Star Crossed Lovers RagLak

By Live_Till_It_Hurts

9.8K 1.1K 882

RagLak Money. Brother. Power. Those were all he needed. Those were all he valued. But then...then came she... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII

Chapter VII

465 62 43
By Live_Till_It_Hurts

Hey there lovelies. Back with an update. Thought of updating a few hours sooner instead of making y'all wait till your bed time lol.
Hope you like!

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations.

Chapter 7 - A Change...for Better or Worse?

Ragini opened her eyes as she felt him move back from her. She watched as he licked his lips and smiled at her.


Still not completely over the shock, she only blinked owlishly at him.

Laksh chuckled. "That's okay. Take your time. I'm not going anywhere sooner."

"S-so?" she stuttered out finally. "Why did you do that?"

"Ragini, it's obvious isn't it? I love you!" Laksh admitted whole heartedly. "After the first time I met you, you cast a spell on me that I never got out of. And now that I know you better, I don't wanna get out of it either. I love you Ragini Gadodia."

Ragini smiled at his words, tears threatening to spill out. " love me."

"I do." Laksh repeated.

Her toothy grin, he expected.

But the hit on his arm that followed was unexpected.

"You love me, and yet you behaves so coldly towards me?! That's your way of making me yearn for you? Were you doing it on purpose to make me cry?"

"What?! No. Absolutely not!"

"You were!" Ragini turned away from him in fake anger. "You made me cry so you don't deserve me."

"Well no but I think it's good I made you cry. It lead to where we are now,  no?"

"Ugh! can you do this. You can't just up and ki-kiss me like that when I'm sobbing! You ruined my first kiss!"

Laksh grinned from ear to ear. "I was your first kiss? Amazing!"

"Stop being so happy! Which part of 'ruined it' did you not hear!?"

"You're too cute. You're making me want to capture those lips again." Lol all she admitted, slowly moving closer once more.

Ragini blushed, but refused to let go of her anger. After all, it was her first kiss. Every girl wanted it to be special, didn't they?

"You may be my first, but I have the power to not let the last be yours!" she argued. Although she wasn't making much sense, she said whatever she could to win the argument.

Laksh's cheery mood changed to a grim one. "I would be damned if I let another man kiss you."

The force and passion with which he said those words made her feel things she never did. His possessiveness made her feel ecstatic. His sharp eyes seemed like they were directly looking into her soul. It made her feel safe. It made her feel important.

Ragini raised her hand and places it on his cheek. "Calm down Laksh. Do you think I would let any guy kiss me? I let you because I like you too. And maybe...maybe love you too." she gazed into his eyes, smiling softly. "I think I won't mind you being my better half."

Laksh's gaze softened on her words, and he smiled back. "I mean it Ragini. If you choose me as your boyfriend, make sure you're ready for the whole ride. Because I'm not one who will let go easily. I won't let you be another's. I can kill for you and I can die for you."

"Love is a beautiful thing Laksh. Don't talk about dying or killing in between." Ragini consoled. "Besides, it's not like we're in some film where you're a hitman and I'm a law abiding geek." Ragini tried to joke. However, she didn't miss the moment when his eyes strayed over her shoulder from her eyes. It was only for a second, and she would have missed it if he wasn't so close. But nevertheless, she saw it. "What's the matter Laksh?"

Laksh wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her against his chest in a hug. Closing his eyes, he silently apologized for lying to her about his identity. 'But I'm too afraid of losing you. You're a gem which I have held in my hands...andi just don't wanna let go. But I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready.'

"Laksh?" her voice broke him out of his thoughts.  

"The only person I'll let you kiss lovingly is our kids in future. Other than that, you're mine."

And thus, after Laksh's bold move, they became a couple.


Swara and Sanskar couldn't be more happy for their siblings.

As time passed, Ragini and Laksh grew closer. Like any other typical couples, they too had their arguments, their lovers' tiffs. However, at the end of the day, they both came to each other and solved their differences. Whatever it might be, they patched up.

They weren't perfect for each other. But rather...rather imperfectly perfect for each other.

