Jack up to her, putting Jack in front of Tilly. Tilly held the boy steady as Grace mounted Kaya. Grace and Tilly kicked the horses into a steady canter, not going too fast because of Jack. The two of them rode out of camp before Grace caught movement below them.

"That's them!" Tilly pointed out, spotting Dutch's horse from through the trees. The two of them moved their horses off of the path and rode down the hill towards them. "They came and took Abigail!" Tilly announced as the two of them rode down to them. Grace saw Dutch hold a hand up to the group, asking them to stop. "We saved Jack, we hid, but they took Abigail!" Tilly informed as the two continued down the hill to the group. 

"Who did?" Arthur asked before his eyes widened when he saw Grace emerge from the hill. He grinned wildly, jumping off of his horse. "You're back!" He breathed. Grace quickly jumped from her horse's back as she slowed to a trot, running to Arthur and jumping into his arms. The two of them shared relieved laughter before she planted heaps of kisses on his cheek. 

"Agent Milton and his men, took her to Van Horn to be put on a boat and tried for murder," Tilly continued, holding Jack close to her. Grace and Arthur stopped and they stood beside each other, she felt Micah's eyes shooting into her as he realised she had gotten out. 

"I am sorry to hear that," Dutch apologised. Grace scanned the group of riders for Charles and John, both weren't there. 

"We gotta let her go," Micah announced. Grace immediately felt her hand reaching for her guns that Sadie had found in a dumpster when she was searching for Grace in Saint Denis. "John's a..." Micah started before looking over at Jack. "Well... sorry, son," Micah apologised in the most unsympathetic way possible. She felt Arthur's hand move onto her arm, squeezing her gently to try and stop her from doing anything. "Without John, she's just bait. Got a bunch of money, Dutch. She's just a girl, they won't do nothing to her. But, me and the boys know," Micah continued, turning to look at Cleet and Joe who both nodded in agreement. "We need to keep riding on this one, Dutch. You know it, every man here knows it-"

"So we just gonna let the boy be made an orphan?" Arthur growled at Micah and Dutch, pushing past Grace to stand closer to them. 

"It-it ain't like that!" Dutch attempted to explain.

"What is it like?" Arthur questioned, growing furious. 

"I wanna live, cowpoke. I still got the choice! Dutch, it's just a girl," Micah continued. 

"And Abigail doesn't want to live?" Grace hissed at him. He began chuckling as he looked down at her.

"Would you look at who is back, you look pretty messed up," Micah joked, the eyes of everyone falling onto her. She looked back at Bill and Javier who were both keeping quiet.

"Like you don't know where I've been!" Grace hissed through gritted teeth. Grace watched as Micah tensed up as Grace threatened to tell everything.

"Enough!" Dutch yelled at everyone. He turned to Micah before giving the man a slow nod. "You're right."

"Dutch!" Arthur pleaded, stepping closer to Dutch. 

"Micah... it pains me to say it, Arthur but he is right." Dutch explained, looking down at Arthur.

"Dutch!" Arthur pleaded again, sounding heartbroken.

"Come on boys," Dutch ordered the rest of them to move before they all galloped away, leaving Arthur, Grace, Jack, Tilly and Sadie all standing there. Arthur kicked up dirt with his boot before spitting on the ground. 

"Well I guess that's that then," Arthur mumbled in disbelief. "All them goddamn years."

"Come on, Arthur. Let's go get her. You, me and Grace is all we need," Sadie proposed from ontop of her horse. Grace looked back to see Sadie, giving the woman a proud grin. Sadie tipped her head to Grace in hello. Arthur began to nod, agreeing with Sadie. 

"Miss Tilly," Arthur began, holding a finger up to her as he walked over to his horse. He grabbed the sack of money from the back of his horse, carrying it over to her and placing it on the back of her horse. "Here, take this," he informed before reaching into his satchel and grabbing a heap of money, quickly counting it before handing it to her. "You take this money too. Take Jack and you wait at Copperhead Landing, for Abigail and Mrs. Adler."

"Thank you, Arthur," Tilly thanked as she took the money from his hand and shoved it into the saddlebag. 

"You're a good girl," Arthur nodded at her. "You live a good life now, you hear?"

"Alright, Arthur. I'll... I'll miss-" Tilly began, her eyes watering.

