His captive possession (Roman...

By ALunarDream

78.7K 1.4K 98

Hemlock Grove...a town located in Pennsylvania. One would think that it was a normal town that is practicall... More

Disclaimer and story description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank you/Exciting news

Chapter 14

2.2K 41 0
By ALunarDream

Peter turned to look at Roman with fury in his eyes. "Why the hell would you go and do that? Didn't you see how happy she was with me?"

"You don't get it do you? She wasn't available when the both of you started dating. That and there's no doubt that you did take interest in another woman. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. My cousin told me everything that happened today. She also told me how you gave her the once over. If anything I'm trying to be a good soon to be husband to my wife. I'm trying to keep her heart from shattering. But I couldn't keep you from breaking her heart into tiny little pieces. Now if you will excuse me, I have a wife to comfort. And do yourself a favor, stay away from her. I've already been investing a lot for our perfect wedding. I won't have you come and ruin that for the both of us," Roman said before walking away. I only hope that gypsy shit head doesn't stop my wife from making her way to her parents house. If I can get her alone for a few more seconds, I can secure my spot in her heart and have her hating him in no time, Roman thought to himself.

That son of a bitch. I will deal with him another time. First I need to deal with patching thing sup with Alyse. I just hope that I can fix our relationship, Peter thought to himself as he made his way home.

A few minutes prior to Peter coming home

Alyse ran all the way back to the trailer, pulling the door open causing it to slam. Alyse rushed into the house and found a startled Lynda standing from the couch, getting ready to attack who she thought was an intruder, before she spotted a teary eyed Alyse making her way into the trailer.

"Alyse honey, what's wrong? Did Peter get hurt," Lynda asked.

Alyse stopped in her tracks before turning to look Lynda in the eye. "Peter didn't get hurt. But he did hurt someone tonight."

"Who," Lynda asked.

Alyse let out a cry before replying to Lynda. "He hurt me Lynda. Peter did something that I thought he would never do. Then he tried to play it off like it was no big deal."

"Oh honey, I know Peter wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt you. Why don't you wait for him to get home; that way the two of you can talk it out together and get past this," Lynda tried to suggest to Alyse.

"I don't know Lynda. I don't know if there is anything for Peter and I to talk about. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to hear him out and see what he has to say. But incase things don't end well between us, I should get what little belongings I have packed, so I won't have to waste any time around here, if Peter doesn't want me to hang around anymore," Alyse said before making her way to the room that she and Peter share together.

Oh I hope Peter makes it home soon. I would hate for him to not patch things up with Alsye. She makes him the happiest ever. I would hate to see Peter get upset because he didn't get a chance to make things better with his girlfriend, Lynda thought before Peter walked into the door, spotting her standing in the kitchen, before she started bombarding him with all sorts of questions.

"Peter, what the hell happened? I sent Alyse out to tell you that dinner was ready, and she came back crying," Lynda said as Peter took a step towards the back.

"Lynda, please tell me that she's still here," Peter begged.

"I'm pretty sure she is. I asked her to stay and talk to you about what's going on between you two. Besides that I didn't see her walk back out the door," Lynda said.

"I have to go and talk to her before she changes her mind about sticking around and listening to me," Peter said making his way to the back room, where he found Alyse getting ready to leave. "Alyse please hear me out?"

Alyse stopped what she was doing, before turning to look at Peter. "Tell me this, did you honestly check out another girl?"

"Yes I did. But it's not in the way that you're thinking; or in the way that that guy was insinuating. I was on my way to class, when I was passing by the girls bathroom. I stopped when I heard something coming from inside. At first I thought the girl in the girls bathroom was in trouble. As I got closer to the bathroom, I realized what was going on in there. I turned to walk away, and that was when I spotted a blond bitchy looking girl standing there. Before you jump to conclusions she looked me up and down first and gave me a once over. I did the same, but I wasn't checking her out in the way of wanting her. I was looking at her body language and by doing that I could tell that she wasn't someone that I wanted to associate with. That guy at the park, he was blowing things way out of proportion. He was trying to get us to fight so he could put lies in your head. He told me that you are going to go ride off into the sunset all happily married to him. I can't lose you to that guy. I can't let you go and be with someone who I know doesn't make you happy like that," Peter explained.

"So let me get this straight. You heard two people having sex in the girls bathroom, but you thought that the girl inside the bathroom was getting hurt, so you were going to head in there to help her? Peter what if you had walked in there and you spotted the two people having sex together? Then what would you have done? Would you be a freaking smart ass and ask them if you could join in," Alyse asked in a mocking tone.

"I would've asked them if we could've had a four way instead. Then I would've found you so we both could join them together," Peter replied being a smart ass.

"Be serious about this Peter. Because I can tell you right now I'm not afraid to rip your balls off and force feed them to you," Alyse said in a serious tone.

"I know you're not. Look yes I was outside the bathroom. But had I walked in there and found the couple having sex, I would've walked out shaking my head at them," Peter said.

Alyse thought about what Peter had said before she had threatened to rip his balls off. "You mentioned something about a blonde girl, catching you outside of the bathroom listening. You said that she gave you a dirty look. Was she pale with blue eyes?"

"Yeah. Wait how did you know that if you never seen her before," Peter asked in confusion.

"Because I know exactly who you're talking about that you were doing a once over with. Her name is Letha Godfrey. She's Roman Godfrey's cousin. Before I left Hemlock Grove she was my friend. She helped me escape from Roman. Though after I left, I had lost contact with her. I felt that Roman or his mother would've found a way to get answers from Letha had I remained in touch with her," Alyse explained.

