Trinity Bloods (FanFic)

By InsidiousIntentions

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This is a story based off of the Trinity Blood Books, Manga, and Anime. More

1† Out Of Control
2† Not All Is Evil
3† Afraid of the Darkness
4† Thin Air
5† Second Meeting
6† The Guardian Angel
7† Stay For a Fight
8† Priest Are You There?
10† Project Eden
11† Revenge
12† Broken Hearts
13† Family Values
14† Anger
15† Human
16† Bloody Mary
17† Wolf's Sheepskin
18† English Please
19† His Holiness
20† Wages of Sin is Death
21† Lost Souls
22† Collecting Dust
23† Older And Wiser
24† Lead Me Not
25† Into Temptation
26† Deliver Unto Evil
27† A Mother's Love
28† Honor Her For All
29† Angel By Another Name
30† Familia
31† History's Mockery
32† Talking Paintings
33† The Good
34† The Bad
35† The Ugly
36† The Mother
37† A Protector
38† But Deadly

9† Demons Within

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By InsidiousIntentions

Nothing was spoken between anyone in the next few moments. Father Abel's mind raced at why he remembered those words so well. A second language to him, deep within his core that itched a part of his mind confusing him moreso. As Abel paced along the room, William watched the woman's eyes seem to follow him, and only him. "Abel, I think this woman either wants to speak with you, or really likes you..."

Mary sat, continuously mouthing out the words she thought she saw the woman try to make at her. Over and over she kept trying to figure it out. Finally she looked up, "I think I know what she said!" Mary turned to Tres and William, "I think she said something like 'I know what happened to Lilly' or maybe 'Lilith' even." Mary mouthed the words over and over, this time, Abel stared at her, his eyes wide and almost in shock.

"What? Are you sure? You really think that's what she said? Mary, tell me, did she say 'Lilith?'" He gripped her shoulders hard enough for Mary to wince slightly before Abel burst out of the room and into the celled room with the woman before anyone could even try stopping him, or ask questions about his urgency. He held his badge up into the second doorway hatch and waited to see a green light before he entered the room. He walked in hastily, but stayed on the side with metal bars made specifically to keep vampires from even breaking them. He watched as she followed him around the room, this time her whole head turning and not just her eyes. "What did you do to Sister Mary? She said you told her something. Is this true? What did you say to her? And why do I know the poem you spoke? Why do you keep watching me but you somehow called me down here?"

Everyone watched the two of them in the room diligently, listening to every word possibly spoken. The woman perked up and smiled speaking in a soothing tone, "'And the desert creatures shall meet with the wolves. The hairy goat also shall cry to its kind. Yes, Lilith shall settle there and shall find herself a resting place.'" Abel stared at the woman as she slowly stood up, her hair following like black silk around her body. She walked to him gracefully, one foot directly in front of the other, and started to speak again, "'Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?' The watchman says, 'Morning comes but also the night. If you would pry, then pry. Return! Come!'" The woman giggled a bit walking closer to Abel with her hand outstretched motioning for him to come closer, her long hair dragging across the floor as if it were now a dress as it circled around her. Each strand almost alive on its own. She glanced behind him to the window then back to him while grasping the bars in front of her to pull herself closer to Abel, her toes barely touching the ground as she lifted herself up. She leaned her forehead to the bars looking directly at him. Her eyes shining around the darkness of her pupils.

Abel nearly quoted the passages with her, "Why do you quote the Holy Word?"

The woman cocked her head to the side and held onto the metal bars higher up, pulling herself off her toes to see him with a looking downwards view, "Tell me why are you Nightroad? Demons dare not speak the word of the Almighty, yet you speak it as well. If you ask me, then you should ask yourself as well." She spoke in a mocking tone, nothing serious at all.

Abel took a step back not trusting the woman but narrowing his eyes on her, "What are you? You're not pinging as a vampire hostile as I would notice most murderers like you to be."

"Did you know the name 'Lilith' derives from the Latin and old Hebrew meaning 'Nightling' or even 'Night Creature?' Sounds kinda silly. Right, Nightroad?"

Abel grew angrier and clenched his fists, "What is all this talk about Lilith? Why haven't you answered any of the other members' questions beforehand?" He threw his hands out to his sides angrily as his eyes stayed focused on hers, "I'd say if you wanted an easier sentence you should cooperate, but it is likely you will have the death sentence after killing all of those innocent Priests."

She leaned through the bars slightly reaching out to Abel, "Those men were far beyond innocent! You're a bigger fool than I thought if you believe that shit! Who are you to judge about killing innocents? Did you not kill many innocents when you arrived? How many in the end? Did you count them? Did you keep track of each life you took? I could tell you how many I've killed in my lifetime, but you would never believe me... Besides, I only wanted to talk to you. I mean, I did bring you down here now didn't I? After all, I never did like fetching my prey. I'd rather my snacks come right to me." She slinked backwards watching him.