"Me too, sweetheart. Me too," Arthur interrupted her, not wanting her to continue. He gave her a small smile before turning to Jack. "Jack, come here. Be brave, son. I'm gonna go get your momma," Arthur promised. Jack nodded at him before Arthur walked back to his horse. Grace approached Tilly.

"I don't know if we'll ever cross paths again, but I know you'll do well," Grace nodded at the woman. Tilly grinned at her, nodding.

"You too, Grace," Tilly smiled, a tear escaping her eye. Grace turned to Jack. 

"I'll see you soon," She knew for sure she would see Jack again in the future. There was no way she wasn't going to see him and Abigail again, not after what Abigail has done for her. Grace grabbed Kaya and mounted the horse, wincing in pain as she sat down in the saddle. 

"Mrs. Adler, Grace," Arthur huffed as he mounted his horse. "Ride with me!" He announced with determination before the three of them pushed their horses into a gallop.

"If they're putting her on a boat, they'll probably dock at the north end of town," Sadie announced after a few strides. Grace looked over her shoulder back at Tilly to see her riding off also. "So I reckon we should go in the other way."

"Sure, I guess. I don't know," Arthur sighed. "Those goddamn bastards," he grumbled with hatred. 

"Look, just follow me, okay?" Sadie continued, looking at the both of them. "We're gonna get this done," Sadie confidently stated. Arthur nodded before the blonde woman turned her head towards Grace. "It's good to see you again," she cheered.

"Likewise," Grace agreed, returning the grin. "I just wish it was on better circumstances."

"So you're gonna confront the snake?" Sadie asked her. Grace nodded.

"Yes, I'm heading back as soon as we get Abigail," Grace explained which Sadie nodded in understanding. "Susan and Tilly both know, not that Tilly will be able to help anymore. It's just the matter of convincing Bill, Dutch and Javier."

"Well, goodluck," Sadie wished them the best before the three of them fell silent for the rest of the ride. 

Soon enough the three friends arrived outside of Van Horn, Grace could see from where they stood the place was crawling with Pinkerton Agents. Abigail had to be here by now, just from how heavily guarded and patrolled the town was. The three of them all dismounted, Arthur getting his horse to flee before everything went down. Grace grabbed her repeater from the saddle before getting Kaya to flee. Kaya followed Arthur's horse. Sadie held a rifle in her hand, resting on her shoulder.

"How are you both? You two ready?" Sadie asked them as they both joined her. Grace nodded and before Arthur could say whatever he had to say, Sadie immediately spoke again. "Good. I think you two should cover me and I'll go in there and get her," Sadie announced, holding the rifle out to Arthur. Arthur looked at her in annoyance like she was crazy. "'Cause your the better shot, I mean," Sadie reminded as she turned to Arthur, picking up on him. 

"That ain't what you mean, you want Grace out here with me so she can stay safe," Arthur began as Sadie pulled the rifle away from him. Grace wasn't offended by Sadie's idea at all, in fact she thought it was good that Sadie goes in and her and Arthur cover her. Having too many of them run in there would only make the target bigger. 

"I know, Arthur," Sadie sighed, she knew it was going to be impossible to try and convince him that her plan was a good one. "But just... do it my way, honey. It's for the best," Sadie stretched her arms out, holding the rifle out to him. Arthur turned away in annoyance, not liking the idea of the whole thing. "Get up some place high, like..." Sadie trailed off as she looked around them, the rifle drifting back to her side again. "The lighthouse or something." She turned back to them from looking at the lighthouse. "And cover me. Please," Sadie said much more firm as she held the rifle out to Arthur again.

"Her idea is good, Arthur. Plus she is right, I might not be too good in there," Grace defended Sadie. Arthur looked at them both, more at Grace in shock that she was okay with this. Arthur finally gave in, snatching the rifle from Sadie's hands. "Alright, let's go," Grace tapped Arthur's arm lightly before she turned towards the lighthouse. The two of them ran down the trail to the lighthouse while Sadie grabbed another rifle from her saddle before running towards van horn. The two of them ran up the winding stairs in the lighthouse before finally reaching the door, Arthur held it open for Grace to go out first. She hurried out, stepping onto the small balcony that wrapped around the lighthouse. She realised how high they were, making her feel a little queezy. 

