Chapter XVIII

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Hi ya! Back with an update. Probably the last one. Hehe... thanks for the love and support till the end. Hope you liked the fic.

Moving on...💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 18 - Always and Forever

The sound of a fly kept irritating him. However, he felt too lazy to move his hands. His whole body felt like he had been labouring like a slave for days. Everything ached.

With a groan, he opened his eyes to the outside world. Laksh blinked a few times to adjust his vision and looked around. He tried to recall where he might be and how he ended up there.

Slowly, but gradually, everything came back to him and his eyes widened.

Sanskar rushing to attack, the bullet aimed for his brother, he jumping infront to take the hit, his command to Adarsh, the police sirens and then...then the dark silhouette.

Laksh fully expected to be dead after that bullet shot. However, if he was dead, he wouldn't be feeling the dull throb in his head that turned into a aching roar with each passing second. 'Or maybe it's the feeling of being a spirit.' Laksh thought to himself.

As he looked around, he noticed that he was in a darkly lit room. He was in a small room with black curtains on the windows. There was a tiny door at the end of the room.

A shelf, a bed, a table, a worn out lamp, a candle, and some blankets. These were the only things that were of mention in the room.

He should have known that he wouldn't get such an easy death. He found himself still alive and his wounds, bandaged. This could mean only one thing for him. He was captured by the police. And now maybe he was in some sort of jail.

'But don't have curtains, or such a normal looking wooden door for that matter.' he thought to himself. He tried to sit up straight. A hiss left his mouth as he had unconsciously put pressure on the stitches. "Ow, ow, ow! Whoever decided to play nurse for me didn't do a clean job. But I guess it won't be right to complain, since I'm alive because of it."

As much as he remembers, the sound of police sirens was last he heard. Therefore, it must have been the police who caught him. However, his reasoning didn't match with his situation as he was in a tiny hut of some kind.

He looked up as the door creaked open. Laksh braced himself to be greeted by whoever the stranger was, friend or foe.

However, once he saw who it was, he got the shock of his life. "Ra-Ragini!?"

The pot dropped from Ragini's hand seeing him awake. Tears welled up in her eyes, and a shaky smile made way to her lips. At once she went and pulled him into a hug, being careful of his injury. "You're awake! You're finally awake!" a son broke out through her words. "Its...its been five days. I thought I was going to lose you!"

He hugged her back, relishing the feeling of having her in his arms. He missed her touch, her closeness. Now he remembers.

The person. The footsteps that he heard. It was Ragini who came to save him, before the police got to him.

"But I thought you hated me Ragini. After everything that happened..." he broke the hug and refused to meet her eyes in guilt.

She sniffed and rubbed at her cheeks. "I...I tried. I tried to hate you as much as possible. But I just couldn't...I couldn't Laksh. No matter what I couldn't stop thinking about you. Even Swara, at her last moments, told me that I shouldn't hold you responsible for her death. In her last moments, she spoke how much she loved Sanskar and that she loved him dearly. But she also spoke about you and...and that you were a good person at heart. That you are my true love."

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