Lincoln the Jedi

De Hollowhunter2

70.5K 829 327

What if Lincoln can feel the force? Request from Evancorp123456 Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

5.7K 67 28
De Hollowhunter2

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Author POV

Lincoln is running through the streets of Royal Woods, a few days have passed since he found the Holocron. He has also found a place where he can sleep temporarily, or for a long time, depends on whether his family comes to mind again.

Anyway, Lincoln took a closer look at the holocron and got some information about the force. As it seems, to be able to use the Force you have to have a strong concentration, but also have a calm mind.

The Holocron, suggested meditation. The only the problem was, Lincoln is not sure how to do it. So he tries to get help and only one place has come to his mind, the Buddhist temple of Royal Woods. Honestly, Lincoln did not even know that there is a Buddhist temple in Royal Woods. He looked on the internet to see if there is a good place in Royal Woods where you can meditate.

Lincoln now stands in front of the temple and enters. The interior of the temple is decorated quite comfortably, he looks around a bit and sees a few people meditate.

After a while Lincoln is approached by a monk, he asks "Can I help you, young man?" Lincoln turns to the Münch, bows slightly and says, "Yes, I would like to have an introduction to meditation, if that's possible." The monk smiles and says "It's good that such a young soul wants to start meditating, I'm Chirrut Îmwe." Lincoln nods and says "Nice to meet you, Mr. Îmwe, I'm Lincoln Loud."

Chirrut nods and says "Okay Lincoln, come with me." Lincoln nods and follows Chirrut through the temple, the two in a place with mats on the floor. Chirrut turns to Lincoln and says, "The important thing is that you sit down comfortably, no matter how you sit." Lincoln sits down on a mat, sitting cross-legged.

Chirrut explains, "Whatever else is important is the time of meditation, for a beginner like you, just fifteen minutes, but you should wear comfortable clothing for yourself." Lincoln nods and Chirrut continues to explain "Tighten all the muscles of your body then release them, this is going to help your body to relax."

Lincoln tenses all his muscles and releases them. Chirrut nods and says "Very well." He explains the next step, "You need to bring your attention in, put your attention on your inner life, so watch your heartbeat or your breath and that all the time."

Lincoln tries his best to do that, but seems to have some problems, Chirrut notes and says, "You seem to have a few problems, you should consider a mantra, that can help you." Lincoln nods and Chirrut says, "There's one more thing that matters, meditating is not just about finding a relaxation method, it's also about a way of life, because everything that comes up in the silence inside can come up. Do you understand?" Lincoln nods and says "Yes." 

(Just for your information, I have no idea about meditation and just looked on a website, so if something is wrong, I apologize.)

Lincoln does the exercises for fifteen minutes and then gets interrupted by Chirrut when he was in the middle of it "Lincoln, the fifteen minutes are over, you hit well, for a beginner." Lincoln bows and says, "Thank you, mister Îmwe."

Chirrut chuckles and says "If you want you can come back, the temple is open to everyone." Lincoln nods and says, "I'll think about it." With that, Lincoln walks out of the temple and is on his way to his hiding place, but at the same time he thinks "If the Jedi have a mantra?"

When Lincoln arrives in his hiding place, that's an old warehouse, he takes out his Holocron and opens it, he looks around for a while and finds some kind of code from the Padawan, he reads it aloud before "Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force."

To be continued.

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