"Okay, Mr. Milton. Where are you?" Arthur grumbled as he joined Grace's side before lifting up the rifle and looking around with the scope. Grace did the same, using the scope she had the gunsmith customise her repeated with. Sure, it wasn't an ideal gun for range this far but it would do, she was a good shot. 

"There, the trading post!" Grace breathed as she spotted Milton half carrying and half dragging Abigail towards the building while she put up a fight. Grace knew the woman wouldn't go down without a fight.

"There you are, you bastard," Arthur spat in frustration at the sight of him before they both disappeared into the building, a Pinkerton standing outside with a gun of his own. Arthur looked away from the scope, his breathing heavy as his anger grew. Grace lowered her repeated, placing a hand on his that rested on the rifle. He looked at their hands before his breathing calmed. Grace smiled as Arthur raised his rifle again, taking her hand off. "Where's Sadie?" He questioned out loud as he peered back into the scope. Grace raised her weapon, looking towards the road that led into Van Horn. She knew the both of them had spotted her almost at the same time as they both turned in the same direction, the woman ran up to the closest building and took cover behind the wall. Only a few feet ahead of her were two Pinkertons huddled together, talking. 

"When you're ready," Grace released a breath as she began to steady her breathing. Arthur gave her a small nod before he pulled the trigger on one of them, his body dropping like a fly. His body fell into the arms of the Pinkerton he was talking to, the Pinkerton was taken by shock before Sadie jumped out and put a bullet in his skull. Grace fired her repeated at the approaching Pinkertons who had seen the murder from down the street, Grace taking two of them out with separate shots before Arthur joined her, helping her with the rest. As Sadie continued to push into the fishing town, Arthur and Grace continued to cover her, keeping her safe. Before they knew it, Sadie was running down the pier towards the Trading Post where Abigail was being held captive in. Grace and Arthur quickly took out the Pinkerton's hiding by the Trading Post, Sadie was now clear all she had to do was go in and get Abigail. Sadie reached the door, kicking it open before moving in slowly, making sure it was clear. Grace's face fell when she watched Sadie get jumped. "No, no, no!" She almost shouted as Arthur cussed in annoyance. He took a few breaths before nodding while staring at the trading post. "Okay Mr. Milton... I guess we're gonna have to talk this out like gentlemen!" Arthur announced in frustration as he threw the gun to the floor. Arthur pushed Grace towards the door, letting her lead. She quickly ran down the stairs, Arthur right on her heels before the two of them pushed open the lighthouse door and running across the rocks before making it to the road that led into Van Horn. The two of them quickly ducked for cover as Pinkertons met them. Side by side, Arthur and Grace fought, hopefully for the last time. The Pinkertons fell as they met their bullets, the two of them pushing and pushing until finally they reached the Trading Post. Before Arthur ran in, she grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. He looked at her, confused. "I'm going to stay out here, keep an eye out," she explained. Arthur gave her a nod before she quickly pulled him into her arms. She dug her face into his shoulder before pushing him away from her. "Go," she instructed. He nodded before he kicked open the door, as he disappeared from her view she heard his gun fire twice, taking out two Pinkertons with one shot each. 

"Okay, ladies. Let's get out of here," he muttered as he walked in further. She couldn't hear anything from then on as she drifted away from the building, getting behind a stack of boxes in case she was met by more bullets. She scanned the town, no movement so far. She began to worry as no one emerged from the building yet. 

"Arthur? Is everything-" Grace asked before she was cut off. 

"Don't come in!" Arthur demanded with a grunt as he sounded out of breath.Grace immediately got up to her feet, running towards the Trading Post. She ran in to see Arthur holding Milton's arms, trying to push the gun the agent held in his face away. Grace was about to draw her gun when she heard Abigail rip her arms free from the chair she was tied in, grabbing a gun off of the floor and pulling the trigger, the bullet piercing through Milton's skull. Abigail froze up after she shot, her breathing heavy before she lowered the gun and looked at Milton's corpse. 

"Horrible man," she muttered before turning around and grabbing a knife that was stabbed into the floorboards before placing the gun on the counter and heading towards Sadie who was squirming on the ground. Grace rushed over to Arthur who held a hand out to her, ensuring her he was fine before she could pesture him. "Now come on, all of you," Abigail snapped at the three of them as her and Sadie stood behind them. Arthur nodded before the three women ran out ahead of him, Arthur following behind them.

