Chapter IV

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Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations.

Chapter 4 - A Date to Remember

Laksh led Ragini towards the table he had booked for them. He went over and pulled back the chair for her like a true gentleman.

Ragini smiled at his gesture and sat down. Laksh went round and took his own seat. "So? Lovely day, huh?"

"Yes. The weather's pretty good today. You don't get such a weather usually." Ragini commented.

"Yeah! Exactly!" Laksh replied, hoping to impress her. "I mean the traffic is quite less today, huh? And the pollution too. Ha ha!"

Ragini smiled uncertainly at him. "Um I...I actually meant the environment. While it's a bit sunny, there's also the northern breeze blowing making it soothing outisde."

"Oh, I see." Laksh let out, realizing that he misjudged her words. However, his pride wouldn't let him back down from his viewpoint. "But of course the traffic is the main thing that we should be thankful of. That's what counts more, right?" he saw Ragini look at him with a flat face and dreaded opening his mouth. 'Shit shit shit! Laksh you ruined it! Just this once! Just this once couldn't you have just agreed to someone else's opinion over your own!?' he could imagine an irritated Sanskar holding his hands at his hips and shaking his head at him, calling him 'a pighead!'. Indeed Laksh agreed he was.

Laksh gulped and tried to control the situation. "I um...I'm sorry. I didn't mea-"

"It's okay." Ragini interrupted, her lips turning into a smile. She chuckled at his confused expression. "I was just surprised that's all."


Ragini nodded. "Well, usually the boy just tend to agree with whatever the girl says hoping to impress her. But you were honest to express your own opinion. I like that."

It was Laksh's turn to be surprised by her response. He expected her to get offended. But she seemed level headed and rational. "I see."

Ragini smirked. "Besides, too much agreement kills a conversation. No?" she spoke with a playful wink. However, on realizing what she did, she blushed. 'Eep! Swara is ruining me with her infectious bad habits. I act like this with her, but Laksh might think I'm being a flirt. Oh no!'

However, Laksh was too pre-occupied with his own thoughts to pay any attention to this detail.

'She praised me? Aww...she praised me!' Laksh grit his teeth hard to stop the childlike giggle that threatened to break out and gave her a manly smile. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." she replied with a smile of her own.

Ragini looked up as the waiter came and placed the glasses on the table, pouring water into them. Once he went away, Ragini rebegan the conversation. "I've heard a lot about you from Swara. She holds you in high regards. In fact, she doesn't shut up about how much of a hardworking person you are and how you inspire her so much!"

"Really? That's nice to hear." Laksh replied, trying to appear modest. 'But it's your opinion that I want. I hope you like me.' he took a sip from his glass. "Swara told me a lot about you as well."

"I'm dreading to ask what she told you. My little sister can be quite a prankster at times. I hope she didn't say anything to embarrass me." Ragini remarked light-heartedly.

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