And Laksh wouldn't have it any other way.

Because he knew.

He knew that perfection was just an illusion.

Love isn't about finding the right person. But it is about finding the imperfect person who can make your life perfect.

"Laksh! Laksh!?"

"Huh? What?" Laksh straightened up in the bench he was sitting on beside her in the park. "Yes Ragini?"

"Now you respond?!"


Ragini looked at him in irrtiation. "I've called your name more than 10 times by now! Where were you lost?"

Laksh smiled and wrapped a hand around her shoulders. "Nothing Love. Just thinking about us. About how I'm lucky to have found my better half."

Ragini smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm lucky to find you as well." she chuckled to herself, making him look at her with a raised eyebrow. "You know, I never thought I would be like those girls who keeps dreaming about their dream home with their boyfriends. I was a simple girl with an obseesion with books! Now, you ruined me Laksh."

"Ahaha...! I see. And do tell what dreams you have."

Ragini blushed and hit him on the shoulder playfully. "Shut up! You'll laugh at me for being cliché."

" I won't! Come on, share with me now!"

"Forget it already!"

"Nu-uh! I won't. Tell me or else..." Laksh got up and smirked at her.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "That look tells me that you're up to no good."

Chuckling to himself, Laksh put one hand below her knees and the other behind her back, picking her up bridal style. "Tell me or I'll drop you."

"Eep! Let go!"

"First, tell me!"

"People are staring Laksh! Let go!" she spoke with a blush. "I'll tell you, I will!"

"That's more like a good girl." he put her down and straightened up. "Now then, let's hear it! Or do you want me to do that again?"

"Well um...I um...I was just thinking what our home would look like once we marry." Ragini looked down shyly and picked on the loose threads on her dress. "I um...I was imagining a small house with...with rose gardens all around. And inside that house, you and me will live along with our kids. Maybe two or three kids. A boy and two girls or maybe two boys and a girl child. We would lead a peaceful life in happiness together and..."

As Ragini kept on speaking, Laksh's smile disappeared from his face. Guilt filled his heart as he watched her innocently fantasize about the future she dreamed to have with him.

How could he tell her that a peaceful life she imagined would never be possible with someone like him?

How could he tell her that he was a don and danger was a part of his life? It defined him.

How could he tell her that he was lying about being a businessman? It was a necessary evil for him.

He wanted to tell her everything and almost did many a times. But his fear of losing her prevented it everytime. Laksh didn't have the courage to tell her the truth fearing she would run away from him. She wasn't something Laksh wanted to lose...ever!


Ragini paused on hearing his voice. She turned to him and gave him her full attention. "Yes Laksh?"

"You and I both know there are dangers in this world. I can't gurantee that our lives will be free from troubles. What if I get into trouble? Would you be ready to face the dangers for me?" Laksh questioned, avoiding the truth, but also not lying completely. It was a genuine question. 'In fact, you too would be danger if you become my wife. Will you be able to handle it?' he wanted to ask, but kept quiet.

"It's true I want a peaceful life. But I want it with you, with you beside me. If you aren't with me, then what's the point of leading a peaceful life?" Ragini reasoned. She placed a hand on his arm. "If you're in danger, than I am ready to face it along with you. Be it in happiness or in sadness, I'll be with you. We'll get out of it...together."

"What if I can't get out of it? What if I'm forever entitled to be in danger? Will you be able to be with me then!?"

Ragini looked at him in confusion. "Laksh, why are you saying such things? What trouble could you be in that you're thinking like this?" Ragini looked into his eyes. "Tell me what's wrong."

As Laksh stared into her eyes, his resolve strengthened. He felt the urge to  tell her everything.

Laskh opened his mouth to tell her the truth. He was sure he should do it then.

However, at the last moment, his courage falttered seeing her hopeful and worried face. 'I...I can't lose you Ragini. You're my world!' instead of words, he pulled her into a hug. "Nothing's wrong."

Although, happy in his hug, she broke free soon.



"Laksh? You're scaring me now. What's wrong? Tell me. Please!"

