OneShots//Frozen Elsa x Fem...

By Koud_Folc

455K 6.5K 893

The Snow Queen is waiting for you~ [SLOW UPDATES] (Also I don't own Frozen or any of its characters) More

A/N New Year!
A/N Happy Halloween! 👻
A/N Explanation
A/N (Writer's block)
Prison part 2 (SMUT!)
One risk
One risk part 2 (SMUT!)
One heartbreak away
The club rules
The club rules part 2 (SMUT!)
Break me (SMUT!)
Good girl
Good girl part 2 (SMUT!)
The Phone call (SMUT!)
Seen part 2
First Time (SMUT!)
So Sweet (SMUT!)
Pleasurable meeting
Lunatic (SMUT!)
Misstep (SMUT!)
Love Poisoned
Imaginary life
Wrapped (SMUT!)
Stars medicine (Imaginary life) part 2
Stupid words
Blowing off steam (SMUT!)
The Mist Keeper
Sweet Dreams (The Mist Keeper) Part 2
Frostbite part 2 (SMUT!)
Play Ball
Mine (Love Poisened) - part 2
Loyal Partner
Habits (Loyal Partner) part 2
Sneak Peek
Misstep (SMUT!) - Part 2
Car ride
Little Preoccupied
Lagoon - part 2
New Book Approaching
Gut feeling


5.7K 121 11
By Koud_Folc

Sorry for any grammatical errors.

There are stories about a witch who lives upon the north mountain of Arendelle. No one dares to take a step onto her territory, only the stupid drunk men who think they can handle her make their way up to never return again. So with those stories and all the missing people, everyone just tried to forget and kept on living their lifes. The stories of the witch on the mountain now only being told before bedtime to little children to make them not wander off without permission. Because before you know it you will cross her borders and your fading footprints in the snow will be the only thing your family will find. 

But I, a humble traveler, hadn't heard of these stories yet. Because of me not having set foot into the kingdom yet and therefore those bedtime stories hadn't reached my curious self. So I hopped my way across the snow, my eyes looking up at the giant mountain in wonder and amazement. My curiosity turning my feet to walk a little closer to the border of the witch, from which I didn't know it's existence. 

A cold gust of wind hit my already chilled bones, making me wrap my gloved hands around me even tighter. The snow under my boots crunching while I could feel my pass slowing down. I started rubbing my hands against my arms, trying to get some warmth out of the friction, but it didn't help as the air began to get colder and colder. It felt like my limbs started to freeze as I felt my skin burn. "G-God...h-how much f-further do I h-have to go!" I would have screamed if I had the strength, but it came out as a whisper carried by a white cloud of air leaving past my lips.

I felt myself wobble on my legs before I tumbled over into the snow. It was soft, but still let the cold bite at my skin. A shaky sigh came from my body as I curled up, trying to huddle into one to guard my last warmth. But it was useless. Snow started to fall and cover me in a blanked, letting me know that if I didn't move now I will be done for. I tried lifting my arm, but it felt like it was made out of stone, the most heaviest stone I had ever tried to lift. 

I felt my limbs go numb and closed my eyes against the wind that started to pick up again, the snowflakes hitting my body violently. I should've never come this way. But how should I have known the weather here was even worse than on any other mountain I had climbed before. How is it that this very mountain made me crumble. 

Breathing became difficult as the cold air was almost impossible to inhale. I gasped for one single breath, just one, but I started to understand that maybe that wouldn't be granted to me. I felt myself drifting off as a tear tried to roll down my face, but was blown away by the strong wind and mixed with the cold air. 

I pushed my eyes to open as the wind started to lay down, the snowflakes froze in the air and a soft hand with slender fingers started running through my hair. "It's okay, I've got you." A soothing voice spoke as I felt myself drifting of again, but this time not because I was done for. But those delicate finger left me delightfully dozing off into a must needed rest. 


I gasped for air and sat right up in the unfamiliar bed, looking around the unfamiliar room. The room that has a strange blue colour, I mean everything in this room has the same blue colour. Only the bed I lay on had fur made blankets. "Where am I?" I jumped up and fell off the bed as the door to the room burst open and in came a large group of small snow made creatures. 