The four of them galloped away on their horses, Arthur offering Abigail to ride his which she did and he rode Grace's, Grace sitting behind him. As the four of them fled from Van Horn, they had to shoot their way out before finally passing Butcher's Creek Arthur called out to Sadie.

"Sadie, we need to stop here," He shouted. "I don't think there's anymore of them," he informed. Sadie nodded, stopping her horse and Abigail stopping Arthur's horse. Grace knew Arthur was going to tell her about John. 

"Arthur, there's no time," Sadie argued as she watched Arthur dismount Grace's horse. Grace shuffled forward into the saddle, watching Arthur as he turned to Sadie. 

"There's time," he announced before turning to Abigail, holding his hands up to her to help her down. Abigail looked at them all, confused. 

"What happened to John?" She asked. "Where's John?" She asked again as everyone stayed quiet. 

"I-I don't... I think-" Arthur stopped himself before reaching up to Abigail again. She finally accepted his help, he lifted her down from his horse and she stood on the ground with him. Grace and Sadie both dismounted, joining the two of them. 

"Arthur..." Abigail began.

"He..." Arthur trailed off, looking past Abigail at Sadie and Grace. 

"What?" She questioned again.

"He got killed or he got captured. I'm really sorry Abigail," Arthur informed her and while he spoke the woman began to break down. Grace and Sadie immediately raced to the woman's side, holding her as she sobbed uncontrollably. "I was on the train and I didn't see it," he continued.

"No," Abigail cried, her cries getting louder as her heart ached. Grace hugged Abigail, Sadie also hugging her from Abigail's left. 

"Listen," Arthur began, taking a step closer to the group of women. "We got Jack, he's safe," Arthur informed, Sadie nodding as Arthur motioned to her. "Mrs. Adler will take you to him but... John..." Arthur paused as he looked at the upset woman. "I want you to know this. He loved you. He loved you and Jack, he did. He wasn't perfect, but he did," Arthur reminded, Abigail attempting to breath between her sobs. "Now," Arthur began as he stepped back, looking at the three of them. "You gotta go get that boy," he insisted, Abigail looking up at him. He grabbed Sadie's arm, pulling her towards her horse. "Go on, get outta here," Arthur instructed.

"What are you two doing?" Sadie questioned as she mounted her horse, Grace pulling Abigail into her arms as she sniffled, finally managing to stop crying for now. She let the woman go before stepping beside Arthur. 

"We got to go have a little chat, before this gets out of hand," Arthur looked at Grace who nodded in agreement. Arthur went to grab Abigail to lift her up onto the back of Sadie's horse when she began to sob again.

"Oh, Arthur..." Abigail sobbed before Arthur quickly stopped her.

"Don't you 'oh, Arthur' me, neither of you two, not now!" Arthur demanded, Sadie turning her head in sadness. "You both know." He reminded before picking up Abigail and putting her on the horse. "You're good women, good people. The best," Arthur told them, reminding them. "You go get that boy, there'll be time for sorrow later."

"If you're headed back there, Arthur," Abigail began before slowly reaching for her neck. She grabbed a key from around her neck, holding it out to Arthur. "Take this, I don't need it anymore."

"What's that?"

"There's a chest in them caves, in the back to the left hidden under a wagon. Dutch's chest," Abigail elaborated. The woman grinned as Sadie turned to look at Abigail in disbelief. "With all our money. I know John told you I knew where it was," she grinned at the mentioning of John. 

"Abigail Roberts," Arthur said with astonishment as he held up the key, looking at it. She held out her hand to him, Arthur taking it. 

"I always was a good thief," she stated as she smiled, crying again. 

"That you was," Arthur agreed. Grace felt her eyes water as she remembered Hosea said the same thing about Abigail when she was there, she quoted him. She grinned at both Abigail and Sadie before the two of them galloped off. 

"Wait for us, we'll join you all at Copper Head soon!" Grace called out behind them. Arthur turned to Grace. 

"It's time," he announced. Grace followed him back to their horses, the two of them mounting before galloping back towards Beaver Hollow.

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