"Well if I had to guess, Letha is not the girl that you once knew before you left Hemlock Grove," Peter said.

"What do you mean by that," Alyse asked.

"I mean Letha has grown around the stomach area. If I had to guess, I would say that someone got her knocked up. So if you go to approach her, I would be careful on what you say to her," Peter said.

"I have no intentions of going to speak to Letha about what happened. The one who I need to confront about this is Roman," Alyse said.

"Are you sure that's a wise idea? I mean the guy is just waiting for the right moment to take you away from me," Peter said.

Alyse turned to look Peter in the eye. "I'm not going to stand here and allow Roman to play games until he gets what he wants. The only way to put an end to it is by talking to him. Either you let me talk to him, or I leave when you're sleeping to talk to him. Either way I'm going to put a stop to this. It's something I have to do in order for us to be happy. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you. It's the Roman guy that I don't trust. He did say that you were supposed to marry him. How am I supposed to trust that he won't pull something stupid to knock you out and then force you back to his place or wherever and have like a shot gun wedding," Peter asked.

"Trust me when I say that shot gun weddings are not Roman's thing. Nor would his mother allow it. Olivia would want something grand and lavish so that she can brag about it for years on end. That's just how she is. Trust me when I say it. Just trust me to deal with Roman and everything will be fixed between us. Know that I love you very much," Alyse said.

"I love you too," Peter replied while wrapping his arms around Alyse's waist tight. "When do you plan on confronting Roman?"

"Tomorrow morning before school. Don't worry I'll meet you there. Just promise me that you will be have yourself while I'm taking care of business," Alyse said while turning to look at Peter.

"I can't make any promises. But I'll try and behave myself for your sake," Peter said.

Alyse made her way back to her house, where she spotted the red jaguar parked with Roman standing outside of it.

"I was wondering when I would be graced with your presence," Roman said.

"Call off the engagement," Alyse demanded.

"Oh how precious. Coming back to your family home, thinking you can demand something from me," Roman said while taking a step closer to Alyse.

"I know you don't want this. You are a free spirit who likes to have options. Why would you want to stick with one woman till death do us part, when you can have any woman in your bed? Think about it Roman, do we really want to go through with something that our parents decided for us, before we were old enough to make our own decisions? Don't you want to be able to go out with any girl that you want," Alyse asked hoping that she was getting through to Roman.

"You think that is going to convince me to change my mind about this marriage? Because I can tell you right now it's not doing anything. I have the one girl that I long to have in my arms. No other woman will keep me from marrying you. I'm not going to call off our arranged marriage because you want to run around with that Gypsy boy," Roman snapped before grabbing a hold of Alyse pulling her close. "I won't allow him to take you away from me. When will you see that he's no good for you anyway? It's only a matter of time before he goes and cheats on you."

"Let me go Roman," Alyse replied quietly.

I just want you to remember that you are mine. No other man will change the fact that we are going to get married after this year is over. Then I can do what I please with you," Roman said before Alyse shoved him off of her.

"Think what you want Godfrey, but I still have time to find a loophole to stop this marriage. And I won't stop until I'm free of the arrangement that was made for us before I was born," Alyse said before storming away from him.

Think what you want princess. But at the end of the year you and I will be one. Nothing will stop that. I'll personally see to it that you and that Gypsy are no longer together by the time we get married, Roman thought to himself as he got in his car and made his way back to his house.

Roman was driving on his way home when a plan popped into his head. Roman grabbed his phone and dialed Letha's number. After a few rings Letha finally picked up her phone.

"Roman, to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me this early in the morning," Letha asked.

"I need your help," Roman said.

"I'm not going to like what you want me to do am I," Letha said.

"Probably not. But we both know that you're going to do me this favor anyway because you love me so much," Roman said.

"Enough flattering yourself. Just tell me what it is that you want me to do and I'll do it," Letha said.

"Remember that guy you caught outside of the girls bathroom," Roman asked.

"Yeah what about him," Letha asked.

"I want you to work your charm. Flirt with him. Make him want to sleep with you anything, so that way his precious girlfriend he is with will be so upset with him that she leaves him and will come running to me to seek comfort from," Roman explained.

"And who exactly is his girlfriend if you don't mind me asking," Letha asked.

"Alyse Stormnight," Roman replied.

"Alyse as in the girl who is arranged to marry you? My friend who was forced to run away because you did indecent things to her? That Alyse," Letha asked in shock.

"Yes that Alyse," Roman said.

"Why would I want to do anything to hurt her? Didn't you do enough damage when you tricked her into sleeping with you," Letha asked.

Roman rolled his eyes. "Say what you will. Technically she's not supposed to be dating that guy anyway. Did you forget that she is arranged to be married to me at the end of the school year? If you go and sleep with the guy or get him to start crushing on you, then you are helping put an end to their relationship, which they shouldn't be having anyway. I told Alyse that she can't be in a relationship with that boy, but you know how she is. She's stubborn and won't listen to me. So it's either you help me put an end to their relationship; or Olivia finds out and she ends someone's life to make sure that they are no longer together. Something tells me that you would hate it if anything were to happen to that gypsy boy. If you don't want him dead, you might as well get a move on in making him like you and forget all about my wife." Before Letha had a chance to reply back, Roman hung up on her just as he was pulling into the driveway. Soon my dear you will be with me. And everything will be as it should be, Roman thought to himself.

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