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Back with another chapter. Hope you like! This one is a bit short compared to the others. Will update a longer one next time.

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 15 - A Bullet for You

Ragini didn't pay attention to the chaos all around her. Her mind was still traumatized from Laksh's betrayal.

Suddenly, she felt someone grab her and pull her up. "Let's go Ragini Di! There's no time!"

"No! Leave me! I want no help from you or your brother!" Ragini shouted and pushed him away, standing straight and trying to walk away.

"Di, please! Come with me!" Sanskar pulled her away with all his might despite her not cooperating. As he neared the door, he pushed her out quickly. "Di go! You'll be safe then!"

"Oh, but you won't." came a voice from behind him.

As he turned back, he watched in horror as one of the goons fired at him.

Sanskar felt his breath hitch. He knew there was no way of escaping its line of attack now. There was no doughing that bullet. He won't be able to prevent it from hitting him even with fast reflexes. Realizing his doom, Sanskar didn't know what to feel. All he knew was that he wasn't prepared. He has seen shows which show the people seeing their lives flash by at the time of death. But all he could see was the bullet zooming in and fear surpassing all emotions.

Sanskar closed his eyes and breathed in a deep breath. 'Swara, I love you. Adarsh, keep my brother and Swara safe. Keep them safe...please.'

He felt as if a tornado hit him when he felt a force push him back. It hit him hard on the chest.

However, instead of feeling the impact of a bullet, he felt a body slam against him.

At once, a dreaded feeling overcame him.

He snapped open his eyes to the sight that would forever haunt him in his life. As the body slipped down, he too fell down onto his knees, holding her head in his lap.

Sanskar let out a pained whimper, looking at her with sorrowful eyes, asking...pleading with his eyes why she did it. Why she came in front of him. "Sw...Swara..."

The goon tried to fire again since he missed Sanskar. However, Adarsh got there in time to punch him away. Adarsh took in the sight of Sanskar holding an injured Swara. He wanted to come near, but he had to concentrate on keeping the rest of the enemies. With a helpless look, he ran towards the middle of the battle.

Swara looked at Sanskar with pained eyes. "A-Are you okay?"

Sanskar wanted to laugh at the bitter and cruel irony in her words.

It was her she was bleeding.

It was her who was hit by the bullet.

It was she who was dying each second now.

"Physically I am. But I'm dying each second seeing you like this. Swara...Swara why?"

"No matter wh-what you..." Swara stuttered out, placing a shaky hand on his cheek. "You did, I...I could see the selfless l-love have for me. And I...I feel the same for you."

"Swara I...I should have protected you but...but you're hu-hurt because of me!"

"Don't cry dumbo. Y-you look ugly wh-when you cry."

"SWARA!" Ragini came shouting and fell down beside her. "Oh my goodness, no! Swara, don't worry. Well get you to safety. You'll be okay!"

"It's...its t-too late Di."

Ragini shook her head vigorously. "No, no, no! Please don't say such things!"

"I'm...I'm sor-sorry I'm leaving you Di. But...but know that I love you and Maa. And of course...Sanskar. Thank you for everything." Swara sucked in a deep breath as her end neared.

"No! Don't leave me damn it! Swara! Stay strong!" Sanskar shouted amidst tears. He felt his heart heavy with pain and sorrow. "I love you. Please...please don't leave me."

Swara looked sideways towards her sister. "Tell Maa she's the best mother ever. And you di, are the best sister."

"Sw...Sw...Swara." Ragini sat frozen in place stuttering her sister's name over and over again.

"Swara, please hold on. I love you! Swara, don't leave please." Sanskar cried out.

"Keep my family safe. And...and I love you." Swara said with a smile as her eyes closed in his arms and her body went slack against his grip.

"No. No no no! Swara no! Swara wake up. Wake up Swara! I love you! " Sanskar whimpered and begged for her to wake up. However, he knew she wouldn't ever wake up now.

Not in this life...ever.

Beside him, Ragini was numb looking at Swara's lifeless body. Her head felt like I would explode while her heart was in a chaos of negative emotions. "Sw...Swara. Swara no...Swara!" Ragini let out a loud shout moving towards where her sister lay. She pulled Swara's body into a sitting position and pulled her into a hug. "Swara! Swara, wake up sis! Wake up, wake up! Please!" she shouted as hard as she could.

But this was one request Swara wouldn't be able to fulfill for her sister this time.

"Di, she...she's gone di." Sanskar cried as he held Swara on the other side. "She's no more. She...she sacrificed herself to save me. For me she...she took the bullet."

Adarsh reached them at the very moment. He looked down in sorrow at the lifeless girl. However, there was little he could do. "I know I may sound harsh, but we need to abandon this place Sanskar. Or else they will kill you too."

"Leave me alone! I'm not going until I've killed everyone of those rascals!" Sanskar shouted in rage. Angry tears flowed freely from his eye. Sanskar got up to charge against his enemies.

However, Adarsh forcefully held him back. "Don't be an idiot. You'll get shot! You're an amateur in these things."

"Then let me get shot. I'm not leaving them!"

"No! If you go and die, than Swara's sacrifice for you would be meaningless. Would you want her sacrifice to be worthless and go out in vain?

"No! Never! But Th-"

"No buts!" Adarsh commanded his men to restrain Sanskar. "Take him out of here and Ragini too. You there! Carry the body of Swara as well."

To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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