They threw themselves onto me, their big smiles still plastered onto their little faces. "What the hell?!" I tried to peel them off of me, but as I held one in my hand a voice sounded inside the room. 

"Good, you're awake." I turned my gaze up and my mouth slaked. A woman with platinum blonde hair held in a loose french braid with intense crystal blue eyes and a godly body covered by a dark blue dress walked in, holding a tray in her hands. "Snowgies, please leave our guest alone." Her voice was smooth and steady, her eyes looking at the small snow creatures with a stern gaze before placing the tray down on the bedside table. 

The 'snowgies' rolled of my body and jumped out of the room, leaving me with a gorgeous woman, at who I was still staring. I admired her graceful movements as she poured a liquid into a cup before stirring it with a little spoon. "Sit on the bed please." She looked from the corner of her eye to see my gaze still resting on her, a smirk making its way to her delicious lips. "Sit. On the bed. Please." I blinked and felt my cheeks burning up with an intense deep red blush as I carefully lifted myself up from the ground and sat on the bed again. 

"Now drink this." I looked at the woman's outstretched hand and watched the liquid swirl around in the cup she was holding. I looked at the cup suspiciously and moved my gaze up to look the woman in her beautiful eyes, one of my eyebrows quirking up. The woman rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist making me squik in surprise. "Is it really that hard?" She pushed the cup against my palm, my fingers automatically curling around it. "Drink. It will return your strength." She let go of my wrist and turned to the tray again. 

I looked at the cup in my hand, not sure if I should trust this woman, but I really don't have another choice. If I don't drink it she will probably murder me, I can see that glint in her eyes, that glint that showed she has done things that are very, very forbidden, or was that just to frighten me. I placed the rim of the cup to my lip and tipped it, feeling the cool liquid flow into my mouth. I swallowed and furrowed my brows upon the strange taste this drink left on my tongue. 

My grip on the cup tightened as I felt the substance spread a warm feeling through my body, my head starting to spin. "Uhm…..w-what….?" I was about to say, but when I turned my head to look at the blonde woman standing beside the bed, my will to form words slipped through my fingers. Her eyes were penetrating me as she placed her hands on the bed, starting to crawl closer to me across the covers. 

My mouth went dry as I felt her breath against my neck, her hand holding my cheek firmly. I started hearing a voice but was too distracted by the woman's lips grazing my skin. My pulse quickened, the muffled voice calling out in the background not completely reaching me. "Would you snap out of it please!" An irritated sigh followed quick after as I snapped out of my fantasy. 

"W-what just happened." I placed my hand against my forehead, a deep red blush covering my cheeks. 

The woman sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out for my hand. "Hallucination, meaning the potion is working you will be back to your normal self in no time." I watched her lift my hand up and my eyes widened in shock looking at my purple, blue fingers, they had such dark colour you could almost call it black. They had been frozen and suffered from frostbite. I was about to pull my hand back, but the blonde just held it even tighter. "Don't." She said sternly before sliding her fingers softly across the palm of my hand, causing shivers to run across my body and my cheeks to heat up even more. 

I bit my lip to hold back a surprised yelp as I started feeling my fingers again and saw how their normal colour started to return. "That will do the trick." She moved on to my next hand and did the same magical trick. 

I cleared my throat as I curled my fingers into a fist and stretched them again after the woman was done healing them. "Uhm...t-thank you….?" 

"Elsa." She stood from the bed and straightened her beautiful dress before moving to grab a plate filled with various pieces of fruits. 

"Thank you, Elsa. My name is (Y/N)." I carefully took the plate in my hand.

"It's quite alright." She waved her hand at my comment and started to walk to the door. "I will check up on you soon, for now eat and rest." She opened the door and slipped through before leaving and not giving me an opportunity to see her wonderful eyes again. 