"Who and what are you? A ghost? Someone trying to send a message?" Abel looked over to the window and held his ear piece as a screech rang through it. As it didn't stop but instead rang louder, he removed it and tossed it across the floor. He clutched his ear while half bent over in pain. "Gah! What in the?" He watched as the woman squatted down to the floor to his level, a smile on her lips.

"You keep asking me questions like you don't know me Abel. Why's that?" She glared and looked to the room as Tres made his way to the door. Before his hands could make contact with the metal door it slammed shut and buzzed red before him, he stopped as smoke started to billow out from his seams as if he was malfunctioning.

William stared in shock running to the rescue of the Android man, "Tres? How in the world did you break down?"

Mary tapped William's shoulder watching the woman and Abel talk as the woman held out her hand towards Tres and the door, clearly having something to do with the mess at hand.

Abel looked up knowing he was cut off from hearing anything from Lady Caterina anymore with his earpiece acting up. "Okay, you got me. I'm locked in here alone with you without any communication outside. Now what do you want with me?"

The woman pouted standing back up angrily clenching her fists at her hips. "How can you look at me and not even say anything?" She reached out to his coat and pulled him up to the bars harshly, making him almost lucky he stood on the opposite side of the bars from her.

Abel's forehead smashed against the metal and his glasses fell to the floor, a small clang as they collided with the floor. He then looked up to the Woman with a deadly glare, "I think you would want to regret doing that to me. I don't want to fight anyone, but I will if I have to."

The woman snarled in his face pulling him tighter, slamming his head against the metal once more, "Like you could take me on! You're weak! You have become too simplified like the humans themselves. Domesticated from the beast you once were. How the hell are you supposed to protect anyone if you can't stop your loved ones from dying? You're the one who will regret ever trying to fight me." She shoved him back and stood a ways back from his reach. She smiled seeing him grow angrier with each passing moment. She gestured a hand to the celled door as it buzzed and opened on command. "Why don't you give it a shot... 02..." She paced herself into a circle swirling her hair around her body.

Abel glared at the woman before the rage took over his body. He bolted through the door, only for it to close behind him, buzzing red as it locked. This left him with nearly no escape. "Who the hell are you? Why do you act like you know so much about me?" He stood facing her, but giving a profile view to everyone in the booth.

Mary and Caterina both sat on the edge of their seats while William stared in shock still at Tres trying to help the Machine. Most of the other workers were shooed away from the scene or sent to work in a different direction. Mary looked to Caterina, "Miss... What is Abel?"

Caterina frowned and looked at him in the room, "Abel is our biggest asset when it comes to fighting vampires... He's our deadliest weapon, nicknamed the 'Crusnik.'"

Abel took a step closer to the smiling woman glaring, "Why don't you answer me? Tell me!"

The woman snickered, "Because you already know. You're just too damn ignorant to listen anymore. You'll always be the second best brother. Runner up. Just simply cast out by the humans you love so dearly now."

Abel lunged with a fist aimed towards the woman. She dodged it beautifully and leaned her back against his hopping up and around his body to the other side. "Shut up! You don't know anything about me!" She gave her hair a tug locking his arms around his waist as her hair was pulled tight around his body like a finely twisted, black rope.

"I know more than you think. I know that you would've died out there on Mars. You and maybe Lilith, too. You two are extremely lucky you found the Ark when you did. All those poor souls inside, too. What did you do with their bodies? Cast them to the side? Left them to rot? You disturbed a burial ground, Abel."

Abel stopped for a moment and stared wildly confused, "How? How would anyone know that?" He stepped backwards a bit tugging at her leverage on him, proving her strength as she held onto him with an arm outstretched that her hair was wrapped around it then to his body, "We didn't touch the bodies. We helped set them to rest. Those alien life forms were our way back to Earth... They were buried more appropriately. Especially for saving so many people."

"To the humans who hated the perfectly made children? Tested on to become the best? Genetically altered to become better humans?" She walked closer to him, "And we all know you guys couldn't help but to disturb the dead! Using their bodies to test on before giving your findings out to the population." With a swift kick to the air, Abel was sent backwards into the wall and the woman's hair released itself from being wrapped around his body. She stepped forward and leaned towards him, "You started the Armageddon right then and there!"

He licked his lips tasting the tingly sensation of his blood hitting them. Abel winced trying to get to his feet as the woman approached overhead. He ground his foot to the wall, keeping himself looking as if he was more badly injured than he really was. Once in range, Abel pushed off the wall, bursting into the woman and shoving her back against the other wall across the room, completely impossible for a mere human to do. "I did no such thing!" He pulled his hand cuffs from his pocket and dangled them out, "Let's quit with the quarreling. You're under arrest regardless but I need you to stop with the attacks against me and the church."