"It''s nothing Ragini. It's just that with my position as such a big businessman, their might be those who may want to hurt you or me out of spite or...or maybe because of competition. Are you ready to face such dangers for whole life?"

Ragini let out a breath of relief. "That's what you were worried about? Oh Laksh! Of course I won't back down and leave you just because of it. I love you! And I would stay beside you, support you, protect you if I can." Ragini smiled at him. "Besides, you worry too much. The world isn't that corrupt to target an honest guy like you."

Laksh smiled a fake smile at her. However, he wasn't meeting her eyes. Rather, he was looking over her shoulder. After all, he knew how hoenst he was actually being.

How could he look her in the eye when he was completely lying to her?


"What are you doing out here in the porch Lucky bhai?" Sanskar questioned as he came to sit beside his brother. "Not sleepy?"

"I could ask you the same."

"I was chatting on skype with Swara. Came out to get some fresh air. But what about you? Who's got your mind occupied?" Sanskar teased.

Laksh sighed in misery and put his head in his hands. "This was a bad idea Sanskar. A really bad idea. I should have never involved Ragini in my mess!"

"Eh?" Sanskar looked at him strangely. "Hold on a minute! What are you saying?" a thought struck Sanskar suddenly and he hummed in realization. "Oh, I get it now! You're worried that you're lying to Ragini, aren't you?"

"Yeah that. Bu-"

"Oho bhai! That's no reason to fret over. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to tell her the truth. And I know how much Ragini di loves you. She'll understand. Sure there will be some fights and a bit of anger on her part. But I'm sure at last, she'll understand." Sanskar consoled. "Besides, we maybe a criminal gang, but we've got values. Yeah maybe you've looted and killed in the past. But never have we villolated women or sold people like other criminals. Not to mention we keep the other corrupt gangs in check. The police have less work and can lazy around because we keep these thugs in check. We're in a way kind of the law in the criminal world, right?"

"That's not it Sanskar." Laksh sighed. "I am worried about it. But that's not what's eating up my mind."

"Then what is it?"

Laksh stood up in frustration. "She wants a peaceful life Sanskar! How am I supposed to give her one? In our line of work, there doesn't exist a word like 'peace' and 'safe'. Danger lurks in every corner!" Laksh bit out. "Before meeting Ragini, I never imagined having a family of my own in my line of work. For me, only thing that mattered was keeping you and my friends safe, kill the bad guys and carry out loots, survive to see the next dawn and be on top! That's it! It's even a miracle that I'm still surviving at the age of 30. Many of the dons get murdered before they even reach mid-twenties!"

"Bhai, don't speak like that. Please!" Sanskar exclaimed, hearing his brother talk about his own death. "You're the only family I have. Please don't talk about your death."

Laksh sighed, hugging his brother to comfort him. Even if Sanskar was a grown man, he still acted like the vulnerable child whenever he mentioned his possibility of death. "I'm sorry Sanskar but...but that's the truth. I can't gurantee my life. I may die at the hands of someone tomorrow, or live for 30 more years!" Laksh moved away and let out a bitter laugh. "I...I never believed I would get to live till old life to tell the truth. I thought I would die while fighting, with a gun in my hands and taking down my enemies as I go."

"Lucky..." Sanskar felt a sob threatening to break. He didn't think he would be able to live without his brother beside him. Even Swara's love wouldn't be able to fill the void that his brother's death would leave in his heart. His brother meant the world to him.

"But now Sanky..." Laksh turned to face him. Sanskar could see his brother's eyes glistening up with tears. "Now, after experiencing the joy of being with Ragini, I...I want to have a family Sanskar. All I wanted was for you to find a girl, get a job and live happily with your family. My life was unimportant. But now, I want to have a family with Ragini."

With each word, he imagined Ragini as a wife.

As his wife.

With their kids.

A smile broke out unconsciously on his face. "A happy family."

"I...I can understand Laksh. After all, I want to have one with Swara someday too." Sanskar admitted in a soft voice.

"Then you both should go work for it!"

Hearing the sudden voice, they both looked up in alarm.


To be continued...

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🌹 ~ Mona 🌹

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