~* ~

Two weeks later

“Elsa!” I rounded a corner, almost slipping on the ice made floor, but now already being used to this I quickly found my footing again. I made one last sharp turn and came to a stop in the doorway of Elsa’s study in this massif ice castle. “Elsa?” I approached the ice witch sitting in her comfortable chair as she looked up from the book from which she had told she had read a thousand times before. 

A smile let the blonde’s lips curl up while she placed her book on her lap, giving her full attention to me. “(Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you not to run through the halls. You could hurt yourself.” Elsa stood from her chair, leaving the book on a small ice table and moved to stand in front of me. I smiled and closed my eyes for a short while as the witch caressed my hair before placing her cold palm against my cheek. 

“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” She placed a light kiss to the tip of my nose, causing me to scrunch it up with a small giggle. She turned and picked up the book again, walking to the small closet in the corner of the room. 

“What was it you wanted to tell me?” She opened the doors of the closet while I bit my lip nervously. 

“Uhm...well...I was wondering when I could go home?” As I said this Elsa’s movements stilled mid air, her grip on the book she was still holding increasing. “I mean...I enjoy my stay here and I’m so thankful that you took care of me, but my family is expecting me home and I…”

“No, you can’t leave!” Elsa said sternly before placing the book in the closet and roughly closing the door. “You’re not completely healed yet…” I could hear Elsa’s voice starting to tremble, but I was more focused on what she had said and so the trembling voice of the witch soon faded from my thoughts again. 

“It has been two weeks Elsa, I feel fine!” I huffed and threw my hands in the air in frustration. 

I watched Elsa take in a deep breath and clear her throat before she spoke again. “I told you no.” She turned to face me with unreadable eyes which let me know that something was wrong.

“So what Elsa?! It’s not like you’re a Queen whose orders I have to follow!” I crossed my arms across my chest, glaring for the first time of my stay at the beautiful woman now standing right in front of me.

“Please listen to me, I know what’s best for you.” Her voice was soft and comforting trying to still me. She reached out her hand, wanting to hold mine, but I didn’t let her.

“Stop that. Stop telling yourself that, it’s not true.” I moved my hand out of her reach and kept my glare in place, but soon my eyes started to soften as I watched true pain and fear in those blue pools. “I’m sorry Elsa, but I have to go.” I sighed and turned to the door even though I really didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay with the platinum blonde and spent more time gazing at the stars together with her, her fingers interlaced with mine as she would occasionally glance my way and grip my hand a little tighter, just to make sure I was still there with her. 

I want her to feel the same, I feel toward her. That her heart starts to beat faster when near me or when she even just thinks of me. That she will look at me with eyes filled with burning love. That she will only let her lips be touched by mine. But of course that will not happen, I mean, who am I compared to her. She is wonderful, beautiful and so smart and then don't forget her powers. God, she is a goddess.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I felt the room turn colder and just when I was about to reach the door, a bright blast of ice flew past my head and created a giant ice wall where the door used to be. My breath hitched in my throat as I turned around to face Elsa in shock. “P-Please….don’t leave me.” The once powerful witch whispered as tears were streaming down her face. The blonde still had her hands up from when she shot the ice blast, her hands trembling, her figure shrinking with every breath she took and her eyes screaming out in despair. 

I watched the woman who held a place in my heart crumble down in front of me. “Please, I-I beg you.” She fell down on her knees and I quickly moved closer, crouching down beside her. “You’re the only one I have…” My eyes widened and I wrapped my arms around her trembling frame, pulling her close against my chest. 

“Elsa, Elsa, shhhh, I’m still here. I’m still here. Just breath and I will listen.” I stroke my fingers through her wonderful hair as I felt her fingers cluts my shirt inside her hand. Her shuddering breaths slowly turning to normal ones again as time went by with me just holding her. 

“I became so lonely after the rumors of me had spread.” She pulled away from my embrace and wiped at her tears, but I soon moved her hand away. I stroke my thumb across her flushed cheek, getting rid of those tears leaving stains on her beautiful face. Our eyes locked while I kept caressing her cheek, a soft smile revealing itself around my lips. “You’re the first person I have spoken to in so long. Everyone fears me, they think of me badly and I don’t know why or how it started, but soon I was pictured as the evil witch who lives on the northern mountain.” More tears started to break free as the look of despair intensified.