She landed with a hard, 'oof' sound then slumped down to the floor. She crawled to her knees and held her chest in visible pain. She smirked a bit and watched him actually impressed by his shove, "Giving up so soon? That must be all you do now days. You didn't do anything but side with the Humans after your lover's death, too. You realize that you wouldn't be in this predicament if you wouldn't have ever touched those dead bodies! ... Listen closely to what I'm about to say..." Abel walked up to the woman still angry, but tried to calm himself down, and see that she was hurting inside more than she was willing to show. He started to reach out to help her from the floor. He felt the pain in her voice and watched her curiously. She gripped his fist and pulled him closer to her, making him bend slightly down, "I think I've heard just about enough of your hypocritical ways, Abel! You can't stop me now." She tugged on his jacket tightly, starting to pull herself up, better to face him, "I'm so tired of you people telling me how I should live and what I should not be. I'm so tired of you telling me what to do and what I don't believe. And I'm so sick of you telling me that I will burn and I will not be free!" She pulled her knee to Abel's chest, only a bit of time for him to catch her leg and twist it to the side making a loud audible snap.

She slung over his crouched body screeching in pain, but only gained an advantage that she used her good leg to wrap around one of his legs and hold him in a headlock. "I'm not gonna change, so stay out of my way. I don't need you to understand anything else about me, I'm already saved." She leaned her mouth over his neck, her teeth grazing his skin as he immediately jerked away from her bite as her teeth connected with each other instead of his flesh..

Caterina held her hand over her mouth and watched in horror as Abel's life looked to be in more jeopardy than she ever cared to see him in, "Why haven't you done it yet... Why won't you change?" Mary eyed Caterina as she frantically tried to find the intercom button, "Abel! Don't you dare die in there! If you're going to fight, then fight! Don't worry about us out here!" Caterina stood up pressing her palm to the glass, "Abel... Don't you dare go down like this..."

The woman looked up to the window glaring only to let down her guard enough that Abel flipped her over and held her to the ground, pinning her so she couldn't move. His red eyes started to glow, "Nanomachine... Crusnik 02, power output level 40%... Activate." His hair whipped around his body violently and started to point upwards. The black ribbon holding it together fell to the floor meeting the same fate his glasses had. He held a hand around her neck while the other held tight to both of her wrists above her head. This was in hopes she would stop clawing at his throat. Abel put his weight down through his knee as he dug it into the unbroken femur. His skin darkened a bit and clawed demon looking hands replaced his tender Fatherly human hands.

She let out a scream of pain, trying to wiggle out of his grip. She winced looking away from the window, her black hair following the wildness of her body. Her skin started to darken as well but to a darker shade than Abel's. Afterwards, she seemed to bear with the pain much more. It was clearly a defense mechanism for her.

Abel lifted her head up slightly, opening his mouth of vampire fangs at her. She maintained focus and twisted her wrists trying to break free. "Do you wish to stop fighting against me?" His voice was a mix of demonic sounds and terrifying to listen to if you weren't prepared for it. He watched her skin change to a dark grey almost black in color and glared, "Who are you?"

She smirked and returned his glare. "Maybe you should stop questioning all your pain. Can you look me in my eyes and say we're not the same?" She turned away from his claws digging into her skin and let out a hiss of her own at him, "Did you really think by pushing me, I would become what you want me to be? And did you really think by hating me, I'd open up, I'd just hand you the key?" She forcefully parted her wrists from his grip and gave him a punch to the jaw, her clawed hand ready to take skin with it.

Thankfully Abel's two black wings fluttered out from behind him, and he dodged the swipe flowing backwards. He stumbled to his feet and watched the woman start to stand up as if nothing was wrong with her. This seemed to anger him more for the simple fact that he had to activate his 80% form so quickly into his fight with this woman. She licked her lips free from the blood escaping them, her leg had seemed to be mended back perfectly. "I know you're scared and don't understand." She arched forward as black wings tipped with red at the bottom layers burst from her back. After letting out a dark sounding growl, she eyed Father Abel as a full pair of wings sprouted from her back, "This is my life, this is who I am. What I do know is come judgement day, I followed love, can you say the same?" She cocked a smile at him as he stepped forward at her.

Abel spun around a materializing swarm of blood as it created a scythe. He reached it out to her and called out in an angry voice, "I do not know you, but you will obey our orders!"

Slowly, starting from the bottom of her body, swirls and rune-like markings encased her body. They gave off a faint glow of red while the rest of her blackened skin hid most of her features. "I don't need to face my demons... They're with me all the time..." The woman dodged out of the way from Abel's attack and used his momentum to swing him around and into the farthest wall, cracking the cement at the corners, but shattering the wall where Abel landed. He slid down from the wall upside down, his head hitting the floor first as he tried to move around. Catching his breath, Abel rolled to his back clutching the back of his head. She knelt down over him as she looked into his eyes, her own glowing exactly like his. "Do you give up yet, 02?"

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