When the Darkness Comes

By thelostcompanion

242 10 9

Jenny lives in a small town with a long supernatural history. The town is home to two kinds of supernatural b... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

17 1 0
By thelostcompanion

I entered the vampire din with a sigh. The home was, well, nice. It still gave off the magazine vibe that I hated but it smelled of cookies and that made it feel like home. Mom used to make Cookies all the time and I missed the smell at home, now it smelled of Italian food, which is nice but noting beats the smell of cookies. The walls of Emma's home were all painted white and the furniture was Ikea and all matched the rooms perfectly. Emma lead me into the kitchen, the walls of this room were a soft baby blue and the counter tops white marble. The stove top was set in the island there were two ovens in the wall, it all looked so classy and new, far to new for our old town. 

"Now what calms you down more tea or coffee?" Emma asked her silky voice braking my eyes away from looking around. I looked into her beautiful green eyes, in this light they were a dark leaf green. 

"Tea. You got to tell me, am I going crazy or do I smell cookies?" I said my anger already dissolving at the thought of hot tea in my hands. 

Emma grabbed a mug and went over to fill it with water, " I was making sugar cookies when you called, they're still in the oven."

"Oh so you really just didn't want to leave your cookies," I teased, where the hell it came from I didn't know. Sure she is attractive and yeah its not a town secret I swing that way but she's a vampire and I don't know a thing about her or her race. 

"No. I genuinely don't want you to get hurt. I don't have any friends here other than Maria, and I would like to make more friends. I don't think letting a potential friend die is a very good way to make friends," She said looking me in the eyes her green eyes heard. She handed me the cup of hot tea and I smiled in thanks. I took a sip and what was left of any anger I had was gone. Tea was Dad and I's way of relaxing after training or hunting, that's were my love of the British brew started. Mom never understood why we liked our British breakfast tea black she always went for a peach tea. Peach never tasted right to me but it always smelled good and that smell alone was calming. 

"Sorry about the town, its not like us. I'm sure you've noticed with two new families in town after you moved in. We just didn't know how to react to vamps. Its our own fear of the unknown and it turns us in to real asshats," I laughed taking another sip of tea. 

"Its okay Jenny, my family knew what we were signing up for when we moved here," Emma smiled sadly. That hurt, her smile was cute and the sadness made her look like a kicked puppy. 

I quickly changed the subject, "So what do you want to do? No anger in me just crazy, can't get rid of that I'm afraid." I laughed awkwardly, way to go just be an awkward taco like always perfect way to make friends you idiot!

"Maria tells me you're a whovian?" She says it like a question, like she thinks it's to good to be true. 

"Are you in the know with the madman in a blue box?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"YES!" She screamed with joy, "I can't believe you're a whovian. I mean i just didn't peg you as the nerdy si-fi type."

I cocked my head, "What did you have me pegged as?"

She looked down and a blush came to her pale skin, "Well the bad ass hunter scary movie type, the type to hate on si-fi and nerds like me."

I laughed putting my head down on the cool island my hole body shaking with laughter. 

"Stop it, I was wrong okay?" she sounded really embarrassed and I tried to stop my laughter which only made me laugh harder. 

"I'm sorry," I said between laughs, for the life of me I couldn't stop.

"please stop," Emma begged now laughing at me. 

It was a few minutes but my laughter finally died down. I was red faced and breathless and Emma had tears of joy staining her face. 

"You were so off well other than the bad ass bit because I truly am a bad ass. But scary movies are a big hell no," I said with a smile after I got my breath back. 

"You're not that bad ass. Nick is much more of a bad ass," She teased me. 

"Hell no he is not! He is a baby! It's the Impala isn't it? That's what does it, makes him seam more bad ass than he is. My Silverado is bad ass too! She's got a lot more to offer and you can't cuddle in his trunk like you could in my truck bed!" I quickly defended my bad assness. 

She laughed and shook her head, " It's not the car, he's just more bad ass than you."

"Is not!" I said like a five year old.

"Is too," Emma said back.

"Nope. He isn't even a little bad ass and if he ever is its because I'm with him," I said. 

"I think its the other way around," she said leaning on the island looking me in the eyes. 

"Not at all."

"yup," she was just teasing me now. 

"You're an ass hat just like Maria is," I said crossing mhy arms. 

She chuckled, "Sure I am."

"We going to watch The Doctor or not?" I said changing the subject because I could see were this was going and I didn't want to end up kissing her, I had to get to know her and be friends with her before anything else. 

"Ha! You changed the subject! You know he is more bad ass!" 

"He is not! I just want to watch Doctor who," I said finishing the mug of tea. 

"Suuuuure," she said taking my mug and putting it in the sink. She checked on the cookies and pulled them out. She placed them on a cooling rack before turning her green eyes back on me, "Doctor?"

"Doctor," I smiled.

we walked into the living room a flat screen mounted in the wall above the stone fireplace. I plopped into the soft brown couch stretching out so I took it all up. 

"Move over fat ass," Emma said remote in hand.

"Nope, you didn't say please," I smirked.

"God, how Nick puts up with you i don't know," She rolls her eyes sitting on my legs.

"He's normally just pushes me on the floor. Brotherly love," I said still smirking. Emma got an evil glint in her eye and I immediately regretted my words.

I held onto the back of the couch, "No!"

She grabbed my hips and tried to pull me off the couch, "Yup or you move."

"But I'm comfortable," I wined. 

"And that makes all the difference," She smiled as I hit the floor with a thud. 

"outch," I said acting like it really hurt. 

"Suck it up, you get worse than that nightly," she said looking down at me from her spot on the couch. 

"I don't suck though," I said with a wink. Jenny, no sexual jokes! What are you doing! I mentally kicked myself. 

"Ew, I didn't need to know that," Emma said making a disgusted face. 

"but you wanted to," I laughed figuring to just go with it. 


"Not even a little?" I laughed sitting next to her.

She pushed me off the couch again, "Not at all." 

I sat back on the couch, "well if you wanted to or not now you know."

"I'll keep that in mind," She laughed turning on the TV and Doctor Who. 

We watched a few episodes until my aunt called me for the hundredth time. 

"Pick it up she deserves to know you're okay," Emma scolded me. 

"fine," I rolled my eyes, "Hello."

"Jenny? Oh thank the gods you're okay. where are you?" Renee's relived tone came though the speaker of the phone. 

"Covered in blood and just killed my 7th demon," I lied convincingly. Emma glared at me crossing her arms. 

"Oh my gods Jenny! Are you hurt?" Renee panicked.

"I'm fine, I'm not week Renee and I'm not five! I can handle myself in a fight, Just because you are to much of a coward to fight or get your mark doesn't mean you have to make me be one too!" I hung up the phone. 

"Jenny! Call her back and apologies!" Emma yelled at me.

"NO! She doesn't deserve one! She can't keep doing this to me! I'm not five!" I yelled back. 

"She's your aunt and is worried about you!"

"She's also racist! If i told her I was here she would have told me I shouldn't be hanging out with blood sucking scum. That I'm better than that. Emma she deserves to worry for one night," I shot back. 

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