“Elsa, those people don’t deserve your tears, so please don’t cry.” I whispered softly as I cupped her cheeks to make sure I had her full attention. “They have only heard rumors and are foolish enough to believe them, but I know you Elsa.” 

“But what if it’s true and I am the evil witch.” Elsa pulled my hands away from her face by my wrists and scooted away a little. “What if-mmphh!” The witch’s eyes widened as she felt me crash my lips onto hers. Her brows knitting together as her back hit the icy floor, her hands now pinned above her head by mine. I moved my lips against hers passionately, hoping she did feel my true thoughts and feelings for her.

“Stop.” I breathed against Elsa’s lips as I watched her take deep breaths to try and calm her fast beating heart, her eyes still closed. “You are so much better than those awful words.” I leaned in to kiss her forehead, keeping my lips close enough to her skin so I would grace it as I spoke. “And so much better than you are made to believe.” I moved down and kissed her nose. “I know deep down you started to make yourself believe all those rumors and started calling yourself an evil witch as well. But you are strong enough to change that.” I moved down more and hovered my lips above hers. “You are so much better and so much more than you believe.” I pressed my lips onto Elsa’s again and felt her push her body up against mine, spreading a tingling feeling throughout my body.

A moan from Elsa pushed our lips apart slightly, giving me just enough space to speak again. “That evil witch does not exist, believe me, I know.” Before I could close the distance between our lips, Elsa had moved her head up already and pushed her lips on mine. My hands lost their grip on her wrists at the intensity of the kiss and Elsa wasted no time in switching our positions, making me now lay beneath her. She turned her head, deepening the kiss as her hand gripped my (H/C) hair, the other moving down to hold my hip firmly. The tongue of the witch grazing my bottom lip, causing me to shudder in anticipation. 

I parted my lips and felt the platinum blond’s tongue touch mine, a moan crawling up both our throats. The cold of the floor not bothering me as the warmth of Elsa’s body was enveloping me in a delightful blanket. She pulled away from my lips which followed her as far as I could, but when I lost the last contact of her lips on mine I whimpered which made my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. Only Elsa didn’t seem to notice, lucky me.

“Why did you kiss me?” She sat up, resting her hands on my hips, giving me a majestic view of her perfect body hugged so finely by her dark blue dress. 

“To show you that I’m not leaving.” I moved up and leaned my head against Elsa’s collarbone, feeling her inhale deeply.

“Really?!” I could hear her smile as she said this, I pulled away and looked up at her. I nodded my head before Elsa took my face in her hands, smashing her lips against mine. She moaned, a hint of pure happiness resounding as she did. My hands started wandering down the witch’s body, but their adventure was set on hold as Elsa pulled away. “But what about your family?” She asked concerned, the sad look in her eyes returning once more. 

“We can always visit them, I bet they will love you, maybe not as much as I love you, but that’s a whole lot.” I snickered and watched Elsa’s mouth slack. 

“You love me?” Her blue eyes glazing over, but this time with happy tears. 

“Yes, wasn’t that obvious?” Elsa stayed quiet, just looking at me in pure disbelieve. I rolled my eyes playfully and placed my hand at the back of her neck. I pulled her down to me and pecked her lips. “I love you.” Peck. “I love you.” Peck. I kept repeating this till Elsa started to giggle and pushed herself away from me. 

“I love you too.” Elsa and I lay down, not caring we were still on the floor. 

I giggled softly, causing Elsa to push herself up from my chest and lean over me, supporting herself on her elbows. “I guess it was something good then that I suffered from frostbite.” I laughed, tilting my head back in the process. 

My laughter died down immediately when I felt a breath ghost across the skin of my neck, this sensation soon followed by the feeling of the blonde lady pushing her body flush against mine. “I will show you real frostbite.” Elsa’s tone had darkened, dripping with need and lust. I swallowed hard as I felt the witch’s teeth scrap at my skin. God, this frostbite is going to be my death. But it will be so worth it.  

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